Gimme the beat boys and free my soul, I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away (this has nothing to do with the chapter btw).

A herd of baby girrafeqfdis is called a tower. How the fluff do you spell giraffes, someone get me a dic… dicshanary? Dictionary. I hate spelling. “just sound it out” they said, well that doesn't fluffen work half the time.

Username: Hey guys, I found this net thing for bugs. We should go catch some bugs or something.

Mc.Duckington: But bugs are scary. ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

TrueBeauty: We could catch not scary bugs. Like butterflies.

SharpKnife: I know the perfect place to catch butterflies.

Username: Really?

SharpKnife: Yeah! I’ll text the location, meet me there in like an hour.

Mc.Duckington: Sir yes sir. (。・ω・)ゞ


Hanseul and Sanha show up to the location on time. They look around for Sungjae but he’s nowhere to be found.

“I wonder where he is?” Sanha asked with a slight pout.

“Maybe he sent us the wrong location… I mean we’re at the docks, I’m pretty sure you can’t catch butterflies at the ocean.” Hanseul looked at his phone again. He had texted the group chat that they arrived but so far no answer.

“Ahoy Mateys!” A voice called from above them. The two boys whip their head up to search for the voice.

“Sungjae!” Sanha calls out when he spots the older idol leaning over a boat’s railing.

“Come on a board so we can set sale.” Sungjae pointed to the side of the boat where a ramp lead from the dock to the boat. Both boys walked up the ramp and looked around. Jun waved at them from his long beach chair and they waved back.

“Is it only us?” Sanha asked.

“Nope, Zelo came on as well. He’s below deck doing whatever.” Sungjae answered with a shrug.

“Soooo, why are we on a boat?” Hanseul asked his own question.

“We’re going to catch butterflies, I thought you knew this.” Sungjae said in a teasing manner.

“We’re going to catch butterflies...On a boat… I mean I guess we could try.” Hanseul said, really doubting that there would be any butterflies crossing the ocean.

“That’s the spirit!” Sungjae patted the younger’s shoulder. He raised anchor and they were off. At some point Zelo came out on deck and when Sanha asked him why he tagged along, Zelo said something about starting a business and walked off to join Jun for some sunshine.

“You know I’m really starting to doubt we’re going to catch butterflies.” Hanseul muttered after an other hour had passed. “But I wouldn’t mind catching some fish.”

“Isn’t fishing boring?” Sanha pouted. Hanseul shrugged, he personally enjoyed the activity, it was relaxing. Suddenly something bumped the boat and they stumbled a bit before regaining their footing. “What was that!” Sanha yelled.

“That was a butterfly!” Sungjae yelled from the helm.

“There’s no way a butterfly could rock the boat that much.” Hanseul said and Sanha nodded his head.

“Look into the ocean and tell me what you see.” Sungjae snorted. Carefully the two youngest look over the boat’s side and gasp. Just under the water’s surface was hundreds of giant colorful butterflies.

“I don’t think those would fit in your tiny net.” Sanha points out and yeah, Hanseul would have to agree, seeing as these butterflies were bigger than him.

“That’s why we have a bigger net under the deck.” Zelo said, surprising Sanha and Hanseul because where the did he come from.

“Is this apart of your new job?” Hanseul asked. Zelo just shrugged and disappeared under the deck. Jun was still sleeping on his pool chair, it was like the world stopped revolving.

“Are you guys ready?” Sungjae asked as he walked up next to them.

“How do we catch them?” Sanha asked.

“With these.” Sungjae held out a few fishing rods. With their lines baited, they cast out their hooks into the ocean of butterflies. They caught butterfly after butterfly and Zelo brought their catches down below deck. Hours had pass and clouds started to roll in. The younger two were nervous about the graying clouds but Sungjae became more and more excited as the waves began to rock the boat more and more. A devilish grin appeared on his face when he heard the first boom of thunder as lightning struck the water’s surface. Soon, he whispered to himself. Soon. The boat was swept up into a storm and the youngest were terrified, Jun was still sleeping, Zelo was doing god knows what and Sungjae had a look of determination on his face. Suddenly two large white wings breach the ocean’s surface on either side of the boat. This butterfly was definitely bigger than the rest.

“It’s finally here!” Sungjae yells like a mad man. “I’ve been waiting for so long. Everyone thought I was insane but it finally decided to show up… Pierisrapae.” Sanha and Hanseul looked at him like he was crazy.

“What the is going on?” Hanseul asked under his breath. Sanha wanted to know the same thing.

“It killed his father.” Zelo answered, once again appearing out of nowhere.

“What! Holy dude.” Sanha gasped.

“Nah, I’m just ing with you. Sungjae is just really obsessed with catching with giant butterfly.” Zelo snickered lightly.

“Is there a reason?” Hanseul asked.

“Nope. But I mean it’s Sungjae, does he really need a reason?” Zelo answered with a shrug. He got what he needed to start his business so he didn’t care what the older did. Sanha was about to say something but water started to full his shoes. All three of them look towards Sungjae again and he’s trying to pull the giant white butterfly onto the deck.

“I don’t think that’ll fit…” Hanseul said. But with Sungjae anything is possible. That’s how they returned home with a butterfly bigger than their boat.

Jun finally woke up when they reached the dock. He froze when he saw the giant butterfly. “What the did I miss!?” He exclaimed.

“Nothing much.” Zelo snorted. As if this was a completely normal thing.




(A/N): So I have no excuse for why this took so long to update. I've just been lazy and sort of lost my writing steam? Actually I've never been good at updating fics lmao.
Important update! I finally got a job! I'm going to work at walmart starting this Thursday. What does that mean? Well I probably won't write as much but I'll try to update at least twice a month. 

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Chapter 5: THAT SONG IS A BANGER, I SWEAR! (* ̄︶ ̄*) These boys are always wildin' going to oceans and catching butterflies. I kept imagining those little butterfly nets you get from the dollor stores xD Also, congratulations on your new job! If you ever get any wild Walmart stories, you should try and incorporate them into your writing xD
Chapter 4: Damn, leaving Jun out. The be like that sometimes though
Chapter 3: R.I.P Hyuk. You will be missed for the memes
Chapter 2: I'm the mom friend done with everyone's . But this chat, why did I feel like I was reading my squad's gc? XD
Chapter 2: I'm the mom friend done with everyone's . But this chat, why did I feel like I was reading my squad's gc? XD
Chapter 1: I'M CRYING IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!! >.<
Chapter 1: Whomst've be the pope? And the name is something my friends would make the gc be. I swear, that is always changing xD And then on messenger, nicknames are always chabging too like xD