Mission Impossible: Fallout

Just Friends

This will be another boring day, I thought as I layed on my bed upside down with the computer in front of me. I sighed as I played the next episode of this american series called Pretty Little Liars. The episode began and my eyes were inmediatly glued onto the screen, even though this episode was one of the most interesting ones, I wasn't really paying attention. 

I sighed again and turned around, laying on my back, while looking at my ceiling fan. I stared at it absentmindedly, getting a bit sleepy, so as I was about to have a nap, I felt my phone vibrating. 

Still staring at the ceiling, I reached out with my hand while skimming through the covers, trying to find my phone. When I did, I turned it on and I saw that I had one message:  

Hwang Eunbi: Hey. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to why she has sent me a message. I mean, I don't know whether I should consider her a friend, like we talked a lot during the summer but we still were in that term of being only classmates/strangers and people getting to know each other. It's weird. Even more weird since she left me on seen last time. 

Me: Hey you

I turned it off and placed the phone on my stomach. I resumed my staring towards the ceiling. 

My phone vibrated again. I lazily turned it on, seeing another message from her. 

Hwang Eunbi: How are you? 

Me: I'm good but bored, and you? 

Hwang Eunbi: Me too 

Me: I'm glad that you are good and same

I stared blankly at what I sent. Why is it so damn awkward, I thought as I closed the app and went rummaging through my phone. 

I waited for her reply but she didn't do right away, so I turned off my phone and faced the ceiling, she will leave me on seen again since the conversation is kinda awkward and boring. I sighed again, I turned around and layed on my stomach. I continued watching the show with boredness. 

I was starting to get exasperated. I didn't want to be inside my house anymore so I grabbed my phone and texted Hwang Eunbi the most random question ever. 

Me: Do you wanna hang out today?

Me: Since we are both bored, I mean... do you want to go to the movies with me?

I raised an eyebrow at what I've done. 

"Can't beilieve I done that," I muttered and turned my attention towards my computer. 

After a few minutes, I checked my phone and saw that she already read the message I just sent her. I turned the phone off, waiting for her reply. A couple of minutes passed and still no reply of her. 

I groaned. This was such a bad idea, I thought as I sighed deeply, but you already sent that Jung Yerin. You can't do anything about it but to it up. 

I was about to text her that she should forget it when I recieved the following message: 

Hwang Eunbi: Sure. 

I raised my eyebrows, clearly surprised. I waited for a couple of minutes to answer her back. 

Me: Are you serious? 

Hwang Eunbi: Yeah. Why not? After all, I haven't gone to the movies since last year maybe because Yewon doesn't want to go to the movies with me anymore. 

She answered quickly and her answer was pretty long and with an explanation that wasn't completely necessary. 

I pursed my lips as I typed my answer. 

Me: Then it's settled. Meet you at the movies at about, 4 o'clock? 

Hwang Eunbi: Yeah sure. Meet you there. 

I raised an eyebrow at her response and I glanced at the clock. I still have like three hours for it to be four so I decided to take a nap. 


After a two hours and a half, I woke up, with my mouth wide open and dry as . Now this is something that I definitely wouldn't wish to someone else, the feeling of it it's just really unpleasant. I yawned while scratching my head. I lazily got up from the bed and walked to my closet. I searched for the most comfortable outfit in my closet and went to change and get ready, meaning my makeup. I grabbed my grey hoodie and my wallet and walked down the stairs. 

Me: I'm going out. See you in a few minutes. 

Hwang Eunbi: Sure, I'm already here btw. I'll wait for you in front of the theater. 

Me: Cool, see you in a bit. 

"Mother," I shouted and a loud yes came from the kitchen. "I'm going out to see a movie with a friend. I'll be back later." 

"Sure, be careful," my mother shouted back and I grabbed my keys. I locked the door behind me and jogged towards the car I often used. I went inside and the engine, I raced down the street and towards the mall, in which there was a movie theatre inside. 

I parked the car and walked towards the movie theater, my hands deep withing my pockets. When I arrived, I searched among the crowd, only to see a lonely girl looking at her phone while stealing nervous glances at her surroundings. She looked kinda adorable.

"Hey," I said breathless as I neared her. 

She looked up from her phone and hugged me out of nowhere. I tensed for a moment but then hugged her back, a smile forming on my lips. 

"Hi," she dragged along the greeting while still hugging me, which was weird because she has told me she didn't like any physical contact with people much less hugs so I was surprised. She backed away, a huge smile on her face. I smiled back at her. 

"So what are we going to watch?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing while I smiled mischievously. 

"A scary movie," I said and laughed, she grimaced and I laughed harder making people turn and glance at us. 

"You know what? I'm gonna go," she said, her cheeks red and her eyebrows furrowed. 

"No. Wait," I chuckled and grabbed her arm, stopping her from giving another step. "I'm kidding." 

I released a chuckle and she crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at me. "Yeah sure." 

"I swear I am, gosh... uuum what if we go and watch Mission Impossible: Fallout?" I asked her while raising an eyebrow, a little hestitant. She glanced down, thinking a little I guess. 

"Okay, I guess. It's an action movie right?" She asked, her face now showing a confused expression and I nodded. "Oh, okay then let's buy the movie tickets." 

I nodded my head once again and went with her to buy them. After we did, each one paying for the ticket, we went inside and into the room. We went up to our seats and began to have a little chat until the movie started.


When the movie finished, we were both left in shock and amazement. We walked outside, my mouth hanging open and she was with wide eyes. We were quiet for a moment. 

"Damn," I mumbled, still in trance. 

"Damn," she repeated and I turned around to glance at her, her eyes were still wide in amazement. "I haven't even watched the others but damn." 

"Wait what?" I asked, waking up from my dazed glance. "You haven't watched the movies?" 

I was now in shock. If she hasn't even watched the others then why did she agreed?

"Yeah," she said hestitaing a bit. "I haven't watched the others." 

"Then why did you agree to watch it? You could have told me and we would've gone to watch another one," I asked my eyebrows furrowing, she shrugged. 

"I don't know, but I can't deny that it was a great movie," she stated, her eyes twinkling. 

"It was," I agreed as I nodded. We stayed quiet for a bit, watching the people pass by. 

"So ummm, do you want to have dinner?" I asked and she looked at me and nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm starving," she said closing her eyes and touching her stomach. I smiled, she's so weird it's kinda cute. 

"Okay, then, let's go," I said and pointed at the area in which the restaurants were. 

We walked side by side and up to what it's where her favorite restaurant is. Don't ask me why her favorite, it's not like I chose it because of that, instead it's because I"ve been craving for some wings lately and it's practically the best place ever. 

I turned to look at her and her eyes light up as she saw the sign of the restaurant. I smiled and turned my head to look forward. 

The place was full and I waited for a waiter to give us our table but Hwang just entered the room restaurant without glancing back twice. I was about to protest but she was literally leaving me behind so I followed her. 

She chose a tall table with tall chairs, in a corner of the room and I sat across from her. 

We looked around us and I felt a little bit anxious. 

"We should've waited, now no one will take notice of us," I whispered and she rolled her eyes. 

"They will obviously notice we are here Yerin," she said and as I was about to argue, a waiter arrived with menus giving it to us but it seemed like we already knew what we wanted and we chose our respectful meals smiling as we did so. The waiter went away and we stood there, quiet again. 

"So," I said trying to break the silence. "Tell me something." 

She turned to look at me, her eyes piercing me with a certain interest. "And what should I tell you?" 

"Hmm," I thought and sat in a better way. "I don't know, just tell me something." 

"Okay," she said sitting a little bit close towards me because the place was loud and we had trouble hearing each other. 

She started talking about her dog and how much she loved him. Her eyes glinting each time she said an anecdote with him and I couldn't help but smile. 

"Here is your food," the waiter arrived with our plates and we started to eat. I looked up to see an already finished Hwang, looking at me with a glint on her eye. I finished chewing the piece of food and drank a bit of water.

"How come you finished so early?" I asked while grabbing another piece of chicken and taking a bite of it. 

She giggled and I smiled. "Well you ordered 10 while I ordered 5." 

"Oh yeah," I said looking at her already empty plate. "Okay then, talk to me." 

"What do you want me to say?" She asked while watching me. 

"Hmmm, maybe who do you have a crush on?" I kinda asked and her eyes went wide and she giggled. "I mean since you said you had three crushes but I only know the existence of two." 

"Oh," she laughed and twirled a strand of hair in her fingers. "Well you know about Jeon and Jackson." 

I nodded and she continued on, talking about this other guy that had caught her attention but she told me before that the only thing she liked about him is his and I'm not kidding. I nodded abstenmindly, not really paying attention since I just wanted her to talk and be comfortable with me. 

Hwang Eunbi is the walking meaning of the word awkward. She manages to make every damn situation really awkward. It's like a gift. 

When I finished eating, I interrupted her. "See. You were the one who did all the talk and not even once you didn't know what to say." 

She rolled her eyes but smiled. I smiled back and raised my hand to ask for the paycheck.

The waiter then arrived with it and placed it on our table and we both looked at how much it was. Each of us divided it and placed the exact amount of money on the table. We waited for a second and the waiter took it away, we said our thank you's and walked out of the restaurant. 

As we went out, we noticed there was a light drizzle and I heard Eunbi behind me whining. 

"What's the matter?" I asked her turning to look at her. 

"I don't really want to get wet," she murmured and I rolled my eyes. I took off my hoodie and gave it to her. 

"Here. Put it on," she grabbed with some hestitation. 

"What about you? Won't you get wet?"

"I really don't mind. It isn't like I'm gonna die because of some light drizzle," I said waiting for her to put on my hoodie and we walked outside. We were going inside the proper mall when her phone ringed. 

"Hello?" She asked picking up, someone answered and her eyes went wide. "Yeah yeah. I'm going. Don't worry." 

I raised an eyebrow at her now panicked face. She hunged up and turned to look at me in the eyes.  

"My mom is already here. She's going to kill me, I gotta go," she said rapidly and I nodded. 

"Do you want me to accompany you?" I asked her and she shook her head. 

"I will run. Bye!" She hurriedly said a proper good bye and ran towards where her mother was. 

I watched her back until she disappeared. When she was gone, I was woken abruptly. 

"Wait. She took my hoodie with her. ," I exclaimed, trying to keep me warm. I shook my head and smiled, what a weird girl, I thought as I walked away towards my car.

Well not walked but ran towards it since the rain was pouring a little bit more hard than before.

When I arrived to my car, I entered quickly and the engine. I placed my phone on the other seat and as I was warming myself up my phone vibrated, indicating a message. I turned to look at it and saw one message from Eunbi. 

Hwang Eunbi: My mom didn't scold me as I thought she will do. But either way, I really liked going out with you. 

I smiled. She liked it huh. 

I got out of the parking lot and up to the street. 

Another vibration. 

Hwang Eunbi: I have your hoodie btw. I'm going to give it to you next time we see each other. Have a good night! 

I smiled and rolled my eyes. 

Have a good night to you too, Eunbi.


HI! As I promised before, here is the first chapter. I hope you liked it.

It was like a date, now that I think of it (the real version) but not a date date, you know what I mean. Either way I'm sorry for choosing them, like the guys, there were the first ones to pop in my head so yeah. 

If you have any comments or questions about some things, you can always ask, don't be shy with me.

I don't really know when I'll drop the next chapter but maybe it's gonna be on the weekend (not if I decide to update one of my other stories). Anyways have a great week!

I love y'all


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Up thor i'm waiting for th next~
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward to the next update thor~ thank u for making sinrin story ♥♥
Chapter 2: Wait, is SinB straight? Ugh I'm curious...
Well, I'll wait for the next, chapter then
Chapter 2: No,,,,Eunbi's straight!! >_< Well, I know Yerin will manage to bend her. -,-
Chapter 2: I mean, is Eunbi straight here? Because she was having a crush on three males on already :)
Chapter 2: Oh! Oh! Sinrin on a date!

Hey authornim, who's the third crush of Eunbi here? Did she told Yerin who it was?
Chapter 1: Sounds good, and now I'm curious... Well, I'm looking forward for the next chap ^^
lala_mcshipper #8
Chapter 1: Sounds good, I'm excited. :)
Chapter 1: Welcome back! Been missing your updates *cough* star crossed lovers *cough*. Its been so long (even changed my username lol) but I'm excited about this new story and nah you haven't lost your touch. Still expressing pretty well. Sinrin is suffering from a drought so I'm glad you decided to comeback :)