I love you, I do

The greatest gift
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A/N: Hi everyone. Thank you to all who reviewed the previous chapter. Here’s chapter 8 and we’ll begin right where we left off. Enjoy.


The entire drive back home was uncomfortably silent. Joohyun felt nervous that perhaps Seulgi was actually angry with her for causing that scene at the restaurant. The raven didn’t mean to, and she does know she had been overreacting. She was just terrified of the possibility of losing Seulgi. She doesn’t know what she will do if Seulgi is actually upset. Joohyun doesn’t want for everything to be over for them before it even fully began. The shorter woman remembers when Seulgi assured her she wasn’t angry. Joohyun calms down when the monolid woman reaches over to squeeze her hand a few times while driving.


“It’s going to be okay, Hyun.” Seulgi promises and that helps Joohyun calms down even more. When they return home Seulgi helps her sit down on the couch.


“Can I get you anything? Would you like some tea or something to eat?”


Joohyun feels much too nervous to eat or drink anything. She’s about to have an important conversation with Seulgi, and probably confess her love, whether or not she feels the same. Joohyun hopes she does feel the same. The older woman wants for the three of them to be a family more than anything. Seulgi looks at her with worried eyes.


“Did that cause you any stress, and is the baby okay?” Seulgi asks while placing her hand to the raven’s swell. Joohyun softly places her hand over Seulgi’s.


“We’re fine. I’m not stressed, Seul.”


“That’s good. I can’t have the mother of my child stressed.”


“No.” Joohyun smiles softly. “I suppose you can’t.”


Seulgi then moves her hand to the side of Joohyun’s face as she gently pushes some of her dark locks back.


“Do you want to tell me why you came all the way to interrupt my date?”


“I didn’t mean to cause a scene, Seul. I really was going to try and stay home, and wait for you.”


“You didn’t, though.”


“No, I didn’t.”


Seulgi is gently caressing her knuckles and hopes she is serving as a calming source for Joohyun to feel okay.


“Hyun, you can tell me. Whatever it is you can tell me.”


“It bothered me too much. I don’t want you to be with someone else. I want you to be with me. I want you as more than just my best friend. I’m in love with you, Seulgi.” Joohyun bravely admits. She must get it off her chest no matter what. The raven does hope she feels the same, but even if she doesn’t feel the same. Joohyun knows she had to say what she needed to say.


“You love me?”


“I do. I know what you’re probably thinking. You might think this is because I’m pregnant, and that’s why I’m saying these words to you. My being pregnant is not the only reason I’m drawn to you.  I’m in love with you, Seul, and…” she stops because there are now tears streaming down her eyes.


“Hormones.” Joohyun chuckles.


“I love you too, Joohyun.”


The raven looks up fully when she hears what Seulgi tells her. She is half sure she did hear what Seulgi said, but she has to be sure.


“What!” Joohyun questions in surprise. She didn’t think it was possible Seulgi loved her too.


“I said I love you, Joohyun.”


“Yeah, that’s what I thought I heard. Seul, you’re not saying this because I told you I love you, are you?” She just has to be sure. The very last thing Joohyun wants is for Seulgi to say this out of obligation. Seulgi leans down and kisses her lips tenderly.


“I mean it. I am in love with you, Bae Joohyun. It’s not all because you and I are having a baby. I realized I cared for you as more than my best friend. I didn’t think you felt the same way. All I remembered was how you kept saying you were worried about my personal life.”


As soon as the brunette explains her side of things. Everything continues to make more sense. They were both scared to admit their growing feelings for fear the other didn’t feel the same.


“I didn’t think you felt the same, Seul. Oh, we’re so silly.” She laughs and cups the brunette’s cheeks in her hands. Joohyun proceeds to kiss her lips and Seulgi returns her kisses. When they break away they rest their foreheads onto one another.


“I can’t believe you love me, Seul.”


“I love you and I love our baby too, so much.” Seulgi promises.


“Our baby and I are very lucky to have you.”


“I’m lucky I have you both as well. We’ve had an eventful evening. Are you ready for bed?”


“I’m ready for bed. Wait a minute, are we together now?” The shorter woman wants to make sure they are official. They have said that they love one another, but didn’t confirm the status of their relationship. Seulgi responds by pulling her into a kiss.


“You’re my girlfriend right, Hyunnie?” The monolid woman eye smiles and the next thing she knows Joohyun is pulling her into a tight hug.


“Yes, I’m your girlfriend.”


They seal it with a kiss, and fully confirm their new relationship status. The couple prepare for bed after. The raven is so happy Seulgi loves her too. While Joohyun is changing and dressing in her pajamas. She shares this new happiness with their child.


“Mommy and I are together now, baby. The three of us are going to be a family.” Joohyun smiles and caresses her swell to which she feels some healthy kicks.


“Oh, do you like that idea?”


Seulgi is soon coming up behind her and wrapping her arms around Joohyun tenderly.


“What’s the verdict? Does the baby like that we’re a couple?”


“I know so. The baby is happy that we’re going to be a family.”


Seulgi nods as she softly kisses the side of her face. The idea of the three of them being a family warms her heart.


“We’re going to be a family, Hyun.”


That night the new couple lay in each other’s embrace, both happy their feelings are returned, and now they can focus on their future. They’re a duo now, but very soon two will become three. Joohyun goes to sleep with kisses from Seulgi and she goes to sleep getting some of the best sleep she’s had in a long time. When she wakes up it’s also to Seulgi kissing her, and the raven knows she couldn’t need or want anything more than to be right here with Seulgi.


“Hey, good morning.” The brunette softly greets her.


“Good morning, Seul.”


“How are you feeling?”


Joohyun doesn’t have time to answer because the loud sound of her stomach growling interrupts adorably.


“You didn’t hear that!”


Seulgi laughs and gently rubs. “Okay, mama. You and baby need to eat. Let’s go see what we can make for you.”


It’s only really been a matter of a night, but things are already changing for them. Seulgi is her girlfriend now which means she can express feelings that she has held back on.


“What are you in the mood for?”


One thing Seulgi made sure of was to be on top of any and all cravings Joohyun was experiencing. There are times where it’s 3 am, and Seulgi will run out to get whatever she needs. If Joohyun wants carrot cake then Seulgi makes sure she has it. When the raven wants specific ice cream then Seulgi goes out to make sure it’s there. No matter how odd and random the food craving. The brunette is dutiful in securing the item for her pregnant girlfriend.


“Um, don’t be scared but I want chicken.”


Seulgi drops the pan from her hand right away and looks horrified. Joohyun wants chicken, one of her most hated foods. Is hell freezing over right now? Hell has to be freezing over somehow.


“You want chicken?”


“Yes, don’t you judge me! I see you judging me.”


“I’m not judging you. It’s just surprising because you hate chicken.”


“I know.” The shorter woman agrees. “I think your baby is making me want chicken, oh and I also really want some more fruits, please Seulgi-yah, will you go get me some watermelon?”


At the moment they don’t have watermelons or any fruits because Joohyun has been going through all fruits like water


“Okay, just tell me what you want and I’ll bring it.”


“Thanks, baby.” Joohyun beams and kisses the taller woman on the lips. Seulgi isn’t going to lie that hearing Joohyun call her with pet names will be a new part of their relationship she will love.


“I’ll be back.”


“Okay, but don’t forget my strawberries, pineapples, cherries, chicken, watermelon, and those candies I love. You know the ones.”


“Yes, Hyunnie. I promise I won’t forget. I’ll be right back. Please eat something at least until I come back.”


“I will. I’ll make some fried eggs or something.” Joohyun assures and kisses her again once more. The raven knows she will love being able to kiss Seulgi anytime she wants to now. She waves to Seulgi from the doorway and stands there to see the brunette drive off. It’s then when it really hits Joohyun. They agreed to move in because of the baby, and for the remainder of the pregnancy. They’re together as a couple, so what’s going to happen now?


Seulgi has her own place and has been comfortable there for years. Her job also happens to be much closer from her own house. Joohyun doesn’t know what will be done as far as that situation goes. She does know they’ll properly discuss this at some point later. In the meantime she makes herself some breakfast of fried eggs and a bowl of rice. Joohyun sits at the kitchen table and the first thing she does is tell Mrs. Kang. The raven can’t wait to share the wonderful news.


“Joohyun-ah, sweetie. How are you? How's my grandchild?”


Mrs. Kang is certainly excited about the baby as much as her own mother is. In fact, both grandmothers have been mailing all sorts of gifts, clothes, and other items for the baby. Joohyun has so much extra stuff she tried to explain she didn't need it all. She also told them what did she need with all the boys clothes if the baby was a girl, and vice versa if the baby ends up being a boy, but she only has tons of girls clothing. Her mom simply explained she could use the extra clothes for their second grandchild. Joohyun didn't want to even tackle that, since she hasn't even given birth to the first one yet.


“We're great, Mama Kang. I have some news.”


“Oh, I'm hoping it's good news based on how you sound.”


“It's wonderful news. Seul and I are officially together. We both feel the same about what we want, and confessed last night.”


“Well, thank goodness for it’s truly about time. I’m very happy to hear this news, Hyun. Should I expect a proposal soon?”


Joohyun’s face explodes red. She thinks that she and Seulgi better take everything slow, and enjoy their newfound relationship before they even discuss marriage.


“I think we have time before talking about marriage.”


“Well, either way I am happy for you, Hyun. I’m especially happy for my daughter that she finally figured out what she wanted.”


“Me too, I couldn’t be happier.”


Joohyun doesn’t stay on the phone long, as she also calls her mom, who expresses the same happiness that Mrs. Kang had.


“We can expect a wedding soon, right?”


“Mom, Seulgi and I have barely become a couple. There’s time to talk about marriage.”


“Very well. How have you been feeling dear? You’re over 8 months now right?”


“Yes, the baby will be here in less than 2 months. I actually was thinking Seul and I can do some birthing class together, and be prepared for the baby.”


“I think that sounds like a plan, dear. It’ll also be a bonding experience. Let me know if you need anything sweetie.”


“Thank you, mom. I love you.”


Seulgi returns just as she’s getting off the phone with her mom. The brunette has many bags full of all the foods Joohyun had requested.


“Oh, babe. You really are sweet.”


Seulgi gestures to one bag in particular and Joohyun’s eyes light up when she recognizes the cake bag.


“Oh, carrot cake. Thank you!” The raven practically shoves Seulgi out of the way and snatches the cake away.


“I love you so much.” She whispers to the box.


“Hey, a little gratitude would be nice.” Seulgi looks on in disbelief and Joohyun looks more happy about the cake.


“Aww, baby. I love you too.” Joohyun promises as she hugs her. She knows being able to tell Seulgi that she loves her will never get old.


“Yeah, that’s what you say. Anyway, what’s on the agenda for today?”



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Keenakeens #1
Chapter 3: Re-reading!
Chapter 10: It was definitely a good read!!! 💖 Thank you author!
What a pair 🧡💜
coolfeeljoe #4
Chapter 10: Aww lovely story author-nim 🥰
427 streak #5
Chapter 10: Awww❤️
Rereading this! 💕
Chapter 10: Reread this for a couple of times now, the humor and softness of Irene and Seulgi's dynamics here still has an effect on me. Really, one of my favorites
Jensoo4everlove #8
Chapter 10: Loved it ❤
Chapter 9: Meltingg
Chapter 8: Gossh. It was so funny