
Just Friends

The past few months, have been, what you can say a complete roller coaster. It had it's ups and downs, with sharp turns and stomach flips, with chills and adrenaline pumping in your veins and most likely with joy and this weird happiness while you are on it. 

Most importantly, this year has been the year of love. And why am I saying it has? Well, I did this thing in which on New Years Eve, you have, not necessarily, wear red underwear if you want to succed on love or something like that, I just googled it. It kinda worked, because this year I had more action than last year, if you know what I mean, and by that I mean, I actually had a relationship and not only one but a few. 

All of those relationships, didn't work out and I was always the one left with the heart broken, wondering what I did wrong or if I didn't reach their expectations. People say that I didn't deserve them, that I was too good for them but I thought otherwise, like in reality the problem was me... wasn't it? 

After my last relationship, after the breakup, after being extremely sad plus depressed and thinking I won't ever be able to love someone again and after hating her with my friends and getting over her, I was alone. So I started to have this feeling inside of me. It started as a little thing, that came and went sometimes, not a feeling that always happened. It was there in an instant and the next it was long gone, but it left me troubled.

The feeling was more exactly of a crave to something. I felt like I was missing something, like something within me disappeared when I broke up with her. At first, I didn't realize what it was, until several weeks later I began to conclude what I was craving for. 

I craved for the feeling to be in a relationship. I didn't exactly miss the girl, I just missed the feeling she gave me. The feeling of loving someone, the feeling of having someone that loves you back. In a short way, I missed the feeling of falling in love.

Days passed and that feeling of craving to be in a relationship grew more

Even though guys and girls confessed, one even offering to be my girlfriend, I was hestitant on wanting to be in a relationship with them. It was pretty ironic since I wanted to be in a relationship and I craved immensely for it, but I didn't accept any one of those who confessed. 

It was weird. I am weird. But I didn't want to be in a relationship with a random person, I wanted to be in a relationship with the one that I had genuine feelings for and that was what made it difficult because I wasn't really interested in anyone. I wasn't until...

Until you arrived to the picture. 

Until that day that I saw you with different eyes that I knew that I really really really ed up.


HE-LLO it's me. So what y'all think? Is it good? Is it bad? Have I lost my touch as I write stories? I.want.your.opinion. I'm the type that really-likes-to-hear-other-people-comment-in-my-stories-cause-sometimes-I-think-I'm-doing-it-bad-and-I-think-I-ed-up-so-please-comment type of people. 

So yeah, it'll be angsty and fluffy and you'll love them sometimes but later on you'll hate them, even hate me, but what can I say, I love to read this type of things. This is practically an introduction before the real thing starts, like explaining the main character feelings and all.

Disclaimer: All emotions and actions aren't exactly the ones of the real person. This is a work of fiction. Everything you see in this story is adapted to the characters and the situation. I apologize if you ever feel offended by some character's behaviour. 

I think that's it, I'm gonna be putting the disclaimer in each chapter, lol.

I'm looking forward for the next update and leave your comments down below. Have a good week, maybe one day of this you'll have chapter one ready..... 

Bye, bye~ 

-Lu (oh how I missed this)  



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Up thor i'm waiting for th next~
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward to the next update thor~ thank u for making sinrin story ♥♥
Chapter 2: Wait, is SinB straight? Ugh I'm curious...
Well, I'll wait for the next, chapter then
Chapter 2: No,,,,Eunbi's straight!! >_< Well, I know Yerin will manage to bend her. -,-
Chapter 2: I mean, is Eunbi straight here? Because she was having a crush on three males on already :)
Chapter 2: Oh! Oh! Sinrin on a date!

Hey authornim, who's the third crush of Eunbi here? Did she told Yerin who it was?
Chapter 1: Sounds good, and now I'm curious... Well, I'm looking forward for the next chap ^^
lala_mcshipper #8
Chapter 1: Sounds good, I'm excited. :)
Chapter 1: Welcome back! Been missing your updates *cough* star crossed lovers *cough*. Its been so long (even changed my username lol) but I'm excited about this new story and nah you haven't lost your touch. Still expressing pretty well. Sinrin is suffering from a drought so I'm glad you decided to comeback :)