Chapter 3

My happily ever after

Asking a girl for a date should be easy. All you have to do is ask, right? But it's not always that simple if you're shy or nervous. At some point though, you're going to have to step up and be bold or you will  forever be left to wonder what would have happened. She succeed at asking seungwan for a date even though Joohyun is a little bit shy and embarrassed.



It was past 8 Joohyun is in their condominium with Yeri,Joy and Seulgi. But unfortunately seulgi was not here because her father call her.

Joohyun can't still believe that she really asked seungwan to have a date with her and luckily seungwan agreed but holy ing of pretty cabbages oh my what would I do now?

Joohyun knows that it's just a date and this is not her first time going on a date but god knows how Joohyun felt right now. She feels that her life and future depends on this date of course it is, She just asked the cute nerd Seungwan.

Joohyun sighed she was hopeless she knew it, she need to come up with a plan but how. Joohyun was too immerse on making a plan that she didn't notice Yeri looking weirdly at her.

"What am I going to do now."

Joohyun mumbled a little bit loud that makes Yeri heard it.

"You know Unnie you can just ask for our help right?"

Yeri said that makes Irene startled a little bit.

"Yah Yeri you scared the hell out of me!"

Joohyun said.

"Hahahaha.Sorry I didn't scared you unnie you are just spacing out that's why you startled,it's not my fault." 

Yeri explained at Joohyun.

"Aish. Okay but can you please help?"

Joohyun asked yeri with her puppy eyes.

"Eh?What is it Unnie?"

Yeri asked her.

"Well,I kinda ahmm...asked Seungwan on a date and she agreed but I don't have any idea on my mind right now."

Joohyun said while scratching her nape.

"Really Seungwan Unnie agreed? Wow, You know what Joohyun unnie it's too easy you just have to know what she likes and dislikes."

Year said.

"But how?should I asked her about that?!"

Joohyun asked.

"Ah No,that was too obvious aish really unnie? Ahmm.wait let me think."

Year said Joohyun just nodded.

"Unnie I have a great idea."

Yeri said.

"What is it?"

Joohyun asked while lifting her left eyebrow.

Then Yeri come toward her and whisper something, Joohyun just nod trying to understand what the little girl whispering to her.

"Are you sure about it?"

Joohyun asked.

"Of course I am, I guarantee that Seungwan Unnie will like it."

Yeri smiled and patted the shoulder of her Unnie.

"Thank Yerim~ah."

Joohyun said. 

She was thankful to Yeri for supporting her even though Yeri has a crush on Seungwan.

"You're welcome unnie, And goodluck for your date later."

Yeri said and wave her unnie a goodbye.

Joohyun smiled at Yeri she was grateful that she has a Kim Yeri to rely on when she needed. Even though sometimes she wants to throw Yeri to go back to hell for being savage at them.

"You can do this Bae Joohyun you can do this!Fighting."

Joohyun said to herself.

A couple of minutes Joohyun keeps on thinking about what the little spawn devil said to her.

Yeri's useful tips

      You should open door for her, and if you have a car, open that door as well. It shows her you respect her and will make her feel special. 

           Let her choose the place, unless she doesn't want to. In that case, have an idea ready as a backup. Try not to pick anything you really like- remember, it's about her. It does not have to be expensive, she wants to get to know you, it should not be about the wallet- but don't be a cheapskate either.

Don't do anything where you will get sweaty or messy, it may take some of the fun out of it. You're going for style here- sorry guys, this includes all messy foods "oh man no ribs!"

Remember it's an investment Unnie. Yes you are paying but whatever you shell out is worth it.

Find out what she is interested in.This will keep the conversation going if you run out of things to say. For example, if she likes dancing or singing, then maybe ask "So how is your dancing/singing going?" or something like that

Only go as far as she wants to, don't force yourself on her that's just sooo wrong! If she just wants to hold hands then that's fine. Take it slow even the players play the long game right? What you don't get today she might give you tomorrow; respect her.

Compliment her, tell her she is beautiful - not y! Compliment her personality (that never hurts) but don't overdo it or you will lose all sincerity. Casually drop these compliments in over the date.

Be yourself; just an edited version.She may not be as keen on monster trucks as you or get that weird sense of humor you have so go easy and reveal yourself more over time too much too soon may give her the impression that you're too forward.


Relax and let things flow. But be careful with what you say you don't want to go about insulting her; but if you do, just apologize and move on. It`s the only way out of it say a quick "sorry, my bad" and move on.

Show her that you care. Don't look through your messages on your phone when she's talking to you. Look her in the eyes and pay attention to what she's saying. Women love someone that is polite and focused on her.

If you have dinner, excuse yourself go to the comfort room and check you haven't got any food on you or in your teeth. Girls don't kiss someone with gunk in their teeth or dirty faces.

Be yourself women can tell when you are being fake (well, not always thank god) but it's easier to be yourself than to maintain a "web of lies"

Have fun!

Look handsome/pretty for the date: get a shower, wash your face, pick clothes that match (looking smart and casual always works), smell nice (don't drown yourself in anything- a little spritz of something is ok). Remember: Be presentable and make sure that you use a good perfume because you know maybe HAHAHA.

You should always carry gum with you - girls are more likely to kiss a person with fresh breath. Mints might be better, due to the fact that you don't produce as much spit and you're not going to look like your drooling.

In short be a gentle rabbit and try not to do something crazy that will makes you look like a stupid monkey.



author's note: I am still writing the wenrene's date so stay tune guys hahahaha.

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I'm going edit this story for now because as I read other comments many reader are little bit confuse so yeah I'm doing my best to edit some of my mistakes.


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Steph_05 #1
Authornim will you return one day? 😔
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 8: I'm sad when you don't update this
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 7: You are one of his favorite writers
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 6: I'm not forcing you to come back, but I just hope
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 5: it's been a long time, and I miss you
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 4: You will update this again
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 3: but, I hope
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 2: I know you will not update this again
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 1: Hei
Please continue writing this story, I really love it!