Miss Mafia 4

Miss Mafia

2 months later...

The girls went to school striding across the hallways. They stood by the side as they talked before class. "Omo! There's a new mafia group coming over!" The girls heard some other girls walking by and whispering. The girls turned around and saw Got7. Some girls saw them and flocked them and flocked them immediately. Momo turned around after hearing the news but wqlked away. The girls caught up with her. "Momo! Why are you avoiding my brother?" Nayeon asked. "I don't want the whole campus to know and flock me cause your brother is a senoir." Momo said as the girls quickened their pace.

They reached the lecture hall and sat down together. Their bodyguards stood by them. Some screaming was heard and the girls looked up. It was Got7 again. Momo looked up and saw JB waved at her but ignored it. JB felt upset by it and grabbed Momo by the hand and dragged her out of the class.  

Momo was flinching by the grip and her bodyguards were signalled not to follow. Momo her hand and JB places his hand on his hips sighing. "Why? Why are you avoiding me?" JB asked. Momo broked eye contact and turned around. JB grabbed her arm before she could walk away. Momo released his grip and walked off leaving JB in shock. Momo returned to class little did they know that Love Struck gang saw everything that happened.

Momo walked to the nearby hallway which was quiet because everyone was in the lecture hall. JB re his own. "Oppa! Where is Momo?" Nayeon asked. "I don't know." JB shrugged. "Oppa! She went out with you and hasn't returned." Nayeon shouted. The group walked out of the lecture hall to find Momo. "Hey you!" Valarie shouted at Momo. Momo looked up. "You left My Jaebum alone in mid air hanging right?" Valarie asked grabbing her wrist so tight Momo squirmed. "Who are you?" Momo asked. "Who I am doesn't matter! Who I need to get out of Bummie's life matters." Valarie replied. Pete and the other bodyguards found Momo. "My lady!" Pete shouted. Behind them were the mafia group and JB. "Oppa!" Valarie called out with aegeyo. Momo ran behind the mafia group to her bodyguards. 

"Did you hurt her?" JB asked. Valarie shook her head. "We both know you're lying." Nayeon said grabbing Momo's wrist ahowing the red marks. JB looked at her in disbelief. "No, Bummie. I didn't do it." Valarie wined. Nayeon got out her ipad and played the CCTV footage. JB looked at her again. "It is all your fault for leaving me hanging and going out with this ." Valarie replied. "Excuse me? Momo is no !" Jeongyeon replied. Valarie glared at Jeongyeon. "How long are you going to ACT LIKE THIS? I NEVER WENT OUT WITH YOU NOR LOVED YOU!" JB shouted having enough as he walked back to join his gang who were standing behind. Nayeon smirked. She turned around with the other girls. Tzuyu helped Momo steady herself. 

The girls walked back to the lecture hall but it was time for break. The girls walked inside the cafeteria and found a spot to sit down. Momo felt weird and felt a gag reflex. She covered . "Unnie! Are you alright?" Dahyun asked. Momo nodded but civered again. "We better see a doctor!" Nayeon said holding Momo as the girls walk to the car. The girls drove to the hospital and went straight to see a doctor. Momo entered with Nayeon and the other girls stayed outside. 

"The blood test result shows that Hirai Momo is pregnant." The doctor annouced holding the paper. "What? Pregnant?" Momo asked. Nayeon snatched the paper and looked at the results again and again. "Can we do an ultrasound?" Nayeon asked. The docotr nodded. "Procedd to room 04 and knock on the door." Nayeon and Momo stood up and walked out before thanking the doctor. 

The girls rushed to them. Nayeon and Momo walked to room 04 and knocked. They entered. The girls stood outside with their bodyguards. The docotr appiled a liquid on Momo's tummy after Momo layed down and proceeded in doing an ultrasound. "Well?" Nayeon asked after the doctor finished the ultrasound. "She is pregnant a 100% confirmation." The doctor replied. Nayeon and Momo looked at each other. The doctor left the room leaving Nayeon and Momo alone. "Did you use protection?" Nayeon asked. "I don't know! Unnie, Jaebum oppa put it on himself. But I saw a crack on top of the ." Momo replied. "Did you have with anyone else?" Momo shook her head. Nayeon leaned back processing the imformation. The doctor returned handing Momo an envelope. The doctor left again. 

Nayeon and Momo walked out of the hospital with the girls behind. "Unnie! Results?" Sana asked. "I'm pregnant. With Jaebum's child." Momo replied. The group gasped except for Nayeon who was sitting down in shock inside the car as they drove off to the mansion. Momo took out the envelope labled 'Baby' and opened it. She saw the ultrasound of her baby. Momo touched the picture lovingly and smiled. Sana peeked over and looked at the picture. "Unnie! It's so cute!" Sana said. "Silly, its just two months old." Momo replied. Sana giggled. 

The girls returned and Momo walked back to her room with her maids. 


JB is still in shock with Valarie. Suddenly he received a message. It was a pitctur of Momo walking out from the pregnancy unit with the other girls. JB rechecked the picture twice and relieased it was from Valarie. 'Cheating on you for another guy...' 


The girls were having break after 2 hours. "Unnie! Can you not say anything abiut my pregnancy?" Momo asked. Nayeon nodded. Momo continued with her tea and went back to her room to sleep. 

The next day...

Nayeon entere the school with the girls. Screams were heard of course it was Got7 and Love Struck what? Nayeon saw the incident and sad Momo with Smirking Valarie linking arms with Jaebum. Momo's face fell. Jeongyeon caught her before she fell. "Momo? Are you alright?" Jeongyeon asked but her voice was too loud and JB turned around seeing a pale face Momo. The girls held her as they walked to class. The girls opened the door for Jeingyeon to lead Momo in. They sat on the first floor for convinence of Momo's movement.

Got7 approached Momo except JB. "Hey! Did you cheat on him?" Got7 whispered. Momo shook her head. "I'll explain later." Nayeon said as she signalled the boys away. The boys nodded. The class started of course Momo was not feeling well and was pale so she decided to rest her head on the table but leaned back instead because ut wasn't going to be comfortable for the baby.

Class finally ended and Momo had no appetite to eat. "Momo! Eat." Jeongyeon said getting annoyed with her. "But I want Jokbal! Not rice and vegies." Momo wined. "Hirai Momo!" Jeongyeon shouted. Momo flinched holding the spoon in hand and stabbing the rice not eating at all. "Momo, eat!" Jeongyeon forced. A box landed on the table. The girls looked up and saw JB. "Here!" JB said. Momo opened the box and saw Jokbal and started eating happily. JB walked away cooly and went back to his table. Momo touched her tummy. "Your dad is not that bad after all." Momo replied as she continued eating.

Back home...

Nayeon brought the Got7 members except JB back and locked her door. "Okay, so I'm telling you this but keep it from oppa, okay?" Nayeon asked. The members nodded. "Momo is pregnant!" Nayeon said. The members were shocked. "And it is his child." Nayeon continued. "I don't know, I mean it is a big news." Mark replied. "Please! Momo doesn't want to burden him." Nayeon said. "It's his job as the father!" Yugyeom said. "Please just do it! For Momo's sake." Nayeon pleaded. "Okay." Bambam replied. "Thank you Oppas, Youngja, Bambam and Yugyeom." Nayeon said as she smiled. 

The boys were leaving. Momo entered the leaving room with her maids and bowed along with them. "Oppas! Here you go!" Momo said handing them an envelope. Mark took it and opened it. It was the ultrasound of her baby. "I just wanted you to know how much my baby has grown and this is my number at the back." Momo said smiling before bowing and walking out towards the garden. "I feel bad for her." Bambam said. "She is young with such a future before her yet she does this for the baby not for her but for Jaebum hyung too." Jackson said. "We have to help her in every way." Mark said. The members nodded. 

Momo entered the garden and sat down. She looked up and sighed. It it almost 2 months now. She doesn't know how to explain to Jaebum. Jaebum sent her message saying 'I'm sorry come back to me." Momo looked at it but didn't reply. "My lady!" Lady Wu called. "Miss Nayeon!" Lady Wu continued. Momo stood up and bowed to Nayeon. "Momo! Are you feeling alright?" Nayeon asked. Momo nodded her head. "My lady!" Wendy called. "Young Master." Wendy continued. Momo sighed and touched her tummy before sitting down again.

Jaebum entered the garden linking arms with Valarie. Momo saw it and looked down sighing. Jaebum saw Momo looking down and got worried but decided not to show it. Nayeon saw it and sat down comforting Momo. "What?" Nayeon asked. "I will be dating Valarie from now onwards." Nayeon looked at Momo. "Whatever! Like I care." Nayeon replied not looking at them both. "She will be your sister in law in the future." Jaebum continued. Momo's heart was tearing. She stood up and walked away with her maids to her room. "If you enter my family, I will kick your personally, ." Nayeon said walking away. 

Momo sobbed when she entered her room. She kneeled next to her bed. Momo took out her ultrasound photo and touched it. "Right, my baby. I will sacrifice for you. No matter how much." Momo said as she cried her heart out in her bed. Momo had a thought of leaving already. She decided to leave tomorrow where nobody is home. 

The next day...

Momo was excused from school. She packed her bags and decided to leave the mansion. She dismissed her maids and bodyguards telling them to rest. She then wrote a note and left it on the table. 'Unnie! Thank you for taking care of me for the past months. I know I haven't been here long but I felt your love! Thank you for making me part of your family. Unnies and dongseangs take care!' She wrote the last word left it on the table and walked out of the mansion. Luckily there is a bus stop up the road. She took the bus and went away from the city to a village. She found a place to stay since she has a old mansion she hasn't sold. It belonged to her late parents but she never told anyone about it.

The butler, Baileywaick greeted her. Her maids, she has more than 1,000,000 and bodyguards, she has more than 2,000,000 also greeted her. "My lady!" They chorused. "How are you! It must be tough without me." Momo said smiling calmly. "No!" Baileywaick said bowing. "Well? Go and tidy up for the mistress!" Baileywaick ordered. The maids went in and tidied up quickly. "How is the company Baileywaick?" Momo asked. "They are having a shareholders meeting tomorrow." Baileywaick replied. Momo nodded. "My lady. The house is ready." The maid said. She entered the gate with her two head maids, Lady Jew and Gwen. She handed her bags to her other maids as she entered with the other 4 rows of maids. 

"Baileywaick! I am pregnant now." Momo said. "Oh! Congratulations my lady!" Baileywaick said. "Also, please look out for this people." Momo said handing him an envelope. It contained picture of the Twice8 mafia and Jaebum. Baileywaick nodded. Momo went upstairs to rest. Baileywaick told the security team to look out for the people. 

When the girls returned they found the house empty and cold. Nayeon then found the note. The girls read it too and were super angry at JB. The maids, bodyguards were looking everywhere and Got6(exculde JB). Jeongyeon burst into JB's office. "Jeongyeon!" The members shouted except JB. "I cannot believe you're with this after all Momo has done for you!" Jeingyeon said. "She cheated on me!" JB shouted. "EXCUSE ME? SHE DID NOT ING CHEAT ON YOU! YOU WERE THE ONE THAT BROKE HER HEART. THANKS TO YOU SHE LEFT HOME!" Jeongyeon shouted. "She what?" Jaebum asked. "SHE LEFT HOME! WHY ARE YOU HAPPY NOW YOU CAN BE EMPEROR OF THE PALACE NOW THAT YOU GOT RID OF HER? AFTERALL SHE HAS DONE FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY!" Jeongyeon relieased what she said and covered . "Jeongyeon!" Mark shouted. "Sorry." Jeongyeon apologised. "Oppa!" Nayeon shouted. "So is it true that Momo is pregnant?" Nayeon was shocked but nodded. 

Jeongyeon looked over, sorry. "For all the weeks you stayed with Valarie, she was tryign to take care of herself. She always rejects us when we try to help. She tried not to complain! Yet, you oppa. You never took care of her but cheated on her? I cannot believe you!" Nayeon cried. "Here it is, if you want to look at it! Momo's baby." Nayeon said throwing the envelope on the desk before keaving with the mafia group. 

Searching parties were still undergoing. Suddenly there was a person in a hoodie looking onto the search. "I'm sorry, everyone!" The person was Momo. She was holding onto the letter. She threw the letter in before disappearring into the forest, she was greeted by her bodyguards who escorted her. A maid who was sweeping the gate foudn the letter and ran into the house throwing the broom on the floor. "Mistress! Mistress!" The maid sai running. "Mistress. A letter from someone, coul this be from Miss Momo?" The maid asked holding onto the letter. Nayeon was sitting with the mafia in the living room. With JB sitting on the armchair with his head low. Nayeon tooked the letter and opened it inside wrote. 

'Unnies and dongseangs how are you? I am doing fine. I have recently done a check up and ultrasound. My baby is healthy do not worry. The doctor said I could find out about the gender next month xd. How is Jaebum oppa and Valarie doing? I hope they are together just fine. Unnie! Inside are my ultrasound photos. Unnie, stay healthy! See you! XD^_^!'

 Nayeon's tear drop as she took out the ultrasound photo. The photo showed a healthy baby. Momo even wrote some stuffs ontop of the photo. Nayeon looked at it and smiled. "Oppa! Look at what you done to Momo!" Nayeon shouted. "We do not even know wether she has a home or not! She may be living on the streets." Nayeon continued. "My lady! We have searched through the city and found no sings of her." The bodyguard said. "Look again!" Nayeon demanded. "My lady! At this point we might never find her." Jeongyeon stood up. "ARE YOU GONNA DISOBEY THE COMMAND OR ARE YOU GOING TO LOOK AGAIN?" Jeongyeon roared. "My lady, my team will look again!" The bodyguard replied. "Well, I want to leave now." Jeongyeon said.

"WHAT? THAT WAS NOT THE REASON I KICKED MOMO OUT FOR!" Nayeon shouted. Jeongyeon heard it. "HOW DARE YOU? I JOINED WITH MOMO AND WHEN SHE LEAVES I LEAVE." Jeongyeon shouted and left the living room. Nayeon grabbed onto her wrist tightly. "GO AWAY! YOU MONSTER. HOW COULD YOU! MOMO, SHE LEFT WITHOUT A PLACE." Jeongyeon shouted as she ran out of the room. She packed her bags as tears flowed and left the house. 

Suddenly, a man ran up to Jeongyeon. "You are Jeongyeon right?" The man asked. "Yes." Jeongyeon nodded. "Here you go. Report to building 24 of the Seol apartment. I am currently selling it." Jeongyeon nodded. "Also here, a job for you at the Seol University." The man said handing her a card and brochure. Jeongyeon nodded and went to the apartment first and found out that it has been paid for the whole year. 

The man was actually Momo's bodyguard. "My lady." The bodyguard greeted. "Completed?" Momo asked. "Yes, my lady." Momo nodded as she and the bodyguard returned to the mansion. "My lady, why would you do such a thing for her?" The bodyguard asked. "I have to do it, she is my friend afterall, also overlook her job and help her out if you need to." Momo said walking away. "Yes, my lady!" The bodyguard bowed. "My lady!" Lady Jew said. "What is it?" Momo asked. "The sharehplders meeting is starting in 3 hours." Lady Jew continued. "What? I thought it started at 2." Momo said. "Well regardless, we have to get ready." Momo said walking back to her room and changing before leaving with her bodyguards. 

She arrived at the company. Momo's late parents owned branded goods example Gucci, Miao Miao, Hermes, Japan Good, Chanel. Although Nayeon owns only 2 of them becuase Momo's parents sold them to her, Momo still has the job of taking it back by tearing the contract. Momo arrived in a small car. Her bodyguards helped her out and walked behind her as she entered the company. The staffs bowed to her. She arrived at the shareholders meeting 15 minutes late by purpose.

"Hey! You have to enter with the pass!" The security guard said. "Send her out. Such an intruder." One person said. "Whoever said that! Stand up." Momo shouted. The man stood up proudly. "You are fired." Momo said. "You can't fire me! I am the CEO." The man continued. "Well, as the late Chairman's daughter and heir of the company, Doiuse, I'm saying I can." Momo replied. The people gasped and stood up and bowed at Momo. "From now onwards! I am in-charge of you." Momo said. "Yes, my lady." They chorused.

 Momo left the room and went to her father's office. It was customised for her when her retired and it was completed. The office was very chic but was very girly at the same time. With the contrust of black and pink. The female secatary, Dowon greeted her. Momo sat down on the table. Dowon handed her atriangular stand with her name engraved on it. She placed it on the table.  Momo nodded and sent her out. Dowon bowed before leaving. Momo read the files on top of the desk that contained paperwork. She finished signing all the paperwork by 5. "Ma'am!" Dowon said calling from outside knocking. Momo was still looking through some paperwork. "Come in." Momo said. "This are the names that will be present at the event tonigjt." Dowon saie. "Event?" Momo asked. Dowon nodded. "This event is to commemorate that you became the first Chairwoman of Doiuse." Dowon said. "I got it." Momo said. Dowon bowed amd left the room. 

Momo looked through the names and saw the mafia and Jaebum's name. "Dowon! Get my b9dguards." Momo said pressing the intercom. Her head bodguard Simon and 5 other entered. "Today, the Im Inc will be at thw party, be sure to make them not see me." Momo said. "Do whatever you can but keep the distance." Momo said. Simon and the other bodyguards bowed. Momo stood up and take her coat and handbag. "Shall we?" Momo asked. Simon led her out. Dowon was waiting outside w8th her coat and bag in hand. Dowon walked beside Momo infront of her bodyguards. 

They arrived at the event hall. Momo removed her coat. She changed just before arriving and left her coat inside the car. The guard let her in after Dowon whispered something. Momo walked through the event hall with her purse in hand. "My lady." Dowon called. "The Chariman and his wife of Im Inc." Momo turned around and saw Nayeon's parents. Momo smiled and bowed. "Hello, my name is Hirai Momo. I look forward to doing buisness with you." Momo smiled. Mr and Mrs Im were surprised at Momo's words and smiled back. Momo then caught a glimpse of the mafia. "Well, we too look forward to it." Mr Im said shooking her hand. "Such a talent for Doiuse, seems like Hirai old man never disappointed me." Mr Im sa8d laughing. Momo smiled and made eye contact with Mrs Im. "I trust you well, Momo." Mrs Im said. "Thank you, Mrs Im." Momo said bowing. "We'll see you around." Mr Im said as Mrs Im hook her arm around Mr Im's. "Yes, have a good night." Momo said. 

The mafia was approaching Momo. Momo saw it and greeted other people from other companies. Jaebum also saw Momo. Momo then went backstage and came out again. "We have a new chairwomen with us today, the first of course. Hirai Momo!" The announcer said. Appaulse were made and Momo stepped up the steps. Jeongyeon also arrived at the party and was shocked to hear the annoucment. Momo bowed and took the stand. "I am honoured to be the first Chairwomen. Of course it will be great that my baby. Yes and I am pregnant. With that, I promise that Doiuse will be the greatest company of all. We will top the world. But before that. Have a great night everyone!" Momo said as she left the stage and everyone claspped.

Mr and Mrs Im approached her. "Congratulations on your pregnancy." Mrs Im said. "Who is the father?" Mr Im asked. "He actually cheated on me, so I am currently trying hard to stablize myself." Momo said. Mrs Im held her hand and patted it. "If you need help tell me." Mrs Im said. Momo smiled and bowed. "My lady, sorry to interrupt but the car is ready." Simon said. Momo nodded. "I will see you around Mr and Mrs Im." Momo said as she bowed and left with her secatary and bodyguards.

"Momo!" Jeongyeon called out. "It is really you." Jeongyeon said. Momo hugged her. "Come in." Momo said as the chauffeur opened the door. Jeongyeon sat inside with Momo behind. Momo's bodgyuards were driving behind. They arrived at the mansion.

"Momo can you explain what is going on?" Jeongyeon asked. "I am the daughter of the biggest shareholding and branded good company, Doiuse. My parents passed away when I was 5 and I was still living a luxorious life but I decided to enter college." Momo said. "I have a rich bestie? Why didn't you tell me." Jeongyeon asked. "Sorry, I thought you would freak out." Momo said. "Nah. I also hid my identity. I am the daughter of Yoo justified. The biggest Lawyer company there is. But I had a luxorious life but I sort of wanta experinece what normal life is. And my parents well, they passed away when I was 5 like you. So I haven't returned but I did recently and the maids were happy to see me since they have been spying on me." Jeongyeon said as the two giggled.

"Wanna stay over!" Jeongyeon nodded as Momo handed her a box. "I wanted to give you this." Momo said. Jeongyeon sat oppostie her and took the box. "Oh! It is the limited edition Hermes dress right? This is so hard to get heard there were only 5 in the world." Jeongyeon said. Momo nodded and took out another box it contained the same black dress Jeongyeon had. They changed and smiled as they linked arms and took a photo in front of a mirror. 

Mr and Mrs Im...

The pair retturned with Jaebum and Nayeon. Mr Im sat on the couch. "Poor child. She must be doing so much for the baby." Mrs Im said. "We should help her all we can. Nayeon see what you and your girls can do. Jaebum help her out sometime." Mr Im said. Nayeon took out a picture. "This is her ultrasound." Nayeon said. "What? How did you have it?" Mrs Im asked as she looked at the ultrasound. "She was in my mafia long ago. But quited after 2 months. She gave me this note." Nayeon said. Mrs Im let a tear drop as she handed Mr Im he not and photo. "For some thought this looks like Jaebum." Mr Im pointed out. "It is his child after all." Nayeon said softly.

Unfortunately, Mrs Im heard it. "What? Im Jaebum, so it was you! Who made the poor child pregnant." Mrs Im said. Mr Im was furious. "What? Is true?" Mr Im said looking at Jaebum. "How could you make such a treasure pregnant? I wish I could see the traitor's face and now I finally saw it." Mrs Im said. "That was not how I taught you to be a human." Mrs Im said. "But she cheated on me!" Jaebum said. There was a moment of silence but was broken by Nayeon's screaming. 


"Enough! Jaebum, you have 2 weeks, marry Momo or Nayeon becomes the heir of the company." Mr Im said. Jaebum's head shot up faster than lightning as his eyes grew big. "What? Me being the heir of the company has nothing to do with Momo." Jaebum cried. "Well, who told you to make her pregnant and break her heart. Of course. You have to be responsible." Mrs Im said. "Hirai old man, forgive me qnd my good for nothing son." Mr Im said as he prayed. "Hey!" Jaebum said. "We will be heading over to Doiuse tomorrow. Better be ready to get on your knees." Mr Im said as he and Mrs Im went to their master bedroom. 

"I told you so Oppa. I myself will be taking the footage of your humiliation." Nayeon said teasingly as she left the house. 

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Chapter 8: i suppose this is the end and it's a sad one *thumbs up*
Chapter 1: wooah many groups are here i like the savage nayeon!