Meant to be

The greatest gift
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A/N: Hey so here we are at the epilogue, and thanks again to anyone who reviewed and upvoted this fic, and helped it become featured. I am glad that those of you who enjoyed this fic, did enjoy it. Please enjoy the last chapter.


Four years have passed since Joohyun and Seulgi have made their relationship official and welcomed their little girl Jiyeon into the world. She is really a sweet, warm, bright, and shy kid who Seulgi feels looks really more like her girlfriend than herself, although many people disagree and say that Jiyeon looks like both herself and Joohyun. Her girlfriend also insists their daughter has a mix of both their traits. Seulgi just cares most that her little girl is happy, loved, and knows that her mom’s are here for her no matter what. It has been amazing raising their daughter together. She and Joohyun were together for everything from her first words, first steps, and it never gets old going in to wake her up in the morning, or tucking her into bed at night. Since those four years have passed, Seulgi has only moved up in her job and makes more money, but that of course means longer hours, and there are times she isn’t always with her family.


Those are the times where Joohyun and Jiyeon make sure to facetime her, so at the very least she can know they are missing and thinking of her. The brunette is currently in her office, typing away, when she looks to the family photo that she has proudly displayed on her desk. Jiyeon was about 2 then and she and Joohyun were on the beach with her. Their baby girl in the middle of them walking with one of her parents hands in her own. That was a fun day. They had built so many sandcastles. Seulgi kept on taking her daughter to the water to get the feel of it, and even was able to teach Joohyun how to swim some as well. It’s been a while since the family of three have gone to the beach, and Seulgi thinks perhaps this weekend they could take a trip, and make a day of it. Seulgi calls her girlfriend to see what she’s up to.


“Hey, sweetie.” Seulgi smiles when she hears the voice of Joohyun. It’s been a really great four years of their relationship. Seulgi is only disappointed by the fact that it took she and Joohyun so long to realize they love one another. They wasted so much time not being together, but what matters now is that they are together. They truly love one another, and are devoted to their relationship. Overall, these last few years have been wonderful, however there was a time where the couple thought for sure they would split up, and worst their daughter thought so too.




They were staying the weekend at Joohyun’s house after just spending a few days in Daegu, in order for Jiyeon to spend some time with her grandparents. Joohyun and Seulgi were off so much that not only did her parents notice. Their little girl also could tell her own mommies weren’t in a good mood, and fighting with one another. The small child walked over to Joohyun and gently rugged on her mama’s sleeve.


“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Joohyun picks her daughter up and sits her down on her lap.


“Are you angry with mommy? You’re not speaking to her today.”


The dark-haired woman looks sadly at her daughter who is looking at her worriedly. Naturally, Jiyeon could tell there was something off between she and Seulgi. They are kind of not speaking to one another at the moment. Joohyun doesn’t want to upset her child in anyway, so she hugs her and kisses her cheek.


“Don’t worry, baby. Mommy and I are going to be fine. Sometimes adults just need time apart, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love each other a lot, or that we don’t love you, our baby. Do you understand?”


Jiyeon nods that she understands and gives her a mama one last hug. She hopes her parents are going to be okay. She doesn’t want for them to keep on fighting. The couple actually do tuck her into bed together as normal, as well as read her a bedtime story before bed. Joohyun notices that Seulgi isn’t coming to bed, and has her bag packed to leave.


“Where are you going?”


“I’m going home to my place, at least for a little while. Our daughter doesn’t need to see this negative energy.”


“She’ll wonder why you’re not at breakfast with us.”


“I know, but it’s better this way. Do you really want for her to keep seeing us acting cold to each other?”


Joohyun doesn’t want for their daughter to be further upset. She also really doesn’t want for Seulgi to leave, because what if this turns out to be the permanent sort of leaving, and Seulgi wants to end their relationship. Surely, it won’t come to anything like that, right?


“I don’t want us to fight.”


“You should trust me then, Hyun. You can’t keep going around thinking I’m sleeping with my friend. Jisoo is really just my friend, and nothing like that has been going on in years. I thought you knew by now I am committed to you.”


“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to get so jealous. I will do better.”


“You don’t trust me, Hyun. After all we’ve been through and you still don’t trust me.”


“It’s not that I don’t trust you, Seul. I know you love me, but I don’t know. I see how women act around you and it does hurt my feelings.”


“I know, and I’m sorry about that, Hyun. Listen, I’ll call you tomorrow, alright? We could use the break right now.”


“Okay.” The raven nods. She doesn’t want to push Seulgi too much. She hates to see her girlfriend go, and so she makes her a promise.


“We’re not broken up. You’re still mine, and I’m still yours. I love you, Seul.”




The couple decided they wanted to be together more than anything else, and so they took a small break but got back on track. It’s been smooth sailing ever since, and the family of three are very happy.


“Babe?” Joohyun speaks to get Seulgi’s attention.


“Oh, sorry. I was just thinking.”


“I can tell. Are you okay, Seul?”


“I’m good. I just wanted to hear your voice, and know what you’re up to.”


Joohyun laughs on the other end. Her girlfriend is so adorable calling her in the middle of her work day, just to see how she’s doing.


“I’m almost done at work, and then I’ll be picking up some groceries for dinner tonight with your parents, and then our daughter from Yeri and Sooyoung’s place.”


“I can pick her up, Hyun. It’s no trouble.”


“Are you sure? I thought you would be working a bit later today?”


“I can take off earlier. I don’t mind picking her up.”


“No, I can do it, Seul. It’s on my way from my job anyway. I’ll let you know if I need anything though, alright?”


“Sure, I’ll see you at home later.”


“You will. I love you.”


Seulgi smiles when she hears Joohyun tell her those three little words. She can never get tired of hearing the words I love you.


“I love you too, Hyun.” In turn, Seulgi is never tired of telling Joohyun how much she loves her. The raven finishes her work day, goes to grab the groceries for the meal she’s planning for later. Seulgi’s parents are in Seoul and they’re going to join her, Seulgi, and Jiyeon for dinner. They usually spoil their granddaughter rotten or try to. Her daughter takes after Seulgi in the sense that she is so very thoughtful, and will never take more than is required. Joohyun loves being a mom and loves it even more to have the most incredible partner in Seulgi. They almost didn’t even have this because she wanted to raise her baby alone, but that would have been a big mistake. She could never have deprived Seulgi of her rights to be a mom too, and it’s clear how Jiyeon adores her mommy.


She is indeed a mommy’s girl, and follows Seulgi around the house, so they can play games or color together. Sometimes, Joohyun will sit and observe how cute they are with one another, and she falls more and more in love with her family. Joohyun falls in love with Kang Seulgi more and more each day. The raven is on her way to pick up Jiyeon, and hopes to god her baby isn’t being traumatized by her crazy cousin, and even weirder girlfriend. Joohyun takes some comfort in the fact that the younger couple are actually very good babysitters, all things considered.


Jiyeon loves spending time with her older cousin Yeri and her nice girlfriend Ms. Sooyoung. She doesn’t quite understand why her mama seems to always be worried when she stays with them. Ms. Sooyoung is really good at telling stories because she is so very animated, and cousin Yeri lets her eat all the food she wants, including chicken that her mama hates for reasons she also doesn’t understand. Ms. Sooyoung is even telling her some story now, even though she doesn’t know what the woman is talking about.


“So, I compiled all my years of research into a lot of PDF’s in order to show my mentor that I was on my way to a huge breakthrough.”


“Ms. Sooyoung?” The child waves.


“I mean it was a lot of well thought out research too, and do you want to know what happened to it, Jiyeon-ah?”


“Um, Ms. Sooyoung?”


“That’s right! It’s exactly what you’re thinking. My computer crashed and all my hard work went down the drain, or at least it would have, if not for my handy dandy notebook! Haha do you get it, kiddo? Blues clues, most educational.”


“Ms. Sooyoung!”


“What too soon of a joke?”


“I have to pee!”


“Oh, I’m sorry. I get distracted when I discuss about fascinating science, okay let’s make sure you get to the bathroom, or your mama will kill me.”


Sooyoung helps her out with going to the bathroom and even helping her reach the sink to wash her hands. She adores Yeri’s baby cousin, whom is really a sweet and well behaved child.


“Okay, Yerimie should be back any moment now according to my calculations.”


“C-Calculations?” Jiyeon repeats.


“Yes, it’s…” Sooyoung gets distracted by her girlfriend walking in with takeout just as she said it would be.


“Ms. Sooyoung must be magical.”


“Yerimie!” The taller woman hurries to give her a hug and many kisses. Jiyeon isn’t fazed by this sort of thing as she has seen her moms kissing many times. The sight does make the child wonder about something. Yerim breaks away from her girlfriend long enough to check on her little cousin.


“Here, honey. Play with this.” The blonde throws her a Rubik’s cube, and Sooyoung right away sits down to complete it. She can do these in her sleep honestly. Yerim just wanted enough time to see how Jiyeon is.


“How are you, Jiyeon-ah? Did my girlfriend talk too much science with you, hm?” She carefully picks up the girl.


“I like Ms. Sooyoung’s stories, I just don’t know what’s she talking about.”


“Don’t worry, you’re not alone. No one knows what she’s talking about half the time.”


“You do?”


“Well, yeah she’s kind of my soulmate.”


“Ah-hah!” Sooyoung grins. “I’m done!” She proudly shows off the complete Rubik’s cube. Yerim rewards her with the order of chicken wings she bought for her girlfriend.


"Good, job baby." The blonde nods to her girlfriend before turning back to her younger cousin.


“Are you hungry, Jiyeon-ah. Your mama texted me she’s on her way, but there’s no reason why you can’t have some food first.”


The child nods and accepts some of the fried rice and chicken. She might as well enjoy some food before she goes home.


“Yerimie, can I ask a question?”


“Of course, kiddo.”


“Are you and Ms. Sooyoung married?”


“W-What?” The redhead almost chokes over the wing in . She wasn’t expecting that sort of question.


“No, we’re not married yet, but one day we might. If someone gets out of the lab long enough to ask me to marry them!”


“You could always ask me!” Sooyoung shouts back. “Only, if you’re going to propose. Please don’t come into the lab on Mondays, Thursdays, or Fridays, because that’s when I’m at the busiest.”


“Uh, yes, sure. Anyway, why are are you asking about my marriage, hm?”


The main reason why Jiyeon asked was because she wonders about her parents. They aren’t yet married. She knows because she has asked her mama in particular if they were married. The only thing her mama would say was not yet.


“I want my mommies to be married. I just don’t know when they’re going to do it.”


“How true.” Sooyoung agrees. “They’ve been basically together forever and they have you. It’s only logical they should put a ring on it! Jiyeon-ah, you go ask your mommy as soon as you can why she hasn’t asked your mama to marry her, and don’t be afraid to use force. I’m talking crocodile tears, temper tantrum, whatever is necessary. I can give you pointers.”




There’s the sound of the doorbell ringing and that can only be Joohyun. Yeri opens the door and hugs her cousin.


“How’s it going, fatty!”


“Ugh, you stop it with that name, Yerim.”


“It’s Yeri!”


“Whatever, now where is my baby?”


“Hi, mama!” The little girl runs and into her mother's arms. Joohyun carefully picks her up and kisses her cheeks.


“Hi, sweetie. Did you have fun?”


“I did, I always have fun here.”


“See, we told you!” The couple complain together. Joohyun rolls her eyes and says no more. She gets her daughter’s bag and thanks Yeri and Sooyoung for watching her, and they tell her it’s not ever any trouble.


“Okay, we better get home. Grandma and Grandpa are coming over to have dinner with us.”


“Mommy will be there too, right?” Jiyeon asks when she’s safely in her car seat. Joohyun understands why her daughter asks. Sometimes Seulgi does has to work late hours and they miss her. The raven gives her a hug.


“Mommy will be home, and we’ll have a nice dinner with grandma and grandpa too, won’t we?” Joohyun picks her chin up and offers a warm smile. Her mom’s smile makes her smile back too.


“We will, mama.”


“Alright, let's get home, baby.”


It’s not long after she and Jiyeon get home that Mrs. Kang and Mr. Kang show up. Little Jiyeon sees their car pull up and runs outside to greet her grandparents.


“Grandma, Grandpa!”


“Jiyeonnie!” Mr. Kang bends down to pick up his granddaughter.


“Hi, baby girl. How are you?” Mrs. Kang gives her a kiss on her forehead.


“I’m fine, Grandma. Mama is cooking now, and we’re waiting for Mommy.”


“How about we go inside and see if your mama needs help, hm?” Seulgi’s mom says warmly and they enter the house. Joohyun stops what she is doing to greet Seulgi’s parents. Mrs. Kang offers to help with any cooking she needs, and her husband says he will take a look at the swing set in the backyard. While Joohyun and Mrs. Kang cook. She is asked the all important question.


“Hyun, when are you going to marry my daughter?”


“Mama Kang, I don’t know if Seul I need to get married.”


“What! How can you say this? Don’t you want to marry her?”


“I would love to, Mama Kang. However, we’ve been fine here as we are, and we’re committed to one another and our family.”


“Oh, how sweet, Hyun-ah. My daughter better get herself together and marry you already, or so help me!”


Joohyun chuckles at the fired up expression on her face. It’s not that she wouldn’t marry Seulgi in an instant. She would certainly marry her right now, but maybe it’s enough, how they are for now. Seulgi does indeed come home much to the excitement of one little girl who’s been waiting for her.


“Mommy!” She greets her mom. Seulgi is kneeling down and holding her in an instant.


“Jiyeonnie, hi baby. Did you miss me, hm?”


“Always, Mommy.”


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Keenakeens #1
Chapter 3: Re-reading!
Chapter 10: It was definitely a good read!!! 💖 Thank you author!
What a pair 🧡💜
coolfeeljoe #4
Chapter 10: Aww lovely story author-nim 🥰
427 streak #5
Chapter 10: Awww❤️
Rereading this! 💕
Chapter 10: Reread this for a couple of times now, the humor and softness of Irene and Seulgi's dynamics here still has an effect on me. Really, one of my favorites
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 10: Loved it ❤
Chapter 9: Meltingg
Chapter 8: Gossh. It was so funny