
Beautiful Show


Your POV


“Neoege kkok hago sipeun hanmadi~

Eonjena We always singing just for you~”

I lazily got out of bed and clicked the snooze button on my alarm clock. I looked at the clock on my wall. ‘2:05AM’. I quickly ran over to my desk and picked up my phone.

I help my phone up to my chest smiling. -Vibrate- I looked at the screen and saw that I had one new text message. I looked at the name of the person who sent it. “Yang AegyoSeob.” I giggled at the nickname he gave himself. I quickly opened the text message.


From: Yang AegyoSeob

To: Me

Annyoung my B2UTY~ ;) I miss you :(


I smiled at his text and clicked reply.


From: Me

To: Yang AegyoSeob

Annyoung oppa~ I miss you too :( How is your schedule today?


I lazily walked back to my bed and fell onto my soft pillows. –Vibrate-


From: Yang AeygoSeob

To: Me

YAH! Go back to sleep! D: I know that it’s not time for you to be up right now! Go sleep and I’ll talk to you after. <3 :)


I giggled at his text and put my phone down on the bedside table and slowly fell back into dreamland.



4 months later.



I stood in line at the airport. I looked to my right and saw Yoomi standing beside me with her headphones in her ears. I smiled and looked ahead at the flight schedule.

‘Toronto to Seoul -> Korean Air -> 4:45PM’

“Next.” I heard the lady at the desk say. I poked Yoomi in the side and walked ahead to the waiting desk.

“Hello. Ticket please.” I handed the lady my ticket and passport giving her a warm smile. She glanced at my passport and back to me. She nodded and handed it back to me. Yoomi went through the same process and we headed towards the terminal. We both sat down on the bench in front of terminal KS729.

I looked over at Yoomi and smiled. She returned my smile and we both pulled out our phones. Part one was to text them saying how much we missed them.

I clicked create message and hoped that our plan would complete itself perfectly.


To: Yang AegyoSeob

Oppa :( I miss you so much. I hope you have fun at your fan meeting tomorrow afternoon! I’ll make sure to watch fancams ;)


I clicked send and peeked over at Yoomi’s phone. I managed to read the name “Junhyung Bear” before she shyly hid her phone from my sight. I laughed at her reaction and looked ahead waiting for out flight to be called.


I heard the speaker come on and a woman’s voice speak into it. “Flight KS729 Toronto to Seoul is ready for passengers.”

I got up and grabbed my bag before Yoomi and I made our way over to the growing line of passengers.

When we got up to the front, I gave the lady my ticket and passed through the long hall way over to the airplane.

I sat down at my seat and saw Yoomi sit next to me. We both looked out our window. ‘Goodbye for now Canada.’ I thought to myself.

Before we knew it, the airplane was preparing for lift off.

I looked out the window and saw Toronto turning into a small blur underneath us. I let out a sigh. “I’m going to miss it all.”

“It’s not like it’s forever.” I heard Yoomi comfort me from the side. I turned to look at her. “We’ll be back soon.” She whispered.

We spent the 13-hour flight talking and making videos for our blog. Yoomi fell asleep quickly and I looked out the window.

It didn’t seem too long ago that we had met B2ST. It has been a little over four months since I first stood on stage in front of thousands of fans. When I had danced with Hyunseung. When I had met Yoseob. When I had kissed him. I slowly trailed my finger over my bottom lip reminiscing the moment. I smiled. ‘This is going to be a good trip.’ I thought before I closed my eyes waiting for the moment where I wake up in Seoul.

“Passengers. Please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for landing.” Yoomi shaking me awaked me. I lazily rubbed my eyes looking at her confused.

“Seatbelt on. We’re almost here.” She smiled and jumped in her seat.

I nodded and fastened my seatbelt as I felt the plane lower. I looked out my window to be greeted by the city of Seoul. You could see all of the lights below in the dark sky.

The plane got closer and closer to the beautiful city and soon we were landing on the ground of Seoul’s airport.

“We have landed in Seoul, Korea. The time now is 6:12PM. Thank you for flying with KS729.”

I undid my seatbelt and got up from my seat stretching. “Aigoo~ I’m so tired now.” I yawned as I looked over at Yoomi. She grabbed my bag from the top compartment and tossed it at me. I mumbled a ‘thanks’ and we both made our way off the plane.

We quickly grabbed our waiting luggage and practically ran towards the exit. I took a step outside and breathed in the fresh air.

“Hello Seoul.” I heard Yoomi say beside me.

We called a taxi and made our way over to our booked hotel. Yoomi paid the driver and we stepped out of the taxi. It quickly drove off behind us leaving us to figure everything out on our own. I looked over at Yoomi and nodded. We made our way into the hotel and walked up to the front desk.

“Annyounghasseyo. Can I help you today?” The lady at the front desk asked politely.

Yoomi nodded. “Ne. We have a room booked under the name Haerin.” The lady scrolled through her computer. “Ah here it is. Room 263.” She handed us the keys and we thanked her before walking over to the elevator.
We pulled our luggage into the elevator and pressed level 3. Our elevator stopped at level two and the doors open to reveal a very sleepy and tired looking boy. Yoomi and I stood in the elevator shocked, not knowing what to do.

The boy walked in and looked at us. “Annyoung Haerin. Annyoung Yoomi.”

It took a few seconds for it to kick in that he had just seen us. He spun around and looked at us with a shocked expression. “HAERIN! YOOMI!” He yelled in surprise.

“Annyoung Dongwoon oppa.” I replied shyly. Yeah, we booked the same hotel that B2ST was staying at. It just made our plan easier. But we didn’t expect to run into any of them this early.

“What are you doing here? Yoseob and Junhyung are going to be so happy!” He said happily.

“NO!” Yoomi and I both yelled at the same time making Dongwoon jump back. “You can’t tell anyone that we’re here!” Yoomi threatened.

I laughed at Dongwoon’s expression. “Oppa, we are going to surprise Yoseob and Junhyung and the others. So you can’t say anything about us being here. Go it?” He nodded.

“I love being in on surprises.” He said happily. The elevator stopped at level 3 and the doors opened. “Remember. Don’t tell them anything.” Yoomi pleaded and Dongwoon nodded as the elevator closed.

Yoomi and I made our way over to our hotel room and opened the door to see a beautiful apartment like room. There was a hallway that led over to the living room. To the right was a small kitchen, and to the left was a huge bedroom with a king sized bed in the middle of it.

Yoomi dropped her luggage and ran over to the bed. She jumped right onto it landing face first in the soft white mattress. I laughed as she rolled over onto her stomach and laughed at herself.

“Waa~! This place is amazing!” She yelled happily. I quickly dropped my luggage and ran over to the bed jumping right onto Yoomi.

“YAH! Get off!” She wiggled underneath me but I just laughed. I loved doing this to my best friend. I gave her a huge smile before getting off of her.

“Lets go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.” She nodded and we went to go change into our pyjamas before crawling under plump covers of the bed.

‘I can’t wait to see Yoseob again.’ I smiled before falling into a deep sleep.


I slowly opened my eyes but quickly shut them and hid under the covers once I saw the bright light from the window. I slowly peeked out from under the covers, letting my eyes adjust to the sudden light. I looked over at Yoomi and saw that she was still sleeping. I quickly ran over to grab my ipod and camera and ran back over to the bedroom. I turned the camera on, preparing to videotape the amazing ‘Waking of Yoomi.’ I scrolled through my ipod looking for a B2ST song where Junhyung raps and pressed play. While the camera was rolling, I yelled out “OMG! LOOK ITS JUNHYUNG!” Yoomi instantly sprang out of bed yelling “WHERE?” and flailing all over the place. I tried to keep the camera still while laughing so hard at her reaction.

“Aigoo~ After knowing him for so long, you’d think you would be used to hearing his name. But I guess not.” I teased.

“Aishh! Why did you wake me like that?” Yoomi pouted.

“Because it’s already 12 and we need to be down at the venue by 2.” Yoomi ran into the bathroom and I heard the shower start. ‘I guess I should get ready then.’


Yoomi and I made our way down the street trying to remember where the venue was. We finally spotted a large group of mostly girls waiting outside of a building. We walked up to the crowd and heard them talking about B2ST.

“Yeup. We’re in the right place.” I heard Yoomi tell me. “Lets go talk to the security guard, maybe he can let us in.”

“Doubt it. He will think we’re just some crazy fans.” I mumbled.

We walk over to the security guard asking for entrance, but got denied and had to go back into the crowd.

I pulled out my phone. “Why don’t I text Dongwoon to let us in.” Yoomi simply nodded and kept looking around the outside of the building.

We went back up to the security guard after getting a text from Dongwoon saying that we could go in. He asked the security guard to let us in, and he did.
We walked into the venue being careful not to run into any of the B2ST members. We made out way over to the smaller group of fans waiting in line for the fan signing.

“Come on. We should wait here. And then go up with the rest of the fans.” Yoomi suggested and I nodded.

‘Part two of the plan was going great so far.’

Slowly, the fan signing was starting. The fans waiting outside were being let in to join the line.

Soon I saw the members walk in behind the table and introduce themselves. They sat down and called the first fan up.

“Let it all begin.” I whispered to Yoomi.

We slowly made our way closer and closer to the table. ‘I can’t wait to see Yoseob’s reaction.’

Only ten fans in front of us now. Eight fans. Four fans. One fan. “Next.” I heard their manager call.

I smiled at Yoomi. “It’s show time.”
We both walked up to the table and went to Doojoong first. “Annyoung. I’m Dooj-” He cut himself off when he saw us. “Haerin. Yoomi.” “Shhh.” We both put out fingers to our lips and each pointed to the boy we wanted to see most. Doojoon nodded and continued to pretend that we were normal fans. Next we went over to Kikwang, who had pretty much the same reaction as Doojoon. We walked over to Dongwoon next and thanked him for helping us get in. Next was Junhyung. I winked at Yoomi before we walked over to him. “Annyoung I’m J-” He looked up and froze when he saw Yoomi standing in front of him. “Y-Yoomi.” He said happily. I waved at him and kept walking when I got no reaction. Leaving Yoomi to talk to her man.

I stopped in front of Yoseob and took a deep breath. “Annyoung.” I said cheerfully. “Annyo-” He looked up and froze when he saw me. I gave him a shy smile and waved. He suddenly got up from his chair and hugged me over the table. I heard fans from the line gasp at his action. I felt something wet hit my shoulder and looked into his eyes when he pulled away. He was crying.

“I’m so happy to see you.” He said shocked.

“Surprise~” I sang.

He held my hand over the table. “Why are you here?” He asked, finally getting back to his happy normal self.

“Yoomi just couldn’t stop talking about Junhyung, so I did her a favour and flew all the way to Seoul.” I . “I wanted to see you silly. I haven’t seen you for over four months.” I smiled at him. “You can’t expect me not to miss you when I keep thinking about how you kissed me.” I blushed and saw Yoseob smile.

“I can always kiss you again.” I saw him lean in over the table but we both pulled away after hearing fans screaming. We both looked over to the side, and I was shocked to see Junhyung and Yoomi locking lips in a heated kiss.

“YAH! Bapo!” I yelled at Yoomi, but got no reaction from her. She was too busy in her own world with Junhyung.

I kept staring at Junhyung and Yoomi making out in front of all of the fans. “Bapo, you’re going to get mobbed after.” I mumbled.

“Why not take advantage of the distracted fans?” I heard Yoseob ask. I turned my head to face him, but was greeted by his soft pink lips coming in contact with mine.

The poor fans, half of them were crying after seeing two of their idols kissing girls. But I couldn’t care about that now, not when I had my lips pressed against Yoseobs.

He pulled away after a couple of minutes. I blushed a bright red colour and Yoseob pulled me behind the table where he was standing.

He cleared his throat. “Everyone! B2UTY. I want you all to meet my girl friend, Park Haerin. I hope you all support our relationship.” I was shocked at the fact that Yoseob just called me his girl friend. I expected it, but hearing it just made it that much more real.

I heard Junhyung clear his throat as well. “And this is my gorgeous girl friend, Yang Yoomi. Isn’t she beautiful everyone?” Yoomi and I looked at each other, both blushing, and both hugging our boy friends.

It was nice to know that most of the fans accepted us. Not that they had much choice. I smirked at the thought. Because I had now stolen their precious Yoseob, and made him mine. 


Tada~ That's it! I'm done with this fic :D My very first completed chapter fanfiction. Yay~! *claps*

I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out :) I hope you guys enjoyed the story. 

Kekeke, I finished it at a nice time. Right before B2ST go on stage for their very first Beautiful Show concert in Seoul! <3

Alright~ now that I'm done this fanfic, I'm going to be finishing 'Be Mine?' and I'm going to be writing 'The Lost Cause' with my friend. 

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angeseop #1
Chapter 15: Wah~~ great job author nim my phone was almost dead but I didn't want to charge it yet because I was too focused on this story~! It's really good really, I mean it
Awesome :)
Sequel pls
New reader here
awww such a cute ending^^
Carmelnap #6
Such a nice ending!
letsflyto-seoul #7
awww, what a cute ending :')
OMG~ so cute ^_^
ah, I wish haerin was me #sigh
anyway it's a great story congrats :D