Out of that room

Sugar Mama
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A/N: Thanks so much everyone for reviewing chapter 13. This is the official last chapter and then our epilogue.


Seulgi awakes with a jolt and startled expression. She stares down at her clothes, expecting for their to be blood.


“No, not my blood.” She shakes her head. It wasn’t her blood. She hadn’t been shot, but she can still hear the gunshot in her mind. Seulgi can still feel the warm blood on her body, and can recall that half-dead look in the older woman’s eyes. Seulgi looks to see her hand is being held by someone. No, not just someone, but Joohyun is laying there with her hand holding hers.


“Hyun?” The monolid girl wonders. How come she doesn’t remember Joohyun being there. She can only think back to the other events. Her mind doesn’t recall Joohyun being there. As Seulgi is trying to slowly move her hand from the brunette’s. The action wakes Joohyun up almost immediately. She sits up and focuses her attention onto Seulgi, whom she is relieved to see awake. When she sees those beautiful, monolid eyes open. She breathes in relief.


“Seul, thank god.” She hugs her, and the younger girl flinches in pain.


“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hug you so tightly. How are you baby? Do you need me to go get a doctor?” The older woman softly places her hands to Seulgi’s face. The dark-haired girl is still not saying anything, but when Joohyun sees tears slowly streaming down her face, it hurts her. Joohyun carefully wipes her tears.


“You’re going to be okay, Seul. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve just been through. Let me get your doctors. Then I’ll call your parents, alright? I’ll be right back.”


Joohyun gives her hand a small squeeze, and does exactly what she said she would. She calls her parents, notifies the doctors, and patiently waits until she is able to see Seulgi again. There are also police coming back and forth waiting on news about Taeyeon’s condition. Joohyun knows she shouldn’t wish anyone dead. She just can’t pretend that she’s not furious by everything. When she saw those injuries on Seulgi’s body, it was enough for the brunette to want to kill her then.


On top of all the physical injuries, Seulgi must heal emotionally too. She spent three days against her will with that woman. Joohyun can’t bare to think of all the terrible possible outcomes that might have happened. She can imagine a few, and it scares her to entertain those thoughts. Although, at some point she and Seulgi will need to talk. Seulgi’s parents arrive soon and they go spend some time with their daughter. The doctors recommend she spend a few days at the least in the hospital for proper medical treatment.


Joohyun uses the time to make certain phone calls and arrangements for when Seulgi is able to go home. The CEO just wants to make sure her girlfriend will have everything she needs. Whether it be medically, mentally, or just familiarity that will bring her some sense of comfort. Joohyun knows they will both have a tough road ahead of them. Her girlfriend needs healing, and she wants to help her to heal.


Seulgi’s parents sit with her. They’ve been here for a few minutes now, and Seulgi has not acknowledged their presence. There is a tray of food sitting there for her that she isn’t eating, but that could very well be because of her arm injury


“Honey, would you like some help?” Her mother offers, knowing she’s in pain and needs assistance. She’ll probably need some assistance for awhile. Seulgi slowly does give her attention to her mother, as if finally noticing she’s there.


“Mom?” The monolid girl speaks.


“Yes, hi baby. We’re so glad to hear your voice.” Mrs. Kang carefully hugs her daughter. She does lean into the familiar embrace. Her dad soon hugs her too.


“Princess, we were worried sick about you. We’re so glad to have you safe. Joohyun did everything she could to find you.”


Seulgi gives a nod. She just doesn’t speak again, not for a long while after.


“Is she dead?” Seulgi wonders about Taeyeon. The woman sure looked like it, or that she was about to die. Seulgi remembers trying to stop some of the bleeding. No one deserves to die bleeding out on the ground that way, and especially not someone who is possible mentally ill. Seulgi can also just still see her eyes staring up into her own.


“We don’t know, sweetie. We haven’t heard anything about her condition. If you want to know we will find out for you. Just don’t worry about it too much. Your recovery is what we’re all more concerned about.”


Joohyun enters the room again after having made all the necessary phone calls. She tells Seulgi her friends are anxiously waiting to see her when they get back to Seoul. Seulgi nods in thanks, and soon tells them she wants to be alone.


“You should rest, Seul. You look so tired.” Her mom helps her into bed, and pulls the covers over her.


“We’ll come back when you’re ready to talk more.” Her father promises. Joohyun leaves a soft kiss against her cheek. She doesn’t miss the unresponsive reaction. The brunette feels hurt by this, at the same time she understands her girlfriend has just gone through a highly traumatic experience.


“Seul, I just want to know that whatever you need. I’ll make sure you have it. When you want to talk at all, I’ll be right here.” She tells her. Seulgi simply pulls the covers over herself more with her better arm. It’s heartbreaking to know that most likely Seulgi is still scared. She hopes when the psychiatrist returns the monolid girl might try talking to them. It won’t be healthy to hold too much in after this event.


For hours, Seulgi lays in bed simply reliving the previous events. No matter what she is still back there with Taeyeon’s blood covering her.


“No,” Seulgi jumps suddenly. It’s over and she’s no longer in that house. Why does she still feel like she’s there no matter what she tries to think about instead. Joohyun and her parents haven’t left, as they’re all beyond worried for her. She hasn’t asked to speak to anyone, or even a nurse at any point. The psychiatrist does come back to try and talk to her.


“Ms. Kang, would you be up to talking for a little bit?”


The monolid girl isn’t up to talking. She isn’t sure anyone can help her right now. She keeps feeling like she’s back there no matter how much she tries to talk.


“I don’t want to talk.”


“I understand, you’ve just been through something quite traumatic, but that’s why you must try a little. Remember this is a safe place for you.”


It takes awhile, but Seulgi does ask a question. It’s the only question she can think to ask.


“How can I stop from seeing her blood? I close my eyes and I can still see her bleeding.”


Joohyun worriedly paces back and forth. Seulgi’s parents have gone to get everyone some refreshments. It’s not long after the psychiatrist went in that Joohyun sees her coming back out.


“How is she doing?”


“Seulgi is not ready to keep taking. I will try again later, because it’s important she does try to talk. Maybe, you and her parents can also try as well. She needs all the support she can get, no matter what form it’s in.”


The brunette gives a nod. She will try whatever it takes to help Seulgi. When Joohyun enters the room she does see Seulgi sitting up. Her girlfriend is just looking so lost and faraway.


“Seul, sweetie. How are you feeling?” Joohyun sits down with her and takes both of her hands into her own.


“Can we talk a little, as long as you feel up to it?” Joohyun softly caresses her bruised knuckles.


“I’m sorry she did this to you.”


“I can’t get out of there.” Seulgi does speak in a sad tone. Joohyun looks to see how truly broken Seulgi looks.


“Baby, you’re going to get whatever you need. We will make sure of it.”


The monolid girl shakes her head. “I know I’m not there physically. I just still feel her blood.”


“Seul,” the CEO hugs her. Seulgi remains still in her embrace. “You’re safe now. I’m here with you.”


The raven might be physically safe from danger, that doesn’t mean it’s over. The next morning everyone finds out that Taeyeon will survive her gun wound. She’s not yet fit to stand a trail, so they will wait until she’s able to attend.  Joohyun knows she wants to make Taeyeon pay for everything she’s done to Seulgi, and not just her but even to the two of them. However, it is Seulgi who meets with the police and has something to say.


“She doesn’t need jail.”


“Seul, this woman not only abducted you, but she also caused your injuries.” Her mom begins.


“Seulgi, princess. You don’t need to be afraid now. It’s okay to press charges for these crimes.”


“Seulgi, jail is the very least she deserves.” Joohyun tells her, as she can think of much more worse things than jail.


“Are you saying you don’t want to press charges?” One of the detectives asks her.


The monolid girl can feel everyone’s questioning gazes. She does understand why her family and Joohyun are concerned. Under normal circumstances Taeyeon would certainly go to jail.


“She’s not well, I don’t think. I think she should see psychiatrists here, and they can determine what sort of help she needs.”


“Seul?” Joohyun nudges her. “Are you sure?”


“I spent three days with her. I think there’s something wrong.”


“Ms. Kang, are you certain about not pressing charges?” Seulgi is asked again if she’s sure.


“Yes, she’s not evil. I think Taeyeon needs help.”


“It won’t be up to anyone other than a judge ultimately, we will however talk to the psychiatric staff here, and your official statement will be documented. Thank you, Ms. Kang.”


After the detectives go. Her parents take turns hugging her. They can’t stay in Jeju any longer as they need to return home. They make plans to see Seulgi when she’s settled at home, and Joohyun promises the Kangs that they have nothing to worry about. They hug Joohyun and thank her again for everything she’s done for their daughter. They also tell her Seulgi is very lucky to have her before leaving.


It’s not until later that night with Seulgi in bed, and Joohyun next to her sharing some of the messages, and well wishes all of her friends have sent so far. Joohyun notices Seulgi is either nodding or giving short responses. The CEO closes her phone and gently pushes her dark-locks from her face.




“You should go.”


“I don’t want to leave you alone, and no one will say anything about my staying here with you.”


“I want to be alone, Joohyun.”


“Joohyun?” The brunette thinks to herself. Seulgi doesn’t call her Joohyun. She calls her Hyun, or Hyunnie.




“I’m sorry, but I want to be alone.”


“We’ve been apart for three days. Those were painful days for me too, and I hated knowing you were out there, alone, hurt, and scared.”


The monolid girl turns away from her and tries to hold in her tears. She just wants to be alone. Seulgi isn’t up to talking to anyone, not even Joohyun right now.


“Seul, I’m sorry. I can’t understand what you’re dealing with. I just want you to know I’m here for you.” Joohyun tries to hold her own tears back too, but she doesn’t succeed. The second Seulgi hears her tears it does start to affect her.


“Baby, please don’t push me away. You don’t need to talk too much if you don’t want. I just want to help you. It hurts me so badly to know you’ve been through this sort of trauma, and worse that you don’t want any help from me.”


Seulgi turns then with her own tears. She doesn’t want to hurt Joohyun or her feelings. They’ve both had to deal with these few days in different ways. She slowly reaches out her bruised hand for the brunette’s.


“I’m sorry.” Seulgi apologizes through tears.


“No, don’t be sorry. Please just don’t push me away, not now. I want to know everything you went through, no matter how long it takes you to share.”


“I…” Seulgi looks hesitant. The way she is looking makes Joohyun thinks about those awful worst case scenario situations.


“Seul, did she do more than physically assault you?”


Joohyun has to know if any other boundaries were crossed. If she had been forced in anyway, which could be possible because of how uncomfortable she’s feeling.


“No, it wasn’t like that. She didn’t force any ual act, okay. Taeyeon was just someone who needed help, and got in too deep. I spent three days with her and she…”


The CEO hugs her slowly, and kisses the side of her face. She tells the younger girl to just take her time, and share whatever she wants to.


“She didn’t mean to hurt me.”


“She did though, you can’t even use your arm fully  right now.”


“I’ll heal. It may not be today, or even tomorrow, but I will heal.”


The monolid girl then uses some of the time to share more with Joohyun. It was difficult hearing the parts about Seulgi trying to escape, and just how she really received the injuries she had. Joohyun also hears the compassion her girlfriend has for the woman who abducted her. It doesn’t surprise her to hear this compassion. Seulgi is one of the kindest people she and ever met.


“That’s why I don’t think jail is the place for her. Please tell me you understand.”


“I understand you’re a kind, warm, loving person, Seul. I just want to be there for you in whatever way you need, even if I don’t fully understand.”


Seulgi gives a nod and thanks her. It’s all she can hope for at this point. She doesn’t tell Joohyun to leave again, even though she still wants to be alone on some level. Seulgi has so much in her head she needs to figure out, and it’s issues she may have to deal with all on her own. The following morning before Joohyun says she needs to leave to change clothes and shower. The dark-haired girl explains what she needs to do.


“You want to talk to her?” The businesswoman can’t hide her shock. She was hoping Seulgi would just leave her alone. Taeyeon has done enough to her, and it’s enough Seulgi isn’t going to press charges.


“I need to.”


“Don’t you want me to go with you? This isn’t something you should do alone, Seul.”


“You can’t because you will be upset. I don’t blame you for being angry. It’s not like she didn’t make you worry about me.”


“She forced you to lie to me too, what did she threaten you with.”


Seulgi briefly tells her what the truth was behind that conversation. She didn’t want to lie to Joohyun about not loving her, and hated all the cruel words that left .


“She had blackmail material she planned to use against me, so that’s why you lied. It was to protect me.”


“Yes,” Seulgi softly nods. “I didn’t want to say any of those things.”


Joohyun knows. It’s why she tried her best to not let it hurt her too much, because she knows that Seulgi loves her. The older woman responds with a soft kiss to her cheek.


“I know, you wouldn’t have ever said anything that cruel to me. I don’t want you to go alone to talk to her. I’ll just go to my place, shower, and come back. We can go together.”


Seulgi understands that Joohyun doesn’t want for her to do this on her own. The younger girl just knows it’s not likely Joohyun will be fine observing their conversation. She has to go alone, it’s why she waits for a nurse when she’s alone to wheel her down to where Taeyeon’s room is.


“Ms. Kang, do you want me to go in with you?” The nurse wonders. There are honestly police stationed right out of the older raven’s door. Seulgi doesn’t think anything will happen at this point. It’s why she promises the nurse she’ll be fine. This shouldn’t take very long. The nurse does help her get inside the room, and says she will wait until she’s ready to go back to her room. The doctors said Taeyeon wouldn’t die, but not to expect any conversation. She’s not critical anymore, however she’s been in and out of consciousness. Seulgi notices one of her hands are handcuffed to the bed too.


“That’s not necessary, she’s not going anywhere in her condition.” Seulgi thinks, as she takes in her appearance. Then she wheels herself closer to the bed, but still leaves a nice distance.


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parkjaeyoung801 #1
Chapter 15: this was a nice read.. thanks so much!!!
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 15: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 15: rererererererereread, I really miss tropirene in your fic author nim 🤧🤍
Chapter 15: So sorry you struggled with writing this story!
But I’m glad you challenged yourself into finishing it.
It was nice to read this one!
Everything turned out for the better! ☺️
Chapter 13: Such a traumatic experience and I hope she heals fast physically and mentally! 😭
Yoonchoding07 #6
Chapter 1: that moment when Joohyun bought Seulgi her birthday gift right after she mentioned it in their gc came to mind. money is definitely not an issue for Bae Joohyun, especially when it comes to her bear.
Chapter 15: 🧡🧡🧡
Jelly_jxne #8
Chapter 9: Oh gawd Seulgi gonna get in trouble 😭
Jelly_jxne #9
Chapter 8: Seulgi needs to tell her about that damn offer already cause I'm nervous af