Episode 13: Sneaking

EXO Next Door + 2

“SEHUN always goes to your brother every now and then. I think they are really best of friends now.” Baekhyun said. He pulled another slice of pizza from the box and took a bite.

Yeonhee awkwardly smiled at the four of them. “W-well… I’m not really sure. Gwangsu’s always staying in his tent and we are kinda busy cleaning the house as well as, for me, helping you clean your house as my part-time job. I don’t have the time to meet and talk to him but during lunch or dinner.”

“Right.” Yeonhee turned her attention to Suho. He came minutes after the food arrived. “I would like to thank you again for helping my co-members to clean this house. I heard that they really did a big mess this time. I know that if it wasn’t for you, I will end up scolding them. Thank you, Incheon-ttae.” Suho smiled at her.

Yeonhee knew that she was blushing upon seeing Suho’s smile so she has to make an excuse to leave them for a while. She stood up. “Uhm… I a-almost forgot. I have to take out the trash from the kitchen.”

“Noona! Let me help you then.” Kai stood up, too and they left the living room as soon as possible.

Baekhyun, Suho and D.O. followed them by looking. “Good to see that Kai is doing fine now.” D.O. commented.

“Yeah, just in the right timing. By the way, tomorrow, we have to go to the company for a meeting about our fan meet in China.” Suho said.

Baekhyun looked at him with his brows scrunched together. “Fan meeting? I thought, there will be no group activities for us as of now?”

“Yah,” D.O. nudged him. “At least we have an activity together. Just be thankful.”

“But you’re just from your movie shooting. Can you go and travel with us?”

“Of course. I think I just need a little rest.” D.O. replied.

“It’s for our Nature Republic Sponsorship. We have to promote in China since, a lot of our fans are demanding that we should visit them, too. Aside from that, we can also attend Chanyeol’s movie showing.” Suho explained. He started cleaning the center table in the living room.

“Oh! You’re done eating?” The guys turned their heads when Yeonhee came back with Kai.

“Good thing they didn’t went out that long.”

“Yes we’re done. I’ll help cleaning. You’ve been cleaning since morning, I supposed. Kyungsoo,” Suho turned his look to D.O. and gestured his head towards the rooms. “You can now go to your room and complete your rest, we have a schedule tomorrow.”

D.O. nodded and went near Yeonhee first. “I’d like to help you too, but I really need to have a rest now. I’ll just see you tomorrow, Yeonhee. Goodnight.” He said and smiled at Yeonhee while waving.

“Goodnight too, D.O-ssi. Don’t worry, these are just easy to clean.” Yeonhee waved back and D.O. nodded at her, agreeing to what she said.

“Ja! Incheon-ttae. I’ll help Suho hyung with the rest. You’ve worked hard today. Go home safely. Goodnight!” Baekhyun did a peace sign while waving it at Yeonhee.

Yeonhee smiled back and did a quick bow. “You’ve worked hard, too! See you all tomorrow, goodnight.”

“Oh, Noona, let me walk you home.” Kai walked together with Yeonhee while she’s on her way out of the house.

“No need, my house is just at the neighborhood.”

“It’s already dark outside. Let’s just be sure…” Their voices start to fade from the two.

“Aish. That kid really,” Baekhyun whispered to himself while trying to follow Yeonhee and Kai’s direction and trying to peek outside the window to trace them.

Suho’s forehead wrinkled upon noticing Baekhyun. “Yah. What are you doing? I thought you’re going to help me clean these things?”

“Huh? N-nothing, hyung. I’m helping you, you see.” He picked up the bottle of soda to put it inside the trash bag.

Suho just squinted his eyes on Baekhyun.

“OUR house is just few walks away from your house. You don’t really need to walk with me. Besides, this village is safe.” Yeonhee said while they are slowly walking towards their house. Kai is just smiling and listening at her.

After a few steps, they stopped in front of Yeonhee’s family’s house’s gate. “Ja! I’m already here. Safe and sound. Please go back now and goodnight.” She waved at him but before she can even open their gate, Kai started to talk.

“Baekhyun hyung will surely talk to me about this. Or… I don’t know if he will.” He lightly chuckled to look down after. “I think I will not be able to sleep peacefully tonight. Since those phrases that I told you earlier, that thought keeps on bugging my mind. Baekhyun hyung said that I should stop as early as now.” He stopped talking for a moment to scratch the back of his head. He looked up again but he kept his eyes away from Yeonhee.

“What is he talking about?” Yeonhee’s face turned confused as she also tried to think. She also averted her eyes away from Kai to think. “Is he, again trying to ask help from me? I think he wants me to talk to Baekhyun to clear things up.” She also scratched her head. “But I need a good timing though. I almost asked Baekhyun, but something was up with him that time.”

“But I think it’s so unfair when I’m the only one he’s trying to stop.” He once again chuckled. “I suddenly remembered that time that I thought I’m your most favorite EXO member. That was nice to know. But I know what’s going on with two of our members. I know what’s they’re up to with you, and I got excited because of that. I got excited that I started to think about you, too. Then suddenly, I understand why they are like that towards you, too. Because the same goes for me. I think I also feel the same like them.” He gave a weak smile to Yeonhee whose forehead’s creased up because of confusion.

“Uhm… honestly, I don’t know what to say. But I want you to know that I almost, almost cleared things up to Baekhyun. But the timing was really wrong. But I promise you! I will explain it to Baekhyun the soonest! And for that thing,” she put a hand over Kai’s left shoulder to pat it. “Don’t worry. You are also my favorite. Every EXO member is my favorite. Because you’re all a universal star. As for the last thing you said, yes, I think you can also feel the same just like them. You can treat me just like a friend, too! Treat me as your favorite house helper. Ja! Goodnight and see you tomorrow!” Yeonhee happily waved at Kai before she entered their gates.

Kai laughed silently as soon as Yeonhee was gone and out of his sight. He shook his head while smiling widely towards Yeonhee’s direction.

“Why does she have to be that dense? Ahhhhhh, that’s so cute though.” He again shook his head before returning back to EXO’s house.

IN CHINA, Chanyeol and his manager is currently preparing to tuck themselves into bed. Chanyeol keeps on sighing since he went to China five days ago. He also keeps on checking his phone and saw that Suho just messaged their group chat.

Suho informed him that they will be in China the day after tomorrow for the fan meeting for Nature Republic, as well as, to support his movie premier.

“Yah. Quit using your phone especially during night time. You’ve hardly had sleep and remember that you can’t have that same low energy while you’re doing the dub for your lines the past few days. You can’t show yourself like that to the fans. They are anticipating much from you. Go to sleep now.”

Chanyeol lowered his head while being scolded by their manager hyung. “Yes, hyung. Sorry.”

The manager started shifting himself on his bed but he stopped when he noticed Chanyeol’s grumpy face. “Did something happened before you went here? Was it something to do about you and another member? You did you had a fight this time?”

“It’s not like that, hyung. I didn’t have a fight with any of them. It’s just something to do with me. Just… me.” He sighed one more time before he put down his phone and completely lay down on his bed.

WHILE taking breakfast, Baekhyun’s been looking at Kai from time to time. Observing if there’s something different about him after last night. He went back home with a lifted mood and he even happily helped the two of them to clean the rest. He’s suspecting it was something to do with Yeonhee.

“I heard from the manager that Chanyeol isn’t doing well in China.” D.O. suddenly said when he stopped eating for a moment.

“Maybe Chanyeol hyung is feeling homesick. Or he isn’t having enough rest since he went there.” Kai commented.

“Homesick what? He left without even talking to us. Maybe he’s got a problem with one of us that is related to something about him. Or someone?” Baekhyun said. The other four looked at him because of that. Baekhyun was a bit taken a back upon noticing the look of each members on him. “I mean. It’s just a maybe. I’m just trying to give ideas.” He shrugged his shoulder before getting back on his bread.

“I think Kai is right. Maybe he just needs our support. That’s why I told him that we are going to China for his movie premier. He will feel better soon when we meet him.” Suho said.

“Or if he really is feeling homesick, I think we should bring him something he wants.” Sehun said. The other four shifted their gaze on him this time.

“What should we bring then?” Baekhyun asked.

“Korean beef? I suggest we also bring Incheon-ttae.” Sehun said and the other four suddenly stopped from whatever they are doing.

“Why are you bringing up Incheon-ttae in here?” Suho seriously said.

“Uhm, nothing. I just thought that, maybe they needed to talk? Or, you know. Childhood friends knows best for each other.”

“Then we should just ask Yeonhee about that. Why do you want to bring her with us? As if she willㅡwell, I think she will come?” This time, the four has a wondering look while staring at D.O. “N-no. It’s just… I just thought that we haven’t done anything for Yeonhee since day 1. And I think she will like to see Chanyeol’s movie too. And she’ll like to travel. She’s our friend right? And I think she also likes to show support to Chanyeol. W-well, that’s just what I think.”

“Bingo.” Sehun whispered.

“Well, I’d like to treat Incheon-ttae for a movie viewing too, or a trip but, our fans will see her. We have to avoid incidents like what happened to Namsan tower. What were you thinking, Kyungsoo?” Suho said.

D.O. just shook his head.

“I also heard from Gwangsu that she topped their class for finals. Unfortunately, their Mom cannot give her anything as a token this time because renters payments were delayed. We can just book her a different flight and just book her a room near ours in China. This is going to be exciting.” Sehun clapped his hands, showing excitement to the guys.

Suho, who’s forehead is still wrinkled asked. “Well, the question is, will she come?”

“I’ll ask Noona about it.” Kai stood up but Baekhyun followed him and stood up, too.

“I’ll tell Incheon-ttae.” He firmly said. “I’ll tell her everything about the trip and stuff. Movie viewing etcetera.” Baekhyun left without another word.

“Whoa. I think Baekhyun hyung is also excited. I’m excited for all of this!” Sehun said while stretching his hands up as he stood up. “I’ll be back before our ride arrives. I just need to talk to my friend.” He said and started walking to go out of the house.

“Tell Baekhyun to go back as soon as he got an answer from Incheon-ttae!” Suho added.

Sehun started eavesdropping as soon as he left their house. He has this sheepish smile on his face while peeking behind the bush near where Baekhyun and Yeonhee is casually talking. Suddenly, Yeonhee’s face went surprised.

“Aish. What a waste, I can’t hear what they’re talking about unlike Kai last night. I wonder if Baekhyun hyung told her the other thing rather than our trip to China? I wonder what’s Incheon-ttae telling to Baekhyun hyung? Ohhhhh. She’s patting his shoulder? Why? Is she comforting her because she… no way. She rejected hyung right away? Or might be our trip? Tsk. If only I can get closer, but they will notice me. O-oh?” Sehun saw Baekhyun walking away from Yeonhee with an awkward face. “Why is Baekhyun hyung… blushing?”



Sneaky Sehun *_* I’m still thinking who will be his best man among those people who likes Incheon-ttae. Ya remember? His deal with Gwangsu?? xD hahahahhaha

ANYWAYS, FAAAAAAAAAAAAM! Thank you so much for reading up to here!  My loves, thank you soooooooo much!

Till the next Episode!





I have another fanfic about EXO OT12 ^^ the title is “Twelve First Kisses” and is based on that drama seven first kisses. So far, half of the member’s stories are up to read :D I hope you can also visit that story and give love to it ^__^ it’s genre is, of course, fan fiction, then fantasy. Because there is magical thingy. Kkkk XoXo

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I am back from the dead. >:D


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littlemisschic04 #1
Chapter 19: Cant wait for the season 3 ^^
pudding_islove #2
Chapter 18: Ohmyg what is happening
Chapter 19: Chanyeol's an idiot but this girl is more of an idiot and I'm pretty sure idiocy should stick together. Besides, it worked a bit better once they figured things out in the drama, they'll inevitably work it out again and things will be fine again.
pudding_islove #4
Chapter 16: Idk why but i expected suho to be the other one placing his bet on who yeonhee would choose hahah
pudding_islove #5
Chapter 15: Cutieee hahahahhaha love the update ?
Chapter 7: Nice story!! Anticipating the next update ^^