
Summer Conversion



The days are passing by quicker than he thought, but at least Chanyeol's resting plan is being executed. Every morning he takes Toben out for a jog through the town, showers off the heat from outside and resumes the day by spending most of his time on the computer. He finds himself looking out the window to try and spot Kyungsoo in the window across from him more and more often. There were days he saw Kyungsoo sitting and reading for hours. Other days he saw him sketching skillfully with a pencil. Sometimes they even cought each other's gazes; When that happened Kyungsoo always turned his head back quickly. Chanyeol really wanted to get closer with this boy, but he honestly had no idea how to approach such closed up personalities. He had extremely good manners from the few times he did manage to bump into him somehow, but he knows so little about him.

Eventually, the summer vacation came to an end, and until Chanyeol's scheduled audition for the music company will take place, he has at least another month. As much as he enjoyed sitting around and just playing or composing more music, it became a little bit boring after a while. He has to find something to do otherwise he would feel too guilty for mooching so much on his parents' kindness. Chanyeol looked around town for any job he could do. He ended up babysitting a few times, walking some dogs here and there, until he finally found a steady job as a cashier at the local grocery store. 

It wasn't paying much, but he isn't doing it to save up money so it's the perfect work for him. Working at the local grocery store will help him get to know the residents of the town. Not only that, but the store itself is really adorable! Everything is very clean and designed like an old market. Many shelves are made of wood, there are even flowers that are regularly taken care of spreaded around. This town really feels like a never ending vacation location.

The store owner welcomed inexperienced Chanyeol with open arms, and he began working right on his first day. The workers are allowed to wear anything they want, because they all recieve a special black apron with the store's logo printed on it. Today was an especially hot day in the middle of august, and Chanyeol felt sorry for all the customers who had to walk outside before and after purchasing at the store. So much that he bought a whole pack of blueberry flavoured popsicle to give out to people who seem to be suffering from the heat after their purchase. The owner wasn't around that day, so Chanyeol and another storage worker were the only ones handling the store.

While he was playing with a random pen at the cashier table, the little bell above the door rang, and when he raised his eyes to welcome the customer he saw a familiar face. It was Kyungsoo! This is the first chance he has to see Kyungsoo wearing something short from up close. Kyungsoo had a white and blue striped T-shirt and brown khaki shorts. He was pulling a little grocery trolley behind him. 

It seems seeing Chanyeol in the store surprised him, because he froze for a few seconds and stared at Chanyeol with wide eyes behind the glasses. But Chanyeol just smiled warmly at him and waved. Kyungsoo was just so cute, how is that possible? Chanyeol dated before, he knows that it's acceptable to be with women, but.. Kyungsoo is just such a perfect combination of musculine and feminine. His behaviour is so soft yet proper, and his appearance is so adorable yet handsome. Chanyeol was drawn to him.

He watched Kyungsoo going around the store the entire time. Well, it's not like he intended to, but there were no other customers at such a time and his only source of entertainment until now was a pen. Kyungsoo is so careful. He reads everything on the products that he wants to buy. Not only the date of expiration, but also the ingredients and nutrition table. He picked every item from the back of the shelf, and when choosing the eggs package he opened it up to make sure not one egg was broken inside. Chanyeol assumed it's something he does frequently, because he is a very clever customer. It took Kyungsoo about an hour to collect all of the items that were written on the note he had in his hand, and to stand in front of Chanyeol at the machine.

"Hey Kyungsoo, it's nice seeing you here. Do you come here often? You know all about the shopping tricks!" Chanyeol spoke with a smile. His hands passing the items under the barcode reader.
"Hello Chanyeol. I shop often.. You work here?" Kyungsoo spoke slow and soft, his voice only adding charm points to Chanyeol's assessment of his good qualities that he finds attractive. Chanyeol could tell Kyungsoo was looking directly at him while speaking and waiting for his answer.
"I do, I started working only a few days ago. How is your mom doing?"
"This store is nice. Mom is alright. Your parents want more lemonade?" Chanyeol noticed that he spoke a little bit weird. Every word was slow and pronounced slightly different than how it should be said. Does he have an accent maybe?
"Hahaha, they loved the lemonade. It was great. It's made from the lemons in your garden, right? I saw that you have a big tree there. We don't have any trees in the garden, but if you come over I'll definitely make sure you'll have a refreshing drink." Chanyeol claimed cheerfuly with a little bit too much confidence, and when turning back to look at Kyungsoo he noticed a small smile spread across his lips. 

Ahh.. How adorable. When he smiles his lips look like a heart! Chanyeol was taken aback from the new discovery and forgot that he has more products to scan for a little while. Chanyeol suddenly began wondering if Kyungsoo has a girlfriend. It would make sense if he does. The boy might be a little weird, but he is artistic, has good manners, handsome, soft, cute, his voice sounds like chocolate, and his smile is shaped like a heart. It's everything nice all in one package called Doh Kyungsoo.

It seems the smile disappeared quickly after it arrived though. Kyungsoo became all shy and nervous again for some reason. Why would he be? There is no reason for that.. Is it because Chanyeol initiated for him to come over to the Parks' house? Ahh really, the most dangerous thing in their house is Toben, probably. And that pile of fluff can't even harm bugs. It doesn't mean Chanyeol will be giving up though. Kyungsoo is so special and unique, only good things will come from keeping him close. He just has this type of pure aura around him.

"Hey, don't worry too much. Let's hang out somewhere else, how does that sound?" Chanyeol tried to sound as friendly as he could to help Kyungsoo relax from his obvious nervousness.
"Hang out..?" Kyungsoo repeated, questioning. His eyes not leaving Chanyeol's face for a second.
"Yeah, we can go to the coffee place nearby for a brunch maybe?"
"I wasn't there before." Kyungsoo's curiousity seems to have been sparked. Nice, he got him with a bruch offering. Chanyeol smiled warmly and pulled his cellphone out of the pocket.
"Let's get each other's numbers so we  will know when to go." He opened the dialing pad for Kyungsoo to tap down his number.
"Yes, phone number." Kyungsoo pulled his own cellphone out. It was a pretty old model, but well kept. The two exchanged their numbers and Kyungsoo was already on his way out of the store.
"Ah, wait Kyungsoo!" Chanyeol called out to him, but he didn't stop.
"Kyungso-- Aish." Chanyeol mumbled to himself when the door closed behind Kyungsoo. With rushed movements he grabbed a blue popsicle and ran out of the store. He got to Kyungsoo right away and tapped his shoulder before handing him the blue icy pop.
"There you go.. Since it's hot outside and all." Chanyeol smiled down at Kyungsoo who held it a little cluelessly.
"Thank you, Chanyeol." He finally replied and let go of his trolley, opening the popsicle and a few times with some sort of childish charm. He then bowed down to Chanyeol and turned around, walking away.
"Bye Kyungsoo! Have a nice day!" Chanyeol shouted behind him while waving, but the other didn't seem to turn and wave back. Well, that's good enough.


Throughout the week Chanyeol saw Kyungsoo two more times, if you count out the amount of time he spent waiting to see Kyungsoo through the window. One time was the day after he bought groceries, because he apparently forgot to buy one pack of pasta. The other time was when Chanyeol got back from work in the evening one day, and saw Kyungsoo sitting and reading a book in the porch swing in front of the Dos' house. 

They started exchanging texts from time to time. Simple things like "How are you?" and "What are you doing?" that Chanyeol tried to open with, and Kyungsoo would take ages to reply. It was a long wait, but whenever he replied Chanyeol became twice as happy. His replies were so cute and simple, but with really proper language. Chanyeol understood that Kyungsoo is better at expressing his thoughts through writing than speaking. That's alright. He's enjoying this. He tried to call a few times as well when he had breaks at the store, but Kyungsoo never answered. Only texted.

It took a while of convincing, but eventually he succeeded, and the two of them are supposed to be going for brunch together in a short while. Chanyeol woke up earlier that morning and went for his daily jog with Toben before the usual time he'd do it, to make sure he will be ready on time. Indeed, he was. He was ready way ahead of time actually. So on the spare moments he had, he rested on his bed and stared towards Kyungsoo's window, playing on his phone. He saw some movement coming from the room, and leaving shortly after. Maybe Kyungsoo just now got ready. It's not like he will be late, Chanyeol will be the one to 'pick him up' to the coffee shop. 

Since the coffee shop is located pretty close to the store Chanyeol works at, he knows that he won't be really picking Kyungsoo up, but rather escorting him there by foot. It's really close. Plus, neither of them own a car. Chanyeol stood up and stretched his arms to the sides before going out of his room. He gave Toben a little rub of goodbye and left the house. In less than a minute he already stood in front of the Do's door.

He could hear the ringing of the doorbell inside the house, and shortly after the door was opened by Kyungsoo's mother. They exchanged friendly greetings before Kyungsoo came outside to Chanyeol. He waved shortly at his mother without saying a word, and turned to Chanyeol. Ahh.. Kyungsoo is just too cute. His outfit is so simple and not trying to match with fashion, that Chanyeol almost felt like he was dressed too formally even though he was wearing his most casual clothes since it's hot. The way to the coffee shop took about ten minutes, and they were seated without any delay to a table near the window. 

Chanyeol's view at his seat was Kyungsoo, sitting right in front of him, and the big window behind him, bringing light into the shop and making Kyungsoo look almost angelic.

When the waiter came to take their order Kyungsoo became all nervous and instead of saying his order himself he ended up helplessly pointing at it on the menu until Chanyeol understood what he meant and ordered the dish for him. Kyungsoo reminded Chanyeol of a shy girl that used to be his classmate back in high school. She was very nice, but whenever they went out with the group she never dared to order anything by herself so her friends ordered the dish for her. That must be the case, since he already knows Kyungsoo is pretty shy. 

The two of them didn't talk that much, but there wasn't any awkwardness between them. It was the perfect balance between eating and speaking. Their meals arrived and Chanyeol dug right into his pancakes, while Kyungsoo carefully chopped small pieces of his omlette for each bite. Chanyeol noticed that Kyungsoo kept his eyes on Chanyeol the entire time. He's so watchful and attentive. It must be part of his mannerism. It's an unusual behaviour, but it made him look really adorable.

"So why do you never answer your phone when I call you?"
"It's better for me to write." 
"Hmm, I guess so, you write a lot more than you speak haha. That's alright, you shouldn't be worried around me though!"
"I'm not worried, you are cool." Kyungsoo said with a little nod, and Chanyeol nearly choked on his bite. That is just too much, this boy is making him have the same reaction he has when he sees cute puppies.
"Ahh, Kyungsoo you are so nice to me..!!" He whined with a fake sad expression and held his hands on his cheeks.
"I am nice..? Thank you." Kyungsoo repeated quietly before letting out a soft chuckle and then bowing his head to Chanyeol with gratitude.

They tried to fight to pay, but Chanyeol was the winner, and ended up gladly paying for the both of them before they left. Instead of going straight back to their homes, they stopped at a little shaded park and sat themselves on the swings. At first Chanyeol began swinging like a kid, but since Kyungsoo stopped answering and talking with him when he did it, he stopped and remained with his feet on the ground. He noticed that Kyungsoo replied and spoke only when Chanyeol was facing him. It's a weird habit, but it doesn't bother him. He definitely isn't suffering by looking at Kyungsoo. If anything, it's more of an enlighting experience. They spent nearly the whole afternoon just sitting there and relaxing in the shade. Just like in the coffee shop, the conversation wasn't heavy. There were many quiet moments but none felt out of place or awkward. 

That night Chanyeol had a feeling the two would be seeing each other from their windows, and his feeling was accurate. Chanyeol was the first one to be in bed, he played on his phone in an attempt to make his eyes tired. At the moment he turned his head towards the window he found Kyungsoo sitting on his own bed and looking at him. They waved at each other, Chanyeol with a big smile and Kyungsoo with his slight shyness, before shutting the curtains. Hahaha, he looks like a child that way. Honestly Kyungsoo swept Chanyeol off his feet when it comes to emotions. Chanyeol was captivated. He doesn't know what it is, but something about Kyungsoo just lures him.

From that day on, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol's texts have become quicker and friendlier. They met each other many more times to lunches, brunches, or even just to hang out in the shade on the swings again. Kyungsoo also kept coming to the grocery store once every four or five days, and it was always a good chance for Chanyeol to try and make him laugh. Chanyeol was yet invited to Kyungsoo's house, and Kyungsoo didn't yet accept an invitation from Chanyeol to visit the Parks' house on his own, but the way things are going it's not going to be long until both these things would happen. Chanyeol was so satisfied everytime he had any sort of communication with Kyungsoo.

For nights now, from the day they began texting more often and their friendship grew closer, they would be looking at each other through the windows. At first it was simple waves and smiles. It advanced into making funny faces to each other, and now they are already playing guessing games by drawing each other pictures on notes. Chanyeol's sketches are pretty messy but Kyungsoo somehow manages to guess right. While Kyungsoo's drawings are always detailed and beautiful. Chanyeol guesses them right away even though he acts like he doesn't, just so he will have a reason to look at them for longer. It continued on, and sometimes even during the mornings they would catch each other waking up and absent mindedly wave to one another.

Soon will arrive the date of his audition to the music company. The probability of his success is really high. Out of the fifteen artists that will be competing on the spot to recieve a contract, he is the only one that's able to play all instruments AND compose music by himself AND be the voice of his composed music. He is like a one man band. Going to the audition means he will be visiting the big city again. That'll be a good opportunity to meet up with his friends and tell them about his new life and his new unique friend Do Kyungsoo.



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Niyareed #1
Chapter 5: Beautiful
Chapter 5: This was my FIRST ever fanfic that I read. Idk much abt aff at that time. So gng to my old fav fics and commenting up.
This is such a wonderful story. Absolutely well written. All of your works are like giving a standing ovation. I can’t imagine Kyungsoo suffering all alone and the fact that he hide his feelings towards chanyeol. But Chanyeol loves him whole heartedly even tho he know that the major thing happened to Kyungsoo. His love is unconditional and pure. ChanSoo love is so precious. I’m sobbing while reading last chapter TT Thank you so much for this awestruck story <3 Hope you make a comeback soon :)
Chapter 5: God! really this is so beautiful, I must say that all your writings are like this, I have begun to read your works and they are really wonderful, I have fallen in love with each of those that I have had the opportunity to read up to now, you are a great writer! , I especially love the fact that it is about our beautiful and wonderful ChanSoo! His stories are so detailed, I would never tire of reading, this story really moved me a lot, I really love everything he does. Thank you for sharing your beautiful and incredible stories!
yurrick #4
Chapter 5: this is so PRECIOUS AND CUTE IM GONNA CRYYYY ugh i love cute happy endings, thank you so much for writing this lovely fic!
Added to the reading list. Why didn't i find this story sooner?
-Angisoo- #7
Chapter 5: Beautiful to reread this wonderful story. <3 <3
safarisunset #8
Chapter 5: This is so well written! I can’t imagine Kyungsoo’s frustration, not being able to hear the voice of the boy that he has grown to like so much. It must have been hard for him to not like him know.m, but he probably felt unsure about how he would feel about it...this was such a nice read, thank you!
Chapter 5: Ahhhh you r soooo cruel authornim TT why your stories so emotional, its not good for my poor heart, i cried at some parts TT but it was sooooo beautiful <3