007: Avoidance

Hearts Aflame
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“Do we really have too, though? I’m already stuck doing my endless punishment with you as it is, and now I have to go with you to see Jongdae,” Mina, whom was once again passing a fresh white towel to Minseok, whined, throwing the older guy a gigantic pout he so easily ignored; despite it being so difficult for him to do so, considering how cute she was with it. “What do you even want from him?”

“Stop whining, sweet pumpkin,” Minseok managed to say without chuckling at how adorable she was being; although a huge smile was apparent on his face, the same chipmunk grin of his that Mina liked to watch. He accepted the towel she was offering with a small thanks and went on with his monologue. “Jongdae and I had a challenge to do regarding soccer. Did you know that he had the audacity to declare himself as better than I am? So now I’m going to him, all tired from my previous rehearsals, to kick his and show him I’m better even when I’m exhausted.”

“This sounds like something Jongdae would definitely say.” Mina murmured softly, almost shyly, at the mention of the boy, her heart already reacting to him violently despite only hearing his name. It was ridiculous how affected of him she was growing to be, terrifying even. Would anyone want someone else to have such a big impression on them? Was it even healthy? Mina shook the wandering, stupid thoughts of the boy out of her head, and tried – the keyword being tried – to act as nonchalantly as she should.

“But do I really have to go with you?” She told Minseok with a shudder, clearing afterwards to have a grip on herself. “And is that the only reason you want to challenge him? Some stupid man pride?”

“Hey!” Minseok called, smacking the awfully smelling, awfully wet towel he was using to wipe his forehead sweat on her shoulder, and she shuddered again, this time in disgust. “As the captain of the local soccer team, that’s one hell of a big pride. Also, the winner has to recharge the other’s Netflix card for three months.”

Is he ing for real? Netflix card?

“Minseok.” She whined again, taking a step closer to him so that she could clutch on the short sleeve of his team shirt, the fabric flimsy and filled with sweat. But she didn’t mind, not at the time, her unwillingness to go and see Jongdae bigger than her disgust reactions. At least at the moment while she was trying to avoid Jongdae’s pretty smile, his pretty eyes, his shrill screams, his gorgeous golden, windswept hair, his—

Okay, she was drifting away.

“I told you to stop whining, sweetheart,” Minseok chided gently, rubbing on her head with his free hand that she wasn’t holding (thankfully, it wasn’t the hand he was holding the towel with) and patting her hair like she was some sort of a pet. She didn’t notice. “You don’t have any classes at the moment and it’s not like I’m going to meet up with strangers you don’t like, you’re being weird.”

If Minseok was catching up to her resolute dejection and refusal to leave with him, he wasn’t showing it; or maybe he was showing it, but she wasn’t noticing. Either way, she needed to give him an excuse of her reluctance, something to hold on to and not questioning her about.

“I’m just tired as it is,” she told him, giving him her best puppy eyes. Surprisingly; he wasn’t relenting, but squinting his eyes in doubt instead. “With my morning classes and then having to continue my duties being your slave for the day. Can’t I sleep?”

“I’ll buy you lunch.”

“Urgh, fine. I hate you.” He bought her with the lunch offer, since she was a food person – honestly, who wasn’t a food person? — and they could count on it to buy her.

“But you love food and you can’t decline that.” Minseok snickered, walking away from her to the bench his duffle bag was lying on, already taking the clothes he’d be dressing in after taking a shower, relieved that he wouldn’t have to nag her into coming anymore.

“Well, that’s a fact worth verifying and checking accordingly.” She tried to deny, giving him a blank look, but Minseok only laughed, his laughter sounding like a twinkling of bells, or the tinkling of birds. It was a delightful sound anyway, and it made Mina’s heart warm. Now she was sure she wouldn’t be able to decline him, with food or not.


The entire time they were walking inside the gigantic campus of Jongdae and Baekhyun’s college, Mina was trying to drag her legs, walking behind Minseok in a fair distance, and wishing she could turn around and bolt. Deep in her head, she continued to pray on and on not to see Jongdae, at all; and that by some miracle, she wouldn’t have to meet him (because meeting him was awkward, and she always remembered how soft and incredibly hot he had been when he kissed her, when he touched her, when he had been possessive of her. It shouldn’t have been as hot as it was making her feel, and it was odd, very much so, that she was feeling like that towards someone who is supposed to be nothing more than a brother) Thankfully though, Minseok didn’t seem to notice her dragging behind, and avoiding the attention they were gathering, especially the gorgeous, model-like Minseok.

Minseok, as always — or maybe he was pretending not to — didn’t seem to notice the attention he was receiving from everyone. Some males were recognizing him as the star player and captain of one of the local soccer clubs, their faces surprised; while girls were wondering who the sculpted God was. Mina couldn’t help but frown; what was so prominent and so.. there in her friends’ faces to make them so popular in everyone’s eyes? She looked at Minseok, studying him, and in the same time trying to look at him like how everyone was looking at him. To her, he was just a cheeseball who failed at flirting, someone with a nice smile and even nicer eye-smile, but had he ever made he pause and gaze at him with awe? Maybe when he played football, but he made everyone look at him in awe when he played football, so that didn’t count.

And he wasn’t playing now, he was just.. walking around, head lowered down to the phone he was holding, probably texting Jongdae about his whereabouts; and yet he was still garnering attention on him. Mina scoffed, thankful that she doesn’t attain the same kind of attention, because then she’d feel watched, stalked even; and she’d rather be crazy without being judged, thank you very much.

“Wait here, order whatever food you want, and I’ll go check for Jongdae.” Minseok suddenly stopped in the middle of the university’s main cafeteria, not in the various food courts from Starbucks, McDonalds, or Subway this university provided; no, he stopped at the local cafeteria, the one the university made, the one that tasted like . He even pulled an empty chair in an empty, spotless table for her to sit on. Mina shook her head instantly.

“No! I don’t want the cafeteria’s food! I want from McDonalds.” She protested. Minseok probably never tried this cafeteria’s food, but she did, with Jongdae actually, and he forced her food that he brought down because he didn’t want to waste the money he payed for. But was she the one that told him to buy such a ty food? No, she didn’t.

She was still forced to eat all of the food he bought anyway. She wasn’t always the one to win in arguments, after all, Jongdae was an too sometimes.

“For real? I thought you don’t like McDonalds.” Minseok raised his eyebrows, remembering all those days she protested eating from McDonalds, since she said, and quote ‘McDonalds sells food for children’.

“I do, when I’m hungry.” She challenged, raising her eyebrows in the same manner he was doing. Minseok sighed, done with her, and pinched his nose.

“Fine, don’t order, starve while I look for the idiot,” He was going to go, having finished his words; but he paused to give her a worried look, and she wondered what his sudden worry was about. It wasn’t like she hadn’t waited for one of them at least a hundred times all alone. “Call Baekhyun or something, maybe he finished his classes by now. Tell him to entertain you.”

“Yes, Boss.” She gave him a fake salute, suppressing her grin, and Minseok’s worry flushed away from his face, a naughty expression taking over. Mina immediately braced herself.

“I’d prefer you call me daddy more.”

“Ew! Minseok!” She exclaimed, shuddering; and he gave that tinkling laugh of his before actually leaving, his shoulders popping up and down from the harsh volume of his laughter. Mina rolled her eyes. She couldn’t believe he was older than Suho, that he was the oldest of them all. He acted like such a dork sometimes. And not to mention the fail flirting, God, he was such a grandpa.

Mina leaned against the chair she was sitting on; yawning massively and trying to cover her wide mouth with her hand; but she was tired and whenever she was tired she tended not to give two s about what she was doing. She normally didn’t care, but she didn’t care even more when she is exhausted.

Even though Minseok told her to call Baekhyun for company, she didn’t want to bother him incase he was flirting with a girl, or he was still in his classes, but knowing him, he would be flirting a girl in class, while the professor is lecturing. That guy had no shame, really; even Jongdae refrained from doing certain things in certain situations, knowing when to be polite and whatnot; but Baekhyun, God, Baekhyun was a hopeless case, it mainly stemmed from the attention he always received from everyone. Being charming had it perks, and Baekhyun happily let it go throw his head.


Oh, thinking about him made her delusional, she was hearing his name calling her. She opened her eyes nonetheless, since she wasn’t one to ignore her delusions – she had been right after all when she thought her friends were slightly creepy, turned out they were werewolves! — and true to herself, Baekhyun truly was calling for her. He was rushing towards her in long strides, passing through the crowds of people eyeing him with heart eyes, boys and girls together. Being the university’s boy, playboy and bad boy made him everyone’s dream guy. Mina was sure girls had wet dreams about him.

“Oh Hey, Baekhyun, why are you here?” She greeted once he was closer to her, straightening in her place to give him a sweet smile. No matter what kind of a person he was, he was still her dork of a friend, best friend actually. He and.. Jongdae.

“I.. was..” he panted, trying to collect his breath; before dumping himself on the chair across hers, releasing a last long breath, and then looking at her. If she looked any closer, she’d notice the twinkle in his brown iris at seeing her in his school. “I just finished classes, and saw Minseok Hyung wandering around searching for Jongdae, and he told me you came along.”

“So you came running all the way here?” She joked, leaning once again on the chair and crossing her arms, giving the boy an utterly amused look. In once second, Baekhyun’s eyes widened, and red dusted his cheeks instantly.

“Uh.. yeah?”

“You’re so cute.” She told him tenderly, her hand itching to pat his fluffy black hair. His hair wasn’t really fluffy, it was flat and y, draping over his dark-rimmed eyes, giving him a mysterious look. He was also clad in clothes that gave him a dangerous vibe, leather black jacket, black, V-neck T-shirt, and washed blue jeans. Toppled with his biker boots, he was anything but cute, his lips were red and inviting as well. He was dripping with appeal, to everyone, that is, because for Mina, he was merely a stupid boy who drooled whenever he saw something he liked while being unconscious of the action himself.

Baekhyun, it seemed, didn’t like being addressed with cute, not from her, and he frowned. Usually, he wouldn’t give a flying about what she thought of him, cute or y, because he knew he truly was drop dead gorgeous, the dangerous type of beauty; and her opinions on him stemmed from his actions with her. But now, something burned inside of him when she told him he was cute – because cute guys were not manly enough – and he didn’t like it. Acid burned his throat, and he swallowed the bitterness away.

“Don’t call me that, I’m one hot piece of meat,” He told her, lowly, still frowning, and Mina’s sweet smile turned smug. “I’m y, gorgeous and every single girl here can attest to that.”

“These girls don’t know you like I do,” Mina quickly retaliated, stomping more on his pride. He was fighting a growl from escaping his throat. “.. and I say you’re cute, adorable even, especially when you blush like that.” At that, he blushed again (God, he hated how he was blushing around her. He was being such a wimp!) and seeing that again, Mina cooed at him childishly, liking how she was annoying him.

“Awwe my adorable puppy.”

“Will you stop?” He snapped, tilting his face away so she wouldn’t see his blush. Mina raised her eyebrows, slightly taken aback by his raised voice. “I’m not an adorable puppy. I’m a man, a hot one, so don’t treat me like I’m a child to coo at.”

“Geez, what got your on a twist? Fine, you’re a gorgeous man. Happy?” She rolled her eyes, leaning against the table to squish his cheeks with her fingers. Baekhyun rolled his eyes back at her, but he didn’t stop her from touching his face and giving him such an ugly fish face. The fact her delicate fingers were touching the skin of his cheeks were igniting red, burning flames on that area she was touching; and Baekhyun’s inner wolf started pacing around himself, wanting more of her touch in places a sister shouldn’t be touching.

He waited until she took her hand off his face to reply.

“ing thrilled.”

She imitated his words mockingly, and he was urged to smack her head like how he always did whenever she did something stupid or childish, like always; but he found himself unable to reach a hand like how she did to touch her, to cause her pain nonetheless; even though it was a slight, playful one. His wolf wouldn’t allow him, he wouldn’t allow him, and so he decided to change the subject; rolling his eyes in fake annoyance even though what he was feeling right now, while she was with him, was everything but annoyance.

“Now, would you like something to eat? Drink? I think I’m getting something for me.”

“Nah,” Her rejection was instant; and Baekhyun’s shoulders slumped down. “Minseok will buy me a burger from McDonalds after he is finished with Jongdae, and I’d rather have my stomach empty until then.”

“Oh..” He didn’t hide his dejection, looking down at his fingers, face morphing into sadness. Baekhyun hated that a small, slight action of hers was enough to evoke such enormous feelings out of him, and he hated the suddenness of this change in him. He absolutely hated not knowing why he was suddenly reacting to every single she tells him. One minute, he’d be hopping on his heels for a speck of attention from her, and the next, he’d be frowning so hard to the point he’d create a hole on the ground, just because she acted touchy touchy towards one of the boys that wasn’t him. Baekhyun understood w

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Exam month >.<
I’ll try to update in Christmas!


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35 streak #1
Chapter 44: Woah.. finally finished reading this story.. wanted to read this fic for a long while... worth it..really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till this chapter..so far loved it so much.. loved the development and ups and downs in their relationships and lives... loved the unity, trust, love, care, support and understanding level for each others whether they were in friendship or in love relationship... felt so bad for mina's past life... but the way mina and the boys handled things were very amazing and appreciated... loved the bonding among them.. haha specially baekhyun, jongdae, suho and minsoek... still curious about her bonding with sehun, kai, kyungsoo, yixing and chanyeol...loved all the detail and descriptive parts... confession parts too.. bickering couple..haha... couldn't stop laughing... loved chanyeol and mina's part... baekhyun's possessiveness...haha... really loved her relationship with sehun, suho, kyungsoo kai and yixing..so curious about her becoming a werewolf... hope authornim come back here one day with the same enthusiasm as before and continue to write the rest of the story.. would love to read more about mina and the boys relationship...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story ❤️
Chapter 44: Hi, dear!! I'm back reading this story again.. i miss Mina and the pack T__T
I hope you are safe, healthy and happy wherever you are <333
I hope you can find in yourself to complete this beautiful story please, because Kai in this book is just so beautiful inside out... This story has my❤
Chapter 44: Still laughing hard and enjoying the story now that I have reread it. Reall one of the best that I've read. (●♡∀♡)
Update soon
Chapter 44: aww, this is very sad... as a writer,, i can relate with you. i completely understand what you're feeling, and i'm so sad that one of my favorite stories in aff will no longer continue to run anymore. i'm still glad i've been able to read such a masterpiece (im still in pain i wont be able to read kai and mina's bond part but oh well what can i do) i hope you have a really nice break and thank you so much for this wonderful story!
Chapter 38: this kai chapter is every i ever needed in life
Chapter 44: Ok so I'm re-reading this for the third time lmao I know u won't be updating this story anymore but I love it so damn much I guess I can't move on?? Lol Anyways, just kinda missing you here on aff, hun *cries* I hope u come back soon!! ♡
Chapter 43: ah omg I just spent the last couple of days re-reading this fic bc I loved it so much. This whole book was just a bundle of cuteness and it made me miss exo so mUCHHH (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I love how you portray each and everyone of the characters, it depicts their real like personalities really well to me and it just makes the whole thing 10x better. And I just loooove the consistent bickering they have with Mina, it's so cute and entertaining to read!!