Jeju Island

Right Here Waiting

Jeju Island, 1 pm

“Okay, people. Time’s up. They are down in the foyer with Ryeowook.” Shindong said, ending his phone call with Leeteuk.

“So soon? What on earth are we going to do we do with all this?” Heechul asked pointing at all the balloons lying on the floor, still not inflated.

Shindong had an idea. “Let’s just arrange them in the shape of a giraffe. On the bed,” he suggested, grabbing the balloons. “Yesung hyung, come and help us, please.”

Time had frozen for Yesung the moment he had heard Shindong say they are down in the foyer. His emotions were muddled - he was anxious, and he was excited.  Two years he had waited for this moment. At the same time he felt like he wasn’t ready for this. He subconsciously ran his hands through his hair and smoothed the flyaways.

Realizing that they were not going to get any kind of help from Yesung, Heechul and Shindong quickly arranged the remaining balloons into the shape of a giraffe (or what they thought looked like a giraffe). “Shall we hide?” Shindong asked and Heechul nodded in agreement. They looked around for a clever spot and eventually decided to wait behind the plush curtains that covered the huge windows of the bedroom, which overlooked the lush gardens below.

Yesung, who was still in a daze, heard footsteps and voices drawing near. He spotted a table at the far corner of the room opposite to the windows and ran to hide under it, his heart thumping.

In a few moments the door of the suite opened. Hyukjae was the first to walk in.

“Well, well! What do we have here?” he exclaimed eyeing the balloons-and-banners monstrosity that came into his view as he entered the bedroom.  “Ain’t it a good thing we are singers and not party planners?” he sneered.

Ryeowook followed Hyukjae. “Wah, what is all this?” he asked breaking out into a smile as his eyes fell on the decorations around the room. “Who did...”


Ryeowook jumped as Heechul and Shindong came out from behind the curtains screaming his name and making their way towards him.  

“Hyung!” Ryeowook cried out in surprise,  his face brightening seeing both of them. “I didn’t know you guys were here!”

“We wouldn’t miss this for the world, would we?” Heechul said giving Ryeowook a tight hug. “Oh and by the way,” he glared at Leeteuk over Ryeowook’s shoulders, “I’ve decided. Next year, I, will be going to pick Kyuhyun up. You can stay back with these idiots to do the decorations.”   Leeteuk rolled his eyes.

Wait. The wheels in Ryeowook’s head started turning as he got wrapped in a bear hug by Shindong.  So the rest of the hyungs are here in Jeju? Does that mean Yesung hyung’s here too? Ryeowook’s heart clenched as his eyes instinctively  searched the room.

“Ryeowook ah!”

Ryeowook froze when he heard that low, gentle voice. He got out of Shindong’s hug and warily turned around in the direction where the voice came from. From under the table at the other end of the room, Yesung stood up beaming. He put his arms out and with a giddy grin pasted on his face he moved forward to hug the maknae. Ryeowook stood rooted to his spot, staring. His hyung was a lot thinner than what he remembered. The short, messy, jet black manhwa hair that he adored was now replaced by straight, long, brown hair. But he was still as handsome as ever, with those smouldering eyes and adorable smile. Ryeowook almost forgot to breathe as the man he had been waiting to see all day walked towards him.

As Yesung got closer with his arms wide and welcoming, Ryeowook, surprising everyone in the room and mostly himself, took Yesung's hands and shook it.  

The other members traded confounded glances. Hyukjae snickered, “All the way to Jeju you were whining ‘Where is Yesung hyung?’ ‘Why didn’t Yesung hyung come to pick me?’ and now when you finally get to see your Yesungie hyung you just… shake hands?”

Ignoring Hyukjae’s sarcasm, Ryeowook let go of Yesung’s hands. To get rid of the tension and awkwardness in the air he turned to the decorations and focused on it. The others huddled around him eagerly showing off what they had done. Ryeowook oohed and aahed,  proving to be more charitable than Hyukjae in his reactions towards his hyungs’ well meaning but still pitiable efforts.


Meanwhile, Yesung stood  at his spot like he had been struck by lightning. Did Ryeowook just evade his hug? He had been dying all day waiting to take Ryeowook in his arms and all the maknae could offer was a stiff hand shake? Everyone knew Ryeowook was an openly affectionate person. Like a touch-starved puppy he would always find some excuse to engage in skinship with the people he liked. He didn’t care if it was during concerts, TV shows, team meetings or in waiting rooms. Hugs were his thing. And therefore, Yesung didn’t understand this cold handshake. This has to be some kind of trick, he thought as he turned his eyes to the others huddled around chattering over the decorations. This is something that the brat Hyukjae has planned, right? This has to be a hidden camera prank, right? Yesung stood  blinking.

Little did he know that this was only the beginning of his sufferings.

“Alright, everyone. Let’s move to the dining hall. I am starving.” Leeteuk instructed. Everyone agreed and  made their way to the dining area downstairs. Ryeowook hung on to Donghae, chatting animatedly, whispering things into his ears and giggling. Yesung accompanied them, sulking as he walked right behind,  eyes glued on Ryeowook.

They were directed into a large hall with dark wood floors and rich paneling. The room was flooded with sunlight that entered through huge floor-to-ceiling windows. Cameras and lights were set up on one end of the room. Right in the middle of the hall there was a huge dining table that was covered with all kinds of delicacies - meat, seafood, noodles, pancakes and soups. The famished members shouted out in joy as they sat down around the table and started devouring the food.


Everybody  was chatting and eating to their heart's content. Ryeowook , however,  wasn’t particularly hungry. He nibbled a little bit of his steak and then kept playing with his fork. Eunhyuk noticed this and commented, “ Two weeks ago when I visited you in camp, all you practically talked was about the things that you wanted to eat after you got out. Look at all the stuff we ordered for you. Why aren’t you eating?”

Yesung, who had also observed Ryeowook’s poor appetite offered, “Would you like some fried eggs, Ryeowook ah? We can get the chef to make some for you. I know they don’t serve fried eggs in the military. And you love…”

“No, thanks, hyung.” Ryeowook cut him off. “I am fine.”  Oh, so he does remember the things that I love, Ryeowook thought bitterly.  Except the most obvious one. He cut his steak with an unnecessary force. Yesung, taken aback at being cut off so curtly, stared at Ryeowook for a second before lowering his eyes onto his own plate.

“Feed Yesung some food, Ryeowook ah.” Leeteuk  exclaimed. “Just like how you did during our team dinner when Yesung came back from the military. I am telling you, your fans will love a little Yewook moment thrown in here and there. It will be good for the show’s ratings too.”   

Yesung raised his head looking expectant.

“I’m sure Yesung hyung wouldn't  want me to mess up his diet,” Ryeowook replied coldly not even sparing a glance at his hyung.


While they were waiting for desserts to arrive,  Ryeowook got out a little black bag, pulled out a number of coloured envelopes from it and passed them around. Just as he had done for his fans while he was away in the military, Ryeowook had written letters for all his hyungs. Even Siwon got one. Over desserts, everyone took turns to read their letter out loud - some touching, some funny - each letter having the distinct touch and feel of Ryeowook to it.

Only one person was left waiting.

“Where is Yesung hyung’s letter?” Shindong inquired.  

Ryeowook flinched. “Sorry, Yesung hyung. I just didn’t think you would be here today.”

His sharp reply brought a look of pain over Yesung’s face. The maknae was ashamed to admit that he was quietly pleased to see his hyung’s agony.


“Okay! Listen up everyone.” Heechul stood up without warning and drummed on his glass with a fork. “Now that everyone is here, and everyone is fed, let’s do this.”

“Do what?” Ryeowook asked curiously, taking his eyes of Yesung and planting them on Heechul.

“Choose Ryeowook’s favourite hyung!” Heechul shouted out. Everybody clapped and cheered.

“What nonsense,” Ryeowook shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to get out of what he could see was shaping up to be an awkward situation for him. “I like all of you. Equally.” he emphasised.

Heechul ignored him and continued in a dramatic voice for the benefit of the surrounding cameras, “The one hyung that he wished was near him when he was going through a rough patch in the army! The one hyung he missed the most!  His one and only favourite hyung! Dear viewers watching us from your TV screens at home, we will find out who that hyung is right now!”

Everybody cheered and clapped again. Ryeowook saw no way out of it.  Slowly he stood up from his seat. The rest of the members, who were sitting in their chairs, covered their eyes with their hands. Ryeowook sighed and moved forward. He circled around the dining table once and stopped behind Yesung.

Ryeowook looked at his hyung, sitting with his eyes hidden behind his tiny hands. Right next to Yesung was Hyukjae. The maknae frowned as he was suddenly reminded of something that he had deliberately buried away in some remote corner of his mind. Yehyuk. Yesung and Hyukjae. Apparently in Super Shows and all Suju activities,  Tom and Jerry was the latest thing. Ryeowook had never considered himself to be a jealous person, and was nowhere near as possessive as Yesung, but he would be lying if he said that he hadn’t felt a little envious of the way Yesung had been showering Hyukjae with attention while he was away.

Wook hesitated for a few seconds. Then he raised his arms…  and hugged Hyukjae from the back. The man turned around and let out a shout of surprise. Hyukjae knew he was one among Ryeowook’s favourites, but to be chosen as his most favourite hyung? And that too when the almighty Yesung hyung was sitting next to him in flesh and blood?  He did a fist pump in the air and woohoo -ed.

Everyone  looked surprised at the turn of events. Siwon even let out a small gasp. The Ryeowook they knew practically worshipped his Yesung hyung. That Kim Ryeowook had a soft spot for his Yesungie hyung was an open secret within the group. And rightly so because Yesung himself was very indulgent with and incredibly over-protective of Wook.

Yaaa Ryeowook ah, this is obviously fake” Donghae burst out. “You are doing it for the broadcast...For the sake of some laughs. Do you expect anyone to believe that Yesung is not your favourite? Be honest, you cheeky bugger!” There were murmurs of approval from the other members.

Amidst the uproar, Ryeowook looked at Yesung. His hyung was staring at him in genuine confusion. Whenever the opportunity arose, the members always used to nag the two maknaes, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook, to choose their favourite hyungs.  Kyuhyun’s favourites changed based on his mood for the day, but Wook, Yesung thought, Wook used to unfailingly chose him. Every single time.

“I am being honest” Ryeowook replied to Donghae, his eyes still locked on Yesung, who was trying hard not to look disappointed. He kissed the top of Hyukjae’s head. Then he proceeded to rest his cheek there and stared straight into Yesung’s eyes as if daring him to do something about it. “My favourite hyung” he asserted indignantly, wrapping his arms around Hyukjae’s neck. Yesung felt his insides twist.



The shoot wrapped up at 8 pm after the barbeque party. Exhausted from a long day’s schedule, everybody quietly retired to their rooms. Ryeowook too went to his suite. He was finally by himself. Just like he had wished for the whole day. But now that he was alone, an endless number of  thoughts started crowding his mind. He felt like he couldn’t bear the stuffiness in his room. He decided to take a short stroll in the hotel grounds to get some fresh air and organize his thoughts.

The cool air calmed his nerves as he stepped out of the hotel’s brightly lit foyer. Just as he was looking around deciding which path to take, Ryeowook spotted a familiar figure sitting hunched by the poolside. He strained his eyes to get a better look.


Yesung had his jeans rolled up all the way to his knees as he sat on the edge of the hotel’s swimming pool. His feet were buried in the cool water that was illuminated by the lights from the hotel’s foyer.  A bottle of soju was next to him. He alternated between swigging from the bottle and staring at his sad reflection in the water.

Despite all his outward show of confidence, Yesung was a deeply insecure guy. Night after night he used to lay awake wondering if he was indeed worthy of Ryeowook. Time and again he had agonised, taking stock of his attributes, trying to convince his insecure mind that it was indeed okay for him to love Kim Ryeowook.

“I sing well,” Yesung would say aloud to himself.

So does Ryeowook, his mind would reply.

“I am a hard-working man at the top of my career.”

So is Ryeowook would come the response.

“I am a very attractive guy ” Yesung tried again.

Two words, Yesung. Ryeowook, Uniform.

At that point Yesung would just surrender. And just as it happens with any man in love, his mind would then proceed to exalt its beloved. Ryeowook, with a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms... Ryeowook, who was kind, sensitive, funny, and charming… Ryeowook, who could whip up a meal that could fill not only the belly but also the heart.. Ryeowook, who was loved by all who came in touch with him... In fact Kyuhyun, to this day, swears that he wouldn’t have stayed in Super Junior if it wasn’t for the support that Ryeowook extended to him when he was going through a hard time as the new maknae. Ryeowook, Yesung would think with a sigh, was perfect from head to toe.

Yesung, on the other hand, was the weirdo of the group. He could be incredibly outgoing and jolly one minute and then be extremely moody the next. He had a taste for weird pets. He wasn’t funny like Heechul or blessed with the quick wits of Shindong. He didn’t have the magnetic charm of Hyukjae nor the stunning looks of Siwon or Donghae.  The more he thought about it, the more things his mind would dig out. Things that he thought were obstacles to his love. Things that made him unworthy of the flawless Kim Ryeowook.

Besides, he wasn’t even sure if Ryeowook liked him that way. Though, some days, he could have sworn that he read something more than a brotherly affection in Ryeowook's  eyes. Nonetheless, he remained buried in his own insecurities, never daring to acknowledge his feelings for the longest time.

He was determined to change that today. He had built up the courage to lay his heart bare before Ryeowook. But unfortunately for him, Ryeowook  refused to even look in his direction. (On the occasions he did, it was just to send icy cold stares his way). Neither did Ryeowook speak to him. And worst of all, he recoiled and moved away  if Yesung’s hands so much as accidently brushed him. Yesung was at a loss. This was not how he had envisioned today. He drank a mouthful of soju from the bottle and stared angrily at his miserable reflection in the water.


Ryeowook, who was still standing at the entrance, saw his hyung’s slouched shoulders and felt his indignation melting away. Despite his reputation for being sassy, Ryeowook was essentially a tender-hearted person. Seeing his Yesung hyung looking so pitiful, tugged at his heart strings and he began to wonder if he was taking this whole ignoring thing a bit too far. Ryeowook sighed. It wasn’t Yesung’s fault that he didn’t like Ryeowook the way he wanted him to. He shouldn’t hold that against his hyung.


“What are you doing here?”

Startled, Yesung turned around. He looked up to see Ryeowook standing behind him.

“Oh! Hi Ryeowook ah. I was just…uhmm... I couldn’t sleep. You?”

“I just wanted to get some fresh air.”



Ryeowook took his floaters off and sat down beside his hyung putting his bare feet in the cool water. Both the hyung and the dongsaeng kept their heads down, careful not to look at each other.

Yesung  cleared his throat. “How does it feel to be back?” he asked.

“Ah well, you know... It’s all still sinking in,” Ryeowook replied, eyes glued on his reflection in the water.


“Did… did you miss me?” asked Yesung in a quiet voice, his head still down.

Ryeowook turned and stared at his hyung wide-eyed. Did I miss him?

Yesung didn’t dare to lift his head.

“Well, I missed everyone, hyung.” Ryeowook made a non-committal reply. He was torn between wanting to enjoy the few moments of alone time that he chanced upon with his hyung, and wanting to put an end this awkward encounter.

“So why didn’t you have a letter for me today?” Yesung looked at Ryeowook for the first time since he had sat down beside him. As soon as Ryeowook heard the question, he felt angry tears stinging his eyes. He looked away so that Yesung wouldn’t see them.

“I am tired, hyung. I am heading to bed,” he said hoping Yesung didn’t notice the catch in his voice. He arose, put his shoes back on and walked away without looking back.

Perplexed, Yesung watched Ryeowook enter the building and head off in the direction of the lifts. He sat still for a few minutes and then stood up with a resolved expression on his face.



When Yesung reached outside Ryeowook’s room a faint music reached him. His ears perked up when he realised that it was one of his own songs that was being played inside.  It has to be you, an OST that he had sung many years ago for a drama. He hesitated for a second and then knocked on the door. The music stopped.

“Who is it?” Ryeowook’s voice sounded hoarse.

Was he crying?  “It’s me… Yesung hyung,” Yesung answered.

“Just a minute.”

Yesung shifted on his feet. It has to be you.  It had been a quite a while since he had heard that song. A song that turned him into an overnight singing sensation in Korea. He, who was virtually an unknown member of Super Junior, suddenly became one of its most popular and sought after members.  The year the song was released he had to sing it in every music show, TV show, radio show, every wedding and party he attended. Wherever he went people would request him to sing a few lines from the song. Wook, too, fell in love with the song. He couldn’t get enough of it. He would sing it all the time. And on top of that he would beg Yesung to sing it for him whenever they were together - in the dorms, in the waiting rooms, and even in their van, when they were returning from an exhausting shoot, all drained. Yesung always obliged him. He also recalled that one time when Wook came into his room with his puppy dog eyes, imploring him to sing the song again for the millionth time. It was one of those days when Yesung’s new found popularity had brought with it incredibly busy schedules that denied him even two hours of sleep a day. Being crankier than usual, he refused to indulge in Wook’s whims.  He doesn’t remember exactly what he said while denying Wook’s request, all he knows is that it was something mean and hurtful. Of course he had apologized profusely once he had gotten some sleep and returned to his senses, but had Wook ever requested him to sing that song again? Yesung can’t remember.

The door opened and Yesung snapped out of his thoughts and lifted his head to look at the petite figure standing in front of him. Ryeowook’s eyes were swollen and the tip of his nose was a deep red. He was crying, Yesung observed.

“What is it, hyung?” Ryeowook asked not really looking at Yesung.

“We need to talk,” Yesung said clearing his throat. “May I come inside?”

Ryeowook deliberated and then opened the door the rest of the way. He walked back into his room and Yesung took a deep breath in and followed. The room was pretty much like his own -  a queen sized bed, plush carpets, huge plasma TV, high ceilings, elegant decor. Ryeowook had turned all the lights off save the desk lamp. As Yesung’s eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness he saw an open suitcase lying on the floor near the bed.

“What is it, hyung?” Ryeowook asked again, his arms crossed at his chest.

Yesung hesitated. Then with his voice shaking slightly he repeated his question from earlier. “I want to know why you didn’t write me a letter.”

Ryeowook blinked but said nothing and stood still with his eyes on the wall behind Yesung.

Yesung felt thunder clouds gathering in his chest. The sorrow he had been suppressing all day was threatening to rise and spill over.  “We have been together for thirteen years, Kim Ryeowook. And if I am not remembering things wrong, I have been nothing but a good hyung to you all these years. Yet …” he swallowed the lump in his throat. “Yet you couldn’t string five sentences together for me in a stupid letter?” He stopped short. Stupid? Why did he have to say stupid? Obviously this is more than just  about a letter. But he loved Ryeowook and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt him. He needed to pick his words mindfully, Yesung chided himself mentally.

Ryeowook, meanwhile, glared at him. Then he walked over to his bed and took an envelope out of a black handbag, which Yesung recognised was the one from today afternoon, the bag that had all the other letters. Ryeowook walked back over to Yesung, stopped a few  metres in front of him and threw the envelope at him in a rage. “Here is your stupid letter, hyung,” he spat out.  “Now get out of my room.”

Yesung stood still as the envelope hit his chest, slid down to his feet and then landed on the carpet. He looked at the envelope - pink, decorated with glitter and all kinds of heart-shaped stickers, addressed to ‘My Yesungie hyung’ in Ryeowook’s pretty handwriting.

Silence hung in the air. A sudden gust of wind flew in from one of the open windows and sent the curtains fluttering. Yesung found his voice first. “I don’t understand you, Ryeowook,” he said quietly.

“Why didn’t you come to pick me up today, hyung?”

There it was.

“Don’t I mean anything to you? You are one of my favourite hyungs. How would I feel if you didn’t come to get me on such an important day of my life?” The floodgates to Ryeowook’s heart had been opened. Yet he tried his best to hold back tears. I am not that crybaby that left for military two years ago he reminded himself.

A look of realization dawned on Yesung’s face. “Oh my God, Ryeowook.. Wait! Is that why you have been ignoring me the whole day? Because I did not come to pick you up? Didn’t they tell you?” Yesung looked incredulous as he continued. “Those jerks! Did they really let you believe that I chose not to pick you up? Did they really not tell you?!”

“Tell me what, hyung?” Ryeowook, still angry, stared at him.

“We played Rock Paper Scissors to decide who would get to go to pick you up and… and I lost.” Yesung said cautiously his voice trailing off. Saying it aloud made it sound like a really stupid idea, and for the nth time that day Yesung mentally cursed the other members for convincing him to go through with it.

Ryeowook could not believe his ears. “You played what?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“I didn’t know that I would lose, okay?” Yesung drew back a bit.

“Hyung, you ALWAYS lose at Rock Paper Scissors! Why would you agree to do something like that… What kind of idiot...  I cannot... Hyung!!” Ryeowook threw up his hands in frustration.

“I’m sorry Wook ah.” Yesung replied quietly. Then after a few moments of silence he continued, “ I cannot believe you ignored me the whole day because I didn’t come to get you.”

“Rich of you to talk about being ignored, hyung,” Ryeowook felt anger rising within him again. “When you have been the one who has been ignoring me for the past two years. Okay, I get it. Today you lost at Rock Paper Scissors. What about the two years, hyung? Huh? What games have you been losing for these two years that you couldn’t spare a few hours to come and visit me?”  he asked his voice choked with emotion.

“The games I have been playing with my mind” Yesung mumbled.


Yesung drew a deep breath in. It was now or never.

“I love you, Kim Ryeowook. I love you more than a brother, more than a friend. And I think you like me back the same way... You do, right?” Yesung panicked slightly. But he soldiered on. “I wanted us to finish our military commitments before I broached this subject with you.”

He lifted his head and looked at Ryeowook. The fury on the maknae’s face was gone. It was replaced by something more tender. Yesung was distressed to see tears coursing down the small man’s cheeks. He wanted to go and take Ryeowook in his arms, but because he didn’t know what Ryeowook’s feelings were just yet, he decided to stay put.

“So anyway,” Yesung continued, surprised to hear the catch in his voice, “Back to your question on why I didn’t visit you. I can’t quite explain it.  I just wanted to see if distance would change anything between us. I threw myself into schedule after schedule to take my mind off you. But it didn’t work. If anything, it made me realize how much I loved you, how much I wanted you to be part of my life. It made me realize that all that I have means nothing if I don’t have you to share it with me. It made me want to confess to you as soon as possible. And that is what I have been trying to do the whole day if only I could get you to even look in my way,” he let his voice trail off. Then he put his head down. “I am an idiot. I am sorry,” he apologized for the second time that night.

Wiping the tears streaming down his face on his sleeve,  Ryeowook walked towards Yesung. He gently took his hyung’s face in his hands and placed a tender kiss on his forehead.

It was Yesung’s turn to break down. Feeling self-conscious and vulnerable in front of Wook for the first time, he pulled his face away from the maknae’s hands. Ryeowook let go and scanned his hyung’s tear-stained eyes. With his soft, slender fingers he lovingly wiped the tears off Yesung’s cheeks. A moment later he gently cupped Yesung’s face in his hands again. Sniffling, he looked straight into his hyung’s eyes and said “Because you are as dense as you look, Kim Jongwoon, let me spell this out for you.” He took a deep breath in and continued. “I have been drawn to you ever since I first laid my eyes on you. I have been in love with you for so long.. since when.. I can’t even remember. I cannot tell you how terrified I was these two years thinking that we were growing apart.”  

Yesung gazed into Wook’s eyes. “I am an idiot …” he began apologetically, “and a coward. I am so sorr..”

Ryeowook leaned in abruptly and shut him up by placing a firm but gentle kiss on his lips. He pulled back just as quick, and let go off Yesung’s face, reality dawning on him as to what he had just done.

Ryeowook couldn’t believe that he finally did it. He had kissed Yesung! Though this was something that he had dreamt of a million times, Ryeowook found out that no amount of fantasy had prepared him for the reality. He wanted to look at Yesung’s face and gauge his expression, but Ryeowook, being the shyer of the two, could not find in him the strength to lift his eyes off the ground. His cheeks heated up as all the blood rushed to his face.

Yesung was taken aback but only for a second. Heart pounding he grabbed a fistful of Ryeowook’s T-shirt and pulled him close. Leaning in, he titled his head slightly and found Ryeowook’s lips.


Moments later they separated, breathless. His heart drumming heavily, Ryeowook leaned back onto the wall behind him, his gentle eyes staring at his hyung.  Yesung smiled back at him and Ryeowook, starting to blush again fell forward into his hyung’s chest and buried his face in there. Yesung wrapped his arms around Ryeowook and nestled his cheek against the maknae’s hair. For a long time they stood rocking into each other, breathing each other in.

Yesung broke the silence. “I am curious about what’s in that letter. You had a wish that you asked from everybody. What does mine say?” he spoke softly into Ryeowook’s hair.

“You remember the time when I first joined as a trainee you would style my hair every morning before I left for school?”


“On nights when I used to lie in bed and cry thinking of my family, you would run your hands through my hair and sing for me in an attempt to comfort me?”


“I want you to caress my hair and sing for me like you used to during those days. It reminds me of the time..” Ryeowook stopped and bit his lip.

“It reminds you of the time..?” Yesung repeated and lifted his head to look at Ryeowook and encourage him to complete his thought.

“I had such a huge crush on you then” Ryeowook blushed.

“And now?”

“Well, now it is not a just a crush, is it, hyung?

“No?” Yesung titled his head, his voice full of pretend surprise. “So what exactly is it then?” Yesung , trying to get the maknae to utter the L word again.

Ryeowook pushed him away and pretended to be mad. “Are you going to caress my hair and sing to me or not?” he protested.

“I guess I could do that much for a little boy who has had such a huge crush on me for thirteen years.”

He grabbed Ryeowook by the arm and pushed him onto the bed. Caught off guard, Ryeowook uttered a confused ‘Hyung’ as his back hit the soft covers. Yesung climbed on the bed and hovered over him. He presses a gentle kiss on the younger man’s forehead. Seeing the mortified look on Ryeowook’s face, he chuckled  and rolled on to his side. “Wah! You look like you are about to kick me off the bed. Relax, Wook ah. I just thought it would be fun to sing while we were cuddling together on the bed. I swear I have no other wicked intentions.” he smirked.

Ryeowook, slightly abashed, rolled to his side and hid his face in the sheets. Yesung laughed at Ryeowook’s cute antics and then proceeded to cradle him. With his other hand he ran his fingers through Wook’s short hair. Then in that sweet, husky voice of his, full of emotions, he crooned Wook’s favourite song for him - Niga animyeon andwae.. Neo eobsin nan andwae~  Joy filled the maknae’s heart as he heard his hyung’s beautiful voice and he could not keep back the tears.

They lay bundled together in silence long  after the song was over .

“Do you wanna know something?” Yesung asked softly.

Ryeowook lifted his head from Yesung’s chest and gazed at his face.  

“My new cafe - I named it after you.”

“Your new cafe is called Mi amor, hyung.  ‘My love’. How is it me? For all I know it could be any one of your secret lovers.” Ryeowook frowned.

Yesung knew Ryeowook was teasing him. He ignored the remark. “Mi AmoR,” he replied. “With a capital R.”

Ryeowook blinked.  “R as in Ryeowook?”

“Mmm hmm.”

Wook giggled. “You hopeless romantic!” he exclaimed. “With a capital R,”  he added mimicking Yesung’s voice.

He continued after a few seconds of silence, “So with the cafe named after me and all, does that mean I get free coffees and cakes everyday?"

“Oh, when I am in there, you’ll be getting more than just coffee and cakes.” Yesung smirked again and Ryeowook blushed knowing very well that his hyung was no longer talking about beverages or baked goods.

“And Wook ah, before I forget,”  Yesung spoke again clearing his throat  “About your uniform. Do you..uhmm.. Do you get to keep it?”

“Why?” asked Ryeowook lifting his eyes to meet Yesung’s.

“I was just thinking of ways we could …uhmm.. put that thing to good use.”

“Hyung!” Ryeowook cried out looking scandalised. “Were you always this depraved?”

Yesung laughed and hugged him tighter. They lay in silence in the semi-darkness for a long time. Wook’s breathing eventually slowed down and his heart settled into a peaceful rhythm. Thinking that the young one had fallen asleep, Yesung pulled out his numb arm from under Wook’s head. He pressed a gentle  kiss on his little man’s forehead, turned to the other side and tried to close his eyes to get some sleep. Today had been a long day.

“Hyung,” Ryeowook whined when he realised Yesung had pulled away. “I am cold. Keep holding me,” he implored.

“Go and  ask your favourite hyung,” Yesung muttered, not moving from where he was.

Ryeowook couldn’t help but smile at the sliver of resentment in Yesung’s voice.

“I am asking him,” Ryeowook replied as he curled up to Yesung from behind, put an arm around him and tugged him closer. Yesung hid his smile into the pillow. As he was about to shut his eyes, a glitter of something on the bedroom floor caught his eye . The forgotten pink envelope. He pondered whether he should take it now, but then he decided against it. He couldn’t bear to tear himself away from Ryeowook’s warmth. He made a mental note to pick it up first thing in the morning, and put it away with the hundreds of little things of Ryeowook’s that he had secretly collected over the years.

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chiaraxxi #1
Chapter 5: I love it so much! It feels so real :") Thank you for this cute Yewook story!
Superjunior06 #2
Chapter 4: There~ YeWook cuddling. No more hidden feelings.
Chapter 5: Omg my heart!! This is so sweet and heartwarming! I love how you write it.
Thank you for a good story. ❤️
Chapter 5: This is sooo cuteeeeeee. Thank you for writing this. I have been searching for cute fluffy yewook fics heheh
400 streak #6
Chapter 5: It's sooooooo gooooood~ <33333

Thank you author-nim for sharing this kind of story with us~ I'm enjoying this tooooooo much~
400 streak #7
Chapter 1: OMG, I feel like everything that you wrote here was true XDDD #starting to read again
Chapter 5: I just read this fic from start to finish and I may have cried a little lol This was so sweet! Yewook will always be my original otp. They are so cute!
youngtaehan #9
Loved this!
tillyrosie22 #10
Chapter 5: YES!!! This was so cute!!! Please write more Yewook fanfiction! <3