
The Wife System
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Since she had fallen asleep in the car I opted to carry her in. The maids seemed a little surprised but didn't say anything. I started heading up the stairs but paused.

Where had she been sleeping?

I took a step backwards and bit my lip. Her arms were tucked close and her cheek was pressed against my shoulder. I took a deep breath and swallowed. Not letting my thoughts wander around dangerously.

Unsure and a little embarrassed by the situation I was in, I took her to the guest bedroom. It didn't look like she had been sleeping here though. With more skill than I imagined myself to have, I tucked her under the covers. Her eyes were half lidded and she was looking up at me.

I sighed. 

"Will you ever accept me?" Her voice was a whisper but I heard her clearly.

My eyes widened. I leaned back, my arms still trapped underneath her. I was about to dismiss the question when her gaze stopped me. Tears were threatening to fall and her face flushed.

Gingerly I freed myself and sat down next to her. The bed dipped and she rolled towards me. Jiyoon was in the perfect position to be . Her frizzy hair was tempting to let my fingers comb through.

"Why do you want me? Wouldn't you rather find someone else? Someone who wants to be married?"

She lowered her gaze. "Because I want you." Her voice still a whisper.

Jiyoon reached out her hand and pinched the edge of my shirt. 

"Why? And it can't be because that's what they told you to feel."

"Why is that wrong?"

"It just is."

Slowly she retracted her hand and turned away from me, pulling her legs into her chest. For a minute I stayed, staring at her back. She looked broken and I hoped she wouldn't remember this conversation in the morning. When her breathing slowed and I was confident she had fallen asleep I went to my own room. Where sleep eluded me for several hours.

Jiyoon's POV

I felt nauseous and unlike myself. But like a good wife I kept it all in. The events of last night were a little hazy and I vowed to never drink again.

This morning I felt like it was time to stop hiding. I didn't want our relationship to be sticky notes and social outings anymore. So, I dressed my best and stood waiting for him at the breakfast table. Much like my first morning here.

But he never came down.

After 30 minutes or so I went looking for him. The school told us to be careful of alcohol and that it would alter our memories and make us act crazy. This was worrisome, since I didn't remember most of last night, and Jinyoung was nowhere to be found.

The only room I had left to check was his. I had never been in his room before. Was it allowed? We were married after all.

Gathering what little bravery I had, I opened the door. The curtain was pulled too so the room was dark but I clearly saw a lump in the bed sheets. All I needed was to see his face to know he was okay. With the footsteps of a mouse I tiptoe over. One peak, that's all I needed.

I pinched the edge of the covers and pulled.

I bit my lip. An adorable Jinyoung with tussled hair was fast asleep. A dreamy sigh left me before I could catch myself. He groaned and I squeaked, falling backwards.


"Aniyo." I blinked rapidly and froze. He was squinting at me, still not quite awake.

"What are you doing?"

"I dropped something." Two lies in a row. This was terrible.

"In my bedroom?"

One more lie wouldn't hurt...right? Oh gosh, I was so embarrassed. "This is your room? I'm sorry! I must not have been paying attention."

His small eyes got smaller. Jinyoung leaned up, bracing himself on his elbow. The covers slid down a little exposing his chest. I gasped and averted my eyes.


"Tell the truth."

"The truth?" I fumbled over my words. What were we even talking about? I could barely hear anything over my racing heart. The room was so hot.

"Why are you in my room?"

Unable to even think straight anymore I spilled everything. "I couldn't remember what happened last night so I got concerned. You didn't come down for breakfast so I went looking for you. I didn't know if you were hiding from me or not. Or, if I said or did anything last night to offend you."

"Oh, you mean that thing."

My troubled gaze turned to him

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It's Violet! Just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be updating today. I'm headed to work and then the hurricane is going to hit sometime Monday morning. It'll be next Saturday before you see another update from me. See you then! ~ Violet


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194 streak #1
Chapter 27: Would love to read "Tied by Ribbons" but needs an invite from you please and thank you!!
194 streak #2
Chapter 27: 👍 Finally finished rereading! Enjoyed it more the second time!
194 streak #3
194 streak #4
Chapter 24: 👍🔥
194 streak #5
Chapter 22: 🥰
Chapter 27: andddd i’ve finished it once again 🥹
lemme come back here some other time again 🫡
Chapter 26: this never fails to get me 🥹🤌🏻
Chapter 25: i’m gonna break down ahsgajshs 🥹
Chapter 24: that’s it. go beehh!
Chapter 23: soomyun ‘ya piece of crap. istg this lady never fails to piss me off 🤺