"Things That Already Happened Cannot Be Changed"

My Boyfriend is a Hallyu Star!

This is really getting into my nerves. How can that kpop guy reached my dream? 

Okay, as much as I respect my kpop classmate, but I think her kpop influence in getting waaay overboard.

I can tolerate seeing that poster everyday but please, not in my dreams!


I looked at him and he seemed in a hurry. His clothes is the same as in the poster but the only difference is that, he is wearing a lady gaga brooch a Jeremy Scott scarf. Very stylish indeed.

His eyes are extremely small, very chinky and very expressive. His complexion is way too smooth, it's like porcelein. And oh! His cheekbones are very prominent and very manly.

"For sure girls in school will get jealous at him" I thought

"Gwaenchana?" He asked me.

I was like ' WHAT?' is that Korean? Didn't he realize that I am not Korean???

" Sorry I cannot speak Korean, do you understand English?"

" Oh sorry didn't know you're not Korean. I said, Are you okay?"

I was surprised.

This guy. How can this guy speak English so well? You know what, if ever he'll talk to me in Korean for a long time and I later find out that he knows how to speak in English, man, he'll be dead.

"Um yeah, I'm okay" 

I remembered the kid who left his ticket behind.

"Sorry I must get going, someone left his ticket", I told him

"Mm-kay, sorry for what happened a while ago." he replied

"No problem. I'm sorry as well."

Without waiting for his reply, I started to run again, hoping to catch up to the kid.

I've been a few meters away from him when I heard girls screaming.

I turned and saw a lot of girls running towards that lollipop boy.

Err-- no, it's not ' a lot of girls'...


it's a mob.

I tilted my head to the side wondering how popular can that guy be?

"Nevermind" I thought.

I decided to turn my back and resume my hunt for that kid.


And it all went white...Again.


It's a new day. I hope this day will be much better than yesterday.

I did my morning rituals and grabbed my bag. I am ready to face hell,


I mean, school.

I was about to go out of the house when mom asked me, "You're not eating breakfast?"

"No mom, I'll just eat at school."


Without waiting for her reply, I went out. 

"Sorry mom, " I thought.


I took my usual seat in the metro and started to remember my dream last night. 

Oh why would it always be so white when it's about to end? Where did the child go?

I was so curious and wants to see the child to the extent that I can't wait to sleep again hoping that dream has a continuation just like my other dream.

"Silly" I giggled upon the fact that I'm anticipating for a continuation for that dream.

I do not believe in such things actually. That's why I felt so weird that my dreams always have a continuation.


School's been very good to me on that day, nothing much happened. Just the usual things.

Jill, my kpop classmate is still spazzing over her so called 'idols' and of course her BFF, Lavender is always on her 101% support to Jill.

New homeworks, new projects and papers to finish.

Still my classmates are so noisy,

and the food at the cafeteria is still bland.

Very usual. Very normal.




I remembered that today, I will confirm my slot for the exchange program in Korea. I'm kinda nervous because it is a non-English speaking country. But after reflecting, I realized that I should really grab that opportunity. It will help me grow as a designer, I can meet new friends, have tons of opportunities after I finish that program and not to mention the credentials that I can write in my resume. Talking about getting ready for work.

But is it really the reason why I am going there?


I don't wanna think about it. 

I rushed to the organization office and confirmed my slot to our adviser.

"I know you would accept it.." she said.

I did not give her any reply, I just smiled.

" I'll just be the one who'll fix all of your papers. The university will be the one who will arrange your visa so you don't need to worry." she said with a smile.

I left her office with mixed emotions. Am I regretting? Of course not. 

I sighed.

"It will be a great opportunity.. it will be a great opportunity.." I convinced myself.



Fourteen days passed quickly, nothing much happened. 

And what's very interesting is that I am no longer dreaming about my so-called 'sequel dreams' .

Very good.


One day, my adviser excused me from my class to deliver the 'good' news.

"Your papers are now ready, as well as your visa. But I have something to tell you and it's very urgent." she told me

"What is it?"

"You should be leaving after three weeks but there's some miscommunication between our university and the university in Korea"

"So... what is that?" I was confused.

" You should leave by Monday."


Today is Thursday.. so I have..


My jaw dropped. 


"Three more nights?!" 

"Sorry dear, the office of international affairs wants to extend their apologies for this miscommunication"

"But ma'am... three nights? How is my ticke---"

"Everything is settled, dear."

"H-how can I say goodbye to my friends and family for just three days?"

"Sorry dear.."


I was left there with shocked expression.


"WOW. Why is this happening to me?! Did I do something so evil in my past life that I deserve such punishment?"




What happened cannot be changed. 

It was Sunday and it's my last stay in my room so I'd rather spend the whole day in it.

In the evening, I started to pack my things.

I brought with me some memories and photos because a whole semester away from home will be very lonely without photos to look into.

I've brought my scrapbook that my bestfriend Carrie gave me for Christmas, I also brought my diary that I treasure very much and some photos of my classmates and of course our family picture.

It's really heartbreaking seeing that photo. Because I'm on my last night and still my parents and I are still not in good terms.

I'm almost done packing when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in"

The door opened and I saw my mother.

She went inside and I observed that she's bringing with her a box. An old one.


She sat beside me and brushed through my hair.

" My princess is already grown up.."

Oh-uh. I don't wanna cry...

"Honey, I just want to say sorry if your dad and I are very busy and have no time for you."

"Mom, just---"

"No honey. We are very sorry because we were so engrossed into our work that we even forgot that we have a daughter... it breaks my heart"

My mom started crying,

While I'm holding my tears.

"Sorry dear, but I just want you to know that we really love you."

I cannot hold it any longer.

I cried.

"Oh mom, I'm so sorry if i am not a perfect daughter to you."

"No you shouldn't be sorry. You are more perfect honey."

We hugged each other and spent a few minutes just crying our hearts out.

And it felt so good and comforting. Being in the arms of the woman who brought you to this earth.

No matter how much you argue with them still there's still love for them in your heart.

In her arms, I felt that all of the hard feelings were washed away.

I am so relieved. I am so happy. 

For the first time in how many years...


I felt loved.


My mom started to open the box that she's bringing. It was a box full of photos. Mostly, childhood photos.

We were laughing to see some of my childhood photos. My chocolate covered mouth when I was five, a picture of me in my school uniform when I was seven, a photo of me in my cheering uniform when I was twelve. All sorts of pictures is in that box. I was actually touched because I didn't know my mother's been keeping those photos ever since.

"I want to give you something before you leave for tomorrow."

She got a small box from her pocket. She opened it.

It was a necklace with a cross-shaped pendant studded with diamonds.

" Diamond means enduring love, an eternal flame of love. Your grandmother gave this to me and I guess it's about time to give this to you."

It was too precious for me to take it.

"I want you to--..."my mother said

"hmm?" I asked.

"I want you to give that necklace to only two persons."

"Two persons?"

" Give that necklace to the man to whom you'll give your heart, or to your first daughter"


"The man who will be receiving your love is very lucky. Because he'll be loving such a beautiful and fine woman."

"Oh mom, I love you" I said as I hugged my mom tightly.

"I love you too, honey." she said as she planted a kiss in my forehead.


We kept on browsing some photos in the box and we're laughing so hard especially on my embarrasing childhood photos.

My mother picked up one photo and showed it to me.

"Do you still remember him?"

"Remember who?"

"This boy," she told me as she pointed the big-boned, baby boy who has chinky eyes and big pupils. His eyes seemed so fresh from crying. The baby was sitting next to me, while I am holding a doll in my arms. It seemed we were playing.

"He is the son of my bestfriend. I wonder where are they now..." my mother replied.

"He was your bestfriend when you were a baby. You were playing at that time but he threw a tantrum when you don't want to lend him your cooking set."

"But mom, why would he want to play with a cooking set? He is a boy."

"Babies still don't know if it's for girls or for boys besides the cooking set looks very far from a doll."

I stared at the photo for a long time, puzzled.

My mom sighed.

"I hope I can still see my bestfriend in the future. I miss her badly...and I wonder what is this boy doing right now?"

I didn't answer because my eyes are fixed on the photo.

"You know what honey, before, my bestfriend and I thought that you and her son will end up together."

"Mom???" I said, frustrated.

"Just kidding. I know it's almost impossible to happen since we don't know where they are now. But who knows." my mom said giggling.

"Oh, it's getting late. Better finish packing or you'll be late for your flight tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight mom," I said as I hugged her

"I love you honey." my mom said.

"I love you too mom. Sorry and thank you for everything."


My mom was about to close the door when she turned to me and said,

"But honestly, I think my bestfriend's son and you will look  good together.." my mom said with a big smile


My mom shut the door.


I stared blankly at the closed door, remembering the face of the boy.


I placed my fist near my heart.





"I know I've seen him before."

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This is great!!! :) I'm so hooked into it now..

Awesome job!
SuJuniorLover99 #2
Oh my god! Update soon! This is so awesome, I love Key! <3
Oh god, I can't wait to read more. Update soon!!!! <3 KIBUM!
I really like your story! You're a very good writer :) hehe of course Key will turn out to be her child-hood friend she hardly remembers. I'm excited to see how it turns out :D hwaiting!! ^^
i like this story!! update soon!xD
i cant wait to see whats gonna happen
marxmellow #6
Thanks for reading my first two chapter <3 Things will get very interesting in the coming chapters <3 Because your boyfriend is a hallyu star! <3
vikKiBeoMin #7
Lollipop boy! Kekeke

Nice going! Hehe

Update soon!
This is really interesting! :)
Angel_Kiss #9
Nice story!!:D
Nice story and great idea! I enjoyed reading it because I feel like I'm the actual character in this story with Key. LOL!!! My craziness overflowed.