Chapter 7

Beautiful Show


Yoomi’s POV


I was waiting inline with Yeonghae and her friends waiting for Haerin to come back. I saw her walk away with some man, I couldn’t see his face, so I don’t know if it was someone she knew or not.

“Guys, I’ll be right back, I’m going to go find Haerin alright.” I told them as I walked out of line, towards the venue.

As I was walking I saw Haerin. She looked really dazed. I waved at her, but she didn’t see me. I walked right up to her, thinking she would stop as soon as she saw me. But she didn’t see me and walked right into me.

“Oh my goodness! I’m so sor-” She cut herself off when she saw my face. “Yoomi!” She yelled.

“Haerin-ah. Where did you go? And who was that man?” I asked her worried.

She snapped out of her dazed state and started jumping up and down. “You’ll never believe what just happened!” She yelled at me. “That man that I walked into the venue with was B2ST’s manager!”

“What?!” I asked her in shock. “B2ST’s manager?! What did he want with you?”

She was so excited, I could tell. “He saw me dancing to Trouble Maker, and asked me to help him. Hyuna couldn’t show up so he wants me to dance with Hyunseung. ON STAGE!” She yelled the last two words.

I was shocked. I didn’t even know what to say. “H-Hyunseung?” I couldn’t believe it. “You. Dancing with Hyunseung?”

“YES!” She jumped up and down around me.

“Haerin-ah!” I yelled at her. “This really is the best birthday present for you!”

“I know!” She yelled back excitedly. “I have to go back into the venue and get ready and all. So I won’t be going into the venue with you guys. You go in with out me, and I’ll meet you in the stands after I perform.”

I could see worry mixed in with excitement as she spoke. “Don’t worry, you’ll do great.” I encouraged her. “You know the choreography perfectly. Everyone will love you.” I gave her one last hug before she ran off into the venue.

As happy as I am for her, I can’t help but feel a little jealous. I want to meet B2ST to.


Your POV


I walked back into the venue after talking to Yoomi. ‘I can’t believe I’m about to meet Hyunseung, let alone dance with him’ I was very excited. It’s like a dream come true.
I pretty much ran up the flight of stairs and saw JiYong waiting in the hallway.

“Are you ready to go?” He asked me with a smile, and I nodded in return.

He led me through the hallway to a dressing room.

“I want you to change into the outfit that’s layout in the room. We need to make sure that it is comfortable for you to dance in it.” He explained to me as he led me through the door. “I’ll wait out here, come out when you’re done changing.”

I walked into the dressing room and saw a black and white dress laying on the chair and a pair of high black heels on the floor. I picked up the dress to get a better look at it. ‘It’s kinda short.’ I frowned as I thought of myself dancing on stage in it. I changed into it and looked in the mirror. I was right. The dress was short. ‘This is what I get for dancing in the place of Hyuna’s I smiled as I thought to myself. I put on the heels and walked around. They are really high, but surprisingly comfortable. I took one last look at myself in the mirror before I opened the door and stepped out.

Just like he said, JiYong was waiting for me outside of the dressing room.

He looked at me and smiled. “Good, shall we go to the practice room? You need to get comfortable with dancing with Hyunseung.” He explained to me as he led me through another hallway.

“Is this going to be your first time on stage?” He tried to start a conversation.

I shook my head. “I have performed on stage before, but never in front of an audience as big as this.” I smiled, “and never with an idol.”

“It’s not that bad when you start to dance. You forget about the audience.” He reassured me. “You’ll do great.” He stopped in front of the practice room. “Hyunseung is going to be here in a couple of minutes, he just needs to finish up some last minute outfit checks.” He opened the door for me; I walked in and heard the door close behind me.

I walked around the room looking around. ‘I still can’t believe this is happening.’ I kept imagining what it would feel like to stand on stage. I saw the stereo standing at the side of the room. I walked up to it and looked through the songs. I found Trouble Maker and pressed play.

I began to glide along the music and got lost in the beat. I hit every step perfectly on beat.

As the song came to and end, I heard clapping coming from the door. I turned around embarrassed and saw Hyunseung standing there. My whole body tensed up and I couldn’t move. I know I would be seeing him, but I still couldn’t believe it. He was standing right there in front of me. I waved shyly.

“Hello” I bowed. “My name is Haerin. It’s nice to meet you.”

He walked closer to me. “Hello Haerin, I’m Hyunseung, but I’m sure you already know that.” He winked at me and I felt my cheeks get warmer. “ You’re really good at dancing. I can see why JiYong was so excited when he came up to me telling me he found someone.” He smiled.

I blushed even more. It’s not everyday that an idol praises you. “T-Thank you so m-much.” I stuttered over my words.

He walked over to the stereo. “Ready to practice?” He smiled at me.

I nodded and he pressed play. I heard the familiar whistling noise come from the stereo as he came up to me. “Just relax and dance like how you normally would.”


We had a few fumbles during practice. Mostly from me being so nervous to be so close and intimate with him. But we got through it and we danced as if we’d been partners for a long time.

“Let’s go through it one more time and then we need to go get ready for the concert” He smiled again.

‘He’s not even my favourite member and he’s making me blush non-stop.’ I thought to myself as I felt my cheeks go red again.

We danced through Trouble Maker one last time before we left the room to go our separate ways.

“I’ll see you later.” He gave me a reassuring smile and went to the stylist noonas that were waiting for him.


Haha, looks like I had two update today xD;; 

This is what happens when I avoid homework. I probably wont update tomorrow because I have a lot to do after school. 

Hope you all like the story so far :D 

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angeseop #1
Chapter 15: Wah~~ great job author nim my phone was almost dead but I didn't want to charge it yet because I was too focused on this story~! It's really good really, I mean it
Awesome :)
Sequel pls
New reader here
awww such a cute ending^^
Carmelnap #6
Such a nice ending!
letsflyto-seoul #7
awww, what a cute ending :')
OMG~ so cute ^_^
ah, I wish haerin was me #sigh
anyway it's a great story congrats :D