The love not understood

Sugar Mama
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A/N: Okay, thanks so much everyone that reviewed this last chapter and upvoted it too. Maybe in the epilogue I’ll reveal more about the original direction of this fic versus what it has become, a lot of you do seem to like this and I do appreciate it. Enjoy chapter 13


It has been three days with Taeyeon and each time Seulgi looked for a chance to escape, Taeyeon made certain she couldn’t. The closest attempt ended in an even worse injury. Seulgi had been struck from behind and tripped down the stairs of the back entrance to the house. Her arm currently in a makeshift cast, and of limited use. The new fall also made it harder for her to stand or walk for long. It’s also why she gave up totally on trying to escape. Seulgi would just lay in bed for hours, refusing to give much attention to the older raven.


When the monolid girl was alone, which was for most hours out of the day. It really gave her a lot of time to think, as she also didn’t have a whole lot to do. Taeyeon, despite her mostly disturbed behavior would no matter what take care of her. She continued to treat her wounds, probably because she inflicted them in the first place. The older raven made all of her meals, and when she found out Seulgi liked certain snacks. She also made sure she had those around for her too. It would feel like Seulgi was a guest in her home sometimes, but not truly because of the gun, and she was essentially being held against her will.


Taeyeon also helped her to dress, bathe, and walk when needed. There was also times Seulgi swore she could see regret, or perhaps remorse? Seulgi knew she should probably hate Taeyeon, as realistically she would hate the person who has done this to her. Her parents raised her to be kind, and to find good in everyone. It was what she was trying to do here, and for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to hate Taeyeon, not entirely. What she really felt was sorry for her, because there just had to be some other reason as to why the older woman was doing all this. It couldn’t possibly be all because she grew fascinated by the younger girl.


Right now she and Taeyeon are sitting in what is an uncomfortable silence. The record label owner sighs and looks away from the younger woman.


“Don’t look at me like that.” Taeyeon tells her. Seulgi is laying in bed, as the fall she had taken has kept her mostly off her feet. The reason why she is looking at the label owner is because she overheard parts of a conversation that Taeyeon most likely wouldn’t have wanted her to.




Seulgi awoke mostly from the full pain in her arms, but she also could hear Taeyeon, and what sounded like an intense conversation.


“No, mother. I won’t be making it to dinner next week.”


Seulgi slowly gets up, so that she can try to hear better. The younger-dark haired girl can’t stand but so much. Not with her knees, legs, and even feet with various injuries, mostly cuts, bruises for the most part. Seulgi does make it a few wobbly feet before falling down.


“Why should I come to a dinner where I’m not wanted?”


“Not wanted?” Seulgi thinks, then swears she hears what sounds oddly like a sound of someone about to cry, although it sounds odd to think off Taeyeon crying for any reason. Seulgi does think she might have heard crying at some points in the middle of the nights too, but that she also can’t be completely sure of.


“No, mother. I don’t want to be at a dinner that will constantly remind me that I’m your disappointment, or one of them, goodbye.”


Seulgi tries to pick herself up, so that she can get back into bed. She doesn’t make it before Taeyeon returns.


“You shouldn’t be trying to move so much, Seulgi.” She helps her up.


“I guess there’s no chance of you taking me to a hospital, huh?” The monolid girl laughs bitterly. Taeyeon doesn’t respond. Seulgi doesn’t need her to answer. She knows there won’t be any hospital visits for her, at least not now.




Taeyeon is looking faraway, and Seulgi sits up to reach for her hand. The action surprised the older woman. She has no idea why Seulgi isn’t acting more furious, after all she has more injuries now because of her. Taeyeon had not meant to lose control and hurt the younger girl, but she did. It’s why she’s doing her absolute best to care for her.


“Do you not get along with your parents?” Seulgi questions. Taeyeon pulls her hand away, but finds she misses the warmth that Seulgi’s hand provided. The older woman can’t remember the last time she’s felt warmth from anyone.


“You heard my conversation.”


“I only heard a little, I’m sorry.”


“Well, you already heard some, but yes my parents and I don’t get along. That is honestly an understatement.”


“Do you want to talk about it?”


Taeyeon gives a skeptical look. Seulgi explains that she’s here anyway, and why not talk to her. The monolid girl offers to talk to her about herself in return. The raven gives a nod. Seulgi makes her feel comfortable, and so she begins to tell the younger girl some about herself, and her life.


It had been an agonizing three days for Joohyun, her three days were restless, as she was running on so few hours of sleep. Her nights would be plagued with nightmares full of worst scenario situations, all of which Joohyun hoped would not come to pass. The CEO also took it upon herself to invite Seulgi’s parents to stay at her apartment. They had been grateful to Joohyun for all of her assistance, generosity, and all she was doing to locate their daughter. Seulgi’s dad also had shared with her the odd message his daughter left for them.


“Do you think she’s surrounded by trees?” Mrs. Kang wonders, as she sets down some food for the three of them. These few days with Seulgi’s parents have made her feel like being a part of a family again. It’s been such a long time since Joohyun has felt the feeling of a family. The only person that is missing is Seulgi. Her people have been able to rule out any foreign addresses, so that means Taeyeon is still somewhere in the country. Her friends as well have been helping too, by asking around, and using any contacts they have.


“There are only a few more places my people haven’t searched. The police are also finally doing their jobs. Mr. and Mrs. Kang, you know I won’t stop until I bring her home, right?”


They do know. The Kangs could see how much Joohyun loved their daughter. She wouldn’t be going this far for her if she hadn’t loved Seulgi very much. They thank her again for all she’s doing, and remind her to take care of herself too. Joohyun assures them she will and more importantly will be fine once they find Seulgi. The businesswoman goes into the office soon after that, but it's not for work. She is hoping to send out a viewable message through media outlets and hopes to appeal to some part of Taeyeon’s humanity. She just also hopes someone who may know something will come forward.


“Ms. Bae, when you’re ready. You can deliver your message.”


“Thank you,” the brunette gives a nod to her staff. She doesn’t like to publicly show off all of her emotions. At this time she doesn’t care if she looks weak or vulnerable. She is only trying to get the person she loves back. The staff signal to her that everything is all set for her to begin. She looks right into the camera as she speaks.


“Good afternoon, my name is Bae Joohyun, most of you know me as the CEO of Bae Unlimited, some of you know me through personal business dealings, and many of you don’t know me at all. Nevertheless, I am here to appeal to what I hope is the goodness still out there in the world. Recently, my girlfriend Kang Seulgi has been abducted by record label owner Kim Taeyeon. She is out there, possibly injured, scared, and with someone she shouldn’t be with. It is my sincere hope that anyone who might know anything about this incident, please come forward.” The brunette pauses as she wipes away at some stray tears.


“I am fully prepared to offer a substantial amount of reward money for accurate information, and even more for help with bringing my girlfriend home to me. She is 5’3, dark hair, monolid, and this is her photo. She could also very well be injured so it’s very important we find her soon. Thank you, for listening.”


Joohyun ends the message with several of her staff commending her bravery in this difficult time. The CEO doesn’t feel brave. She just knows she will stop at nothing to bring Seulgi back. All of Seulgi’s school friends not just Seungwan, Yeri, and Joy have also come together in support for one another. They try to remain positive that Seulgi will return, and be back with them soon. Joy had ultimately apologized to Joohyun because she said a lot in the heat of the moment. She was just angry and needed someone to lash out. Now that had passed she even asked her dad if he knew anything about Kim Taeyeon, or her possible whereabouts.


“Joy, did your dad tell you anything that might help?” Seungwan wonders as the three of them are sitting together.


“He said he’s met her before a few times. He just couldn’t help with knowing where she might go, but he said he would ask around.”


“Seulgi-unnie, will come back.” Yeri whispers to her and gives her girlfriend a hug. Seungwan also hopes this is the case. She knew something was going on with her best friend. She just didn’t know it would be anything quite like this. Seungwan really hopes Seulgi is okay wherever she is. Seulgi is her very best friend, and just knowing she is in the presence of some potentially dangerous crazy woman is unsettling.


“I was wrong about Ms. Bae, she really does love Seulgi-unnie.” Joy also admits, and they all agree. They’ve seen how Joohyun is truly going above and beyond for her. It’s a comforting feeling to know how many people love their friend, and want to see her safely returned.


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parkjaeyoung801 #1
Chapter 15: this was a nice read.. thanks so much!!!
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 15: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 15: rererererererereread, I really miss tropirene in your fic author nim 🤧🤍
Chapter 15: So sorry you struggled with writing this story!
But I’m glad you challenged yourself into finishing it.
It was nice to read this one!
Everything turned out for the better! ☺️
Chapter 13: Such a traumatic experience and I hope she heals fast physically and mentally! 😭
Yoonchoding07 #6
Chapter 1: that moment when Joohyun bought Seulgi her birthday gift right after she mentioned it in their gc came to mind. money is definitely not an issue for Bae Joohyun, especially when it comes to her bear.
Chapter 15: 🧡🧡🧡
Jelly_jxne #8
Chapter 9: Oh gawd Seulgi gonna get in trouble 😭
Jelly_jxne #9
Chapter 8: Seulgi needs to tell her about that damn offer already cause I'm nervous af