Episode 9: Why

EXO Next Door + 2

WHEN the door slammed close, they know that it's the time of their court hearing—but those are just some thoughts from the members.

They know that this scandal looks like a BIG JOKE since, what the public know is, it is Baekhyun who's with Chanyeol while trying to escape from the fans. Worst case is, they need to do an impromptu music video scene shooting and disturbed a lot of staffs from their company just to avoid further malicious scandals.

"Were you guys that crazy for an activity?" One of the head of their company starts. The fact that someone in a higher position wants to talk to them about this is enough for EXO members to be scared. They even wished that they'll just get scolded and receive no questions like these.

"Sajangnim," Suho lowered his head, but trying to brave himself to tell their reasons. "We will take full responsibility of this trouble. We are also sincerely sorry for all the staffs that we disturbed." He added.

The boss stared at each member who's standing in front of him. Suho, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Xiumin and Chen. The one's mainly involved plus the leader. Sehun, Kai, Lay and D.O. stayed at the back.

(A/N: This is a fiction. 'Boss' from their company might not be like that towards them in reality.)

"I know, and you guys should. Now what are you planning for that scene that some of you did? I'm sure that fans are already anticipating that. Your group activities are months away from this day. We don't want the blame to be on us 'again' when it's all your fault. You," the boss said while pertaining to Baekhyun.

"I heard that the story was all your idea. Are you planning to cross-dress while performing? You even posted an immediate update on your SNS about that. Do you prefer that image instead?" He scolds at Baekhyun who just lowered his look.

"With all due respect; No, Sajangnim." Baekhyun replied and bit his lips. He's secretly hoping that their sajangnim is convinced with his answer. They just heard him gave a deep sigh.

"And you," He said when he looked at Chanyeol next.

"Sajangnim. This is all my fault. I should be the one to take full responsibility of this scandal. But if you will allow us, we would like to continue the idea of that one scene that the other members shoot. We know our fans very well and if you will give us a chance, to pursue this activity, I know that they will love it. We understand that you postponed our activities and decided to focus on our individual activities however, this is a way that I and the other members thought of to bring back everything in its right places." Chanyeol explained. The other members are starting to intensely feel nervous. They are just hoping for the boss to bite their bait.

Another deep sigh was heard from their Sajangnim. "You are seen running with a girl. Not yet Baekhyun. Who is that? Are you in a relationship right now?" The other guys start to tremble. They just wish that Chanyeol will say the right thing so this will end peacefully.

"She is..." He started.

D.O. lifted his look at Chanyeol's back. "Idiot, say NO." He thought while scrunching his brows together, trying to send this message to Chanyeol thru telepathy that he hopes exist within their group.

"... an old colleague, Sir. I just happen to travel to Namsan to relieve my stress while trying to get inspiration for my next song works. We just accidentally met at the tower and I did not expect that there will be fans that time."

The sajangnim looked at him from head-to-toe. "Take full responsibility of all of this. You can involve some staffs who's willing to help you and your members but make sure that this one will work out." He said those that made the members lift their heads to thank him and bow down at him.

"I WILL DO MY BEST." Chanyeol clearly said and bowed his head as low as he can.

They heard the door shut closed and after, each member heaved a sigh.

While some members hug each other to relieve their anxiety, Chanyeol just stood at the front while thinking deeply about what just happened. Suho decided to talk to him and so, he gave him a tap on his shoulder. Chanyeol responded by just looking back at Suho.

"You shouldn't have said that. You can't claim that responsibility when I am the leader, and we live as a group." Suho tried to give Chanyeol a smile, but he just responded back with a weak smile.

"But it's all my fault, hyung." He replied.

Soon, he received taps from the members on his back.

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? YOU GAVE US AN INSTANT ACTIVITY." Chen cheerfully said, trying to cheer Chanyeol up.

"Yah, Kim JongDae. Aren't you going to thank me first? The concept was mine! I even have to be a girl this time, woah." Baekhyun said and shook his head. The others just laugh at him.

"I will thank you first, Baekhyun. You actually saved the group because of your idea." Lay said and he suddenly gave Baekhyun a peck on his left cheek.

Baekhyun wasn't able to avoid it and it was too late. He gasps a huge amount of air and touched his cheeks to wipe it. The others laughed at that hilarious scene.

"Ja! Let's go home now. Others who have a schedule, you can use the van. Those who doesn't have, let's just ride home using my car." Suho suggested and they left the office.

YEONHEE doesn't have anything to do since, finals just ended and now she's just waiting for the next semester to start. Even if D.O. told her to just take a rest, she still went to EXO's house to clean it.

She's currently at the basement while arranging the stuff that's scattered all around the place. "This house is a mess every day. Why does boys have to be this messy?" She talked to herself while folding the blanket that she found on the floor. She put it neatly on the couch.

She remembers that Sehun and Suho are the one's who's sleeping at the basement. She found out about that when one time, she's cleaning and found a pile of clothes that needs to be washed. The clothes mostly belong to Sehun and Suho because she has seen them wearing those.

She turned her head to the direction of the door when she hears it opened.

"They're home!" She tried to fix her clothes (actually, her apron) and her hair. She also brings the cleaning materials with her.

She wore a bright smile before greeting them. "Welcome back home!" She said. Suho and Sehun looked surprised while Baekhyun and Kai smiled back at him.

"Yeonhee-ssi, what are you doing here?" Suho asked. The look on his face made Yeonhee to drop her smile. Others looked puzzled because of Suho's question.

"Uhm... I just cleaned your house." She replied.

"Did anyone saw you entering this house? You should be careful from now on." Suho said. Kai, Baekhyun and Sehun exchanged looks at each other.

"Uhm... n-no one saw me. Besides," She again tried to show a smile, hoping that Suho will do the same. "No one's really roaming around our subdivision."

"Even so. We don't even know if some fans are starting to search for our current location. We can't be sure if the fans really are convinced that it's Baekhyun yesterday." Suho retorted.

"Ey, hyung," Baekhyun tapped Suho's chest lightly. "Incheon-ttae has been cleaning here for a long time. And she is right, no one really wanders around this place. That's why we choose to stay here on Chanyeol's Grandpa's house. Right?" He awkwardly grinned at Kai and Sehun trying to get a support.

"Ohhh, y-yes. That's right hyung. I can even freely ride a bike with Gwangsu around this place." Sehun said in favored of Baekhyun.

Suho looked back at the three, trying to ask why do they seem to be on Yeonhee's side with his facial expression. The three just shrugged their shoulders.

He once again looked back at Yeonhee. "You can go now." He ordered her in a cold tone while gesturing his head towards the door.

Yeonhee have to look down because she's starting to feel embarrassed. "I'm... I'm sorry. I'll go now." She started to walk away and out of the house.

"HYUNG, why do you sound so rude to Incheon-ttae?" Kai asked.

"Did I? When did I?"

"Eyy, hyung. Incheon-ttae is also our friend. She also helps us a lot in keeping this house in order. You should have been politer in front of her." Sehun said.

Suho faced them, eyebrows were furrowed up. "I just told her to be more careful. It is not just for our safety but also hers." He said and made his way out of the basement.

"Why does he sounds like he's mad at Incheon-ttae?" Kai asked the other two.

"I dunno, too. Maybe it's because of the scold that we got from sajangnim. We might look cheerful a while ago but I'm sure, Suho hyung is just worried for us." Sehun said.

"Yah, do you think Incheon-ttae misunderstood Suho-hyung?" Kai again asked.

"I'll check Incheon-ttae." Baekhyun offered and dressed for a disguise since, it's still day time. Just to be sure.

The two rested on the sofa, "Hyung be careful!" Kai said before Baekhyun left the house.

"Ah, right. How's your foot?" Sehun asked Kai who also gave a look on his covered foot.

"It's better now. I won't be able to walk a while ago if it's not." He answered and gave an assuring smile at Sehun.

"Ohh. That's good to hear. But, continue using that cane just to be sure and for a support. Wait here," Sehun stood up and straighten his pants. "I'll check for food on the kitchen. I'll bring snacks here, let's play a video game!"

"Okay, call!" Kai replied.

CHANYEOL was spacing out while trying to work for a wider concept of Exo's sub-unit. After that meeting—or should we say scolding session with their sajangnim, his assistant was asked to tell Chanyeol that their boss wants to see a draft of his plan for his co-members. Since he took responsibility of it, he has to work for it.

He once again wrinkled the paper and throw it at the trash bin. He scratched his head and heaved a sigh.

"For the members, I have to do this for them. And Yeonhee," he thought to himself and started scribbling on the paper once again.

BUT THEN, the thought of the bad luck that he brings keeps on bugging his mind.

Why when it comes to him, OR THEM, the two of them, there's always a trouble occurring. While on their date, he heard from Yeonhee about that day that he returned home. The feast-like food on the table. He heard that she prepared it together with Kyungsoo. She even told him that the both of them went together on the market to buy groceries. They came back home safely without any misfortune happening. Why can't it be like that for the two of them, too?

He doesn't know why but, while thinking about it this time—because he's so happy during their date. He doesn't mind what kind of story Yeonhee is telling, as long as it's her—he kind of felt jealous. He doesn't know if directly with Kyungsoo or just about the fact that, they can go out together without creating trouble.

"Why am I such a bad luck? Not just for anyone around me, but for myself, too." He thought to himself while frowning at the paper. He's wishing that this project will not have any bad luck from him. This project needs to be successful. He needs to prove it to their sajangnim.

He looked back at the paper and start writing.

The One.


Typing an update thru MS Word is the best. I can finish it within an hour or two? Yeah, it took me that long Q_Q 4 hours when I'm using phone .___.

ANYWAY, yas... today I'm surprised that I was able to write an update when, as far as I can remember, EXO just melted my brain because of that Eclipse teaser and all of those theories that appeared right before I close my eyes to take my sleep. I slept late today 2:30 am. And the moment I woke up: EXO, ECLIPSE, THEORY, APRIL 8, REVERSED TIME. Non-stop. This will be the nth time I'm gonna say this. My brain wants to do a suicide XD it wants to jump out of my skull because I'm using it too much, soo much.


Thank you so much for STILL reading this fic ;__; despite of how I can't still narrate properly and it's full of descriptions. I'm working on it, I just hope it's working.

The next chap... OHHHHH, I don't know when I'll be able to update but, someone might be hinting about something.



P.S: I published another fanfiction. It is based on the korean drama "Seven first kisses" I just watched the drama the day before I published that story here xD the chaps doesn't have any story yet and I just wrote the rules first but, I hope I'll be able to update soon. It's making me excited. *_* I'm wondering if I can get a word about what you think about that story? ^^ THANKS IN ADVANCE :D

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I am back from the dead. >:D


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littlemisschic04 #1
Chapter 19: Cant wait for the season 3 ^^
pudding_islove #2
Chapter 18: Ohmyg what is happening
Chapter 19: Chanyeol's an idiot but this girl is more of an idiot and I'm pretty sure idiocy should stick together. Besides, it worked a bit better once they figured things out in the drama, they'll inevitably work it out again and things will be fine again.
pudding_islove #4
Chapter 16: Idk why but i expected suho to be the other one placing his bet on who yeonhee would choose hahah
pudding_islove #5
Chapter 15: Cutieee hahahahhaha love the update ?
Chapter 7: Nice story!! Anticipating the next update ^^