The Wife System
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Jinyoung's POV

I woke with a heavy feeling in my chest. The last few events of the night were blurry after retrieving my wife from Kim Himchan. How did we get home? Surely I hadn't driven. Had I?

With a grunt I pushed myself up. There was a chair and bowl of water with a rag next to my bed. Like someone was taking care of me. I'd face her in a few minutes. More than likely my temper got away with me and I did something regrettable. For now, I would take a shower. It was the weekend so I was excused from the office. After last night, I don't think I could have went anyway.

A shower helped me feel refreshed though my headache was still there. It was subtle. What was worse was that I clearly had a fever. My body ached and my appetite was gone. Heavily I placed my hand on the door that led to the rest of the house. Would she be there waiting for me?

Deep breath in. I told myself. The door turned with a loud click and I flinched. But when I peaked my head out no one was there. What surprised me even more was that there was no one waiting for me at the table. It was only set for one.

Panicked filled. I rushed down and stumbled when I almost ran into Yongguk. I composed myself before asking, "Where is everyone?"

He gave me a confused expression. "The maids went out to shop and brought Jiyoon-ssi with them."

That explained everything. Still, it was my first meal in this house since my wife moved in that I would be eating alone. Odd that I was filled with loneliness. That didn't make any sense considering I had spent the last five years spending every meal alone. I swallowed the feeling with a big spoon of rice. Neither went down very well.

Usually on Saturdays I still worked. It was the perfect day to catch up on e-mails that weren't top priority. Also, there was the dinner meeting with Daehyun this Friday that I needed to prepare for. It was only six days away.

There were a few scenarios I had come up with that explained his arrival. One) he was broke. Daehyun had always been a free spirit. Once he married he was out of here.

Two) He was here to reconcile. Unlikely though. When he left, he made it very clear what he thought of all of us. Like myself, something happened to Daehyun the day our sister was born. I became dark while Daehyun became uncaring.

Three) ....Honestly I hadn't thought past the first two. There really wasn't a reason for him to be back. If he wanted a job, I'd give him one. Only because we were family though and I wouldn't be able to look my mother in the eyes if I didn't.

The front clicked open and I froze. I was in my room at the computer. When the maids went shopping before and returned I never went to check on them. Why should I now? Instead I focused on the e-mails. When I read over the same sentence five times I leaned back in frustration.

I needed a snack. It'd help me think.

Quietly I made my way down the stairs. The maids were unpacking the food and I was...I was something. Jiyoon wasn't in the kitchen helping and a strange feeling festered. It wasn't disappointment exactly. Just an unquenched curiosity. If she wasn't with them, where was she?

They greeted me. "Did you need anything Master?"

"Just a snack." I mumbled.

Haewon smiled. "Go back to work Master. I'll bring it up to you."

With nothing else to say I did as she suggested. I shook off the strangeness that overcame me at the absence of Jiyoon. It was crowding my brain.


Days passed this way. No matter what strange scenario I came up with to try and figure out where she was it didn't work. I knew I owned a big house but not this big. Just where was she hiding throughout the day? Did she get a job?

Suddenly, a thought struck me. Had they come for her? Did Shin Woo manage to get with th

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It's Violet! Just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be updating today. I'm headed to work and then the hurricane is going to hit sometime Monday morning. It'll be next Saturday before you see another update from me. See you then! ~ Violet


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194 streak #1
Chapter 27: Would love to read "Tied by Ribbons" but needs an invite from you please and thank you!!
194 streak #2
Chapter 27: 👍 Finally finished rereading! Enjoyed it more the second time!
194 streak #3
194 streak #4
Chapter 24: 👍🔥
194 streak #5
Chapter 22: 🥰
Chapter 27: andddd i’ve finished it once again 🥹
lemme come back here some other time again 🫡
Chapter 26: this never fails to get me 🥹🤌🏻
Chapter 25: i’m gonna break down ahsgajshs 🥹
Chapter 24: that’s it. go beehh!
Chapter 23: soomyun ‘ya piece of crap. istg this lady never fails to piss me off 🤺