001: Hangovers

Hearts Aflame
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Urghhh. Hangovers.

Mina thought groggily, stretching her very numb arms over her head and groaning when her head released a very powerful lurch of pain, reminding her of the dozens glasses of alcohol she so carelessly drank yesterday night, and for what? Hangovers.

For someone who is so used to parties and wildlife – because having male best friends does that to you – she should have been used to what comes with it: headaches and plenty of nights of drunk-sleeping that makes everyone only dream of a nice sleep.

She stretched her sore legs and wiggled around to find a more comforting position to sleep in whatever tight place she had passed out on, only to plummet down and meet the concrete.

… or whatever harsh ground she fell onto that could groan and move under her.

“Get off,” A guttural, deep groan came from under her, and in her hazy-minded drunken-self, she didn’t understand that she had fallen over a person and that person wanted her to get off. All she knew was that she had a harsh, harsh pain pounding in her head. She dared to groan again, nuzzling her face into the guy’s chest, with her icky hair all in and wrapped around her eyes by God knows what sorcery that made it like that. The guy she fell onto let out an almost painful wail.

“Mina, get the off.” A hand reached for the back of her neck, twisting her flesh with two fingers, and pulling her away from him harshly. Mina’s head pounded again, and the way the guy was manhandling her only doubled the pain of her head. She yelped and tried to reach for the hand behind her, which she successfully caught in spite of the whole world spinning around her.

She yanked his hand away from her flesh, which he was still tightly pinching, something she didn’t realize in the drunken haze wrapped around her mind, and made herself even more hurt, as the guy didn’t hesitate to pull her skin right along with her yank.

What an utter .

“Urgh, let go of me you mouse-eating !” Mina screamed, now slapping the hand mercilessly, a scowl making itself evident in her head. The guy dared to chuckle at her,  amusingly too; letting go of her skin and then using his knee to dig into her thigh, so that he could twist her away from him.

She fell right on her back with an oofff.

She instantly tried to pull the stray locks of her long hair out of her eyes, so that she could see and kill the for hurting her and pushing her away from his all too soothing body heat. Her hair was too long for her liking, and too icky with sweat and.. what was it? Juice? The locks kept sticking to each other in a gross way and obscuring her vision – not like she could see anyway with the wild swinging of everything around her — she remembered then that the who had been under her was exactly the same one that made her hair like this, for he, the , had poured cocktail mix in it when he had been intoxicated with her yesterday night.

Once she successfully yanked her hair off of her face, she turned her head sideways to glare at him, finding him scratching his chest (the same area she had nuzzled) and looking thoroughly uncomfortable with whatever he was feeling, which she knew was hangover. The two of them drank to their hearts’ content together, anyway.

The pure irritation in his face didn’t soften her heart, or her resolve, and she easily reached her hand to his face and smacked his eyes.

“Ow! Woman, keep your hands to your body, thank you very much.” He grumbled, pushing away her hand from his face which wasn’t even there to begin with, which made him look like a fool clawing air.

“That is payback for smearing punch to my hair, you , do you know how hard it was to get it done for the party?” She grumbled back with a deep scowl on her face, wiggling around the tight place she was wedged in, between the guy’s rock hard body, and the couch she had fallen from. Nice.

It didn’t help that the boy’s extremely high body temperature for being a werewolf was oozing out of him, making her sweat more than before. She moved away from his body uncomfortably, and pressed herself into the cool surface of the couch.

“Please, it’s like you forgot how you were practically begging me to throw it on your face,” He snorted, and even then he remained highly attractive. She didn’t even know how. “You’re a party , admit it, and you love it when I get rough on you.”

“Jongdae, you’re a ing ,” She tried to smack his thighs with her bare heel - cheeks tinted because she might have remembered telling him something of that sort - something he tried to dodge with a high squeal. “You shouldn’t have done it. You know how I get when I’m drunk, and yet you still showered me with it.”

“Ow- Woman, calm down, it is not— ow ow!— my fault— stop it!— you get crazier in parties!” Jongdae tried to say coherently through her wild, aimless kicks, wiggling around far away from her and then smacking into the legs of the table the two of them were lying in between. He gave out another howl at the smack, rubbing his throbbing head and tearing up at the pain, while she stopped hitting him to assess the damage, her eyes blinking the bleariness away. Seeing him frowning, a yellowish smudge of whatever he had been drinking yesterday night on his white T-, while his hands tried to desperately claw the utter feeling of pain spreading in his head, doubled by the already massive headache he had, made her momentarily pause, before she was howling, laughing loudly like a crazy hyena.

“You’re a , you know that?” He grumbled weakly, giving her a small flying kick to her side, before trying to sit up, releasing a whine mixed with a husky; deep groan.

She sat right after him, wiping fake tears of laughter just to spite him. Her head pumped harshly, and she could practically hear the pain throbbing in her ears. She let out a whimper of pain, dropping her temple on Jongdae’s shoulder, the warmth he was radiating lessening the impact of her headache, even if the heat was slightly uncomfortable.

“You alright there?” Came Jongdae’s question, his voice soft and velvety, unlike the mocking, ridiculed voice of earlier. Mina groaned unladylike, but it, why should she care? She was among her best friend and Jongdae had seen a lot of terrible things and heard a lot of horrible voices from her to care about an unladylike groan.

“Fine, just feel like my head is splitting into twos, no biggie.”

“Same, baby, same.” Jongdae put his head on top of hers, releasing an equally tired groan of pain.

Just then, his ears picked up a sound of footsteps coming from the kitchen, holding a scent of coffee mixed with hot chocolate. He lifted his head up from Mina’s head to glance backwards, catching his Alpha’s eyes, which instantly fell back on Mina, who didn’t even bother lifting her head from Jongdae’s shoulder, too pained to care. Not like she could hear the Alpha coming, since she didn’t have their freaky light senses, or the agility to mask their footsteps.

She was only notified by the newcomer because of the heated surface of something being pressed on her other free temple, and she looked up with round eyes to see Suho offering her a cup of warm, yummy hot coco.

His eyes, like most of the times, weren’t showing much emotions, since Alphas weren’t supposed to have obvious expressions on their faces, so no one could read them. But she had known him since they were in middle school, and he hadn’t always been this bleak. She took the cup of hot chocolate (with a packet of coffee. Just like how she liked) from his hands, her cheeks going all red with the intensity of his eyes, and the fact he gave her coffee. An entire war was happening inside her tummy, her heartbeats racing, and Jongdae’s snort right from beside her told her she was being obvious, but then again; Jongdae had sharper eyes than normal.

Not like she cared. As long as Suho himself didn’t know of her crush on him.

She gave the boy a soft thank you, her whole demeanor shifting into a gentle, shy one, and Suho let out a small, disappointing sigh.

“You’ve been sleeping for the entire afternoon,” Suho said with boredom, his blank eyes shifting from Jongdae to her continuously. “The two of you missed your morning classes. Actually, all of you have missed your morning classes. I leave for business for one day and you’re already throwing a party?”

She looked so deeply ashamed, not for actually throwing a party; but because she was caught, and for missing her classes. The fact Suho was scolding her didn’t settle well with her roaring stomach. Jongdae merely shot his Alpha a sheepish smile, scratching his light brown hair that he dyed a few days ago.

“At least wake up for your classes,” Suho continued to scold with a no-joking voice, his tone leveled and husky, throwing shivers all over her anticipating body. God, he was so y. “And clean up after your s. Have you seen the state of this apartment?”

“We’re sorry, Suho hyung,” Jongdae said with a large smile, the hyung coming out of his mouth more stressed than his sorry. “We won’t do it again.”

“That’s what you always say before throwing one anyway,” Suho sighed again, shaking his head in an extremely tired way; his hands going inside his pants’ pockets, while his piercing eyes shrouded them in a cocoon. “You’re graduating this year, Jongdae, do you even realize that?”

“You know what I realize?” Jongdae blinked his eyes, avoiding the scolding like a pro. “You brought Mina coffee, and not me. You’re my Alpha, we are in a pack, not Mina.”

Mina, who had been silently blushing and taking all of Suho’s scolding to heart; raised her head to shoot Jongdae an annoyed look, her hands clutching on her cup of coffee protectively. Suho gave Jongdae an exasperated look, his black hair falling over his head in a messy, yet elegant way, giving Mina another thing to fangirl about later when he was not around. Also, the look on his eyes as he stared down at Jongdae was a look of a boss, of a superior person looking down at a smaller person, even if the look was unintentional; and Mina’s eyes turned into two, giant hearts.

“Go wake Chanyeol and Baekhyun up,” Suho all but ignored Jongdae’s words, pointing at the spiral stairs behind him that lead to the upper level of the apartment, where the bedrooms were. “And go home to wash up and get ready for your afternoon classes, while you,” Suho guided his eyes to the girl.

Mina looked up from under her lashes, her lips pressed on the rims of the cup she was holding and was previously intending to take a sip from. Suho’s eyebrow twitched a little at the sight of her lips on the cup, a little protruded so she could take a sip, with her naturally round eyes looking up at him with a startled innocence. She looked.. a bit sultry without her realizing, and Suho faltered a little, his scolding tone dropping into a softer tone.

“Go wake Sehun and Kai. I think they’re sharing a room somewhere. You have got to get ready for your afternoon classes as well.”

“Yes, Mom.” Jongdae jokingly saluted before she could, not like she was going to say anything aside remorsefully take the blame for whatever she had done. Suho rolled his eyes at Jongdae, turning around to leave the messy living room filled with paper cups and puddles of juice everywhere.

“He’s so dreamy.” Mina sighed with heart eyes and a stupid smile, eyeing the way to the kitchen Suho had disappeared into. Jongdae snorted again, lifting his hand up and flicking her on her forehead using two of his fingers. She yelped, quickly taking ahold of his two fingers and pinching him loudly, a creepy smile going on her face.

Then, the two of them heard thundering footsteps stomping on the ground, heading right towards where they were sitting. They looked at the direction of the stairs, catching Chanyeol’s large frame rushing down, a wild look in his eyes. Mina tilted her head, watching the boy with confusion, as he frantically whipped his head around, large eyes searching for something. He looked rugged, hazard, and downright a mess. His silver hair flying in all directions, while his lips were swollen, chapped, and his whole face supporting a panicked expression on.

“Chanyeol? You alright buddy?” Jongdae called with raised eyebrows, nearly touching his bangs, and Chanyeol whipped his head towards them, his wide eyes widening even more if that was possible. He seemed almost like he didn’t notice them around, which was strange considering their werewolf senses made them highly aware of everything around them.

“No time for chatting,” Chanyeol said hurriedly, his low-pitched voice sounding lower than usual, indicating he had just woken up. Not like it wasn’t obvious. “Yoomi is waiting for me at Uni and I cannot find my phone to tell her I’ll be there in a few minutes. Have you seen it?”

Yoomi is Chanyeol’s girlfriend of six months. According to Chanyeol, she was super sweet, and kind as well. He loved every single pits of her and she felt the same. Chanyeol liked to share everything about her to Mina and the boys, from her blushing cheeks whenever he told her she was beautiful, her twinkling eyes whenever he pecked her cheeks, or her tiny frame that fit his larger one whenever he hugged her. All these sweet things about her made them gag, but they didn’t tell him that for the sake of not hurting his feelings; and yet they still haven’t met her face to face. They’ve seen the two on campus a few times, Chanyeol and Yoomi, but they never really interacted that much together. Mina and everyone else were dying of curiosity to know of this sweet angel Chanyeol is continuously gushing about.

“Um, Chanyeol,” Mina’s voice calling Chanyeol pulled the taller male from his panic attack

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Exam month >.<
I’ll try to update in Christmas!


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35 streak #1
Chapter 44: Woah.. finally finished reading this story.. wanted to read this fic for a long while... worth it..really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till this chapter..so far loved it so much.. loved the development and ups and downs in their relationships and lives... loved the unity, trust, love, care, support and understanding level for each others whether they were in friendship or in love relationship... felt so bad for mina's past life... but the way mina and the boys handled things were very amazing and appreciated... loved the bonding among them.. haha specially baekhyun, jongdae, suho and minsoek... still curious about her bonding with sehun, kai, kyungsoo, yixing and chanyeol...loved all the detail and descriptive parts... confession parts too.. bickering couple..haha... couldn't stop laughing... loved chanyeol and mina's part... baekhyun's possessiveness...haha... really loved her relationship with sehun, suho, kyungsoo kai and yixing..so curious about her becoming a werewolf... hope authornim come back here one day with the same enthusiasm as before and continue to write the rest of the story.. would love to read more about mina and the boys relationship...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story ❤️
Chapter 44: Hi, dear!! I'm back reading this story again.. i miss Mina and the pack T__T
I hope you are safe, healthy and happy wherever you are <333
I hope you can find in yourself to complete this beautiful story please, because Kai in this book is just so beautiful inside out... This story has my❤
Chapter 44: Still laughing hard and enjoying the story now that I have reread it. Reall one of the best that I've read. (●♡∀♡)
Update soon
Chapter 44: aww, this is very sad... as a writer,, i can relate with you. i completely understand what you're feeling, and i'm so sad that one of my favorite stories in aff will no longer continue to run anymore. i'm still glad i've been able to read such a masterpiece (im still in pain i wont be able to read kai and mina's bond part but oh well what can i do) i hope you have a really nice break and thank you so much for this wonderful story!
Chapter 38: this kai chapter is every i ever needed in life
Chapter 44: Ok so I'm re-reading this for the third time lmao I know u won't be updating this story anymore but I love it so damn much I guess I can't move on?? Lol Anyways, just kinda missing you here on aff, hun *cries* I hope u come back soon!! ♡
Chapter 43: ah omg I just spent the last couple of days re-reading this fic bc I loved it so much. This whole book was just a bundle of cuteness and it made me miss exo so mUCHHH (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I love how you portray each and everyone of the characters, it depicts their real like personalities really well to me and it just makes the whole thing 10x better. And I just loooove the consistent bickering they have with Mina, it's so cute and entertaining to read!!