The First Look

My Boyfriend is a Hallyu Star!

Note: This story follows the first person point of view. Think of it as YOU.






It was all white.

I can see a huge hall with a beautiful ceiling. It's so spacious and it seemed, though very vague, that the venue is like a dome. I can see a lot of long benches arranged in rows, adorned with fresh cherry blossoms. The whole dome smells like scented candles similar to a rose. I can see silvery drapes that adorned the walls of the dome. I can also see some statues, very beautiful statues whose calm faces were carved to perfection. The perfect stained glass which illustrated Adam and Eve, and oh, this...that made me realize where exactly am I....the cross of my Savior. 

I'm in a cathedral.


I'm in a cathedral and I am walking in a red carpet placed neatly on the shiny marble floor. My shoes are so pretty, it even look like Cinderella's glass slippers. I am wearing something white and bulky and yes, I am so uneasy with it. People whose faces are so unclear to me are staring at me. I don't know why but I think they are so happy because all of them are wearing their best smiles.

What on earth is happening?


I looked behind and saw nothing but white. I continued walking and clutched the thing in my hand... it was a bouquet.


It took five seconds for me to realize what was going on..




But I am not the bridesmaid nor the maid of honor...I am the bride! But the question that followed that realization is...who is my groom?

I looked straight, trying to see who's the man in front of the altar.


And I saw two men standing in there. I cannot see their faces, but both are wearing white suits. The melody from the grand piano is so soothing in my ears; it pushed my body to walk forward to see clearly who are those men in front of the altar...

I was about three meters away from them but their faces are still unclear... I continued walking.

Two meters away.


One meter away but still so vague..


Half a meter away


*Ringgg!* *Ringgg!* *Ringgg!* 


Effin' alarm clock.


I am so frustrated that I almost throw that alarm clock.


Day 5. A new day. I sat on the bed for like 15 minutes contemplating on my dream. I have been dreaming the same dream for three consecutive nights and each night seemed like a continuation of the other. But upon realizing that I have almost an hour left to prepare for school I erased those thoughts and started to panic.

I am a graduating student in a university and my major is in Fashion design. I love fashion so much and I remembered myself matching clothes and colors when I was a kid. My parents aren't that supportive of me because what they want me to take is really something that I really hate... music. It's not like I hate music or what, but I hate the fact that I have to spend hours practicing on an instrument. Despite their objections, I bravely wrote 'Fashion Design' and nothing follows in my application form in the university.

I once heard that 'Do what makes you happy, not what makes 'them' happy'. Thanks to that person, my parents must be very frustrated to him.

"A few more months, a few more months..." that's what I am thinking every single day of my senior life. I wanna get through this and start putting my skills into action. It's time to hit the fashion industry!

I usually ride the metro to reach the university, not that far though, just a few stations away. I sat near the door and leaned my head on the pole beside my seat...

I remembered that dream.

I am so confused and started wondering: does that dream means something? Or is it a premonition? I started to figure out if my dream was colored or not since they said that if it's colored, the dream won't happen. I chuckled upon reflecting whether it's colored or not.

"Silly", I muttered to myself.

I reached the university just in the nick of time. I was rushing to my classroom when I saw a poster in my peripheral vision. I ignored it.

School on that day was pretty stressful. Lots of drawings to be passed in the coming days, not to mention org activities and the like. It's just lunch time and I already feel like going home. I was eating my lunch when I heard someone flail and squeak, I looked for the owner of that voice and I saw her. I was right. 101%. It was my classmate who is obsessed with Korean boys from South Korea; with her is her BFF whose attitude is the same as hers'...only a bit milder. 

I find them frustrating sometimes because I cannot get the point why on earth are they listening to songs that they cannot understand?

"Forget them, ideas are  more important." 

Ideas are more important. That's been going through my mind while I endure the noise inside the room. It was so noisy to the point that it can give you a headache. Then suddenly, my classmate (who's a kpop lover) sat behind me with her BFF. 

Good Lord, save me.


They've been talking about someone whose name is a bit weird, about a name of a group having a so-called 'comeback stage' I can also hear gossips that this actor is dating this actress and some related stuff. I know it is wrong to listen but  their voices are so loud to the extent that you cannot help but hear what they are talking about. 'Kyaaaa' here and there. Squeal here and there plus the other noises coming from the other people in the room. 

I cannot take this anymore.

I tried to focus on something else... I don't wanna be the 'bad girl' in this moment.

" Just keep it in", I told myself.

But as long as my mind is empty with thoughts, it is always that mysterious men in my dreams that I think. Who are those men? And who are those in the cathedral? Of course, one of the two guys is my groom, but who is it?

I was in the middle of figuring things out and matching my dreams from day 1 till 5 when I felt someone was shaking my arms.

It was my KPOP classmate.

"What now?" I am already pissed. "You know what, I have no time for this you---"


I stopped for a moment. I felt guilty. I am not used in saying such negative things to other people... but at times like this, I cannot help but say such words. The noise, the stressful week, my five-day mysterious dream..all of these, I CANNOT TOLERATE.

I saw here shocked face and her eyes widen. Almost teary.

"W-well, I j-just wondered if I can show you t-this... my latest fandom..." she said, stammering.

"Oh God, can't she tell that I am not interested in this stuff? Why don't she tell it to her BFF?", I thought

But okay, just have a glimpse as a sign of respect.

"Mm-kayy", I said patiently while turning to her poster. "...but I'll just look at it for a sec----" I stopped.

My words stopped when I saw the poster that she is holding.


The boys in her poster are so pretty. Prettier than girls. 

One of them is wearing headphones, his huge eyes portrayed his expression well. He looked like a sculpture brought to life!

The other boy is in light pink clothes; his eyes, though chinky, are very expressive. 

He looks like a porcelain doll. I observed that he is staring at a heart-shaped lollipop, giving a faint smile...


My heart skipped a beat. My eyes widened.


Suddenly something happened to my mind, speedy light and people flashing. 


I felt nostalgic.


A flashback perhaps? Impossible.


There was something in me that tells me that there's something behind that poster. But I myself cannot determine what that 'something' is.


The flashback was so fast like a blackhole or something.


Is it dejavu?


I was about to reach the of the events when...




Everything went white... AGAIN.

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This is great!!! :) I'm so hooked into it now..

Awesome job!
SuJuniorLover99 #2
Oh my god! Update soon! This is so awesome, I love Key! <3
Oh god, I can't wait to read more. Update soon!!!! <3 KIBUM!
I really like your story! You're a very good writer :) hehe of course Key will turn out to be her child-hood friend she hardly remembers. I'm excited to see how it turns out :D hwaiting!! ^^
i like this story!! update soon!xD
i cant wait to see whats gonna happen
marxmellow #6
Thanks for reading my first two chapter <3 Things will get very interesting in the coming chapters <3 Because your boyfriend is a hallyu star! <3
vikKiBeoMin #7
Lollipop boy! Kekeke

Nice going! Hehe

Update soon!
This is really interesting! :)
Angel_Kiss #9
Nice story!!:D
Nice story and great idea! I enjoyed reading it because I feel like I'm the actual character in this story with Key. LOL!!! My craziness overflowed.