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It wasn’t unfamiliar for Irene to feel people boring holes at her. It was either out of admiration or they just hate her. She would say it was a healthy balance between the two. She was elected to be a prefect last year on her fifth year and maybe the hate doubled because Irene was – and is – a person who follows the school rules closely. There were times she even outed her fellow Gryffindors when they were being extra mischievous and out of hand, so there were some juniors (the one she outed mostly) turned slit eyes whenever they see her. But Irene couldn’t be bothered as she has many other things to do. For example, revising for the upcoming Potions test where they need to brew the calming draught without looking at their notes for the ingredients. Therefore, here she was at her second room – the library. Irene spent a great deal of time at the library ever since she was a first year. Her muggle born self was curious and inquisitive ever since she stepped in into the wonders of Hogwarts library. Hence she could proudly say that she has already completed reading almost two rows of books in the library (forbidden section excluded). “Same face again and again!” Joy slammed the table with a one thick looking book. “Don’t you ever get bored staying here the whole day? Its Saturday and people are out there having the time of their lives in Hogsmeade. And here you are….” Irene didn’t bother to look up at the girl and continue scribbling down some of her extra notes, “You might have forgotten but we, have potions test this upcoming Monday.” “You always have an excuse.” Joy sighed before sitting down on her left. “And what are you doing here on a Saturday? That’s very odd of you.” Irene finally looked up to see the thick book in front of Joy.  “Charm Your Own Cheese by Gerda Curd – why are you suddenly reading a cooking book? Don’t tell me this is again one of your pranks to – ” Joy shushed her down by placing her hand on her lips, before signalling her to be quiet. “Geez you don’t have to go all berserk at me.  I’m just looking at some interesting cheese based food that I could make for a particular Ravenclaw.” “And who is that and why – wait, are you talking about that talkative hamster, what was her name again?” “Wendy…” Joy mumbled in a tiny voice, looking rather shy as she flipped the pages of the cooking book. “Right, Wend-mmphff!!” Joy’s hand was on her lips while her eyes were wildly searching the surrounding, before she pulled one book from the shelf to peek at the empty table ahead. Joy heaved a relief sigh before frowning at her. “What?” “Don’t you know one of her close friends always study at that table?” Joy spoke in a hush tone. “I don’t want the cat to be out of the bag.” “You’d think Kang Seulgi would rat Wendy about your plan?” Irene looked at her friend, bewildered. “She doesn’t seem the type to do so.” Irene thought to herself, maybe it was the beginning of last year when she noticed the blonde slytherin girl, always sitting at the same spot, studying or doing her homework.  It started off as an unintentional habit of Irene where she would take out one book from the shelf in front of her and place it under her elbow when she writes. But now she has been secretly taking out one book, put it aside, just so she could observe the girl from time to time (which is lowkey creepy). “…oh speaking of the devil – ” The both of them peeped through the empty slot to see Kang Seulgi placing her books and sitting down on the chair, facing towards them and completely unaware of the stares coming from the two of them. “You know what…the both of you actually make a good pair.” Joy whispered, as the both of them pull their gaze away from the slytherin girl. “Both studying their off for something that is easily passable…at least for the both of you. Both of you wasting your youth at this secluded of a library.” “But she’s pure blood and I’m a muggle.” Joy rolled her eyes, “So? Does that even matter nowadays? Wait – did you just actually considered Kang Seulgi to be your girl – ” It was Irene’s turn to place a hand above Joy’s lips, shutting her up in an instance but failing to wipe the dangerous smirk creeping out from her friend.  “Oh…so this was the reason for you to be in the library huh? To stalk out miss hot blondie over there – ” “Joy!” Irene hissed, feeling annoyed by her friend’s teasing as the heat rushed up to her face. “You’re blushing.” “S-Shut up.”Irene nudged the girl lightly, “I’m trying to study. Please focus on your cooking book or sit somewhere else.” “What if I don’t wanna?” “I’m going to deduct points from you for bothering me, a prefect, who’s busy studying.” Joy clicked her tongue, side-eyeing her before she gradually became quiet. A few minutes later, Irene muttered to the now focus girl beside her, “Earlier, did you just describe Seulgi as hot?”                                                                                                                            ***     It was another Saturday and Irene was once again in the library. Initially, she did thought of accepting Joy’s offer to go and grab some butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks but then she cancelled it after finding out Wendy is tagging along too. “You fancy her don’t you? I don’t want to be the third person in this outing of yours. You should grab this chance being alone with her while you have it.” That was basically what she said at the common room earlier before she left for the library. And here she was, walking around the many lanes trying to find a book that catches her eye when she heard someone cleared . Irene looked behind to see a Kang Seulgi in an emerald green jumper, obviously looking like she was about to go for an outing but here she was, looking straight at her, with a very dopey expression. “Bae Irene… “Kang Seulgi….?” For 5 years, both of them never really had a long conversation nor even properly talked before. Sure, they were in a few same classes but Gryffindor and Slytherin never really clicked because of the never-ending rival on Quidditch, winning the House Cup and other silly stuff. Irene recalled the last time she spoke to Seulgi was during the beginning of the year when she told off her friends and deducted points from them after setting off a thunder cracker in the school hall. It wasn’t Seulgi who did it but her wild, maniac-like friends, Yeri, Lisa and two other boys. But it was Seulgi who apologised to her while the others cackled – not even minding the points being deducted. Irene never really understood why Seulgi hang around with those trouble-makers, but then she questioned herself too because she too hang around with Joy who was also a bunch of misfit. “Bae Irene…” Seulgi spoke once more while suddenly taking another step closer to her. “Y-Yes?” Irene started to lean back on one of the shelves, “What do you want, Seulgi?” “Bae Irene, I love you.” “…What?” Did Seulgi just confessed her love towards her. Is this some sort of  a prank? “What do you mean? This isn’t funny, Seulgi.” “I mean it!” Seulgi took another one step closer and took both of Irene’s hands and put it on her face. “I’ve always been in the library just to see you study. Your focus expression every time you re-read your notes were very adorable I just can’t help to internally squeal. And when you’re mad at your friends with the cute frowning, you still look like the most cutest bunny in the world. Please date me.” Irene stared back at Seulgi, mixture of horror, taken aback and maybe a teeny dot of happiness at the sudden burst of confession, although something feels not right. Seulgi was still look dopey and unexceptionally high – which is a very rare sight. Most of the time when she saw Seulgi around, her face would always be rather stoic and void of emotions, but this…this was so unlike her. “Seulgi…” Irene removed the hands from her face, rather half-heartedly at that. “Are you…okay? This isn’t a prank, isn’t it?” “Prank? What prank? I’m in love with you, can’t you see right through me?!” Seulgi joyfully admitted with a little skip. Wow, this is definitely new, Irene thought to herself after witnessing a cuter side of the Slytherin girl, but still she was very apprehensive about this. “Uhm… you’re close friends with Yeri, right?” Seulgi nodded like a puppy at the question, before her face split into a deep frown. “Why? Why are you asking me about that brat? You should be focusing about me!” Now Irene truly felt that something isn’t right. Seulgi was becoming a little be obsessive as of the moment, and although Irene find it rather endearing, she can’t help but to think Seulgi might be under the influence of – “Uhm…have you eaten?” Irene asked, trying to get a certain confirmation out. “Not really! But I did took a few bites out of a strawberry cupcake Yeri gave to me earlier. And then I came straight here to confess to you!” Seulgi explained with that bright, dopey smile still plastered on her face. “Strawberry cupcake?” “Yeah,” Seulgi nodded once again, “Yeri said one of my admirers gave it to me. There’s like a whole bunch of them on my bed! The cream cheese filling inside makes it all better – but you don’t have to worry, I just like the cupcakes, not the person who gave it to me. I still have my eyes on you hehehe.” Hoping for Seulgi to take the bait, she asked, “Seulgi…can I have one of those cupcakes too?” “Sure! Anything for you, bae! Let’s go!” Seulgi grabbed her hand and led them out of the library. If Seulgi wasn’t under the influence of something, Irene would actually think its nice to have the girl holding her hand firmly like this. But Irene was also aware of the stares the two of them are receiving as they are walking in quick steps, heading to the Slytherin common room. Irene have to admit, even if she was the onlookers, it will be a very weird sight to see a cheerful Kang Seulgi, who is actually a rather emotionless slytherin, half-dragging the untouchable (this is what people always describe her as)  Gryffindor prefect. But thank God, the people are lessening as Seulgi brought her towards her own common room near the dungeons. Irene had never came this close towards the Slytherin’s region and she never had any reason too, but boy it sure does looked a bit eerie down here with the rough stone walls along the path added on with round, greenish lamps hanging on the ceiling as the only source of light. They stopped in front of the entrance and Seulgi spoke the password, “Pure bloods shines brighter than stars.” The entrance smoothly opened while Irene grimaced at the superiority complex that the Slytherin password held. “I would love to bring you inside but we can’t allow that…I’m sure you’d understand. You’re a prefect after all.” Seulgi regretfully scratched her cheek with a finger, “Please stay here. I’ll be back with the cupcakes in a sec!” Irene only nodded, but can’t help to peek her head inside, trying to get a view of the Slytherin’s common room. She only stopped trying when one of the most annoying fifth year, Lee Mijoo walked out of the common room. “What are you doing down here?” She cleared , “I’m actually waiting for someone…” “And who exactly is that?” “That’s none of your business.” Irene coolly answered before she turned her attention to the voice calling out her name from afar. “Ireneeeee! I found it.” It was such a loveable sight to see Seulgi in this way. “Seulgi?” Mijoo looked at the blonde girl, now panting slightly while holding a box of cupcakes in her hands. “Mijoo? What are you – don’t you dare take Irene away from me!” Seulgi suddenly bare her arms protectively over Irene while Mijoo looked at them, bewilderment etched on her face. “She’s mine.” “Seulgi…” Irene whispered, “Let’s just go, okay?” Seulgi nodded, a big scowl still evident on her face before she grabbed Irene’s hands and hurriedly stride away. “I will hex every single person who tries to disturb you I’m not joking.” Feeling herself getting red, Irene cleared and asked, “Can I have a look at the cupcakes?” “Oh…” They stopped walking and Seulgi giddily gave the cupcakes to her, “Here you go! It’s veery delicious. I even took another bite before I went to you!” It looked like your average strawberry cupcakes – except for the cream cheese fillings but can this cupcake be spiked with something. Irene took a sniff of the cupcakes but she can’t really tell. It smelled really good like how all cupcakes should but she still felt weird about this. “Do you mind if we visit Professor Albus for a while?” “Sure! Anything for you and as long as I’m with you.” Seulgi smoothly spoke, making Irene became beet red in the face. A few knocks on Professor Albus’s room and the door unlocked itself revealing a middle aged man, eyeing the both of them curiously. “What are you two doing here on this beautiful Saturday?” Irene leaned forward to the Potions Master before she quickly whispered, “I think someone spiked a love potion on Seulgi’s cupcake, sir.” The eyebrows of the Professor rose and a grin spread on his face, “Ah these kids! Good ol’ trick it is! Well come inside.” “Why must we go inside, sir? We don’t have all day.” Seulgi started to look a tad bit annoyed, “I have made hundreds of plans to spend my day with Irene, here.” “Oh, you do huh?” Professor Albus then added, “Well then, you must feel so agitated to make all those plans happen at once don’t you?” “Of course.” Seulgi clearly pointed out. “Well then I have a calming draught that should perfectly calm the fire in you.” The potion master suggested, not missing to give a wink at Irene. “And why do I need that?” Irene tried to find an excuse,“If you want to d-date me…I need you to be…uhm relaxed…?” Seulgi looked at her for 1 second, before she shrugged, “All right then. I’m only doing this because Irene said so.” “Great! Please take a sit right there and uh…I’ll be back!” Professor Albus looked at Irene expectantly before she too, tagged along with the Potions Master, handing him the cupcake. “Ah…” The Potions Master took a great whiff and smiled knowingly, “That’s Amortentia, alright.” Even if Irene had a huge, gut feeling that Seulgi had been spiked with a love potion, she couldn’t help but to feel a bit down on the revelation. Maybe a part of her, actually hoped (?) that Seulgi actually was smitten about her. “I knew it…” Irene dejectedly spoke, “It must be that friend of hers, Yeri, who did this. Seulgi said it was Yeri who passed her the box of cupcakes from an admirer.” “I see…don’t you worry Miss Bae. I have the antidote somewhere around. This is not my first time handling this sort of situation although…” The Potions Master chuckled, before he went to the cupboard to search for the antidote. The Professor then spoke in a lowered voice. “…I don’t think she even needed for the love potion to work, that one.” “Sorry?” Irene pressed on, as she did not managed to catch the words spoken. “Ahah!” The Potions Master spun behind showing the clear looking liquid kept in a small transparent flask. “What are you two doing over there for so long?” Seulgi asked from the couch, looking at the both of them in annoyance before standing up and walked to them. “Now Seulgi, I just found the calming draught.” The Potions Master twisted the cap open, before handing it to the blonde girl, “Take two gulps of this liquid and then you can enjoy your
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Kangseul98 #1
Chapter 5: I really enjoyed and laughed out loud reading this beautiful work. What a fascinating story
reveluv316 810 streak #2
im back again, rereading it one more time
Chapter 7: the story’s so good!!! thank uuuu
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 7: Reread ❤❤❤
okay54321 #5
Chapter 7: Muggle money sticking out of Seulgi’s robe lmao that’s such a Seulgi thing to do😭
Chapter 7: Wow. I felt like I was coming back to Hogwarts after rewatching Harry Potter two months ago
kwashzxc #8
Chapter 7: Loved this series! 😊
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 7: I adore this series! I love the timelines and the integration of the other characters. I kinda feel bad on their working schedules but kudos on making that one work. Cheers for sharing your writing!
Gaynnie #10
Chapter 7: I can't believe I finished it... It's the end but I don't want it to end. Its so good author, Im attached to the characters. You did such a good job writing this!! T^T