hard to love with a heart that's hurting


Hyuna finds Seungwan.

She lost her somewhere in the forest and Seungwan found herself in front of Wheein’s and Hyejin’s shared apartment, tears streaming down her cheeks and her whole body shaking. Wheein opened the door and with one look at her, dragged her into her bedroom and made her hot chocolate, Hyejin settling beside her on the bed and holding her hand as she cried the whole time.

They also drove her to class the next day, much to their exasperation. They had asked her to stay in for the day but Seungwan knew the only way her sister or Hyuna can find her is if she went to where she was expected to go.

Hyuna finds Seungwan behind the Math building, hugging herself as she sits against the wall. Hyuna sits next to her with a heavy sigh. “She’s okay.”

Seungwan thought she’d jump at the sight of Hyuna, hug her and order her to bring her to Sunmi. But she just glances Hyuna’s way and lets out a sigh of her own. “Great.”

Hyuna frowns at the unenthusiastic response. “Wanna see her?”

“I’m—” she doesn’t. Not yet. She’s scared. “How horrible is the wound?”

“I stitched it up, don’t worry.”

Seungwan sends her another wary glance. “I don’t think I’m actually… I don’t think I’m ready to see just what my gi—” she clamps shut, teeth catching the edge of her tongue and making her wince. “Just what Irene did to her.”

Hyuna’s eyes soften. She hesitates for only a moment before putting an arm around Seungwan and pulling her close, rubbing a thumb against a patch of skin on her shoulder. “Give it a day and her wound will be completely closed. I got a little help from a… friend. She helped me gather some leaves to quicken the process.”

“Making friends now, huh?” Seungwan murmurs to Hyuna’s shoulder, finding comfort in the way the touch feels familiar.

Hyuna laughs. “In some way, yeah. But also, we need supplies and it’s hard when there’s no insider on your side.”

Seungwan squints up at Hyuna. “You got a local on your side?”

“Few of ‘em,” Hyuna answers with a secretive smile. “Say, tomorrow morning, you want me to bring you to your sister?”

Seungwan blinks, looking away. What she’s really scared of is finding out her sister can survive a hit like that. Confirm that her sister’s a Super… a Slayer. She doesn’t answer.

Hyuna nods, understanding. “I’ll come over tomorrow morning and you can tell me your answer then.”

“Thanks,” she croaks out.

Hyuna sighs, laying her head on top of Seungwan’s. “Anytime, Wannie. We’re a team, the three of us, even if you don’t remember much.”

And there’s that sneaking suspicion again, scratching at Seungwan’s skull. She can’t be, can she? But if Sunmi is, then?

She really, really just wants all of this to be over and eat ice cream and watch stupid movies on the couch in their living room in Canada and forget everything and everyone in this place.

For now, she settles on the warm comfort Hyuna brings, so similar to the one Sunmi brought her whenever she was down. Cuddles closer to Hyuna as Hyuna’s protective arm around her tightens, the wall stiff behind them, the grass damp under them, but she’s never felt as safe as she felt in Sunmi’s arms as she does in Hyuna’s arms. Maybe they are family.

She certainly feels at home.




Seungwan finds herself behind The All Nighter. Apparently, her existence in this town isn’t dependent on the Witches, and the locals aren’t taking sides. Or they just can’t care less with the war approaching. Seulgi did say they didn’t have time for love.

Yuri lets her in before opening hours, bags under her eyes so dark it pains Seungwan. She lets her in, giving her a few bottles as she walks out to the shore.

“That’s the rock,” Yuri says, pointing to a rock by the far side. It’s huge and almost serves as a wall between the beach and a much more private space behind. “It’s charmed like the rooftop, but anyone can write and as long as they’re aware of magic, when they touch the writings they can see the memories.”

“No names?”

“No need for names,” Yuri answers, voice thick with something as she stares out at the sea instead of Seungwan. “It’s also charmed so you can transfer your own memories to it. Whatever memory you were thinking of when you write, it’s there for everyone to see and remember for you.”

Seungwan nods, still eyeing the rock. Then she looks back at Yuri, finds her nose red and her face pale. “I can go to the rock later. You want some company?”

Yuri’s eyes waver like she’s about to say yes. Desperately. But then she waves Seungwan off with a sad smile. “I’m taking a swim. It was my turn to look after Sooyeon last night… it didn’t go like how I wished it would.”

She tries to look away from Yuri, the pain in her eyes too much for Seungwan, but she steadies herself and offers a kind smile. Yuri may say one thing but Seungwan knows she means the other. “How did it go?”

Yuri smiles at her like she’s thankful. Thankful that she sees through the walls. “She shoved me because I was an unfamiliar face.”

Seungwan offers another smile. She takes Yuri’s hand gingerly, studying her face for any discomfort. Then, when she sees none, she squeezes. “I’m… I don’t know how to deal with someone I know and love suddenly forgetting me and everything we’ve been through, I don’t exactly have… amnesiac friends. Or ones who lost their memories after meeting me. But, uh, I’m always here if you need to vent, okay?”

For a moment, Yuri just stares at her, eyes narrowed in both scrutiny and wonder. Then she barks out a laugh. “You’re something else, Seungwan, you know that? How are you not freaked out by everything?”

At that, Seungwan laughs. “Believe me, I am freaked out. My girlfriend just tried to kill my sister, too.” She winces at the reminder but basks in Yuri’s light laughter. “But. I mean, in all worlds and universes, I guess I’m always the mom friend, you know? I can’t just let you wallow in your sadness alone, I might as well die.”

Yuri rolls her eyes, a fond smile playing on her lips. She squeezes Seungwan’s hand back. “Wanna talk about your girlfriend’s feud with your sister?”

“I don’t even know much about it; just how much can I say?” Seungwan murmurs, shoulders slumping. “I don’t know which side is right because they both won’t tell me anyway. They’re both so into this idea of protecting me from everything here and… I think they think of me like a child.”

“Or… maybe it’s too long a history to talk about over coffee?” Yuri suggests, leaning closer to study Seungwan’s face. “And you don’t always have to pick a side. They can grow up and get over their feud.”

Seungwan cracks a small smile, the back of her neck warming. Yuri may be, well, Yuri but she’s still a mermaid who looks nothing short of a goddess and she’s way too close. She coughs, and Yuri senses her discomfort, leaning back and laughing teasingly. “Shut up,” she grumbles before Yuri teases her further.

Yuri a brow, amused. “Has that ever worked? Asking people to shut up?”

Seungwan averts her gaze, glaring at the sea instead. She huffs. “No.”

Once again, Yuri laughs. She nudges Seungwan with her elbow. “I gotta open the bar in an hour. You think you can stay here alone?”

“Yeah. I guess.”

“Great.” Yuri stands and leans down to plant a kiss on the top of Seungwan’s head. “You’re a great kid, Seungwan.” She pats the spot she kissed before Seungwan hears the footsteps on the sand moving away from her.

She sighs and stands, dusting the sand off her legs. Her gaze falls on the rock and she’s drawn to it immediately. Looking around cautiously, she walks over and around it, eyes scanning the numerous writings on the huge rock, most of it obviously written while drunk.

One catches her attention.


She brushes her fingertips against the empty space around it. Then touches it.



The first thing Seungwan notices in the new surroundings is it’s not anywhere inside the safety of their city. They’re somewhere inside what she can only assume is a huge mansion. There are glass walls and outside she can see a huge pool and some huts. But she’s right smack in the middle of a huge, modern living room that’s cluttered with magazines and coffee cups and too many papers and four laptops.

Then she notices a bright eyed, pink haired girl, glaring at her rose gold laptop as she types furiously. “Leave me alone, Lisa, do not come closer with your wet hands!”

Seungwan’s gaze lands on the girl behind the pink haired lady, freezing in place with her arms up and dripping, obviously caught in a sneak attack, as she stares wide-eyed at the other girl. “How the did you know I was here?”

“Are you ing serious, there’s literally a mirror in front of Rosé,” says another voice behind Seungwan. She turns around and finds Jisoo. She’d know that face anywhere. Except Jisoo looks younger somehow. She’s immortal, Wendy knows, but there’s… something young about her. The lack of dark circles under her eyes, maybe, or the lack of snark in her smirk.

Beside her sits Jennie, who looks as radiant as Jisoo, except still frowning. “Can you not curse right in my ear?”

Jisoo grins, leaning closer to Jennie. “No ing way.”

Jennie growls, pushing Jisoo off her with a snarl. But it quickly fades as Jisoo laughs on the floor and she rolls her eyes instead, frustration bleeding well with fondness. “That was real nasty.”

Jisoo shrugs, crawling over to Rosé instead of going back to her seat. “What are you doing, anyway?”

“Forging us new IDs so we can get the hell out of this town,” Rosé answers nonchalantly, still glaring at her laptop screen.

Shocked silence fills the room, three pairs of wide eyes on Rosé.

Jisoo gets over the shock fastest. “Excuse me, what?”

Rosé shrugs. “We’re miserable here. We’re forced to kill innocent humans and Supers and this is really draining us.” She types a bit more, focus creasing the space between her eyebrows. “I’m not letting this feud wear us out any more. I know a guy who can fly us to safety and forge us new IDs so no one can be alerted, but he’s being ridiculous.”

“You do realize if they find out they’re gonna kill us, right?” Lisa exclaims, dropping to her knees beside Rosé so she can see her screen. She pales. “God, you’re really doing it. She’s booking us flights to…” she looks up and her gaze locks with Jennie’s, “to Lee’s town.”

Jennie’s out of her seat in an instant, snatching the laptop from Rosé’s hands. “No!”

“Jen, we’re better off away from Yang’s madness. This is spiraling him out of control!” Rosé screams back and Seungwan sees a momentary wince on her face that tells her Rosé doesn’t usually fight back.

Jennie looks as taken aback as Rosé. “This is where we’re safest, okay? I’m not letting anything happen to anyone.”

“Last I checked, we don’t have a leader,” Rosé snaps. She softens immediately after. “Look, Lee’s town is famous for taking survivors and runaways. They’ll give us a place there, okay? And I know a few people there… they’ll trust us.”

“But when push comes to shove, they’ll abandon us for their own families.”

Rosé frowns at Jennie, head tilting curiously. “But we’ll have our own family.” She gestures to Jisoo and Lisa, who both are standing now and backing Rosé up with firm glares directed at Jennie. “We’ll save each other.”

“I can’t.”

Jisoo takes a step forward, flinching when Jennie takes a step back, holding the laptop up threateningly. “Jennie, we can’t stay here and have our morals twisted. We’re not like them, okay? We’re not killers.”

Jennie recoils, pain making her jaws tense. “We are and that’s what makes us safe. I can’t—we almost lost each other when humans tried to burn Yang’s second town, didn’t we? I can’t. We’re not going anywhere.”

“Nayeon and her friends made it to Lee’s town, they’re safe there. But they only got there because they were brave enough to try to run away.” Jisoo’s hand reaches out to hold Jennie’s and clenches it tight when Jennie doesn’t pull away.

But there’s sadness and dejection in Jennie’s eyes as she sighs. “Only three of them made it, remember? The other six are still forced to fight this war. What will happen then, huh? If not all of us can make it in?”

“We’ll find each other,” Lisa answers, taking Jennie’s other hand but not before taking the laptop out of her grip and placing it on the couch carefully. “We’ll always find each other. No matter who makes it in, no matter who stays out. We’ll find each other.”

Rosé nods taking Jisoo’s and Lisa’s free hands in her own. “And at least things will be better knowing some of us are safe. But we’re not letting that happen, okay? We’re sticking together, we’re getting in that town to live new lives together.” She gently kicks Jennie’s shin, leveling her with a glare. “No self-sacrificing bull, okay? We’re doing this together and you’re not allowed to risk yourself to make sure we make it.”

Jennie scoffs, rolling her eyes. But there are tears there. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?”

Rosé laughs, pulling Jisoo and Lisa closer and soon the four of them are in a group hug. “It’s always best when it’s four.”



Seungwan gasps as the surrounding fade and there’s a scowling girl right in her face. She almost tumbles back but she catches herself and her eyes adjust. She frowns. “Jennie?”

“What are you doing, touching my memory?” she snaps, slapping Seungwan’s hand away from the rock. Once her eyes are on the writings, she calms visibly.

Seungwan steps back to give her space. “Sorry, I didn’t know whose it was and I just… it’s in a public place where people can easily access it, though.”

Jennie sends her a withering glare. “Doesn’t mean I gave everyone consent to look in my most vulnerable memories. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s written almost out of sight.”

Seungwan hasn’t noticed. But now that she looks back, it’s between a huge crack on the rock and pretty hard to spot since it’s surrounded by more attention seeking writings. “Sorry.”

“Just… just don’t do it again.” Her voice is much calmer now, but it’s still as strained. Just as tired. Seungwan notices her fingers are over a small number four also hidden in another crack and her shoulder are slumped, head almost against the cool of the rock.

“I…” she really doesn’t know what to say, but she also really wants to comfort this girl. This tired girl who was asked not to be self-sacrificing and instead lost two members of her family. Jennie seems closed off, though, like she’d lash out if Seungwan tried anything.

So, Seungwan keeps shut, settling for reading the other writings on the wall instead, cautiously studying each one without touching. She lets Jennie have her moment with the rock. She now has her forehead against the rock and her hair’s covering her face, body shrinking into itself tensely. Seungwan can see tears falling to the sand, wetting it.

She goes to the other side of the rock and sits against it, watching the calm seas and letting it calm her too. The sun is about to set in the horizon and her surroundings is bathed in pinkish orange. It’s almost beautiful.

After a few moments, Jennie sits next to her on the sand, leaning against the rock with a little distance between them. She sits in silence and Seungwan is more than willing to let her brood on her own, only occasionally glancing at the bottles of drinks Jennie apparently brought over.

They watch the sunset in complete silence. It’s not at all awkward or heavy, Seungwan doesn’t feel pressured to fill the silence. And she takes this chance to actually take a breath and just relax.

Once the sun has completely set, she feels cold against her arm. She whirls to turn and finds Jennie staring at her, a bottle of something in her hands and pressed against Seungwan’s arm. “Figured you were thirsty.”

Seungwan smiles sheepishly, taking the bottle and the opener Jennie hands her after. “Yeah, I was.”

“How long have you been in this town, Seungwan?” Jennie asks casually before gulping down the remaining content of her third bottle.

“A little over a month,” Seungwan answers. She’s not at all cautious, not suspicious of Jennie. But she’s curious. “Why?”

“Do you miss anyone outside?”

Well, she certainly doesn’t beat around the bush. Seungwan sighs. “My parents. Just them. My sister’s… she’s here too.”

“The Slayer.” There is no hint of dislike in Jennie’s tone but something about Sunmi being called a Slayer just makes Seungwan flinch every time. Jennie notices and narrows her eyes, studying her. “You didn’t know she was a Slayer until recently, huh?”

“I didn’t know Supernaturals existed until a little over a month ago,” she retorts with a breathy laugh. She shakes her head. “And I didn’t know my girlfriend was out to kill my sister until three days ago. There’s a lot… there’s a lot they don’t want me to know.”

Jennie’s narrowed eyes widen a little. “Huh, I thought you’d have suspicions, at least. You do know only Supernaturals are granted access to this town, right?”

“Yes, but I also thought I was just special, you know?”

“That’ll take your ego down a notch,” Jennie grumbles, making Seungwan laugh. Jennie’s eyes glint like that was her intention from the start. She sighs. “You know, I’ve… I’ve heard of experiments done on Supers who lost their abilities and memories, back where I came from.”

Seungwan glances at the pensive look on Jennie’s face then prompts her with a hum.

Jennie’s gaze hardens. “The first few, if I remember the files correctly, were complete failures.”

“Failures how?”

“They tried to give them their abilities back, their memories. But the first eight experiments killed the subjects.” She winces, in a breath. “They died. So many of them. They weren’t part of our… of the best groups in our town, but they were in our town. They shouldn’t be sacrifices.”

Seungwan can’t help zeroing in on one detail. “And the ninth experiment?”

Jennie shoots her a look that immediately softens. “Lived and got their abilities and memories back. But they’re not—they’re not them.”

“What do you mean?”

“They’re just the shell of who they were. They remember everything and they remember us but they’re… too strong, too technical. Heartless creatures who are…” Jennie clenches her jaw, hands turning into fists against the sand. “They’re just tools. Brainwashed. The experiments were there not so they can remember, they were there so they can get their abilities back, not lose any of their army.”

“Is that what you felt like? Is that why—” Seungwan stops, trying to figure out if she was allowed to say their names or not. “Why Rosé wanted to leave so eagerly?”

Jennie winces at the name but it’s so fast Seungwan almost doesn’t catch it. “Yeah. Yeah, it is. The things they had us do, Son, can very much be rewarded with a lifetime in prison.”

“That bad?”

Jennie laughs. Hollow. Cold. Dead. “Yeah. That bad.” She shakes her head and Seungwan thinks that means the conversation's over.

It’s not like Seungwan knows what to say anyway. She’s more than willing to stay silent this whole time, watching some of the Mermaids and Sirens swim around. The once lively The All Nighter now home to the saddest creatures Seungwan’s ever met.

Or maybe it always was the home to these damaged souls. Maybe Seungwan, unaware of how human Supernaturals can be, just didn’t realize it earlier. Maybe that’s why customers always come back to The All Nighter. Because most of everyone in this town has family members they left outside. The ones who are unaware have huge, gaping holes in their lives. And the locals have no time for love.

Suddenly, Seungwan’s view of Lee Town changes.




Seungwan hides from Hyuna. She gets a few worried looks from Wheein and Hyejin as they tell her some impossibly dangerous looking but y girl was looking for her. But still, Seungwan hides.

She knows what she is. She knows the hints are glaringly bright. She knows she’s what her sister is. But she can’t handle it, not right now.

And during the time she’s hiding from Hyuna and the Witches, she notices a few things.

It was at first subtle differences. Seungwan didn’t notice at first. But Johnny’s skin now looks impossibly grey when she looks at him, his eyes red. When she goes to eat at Monster Diner, she notices how Chanyeol’s ears deflate under his hair like a pup’s would when scolded. And she swears Kangta has a halo over his head when he goes to teach her social sciences class as substitute professor when Leeteuk, who now has two subtle bumps on his forehead, couldn’t make it.

She asks Yuri and Yuri just hums thoughtfully. Seungwan blinks and when she looks at Yuri, she’s blue. With pointy ears and scaly skin and her hair looks a little green. It’s not an abrupt change, like Yuri’s been transforming in front of her but she only now took notice. “What the .”

Yuri smiles, teeth jagged and pointy and terrifying. “You’re adjusting to the knowledge of Supernaturals.”

Seungwan blinks, bewildered. “I’ve known about Supernaturals for quite a while now, remember?” She scrubs at her eyes then peeks at Yuri. Yup, still blue.

Yuri taps her fingers on the table, skin between and connecting her fingers following the movement. “I think some part of your brain remembered and now you’re seeing things you weren’t seeing when you were… still a little confused about everything. What changed?”

“I don’t know…” Seungwan mutters, staring at Yuri with newfound interest. Her skin is really scaly. Not in an off-putting way, but in a… natural way. She looks dry but Seungwan figures that’s just because she hadn’t dipped in the sea in a few hours. She blinks. “Wait. I’ve—I think because now I see you guys as… as real and not just Supers.”

“Explain,” Yuri prods softly.

“Like. Like.” Seungwan opens her hands, then closes it like she’s trying to grasp something. “Like. I know you all had emotions and stuff. I know you were capable of hurting, of… of feeling guilty and stuff. But.” She sighs, throwing her head back. “I guess I was in too much of an awe to actually focus on that.”

“Huh.” Yuri’s got a thoughtful look on her beautiful scaly face when Seungwan looks back at her. “You know you’re a Super, right?”

“I don’t—” she shrugs. “Maybe. Kinda. I don’t know. There are memories and nightmares, but apart from that, I don’t know.”

Yuri nods. Uncharacteristically quiet. “Have you talked to your sister?”

“Haven’t even seen her yet, kinda scared to see her,” Seungwan grumbles, moving a little to her left to give space to a red-faced Demon. Literally. She eyes the Demon and gets an offended look in return. “Sorry, I just—getting used to this.” She smiles sheepishly.

The Demon squints at her, her pupils red, actual fire. She shrugs and takes the drink Yuri’s offering her in her long bony fingers. “Great. What are you?”

“A—I don’t know. If my sister’s a Slayer, am I also a Slayer?”

The Demon scoffs, disgust obvious on her face. “Ugh. Slayers. Never liked ‘em.” She glances at Seungwan. “You don’t look bad for a Slayer, though. You’re kinda cute.”

Yuri slaps the Demon’s hand, earning herself a growl. “She’s the Witches’, Sejeong. You wouldn’t want to cross the Witches.”

Sejeong scowls. “Not after that little one thought it was funny to put holy water in my coffee, no.” Fire eyes roll before they focus on the flaming drink.

A laugh escapes Seungwan’s lips before she can bite it back. She smiles at Sejeong. “Yeri? What did you do?”

“She’s—she’s in the same class as one of my girls and she’s a bully.” Her expression darkens. “Also, Seulgi’s taken a liking to my Mina because they apparently look alike and Yeri didn’t like that one bit. She filled Mina’s locker with crosses and whenever we came for coffee, she’d pour holy water. Damn Witch is possessive.”

“Which is why you shouldn’t even think of flirting with Seungwan here.”

Seungwan almost takes offense in that. She is in no way the Witches’ property, especially now that she’s not even on speaking terms with them. But she bites back her retort and watches the two instead.

Sejeong rolls her eyes. “In case you forgot, I’m kinda already in a relationship with someone.” A smile adorns her face as she continues, “If you see a really clumsy Demon who’s got a third horn on her forehead, that’s Nayoung. And that third horn isn’t a horn, just a bump because she’s dumb.”

Seungwan nods, heart clenching at the love in Sejeong’s voice. “Wait, what happens when you drink holy water? And the crosses?”

“They’re juvenile tricks. We don’t burn when we touch something holy—which is why the Demons and Kangta can be friendly, and why Yunho and Changmin can live in the same house—but they do… sometimes… we’re kinda allergic to them.”

“So, what. You get rashes?” The thought of Demons getting itchy rashes is almost too amusing.

And the frown that immediately takes over Sejeong’s features is almost laughable. “Do you know how ing hard it is to have rashes when you’re already red all over, Seungwan? It . We can’t use soothing cream because it’s too cold and we’re supposed to burn. But rashes on top of the burning? The aching need to scratch? What am I, a Werewolf?”

Somewhere in the bar, someone growls. Seungwan turns around and sees the three girls from Park town in one booth, all of them glaring at Sejeong, lips curled. “Super-hearing?” she asks Yuri.

Yuri glances up at the three and waves. “Yup. This isn’t a rare occurrence. Put a bunch of Supers with super-hearing in one place and give them all alcohol, there’s bound to be a few shady remarks here and there.”

“Sorry,” Seungwan says, grimacing. The three Werewolves relax in their booth, Jihyo even shoots her a wolfish grin.

The Demon beside her turns in her seat and regards the three coolly. “I’m not. Not really a dog person.”

Jeongyeon growls, louder this time, and almost shoots out of her seat but is held back by Nayeon and Jihyo. She mutters something under her breath that has Sejeong bristling.

“Does Sejeong also have super-hearing?” Seungwan asks Yuri.

“We all do, actually,” Yuri answer nonchalantly. “We all have uses for it.” She laughs loudly at something Nayeon says that Seungwan can’t hear. “She just called Sejeong an angel.”

“I—” weird insult. But looking back at Sejeong, in all her blazing glory, she smirks.  “Of course.”

“You know, this is what I love about being the bartender here,” Yuri muses softly, stopping her train of thoughts. She looks around with a small smile on her lips. “It’s boring when all you have are the locals. We all grew up with each other. But seeing this? Who would’ve thought the Werewolves hated other aside from the Vampires, right?”

Sejeong turns to them, gaze softening. “Yeah, I hate those bloodsuckers just as much.”

“But they’re—what do you hate about them?”

Sejeong’s scowl returns, though this time it’s more like a sulk than a scowl. “They’re ing cold.”

Seungwan stares at her for a moment before laughing, Yuri following right after. Out of the corner of her eyes, she sees Jihyo saying something and soon the Werewolves are laughing too, barking out the sound in glee. Sejeong’s lips twitch before she’s laughing along, steam curling out of her lips.

Yuri shoots Seungwan a glance that just says ‘see? This might be worth everything’ and Seungwan laughs louder.

Maybe she’s wrong. Maybe this town is for these damaged souls. But them being damaged doesn’t mean their laughter aren’t as real as their brokenness.

Maybe she shouldn’t be scared of being one of them.




Hyuna takes her to Sunmi three days later.

Seungwan realizes she can’t keep running away. She can’t keep locking herself in Wheein and Hyejin’s bathroom when she’s not in class or at The All Nighter talking with Sejeong, Yuri, or Jennie. It helps, knowing that Sejeong, Yuri, and Jennie are so human. Or some other term that won’t offend them but means the same.

That they’re of flesh (scales?) and bones and emotions, that they have hearts and are capable of hurting. That they’re real.

Sejeong is infuriating, always has a retort for everything. Jennie, a Kupua and used to being the trickiest out of the groups she’s pushed into, seethes at each one of Sejeong’s quips. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a retort, though. Seungwan spends most nights just watching the two bicker back and forth as Yuri slyly slides more alcohol towards them. There’s a hint of glee in Jennie’s eyes, like she missed having someone to bicker with.

Yuri just watches in amusement, lips quirking up in a smile. And maybe, just maybe, Seungwan isn’t scared of losing her humanity anymore.

So, she lets Hyuna take her to Sunmi.

And Sunmi’s face lights up as soon as she steps in the cabin, face breaking into childish glee at the sight of her sister. “Wan!”

Except there’s someone beside her, with translucent wings and cat ears, holding Sunmi’s hands as she cries. Soojung’s watery gaze lands on her and she in a breath. “Seungwan, I—”

Seungwan sends her sister a look, a silent question. What the is she doing here? But Sunmi just shrugs before taking a sip of the tea in front of her. “What are you—”

“If I had known you went through that.” Soojung sighs, shaking her head defeatedly. “I probably wouldn’t have lashed out on you as much as I did.” Her sharp eyes turn impossibly sad. “You were so young.”

“When?” Seungwan blinks, stepping back instinctively as Soojung takes a step forward. “What’s happening?”

Soojung nods, stepping back and giving Seungwan her space. “I came here as soon as I got a visit from Hyuna.”

“What’s Hyuna doing visiting you?”

If Soojung’s taken aback by the bite in her tone, she doesn’t show it. Instead, she takes another step forward. “Hyuna told me your story. She needed plants to help Sunmi’s healing and… and Sunmi was willing to help me look for ways to cope with my sister losing her memories since her own sister lost hers too. We’re looking for ways to get our sisters back.”

Seungwan flinches at the implication of Soojung’s words. She knows. The hints haven’t been subtle. She knows but why does it still make her flinch? “What?” She looks to her sister, silently wills her to say something.

But Sunmi doesn’t meet her eyes, just stares ahead with her fists tightly clenched on top of the table, knuckles white.

Seungwan gets her answer. “No,” she laughs out, shaking her head. (She knows.) “No.” But Sunmi and Soojung are both sporting genuinely disturbed, emotional faces. “How?” she breathes out, falling to the couch with a thud. (She knows.)

At this, Sunmi glances at her, and her eyes are bright with unshed tears. “You know how.”

The pieces suddenly clash together in Seungwan’s mind. The nightmares. The fire. The confusion about her childhood, not remembering Hyuna. “The fire,” she whispers. She knows. God. She knows.

Sunmi nods. “Park Town fire. The Slayers and humans came to burn our town to ashes like they did Yang’s town. Lee town came to save us, though.”

“Lee town?”

Soojung lets out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.” At Seungwan’s frown, she adds, “That was us.”

Sunmi slams her fist down the table and when Seungwan looks at her, she finds her impossibly divine. Not a scratch on her, her face smooth if not for the frown. She’s—of course. “They didn’t save you.”

Seungwan’s heart almost refuses to beat. Lee town didn’t save her. This town that she feels so protected in. Didn’t save little Seungwan. “Why didn’t they?”

“I guess… I guess they didn’t know you were trapped in your house,” Soojung offers, still standing awkwardly between the two sisters. “If they had known, I’m sure they would’ve saved you. I might have a grudge against those guys, but I know they won’t ever leave anyone behind.”

Okay. She was forgotten. She looks at Sunmi. “But you still came to save me.”

“I did. Our parents were busy fighting the Slayers and humans. They weren’t home back then, and I was in charge of you.” Sunmi takes another breath. “I don’t know how to save someone inside a flaming house, Seungwan. And they were holding me back. So, a few of them went in to look for you.”


Sunmi visibly flinches. “They came out alone. Said the house was empty. But I know you were in your room back then, Seungwan. You were playing when I went to the kitchen to make us some sandwiches and the fire started.” Sunmi’s voice is becoming angrier by the word, face reddening and Seungwan’s pretty sure there’s a dent on the table. “They came out, said you weren’t there, but I knew they were lying. I knew you were there, and they weren’t even good at lying!”

Seungwan swallows. Tears fill her eyes. “Who?”

“I came in there, found you passed out in your room.” Sunmi laughs loudly, so similar to the way Soojung did when she found out Sooyeon lost her memories. Out of her mind, so lost. Afraid. Most of all, mad. “I came here to seek revenge, you know? Get one of those they love like their own sibling to lose their own memories.”

Seungwan squeezes her eyes tight close. “Who, Sunmi? Who were they?”

Sunmi’s head whips up, eyes red and face white. She scoffs, let out a short chuckle.

Seungwan’s throat dries.

“It was Irene.”

And, well, it . Because from the start of this conversation, Seungwan’s had this knocking on her skull. A hint, much subtler than the ones telling her she’s a Slayer, but still there. She knows, or her subconscious does.

If Seungwan were to be honest, she knew there was something amiss from the moment she met Sunmi again. The unbridled anger in her eyes during her confrontation with Joohyun. She knew the history there wasn’t just between them two.

If Seungwan were to be a hundred percent honest, though. If she were to acknowledge things she noticed from the start, she’ll talk about the eyes in her nightmares. The beautiful eyes that’s behind the flames, staring at her with an unreadable expression before disappearing.

She’d know those eyes anywhere.

Those same eyes stare at her when she closes her own eyes, painted to the back of her eyelids and always there for her to see when she closes her eyes. A strangled sob escapes her and three pairs of arms engulf her in a hug.

(She knows.)




Jennie grimaces when she tells them. Yuri looks almost guilty. And Sejeong lets out a breath.

“Does she know?” Jennie asks, gaze not settling on any of the three in front of her. “Does Irene know what she did?”

Yuri sighs before going back to mixing their drinks. “I doubt it. If she knew, she wouldn’t let herself have a relationship with Seungwan.”

“What do I do?” Seungwan asks, voice small. She buries her face in her hands, fingers pulling at her hair. “What do I do with this information?”

A hot hand grips her shoulder before the fingers start massaging her. “I don’t know her much but I’m sure she has her reasons.”

“What reason is good enough? She left a kid in a burning house.” Jennie sounds mad. Which is unsettling because whenever she talked about Irene, there was always adoration there.

From across the counter, Yuri runs her webbed hands through her seaweed hair. “I don’t know. I can’t answer for her. She’s—she was probably scared. How long ago was that, Seungwan?”

“I don’t know—eighteen years?”

Yuri frowns. “I really… I don’t know, Wan, but maybe you should ask her. I know Irene, she won’t let any harm to come to anyone.”

“Anyone she cares about. When she first met me, I was just another kid to save from the humans.” She sighs, dragging her fingers down her face. “And I was a Slayer. She hates Slayers.”

Yuri doesn’t disagree. Slayers don’t really have the best reputation among Supers. She takes Seungwan’s hand and gazes at her sadly. “I know. But…” she looks conflicted for a moment, glancing at Sejeong and Jennie. After a moment, she lets out a breath. “When she drinks here, which is rare, she talks about regretting something. Something that gives her nightmares.”

“I almost died,” is the only answer Seungwan can think of. Her gaze hardens. “I did die. I lost the Seungwan I was. I lost a huge part of my life. I don’t—”

Before she can finish, her gaze lands on a figure coming in from the back door leading to the beach. As soon as she looks at him, she knows there’s something wrong. Her breath catches on . “Yuri…”

Yuri raises a brow before following her gaze. Immediately, her hand tenses on top of Seungwan’s. “No,” she whispers, haunted. She’s out of her seat in less than a second, standing beside the terrified boy. “They were looking for you—they were—”

“He’s not cold,” Sejeong mutters beside Seungwan, confirming Seungwan’s nightmares. She looks at Seungwan with wide eyes and watches as the ex-Slayer walks over to the boy.

“Jisung…” Seungwan kneels in front of him, but she really didn’t have to. He’s had a growth spurt after becoming an official vampire, he’s almost taller than Seungwan now. But Seungwan kneels and hugs his abdomen tight. Mostly because her knees are failing her. “No.”

He’s warm. Shaking from the cold outside but warm. It burns Seungwan.

He looks at Seungwan, petrified but curious. He doesn’t push her away. Then he looks at Yuri, eyes wide. He puts an arm around Seungwan, patting her softly. Comforting her.

It makes Seungwan relax. Maybe there’s an explanation as to why he’s not cold, his skin a normal shade. Why she can hear his heartbeat. Why he’s breathing. Why—

Everything comes crashing down when he asks a question. “Who are you?”


Hope you all liked this! Sorry for the lack of Witches, but I assure you they will be there next chapter. Leave a comment!

Title's from I Know A Place by MUNA.

(Also, I'm writing a new Wenrene fic that might be five to six chapters, it's an actresses AU fic and I'll post it as soon as I'm finished with all chapters so I don't procrastinate the updates. I'm already halfway done, so I might post that before PAB even ends!)


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Thank you!
I'm not abandoning PAB! I've had a horrible few months and I also tried to write more original fiction. For now, I'm stuck storywise and might not update for a while. Though, I might write a few oneshots (might not be rv centric). Sorry, and thank you!


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0 points #1
It's been 5 years still not losing hope 🥲
16 streak #2
Missing this fic once again and so sad that we will never know the ending of this fantastic fic!
I miss the story :(((((
Chapter 14: Nooooooo seungwan :(
Chapter 14: I thought this fic was already finished lmao. Anyway, I think the best tragic ending I could think of is that all supers will forget all of their past and will live a normal life. Of course, they will spend their whole life wondering why they felt like there is something missing. But when they see each other there is some kind of longing feeling, a feeling that they've known each other for centuries. I'm sure they will always find a way where they can meet.
Chapter 14: I thought this fic was already finished lmao. Anyway, I think the best tragic ending I could think of is that all supers will forget all of their past and will live a normal life. Of course, they will spend their whole life wondering why they felt like there is something missing. But when they see each other there is some kind of longing feeling, a feeling that they've known each other for centuries. I'm sure they will always find a way where they can meet.
Going to read this fic again cuz I miss good wenrene fanfics ❤️
yukisky #8
Miss this
Chapter 14: Author pleek comeback
Chapter 14: Im sorry author but i don't want to pressure you but we need updatessss..