Miss Mafia 5

Miss Mafia

The next day...

Jeongyeon followed Momo to work. "Are you sure it is alright?" Momo asked when they reached the 200th floor of the company. "Yes, yes. My secatary can hold back my meetings till next week." Jeongyeon said as she walked out with Momo. Dowon greeted the two and opened the door for them. Momo smiled at her. "You sure?" Momo asked. "Momo, come on. I said yes." Jeongyeon said. "I just feel uneasy since we only just started being the head of our company." Momo said. "Momo, don't worry. My paperwork will be sent here." Jeongyeon said. Someone knocked the door. "See." Jeongyeon said as she proceeded to open the door.

Jeongyeon was shocked to see Mr and Mrs Im. She walked to Momo who stood up and stood beside Momo. "Sir you have to make an appointment." Dowon said running after him. "Dowon, its alright." Momo said. Dowon bowed and left the room. "Momo, I learned about your pregnancy and I am truly sorry for whatever my son has done." Mrs Im said bowing her head. "Mrs Im no-" Momo said but was interrupted. "Come in." Mrs Im said. Jaebum entered with Nayeon behind him. Nayeon entered the closed the door. "Oppa!" Nayeon said. Jaebum went on his knees shocking Momo and Jeongyeon. "I am sorry Momo. Please forgive me." Jaebum said. Momo moved to look at Mr and Mrs Im. "I forgive you." Momo replied. "Would you marry me?" Jaebum asked not being able to look at Momo. "No." Momo replied. Jaebum's head shot up. Mr and Mrs Im were shock.

"No, Momo is it that my son is not sincere enough? Or is it that your not satisfied?" Mrs Im asked. "No, Mr and Mrs Im. I am willing to forgive him but his proposal shows that he doesn't love me or his baby anymore." Momo said. "If he doesn't love me. Why would I marry him? It is just a forced marriage." Momo said. "No, Momo. I love you I truly seriously love you." Jaebum said grabbing Momo's hand. "If you loved me, you wouldn't have trusted Valarie, you would have waited for me to open up and confess." Momo said pushing his hand away. "Oppa, this shows me that you want to marry me not because you love me but only because you're scared to lose your position in being unable to be the heir of the company. Am I right?" Momo asked coldly.

 Mr and Mrs Im looked at Momo before looking at Jaebum's backview. Jaebum stood up slowly. "Momo, you got to believe me. I truly love you." Jaebum said grabbing Momo's hand. "Oppa, I believed you once yet you broke my heart. I have been fooled once and I promised myself. That I will never be a fool twice." Momo said as she gently pushed Jaebum's hands away. Momo walked to her desk and handed Jaebum an envelope. "Here you go oppa." Momo said. Jaebum opened it and relieased it was an ultrasound photo. "I did another ultrasound. Since you're the father. I decided to give it to you to show that our baby is growing smoothly." Momo said. Jaebum touched the picture and gave a fatherly smiled.

"Mr and Mrs Im. I will open my heart when it is the right time. But then now is not the time." Momo said as she bowed. "We understand Momo. It is alright." Mrs Im said. "But I am happy to have you as my daughter-in-law." Mrs Im continued and Momo flushed. Mr Im laughed as he walked out with Mrs Im and Nayeon. Jaebum was about to follow when he was stopped. "No, young man. I believe you have parenting to do." Mr Im said. Momo giggled as Jaebum sighed. "Okay, bye. I wil, come over after you two love birds finished your buisness." Jeongyeon said scurring away. Momo laughed at her reaction.

"Are you going to stay there because I want some Japanese food!" Momo said giggling like a child. Jaebum looked at Momo's smile and smiled at the reaction too. Momo pulled Jaebum by his hand to the car. They stopped by a resturant. Momo was so happy. They got a seat and they ordered some eel. Jaebum grilled eel for Momo. "Oppa! Ahh." Momo said. Jaebum opend his mouth as Momo fed him. "Let's go shopping after eating." Momo said. "Why?" Jaebum asked. "For the baby of course. The hospital will give he or she a cover but so many babies might have used it and it might cause a skin reaction." Momo said scooping some rice. "For our baby, I am going to work hard too." Jaebum said. Momo smiled and keaned iver to give him a kiss. 

After eating, Momo linked arms with Jaebum. "Oppa!" Momo called. "About your proposal, I will consider it." Momo said. "But! Are you sure you love me?" Momo asked. Jaebum nodded. "Well, then let us go and buy some clothes for the baby and shower stuff then." Momo said pulling Jaebum into a shop. Momo looked through all the baby products and was toured by a shop assistant. Jaebum was dragged around by Momo. "Oppa, what about this?" Momo asked looking at the bathtubs. Jaebum was entranced by Momo's beauty. "Oppa!" Momo said tugging on him. Jaebum snapped out of daydreaming. "What were you thinking about?" Momo asked. "How pretty you can be." Jaebum said. Momo hit Jaebum lightly. "Well, which one do you think is nice?" Momo asked again. Jaebum looked at the tub. Here were many tubs but that one was blue and pink. "You think the baby will enjoy bathing in it?" Jaebum asked.

"Right I can come back when we find out about the baby's gender." Momo said as she walked over to the women's needs. She saw a clipping bra. The shop assistant followed them. "To use this, it is best you use clothes you can feed in. Also there is the nursing covers and other things." The shop assistant said handing her another packet of nursing covers. "You can also check out the kid's clothing over there." The shop assistant continued. Momo nodded as she looked at the women's needs and threw them all into the basket Jaebum was carrying. "Babe, just buy a few you don't need a whole shelf of it." Jaebum said putting back the pacjets Momo took from the shelf. "Sorry." Momo said. 

"Thanks for your help." Momo said. The shop asssistant bowed and left to serve other customers. "I wanna look at the clothes." Momo said as she walked off to looked at the kid's clothing. Jaebum caught up with her. Momo was engrossed eith all the cute little outfits and shoes along with accessories. "This makes the whoel outfit so chic. Omo this is so pretty." Momo said. Momo looked at the kid's clothes for awhile before going to the cashier to pay. Momo was about to take out her wallet when Jaebum gave the cashier his credit card. "Thanks oppa." Momo said. 

Momo linked arms with Jaebum as they walked to the car. They drove off after Jaebum placed the goods at the back storage of the car. They arrived at Momo's mansion. Moko walked in with her maids. "How was your day, My lady?" Baileywaick greeted. "It was good." Momo replied. Baileywaick saw Jaebum. "My lady, take cover. Our security team will handle him." Baileywaick said. Momo turned around. "No! He was helping me with the groceries and he is the child's father." Momo said. Biaileywaick signalled the security team away. Momo sat down in the living room. 

Momo's phone rang and it was a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" Momo answered. "Hello, Momo. This is Mr Im." Mr Im said. "Hi, Mr Im what can I do for you?" Momo asked. "Oh just to make sure my good for nothing son is doing his job. Also, have you considered the proposal." Mr Im asked. "Yes, I guess." Momo said as she saw Jaebum struggling with the things Momo bought from the shop. "Hey, Momo! If your ready don't hesitant. Your father and I promised it already that we would marry one of our kids to each other. Also is my good for nothing son there?" Mr Im asked. "Yes, he is, hold on Mr Im." Momo said pulling the phone away from her face. "Oppa!" Momo called. Jaebum placed the goods on the floor. "Why did you buy so many things and what do you need now?" Jaebum asked. "Your father called." Momo said. 

Jaebum pulled his ear next to the phone. "Hello?" Jaebum answered. "Im Jaebum is that how you talk to Momo?" Mr Im scolded. "Anyway, so treat her well. Or lose your position as the heir." Mr Im said. "Also, stay there for abit. Make sure you treat her wll, or Hirai old man will come and hunt me." Mr Im said. Jaebum groaned but said yes and hung up on the phone. 

"Miss Jeongyeon to see you." Baileywaick said. Momo nodded. Jeongyeon entered. "Yeonnie!" Momo said hugging Jeongyeon. "Baileywaick! Get us 2 cups of tea." Momo said. A maid walked in with a tray and placed the teas infront of Jeongyeon and Momo. Jaebum sat beside Momo exhausted and was about to take the cup of tea but Momo stopped him. "Oppa! I believe you have something to do." Momo said. "What is it? My father told me to stay here." Jaebum said. "Yes but help out wiht the cleaning of your room." Momo said. Jaebum groaned. "Don't grumble since I did the same thing." Momo replied. "But why-" Jaebum stopped wining. Momo shot him a look. "Baby! Your father doesn't love you anymore right. Yes now let's go find Mark appa." Momo said. "Yes, we should." Jeongyeon joined in and stood up with Momo. "Hey! Okay, fine." Jaebum said walking over to the maids. 

Jeongyeon and Momo laughed as they started talking. "Well, it is true he is the best but I think we could have better." Jeongyeon said. They were talking about their new lawyer department. JB returns exauhsted as Momo handed him her cup. JB took a sip before standing up again. "Babe! I will be going over to the company for awhile." JB said. Moko nodded as she continued to talk to Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon left after awhile to attend a meeting. Momo was left with her small stomach with her baby and the maids. 


Momo hasn't seen JB and decided to call Me Im. "Hello?" Mr Im answered. "Hello, Mr Im. It's me Momo. I hope I haven't disturb your sleep." Momo said. "No, not at all. I had just knocked off." Mr Im said. "Mr Im. Did Jaebum oppa came over to the company?" Momo asked. "No he didn't." Mr Im said. "Really? He told me he was going to the company." Momo replied. "I will try to contact him." Mr Im replied. Momo nodded and hung up. 

She took her coat and left the house. Momo walked around and heard her twin sister, Irene( guys just fake it) of mafia group Red Velvet said that JB was spotted inside their club. Momo entered the club and finally saw JB but what shocked her the most was the person next to him, Valarie. JB's hands were around Valarie's waist and he kissed Valarie one time. Momo quickly walked out of the club and walked home. Baileywaick greeted her and asked where she went. "Oh! Just somewhere for breather also please lock out this person.' Momo said handing him a photo. "Yes, mistress." Baileywaick said. 

Momo took out her phone and phoned the Red Velvet girls. Wendy picked up the phone. "Hello?" Wendy answered. "Wendy! It's me Hirai Momo." Momo said. "What's up?" Wendy asked. "Can you girls come over?" Momo asked. "Yeah sure." Wendy replied. Momo hung up as the girls rushed over to Momo's house. The girls entered the house. Irene sat down beside her as the girls gathered.

"What's wrong, Unnie?" Momo burst into tears. Irene's heart ache as she saw Momo cry. "Unnie! Calm down." Irene said handing her the tissuse box. "Jae...Jaebum is cheating on me." Momo said as she sobbed. "What? Unnie, tell me everything." Irene said. "He was kissing a girl and hugging her at the club." Momo said before bursting into tears again. Momo went to bed after passing out from crying.

Irene walked out of the house with the girls behind her. Irene took out her phone and phoned the hotel under her and fiund out that JB was actually in one of the rooms. "Girls! Prepared everything?" Irene asked. "Yes, Unnie!" They replied. Irene looked back at the house. "I will never let you get hurt unnie. Never!" Irene ssid before turnign around and walking to wards the card and driving of to Sunshine hotel. 

She was greeted by the receptionist. They reloaded their guns before walking in. The receptionist tensed at the sound of their guns which were strapped at the legs. (They all wore the outfits of Gfriend in fingetip M/V.) "We won't hurt you as long as you don't soread the news." Wendy said. They arrived at the room where JB was and heard sounds. The receptionist swiped the card before walking away quickly.

Irene slammed the door ooened and saw Valarie ontop of JB . "How could you CHEAT ON MY SISTER!" Irene shouted. Valarie got off quickly and was about to escape but was stopped by Yeri pulling her hair. "Oh no you don't, you were part of the cheating so play along." Yeri said. "Well, I was drunk." JB said. "By this tone. I believe you are not drunk." Irene replied. "How could you? SHE DID SO MUCH FOR THE BABY AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY HER?" Irene shouted. "Yeah, I didn't even want the baby." JB said. "What? How could you." Irene asked. "Yeah, I do not want ths baby and so off." JB said pushing all of them out except Valarie before slamming the door.

Irene went back to her house aka Momo's house with the girls and went back to the her room. 

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Chapter 8: i suppose this is the end and it's a sad one *thumbs up*
Chapter 1: wooah many groups are here i like the savage nayeon!