20 Questions?

Fell for You, Literally.
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Will this be the last time I'll see you?






Lee Haerin. 



You must be crazy. 



You. Must. Be. Crazy. 



She doesn't get how she actually end up sitting behind this guy; whom she just met less than an hour ago and now they are on their way to have lunch, together. With this guy, everything seems to be the first to her.



It was her first time tripping and fell while looking at a guy, and that's him. It was her first time receiving a phone number from someone, and that's him. And right now, her first time riding a bike with a guy, and that's him too.



What game is God playing on me? She thought as she stares at his back, observing every little detail. He has big ears, like Dumbo, she snickered as she compares Chanyeol and Dumbo in her mind. 



"If you're gonna just hold onto the hem of my shirt, you'll fall." 



"H-Huh?", breaking her train of thoughts as she tries to listen to what he said. "We're gonna ride down a slope soon. You will fall if you're just holding on like this.", Chanyeol repeated. "I-It's ok. I can manage.", she assured. 



"Sure thing.", he chuckled as he speeds up, reaching the top of the slope in no time. 



"OH MY GOD!", wrapping her arms around Chanyeol's waist as she screams at the top of her lungs at the sudden drop. "Told ya!", he laughed and slows down the bike as it reaches the bottom.



"You should have warned me!", she released her arms and went back grabbing onto his shirt. Chanyeol swears he could see her pouting without turning back. "Well I did, didn't I?"









The ride remains quiet as Chanyeol continues to cycle down the street. Surprisingly, it wasn't awkward between both of them; which Haerin had thought it was going to be. As for Chanyeol, he couldn't be bothered with anything, except constantly replaying the scene of her shaking his hand as she says her name shyly. Lee Haerin, he smiled.



Soon the bike came to a stop in front of a rather small cafe with a minimalist interior. Wow. Haerin observed the place in awe, wondering why didn't she knew about this place when it's in her neighborhood. "We're here.", both of them got off the bike and locked it outside the cafe.



"This place serves the best sandwich and lemonade.", the man chimes as they take a seat by the window.



"Have you been here before?", he asked. She shook her head in reply. 



Chanyeol brows knit together at her silent answer. "What would you like to order?", passing her the menu. Haerin shooked her head once again, "It's ok. Just order your food, I'll just... sit here." pushing the menu back to his hands. 



"Haerin-ssi.", her name coming from the deep voice of his caught her off guard. My name just sounds ten times nicer. 



"Y-Yes?", finally looking at the man sitting across her. The man sighs, "Come on, don't spoil the mood. I ditched my friend for a handkerchief." She breath hitched as he mentions about him ditching his friend just for a piece of cloth. "Order at least something." "O-Ok." 



"Just saying, they really serve the best sandwich.", he smiled as he scribbles down his order on the order sheet and passes it to her. She too scribbled her order; which turns out to be the same as what Chanyeol ordered. Pure coincident, she swear. She herself loves lemonade, the only drink that will calm her down and in fact, she has a whole jug of lemonade at home. As for the sandwish, it happens to be the Recommended section in the menu. 



Chanyeol passes her a card, "Pay with this.".



Haerin shooked her head, "It's fine. I can pay for it. I owe you anyway." "Use it. No excuse.", he said firmly. She sighed and left to order at the counter.



Soon she came back with two receipts in her hand. "Here's your card and receipt.", she hands him his stuff before taking a seat. "Didn't I said to use my card to pay for everything?", he looked at her in amusement.



She glanced at him nervously, "I-I think it's not appropriate to use your money and I owe you so maybe paying for my own meal is the best I can do for now. I don't like people paying for my things either so... yeah.", nodded as she finishes her sentence. He chuckled and shooked his head, amused by this lady across him. 



Chanyeol wouldn't want to go on questioning her. He wouldn't want to make her feel bad further and if that's by her doing things her own way then so be it. She's very interesting, that he can't deny.



In his 24 years of age, never had he met a girl who would insist on paying herself. He likes how she seems very independent for a woman. That's rare to see and he is simply attracted to it. Yes. Chanyeol gotta agree he is attracted to her.



She may not have the best of looks or even body, something about her just hooks him, wanting to know more than the nervous looking person he is looking at right now.



People may think it's crazy, at the fact he only met her once, now twice. He thinks he's crazy too but he can't help it.



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Chapter 5: This is such a cute and good story! It's sad that it seems like it won't be update anymore TwT;
at least want to let author know that I do enjoy the story ♥