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Ever since she was chosen as Prefect, Irene always takes her role seriously. She is quite a firm believer that rules are there for a reason. Rules prevent chaos from happening and even with it, there are still a whole bunch of people breaking it openly – or in discrete. She has to be frank, she did break several rules that the school had set up before but those were very small, minor rules and people would just laugh at her face when she told them about it. “….broke into an empty classroom?” A fellow Hufflepuff prefect, Rose, who was on duty to patrol the ground floor corridors with her that night, “Was that your biggest ‘I broke the rule’ thing?”   Irene was almost considering telling the girl about letting a non-prefect in into the Prefects Bathroom but she didn’t, considering that was no big news to some people around here. “I don’t exactly break that much of rules you know…unlike some of my friends.”   “It’s weird how you’re close friends with Joy, but you’re rarely on board with her mischief escapades.” Rose spoke before they called out a pair of couple snogging in an empty dungeon.   “I joined quite a few you know – mostly out of force, also because I was curious too.” They took a left turn, feeling the air growing colder as they were walking to the roomier parts of the underground dungeons. “Oh wait – I remembered going to the kitchen and then I saw all those house-elves!”   “Did you nick some food?”   “I didn’t but Joy and Jennie did.” They push open the half agape door of Dungeon 5 and stood gaping at what seemed to be frog’s brains plastered all over the ceilings. “Ugh……this must be the third years. We have to inform Heechul about this.”   After checking all the corridors and empty dungeons, they headed back to the Grand Staircase but was met with Seulgi and Yeri who was chuckling on something but stopped in their tracks when they saw the both of them. She and Seulgi exchanged small smiles.   “Well, look who’s here patrolling.” Yeri spoke, her hand holding a tear package of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans, “Find anything interesting this floor?”   “You’re supposed to be in your common rooms already. It’s past the time.” Irene spoke in an as-a-matter-of-fact-tone.   “Well, we’re about to head there as you can see.” Yeri replied back in the same tone.   “You guys don’t know anything about frog brains on Dungeon 5 ceilings, don’t you?” Rose pried, hands clasping her waist.   “There’s frog brains plastered on the ceilings?” Yeri asked, sounding surprised. “We totally gotta check this out Seul.”   “No.” Seulgi deadpans.   “You two best be moving straight back to your common rooms.” Irene sighed.   Yeri shrugged, “Let’s go Seulgi – or you wanna say goodbye to your girlfriend Miss Prefect here?”   Irene saw the ends of Seulgi’s ears turning red. Her eyes glancing shyly at both her and Rose who was openly staring at her. The latter ended up mumbling a small ‘goodnight’ to her before marching off to the Slytherin common room, dragging Yeri with her.   They make sure those two took the right turn to their common rooms before they headed back to the staircase. Rose was muttering how embarrassed Seulgi was and it was her first time seeing said girl that shy. “She’s always quite famous for her emotionless face – sometimes I’m reminded she actually has emotions.”    “Hey, cut her some slack.” Irene laughed, “She actually has a pretty cute smile.”   “Oh, reminds me of the wild rumour amongst our Hufflepuff girls couple years back, thinking that she’s actually part vampire because she rarely smiles.” Rose walked up a couple of stairs above her.   “What?”   Rose shrugged, “Anyways, since you’re dating her and all. How do you feel about their clique secret rendezvous to jump into the Great Lake this weekend?”   “What?!”   “Oh! You didn’t know…” Rose had her right hand placed above her lips. The moving stairs reached the basement and the girl quickly make haste, “Forget what I said. I think what Lisa told me was just a joke. Goodnight, Irene! Bye!”   Irene knew it wasn’t a joke considering Lisa were close friends with both Seulgi and Joy. She climbed back to the seventh floor, head spinning on the matter. Why on earth do they want to jump into the Great Lake?                                                         ***   “Irene….you don’t have to tag along….” Here they were in the chilly evening of Saturday, sneaking their way out to the Great Lake. All the students were already back at Hogwarts but here she was, following Yeri, Joy, an anxious Wendy and also a very concerned Seulgi. “You shouldn’t be following us. You’ll get into trouble.” Seulgi hissed. Irene scoffed, “You lot are already in trouble. I’m here so I can supervise what you guys are doing so that you won’t go overboard and get into more trouble.” “My senses are telling me that we’ll get caught…” Wendy spoke in front of her. She was looking left and right, in case someone was spying on them. “My senses are hardly wrong and I’m a prefect. You’re a prefect too!” “If someone caught us, tell them you and I are here to take these three away.” Irene answered, wondering how on earth did she managed to think so unlawfully. Yeri whistled, “I’m impressed at this new upgrade. Seulgi, I’m starting to like your girlfriend more.” It was already dusk by the time they reach the shore of the lake. It was vast and it felt like there was no end to it. There was also barely a ripple in the dark black lake, tricking one to think beneath it was peaceful. But perhaps it wasn’t as peaceful as one might think as the black lake were the homes of permanent residents such as the Merpeople, Grindylows and The Giant Squid. And because of these inhabitants, they are here today. A silly bet was made by Yeri who dared Joy to tickle the Giant Squid and if succeeded, Joy would get 10 galleons and a headless hat. And if she doesn’t succeed, Joy would have to reveal 2 secret hide ways to Yeri – who, based from what Seulgi had told her – have been bugging and searching the whole castle about it. Turns out Joy knew about it hence the bet. “Hurry! We better get this over soon.” Seulgi cracked her knuckles, a habit that Irene often noticed nowadays. “It’s quickly getting dark.”   “Oh, there’s the Giant Squid…” Yeri pointed out.   The humongous purple looking creature was not far from the shallow, approximately 70 metres from the shore, they could see the upper part of the body and its entangling tentacles floating about peacefully over the lake. Irene had saw the Giant Squid several times but this one was the nearest. She had to gulp at the sight.   “Joy…you don’t have to do this.” Wendy pleaded to the tall girl who took off her pants, revealing the long swimming tights. “The water temperature is below 0. You could die!”   Yeri kept tapping her feet, a sign of her patience running, “C’mon Joy. Hypothermia or 10 galleons? You can still bail from this. No one’s forcing you.”   Joy stretched her limbs. There was a certain determined glare in her eyes, “Bailing from a bet? Me? Never in a million years.”   “Well the lake is all yours.” Yeri stretched out her hand, making way for Joy who steadily dipped her feet into the lake. “Remember, just tickle it for 5 seconds and you swim your way back here, alright?”   “Got it.”   They watched as Joy’s figure gradually disappeared into the lake and off she went, swimming towards the Giant Squid while all of them watched in awe. This must have been the craziest thing I’ve ever watched, Irene thought to herself. The Giant Squid was still there at the same place, completely immobile, only its tentacles swinging slightly from time to time. Irene have always heard about the infamous Giant Squid at the black lake, being a tame creature but she could never really trust those rumours as she had watched a number of documentaries of the aquatic life on youtube during the holiday. And boy they were nothing close to tame.   “Huh…she made it.” Seulgi muttered beside her. Her arms falling to her side in surprise as Joy waved at them beside the huge creature.   “TICKLE IT!” Yeri half-yelled, “We’ll count to five.”   Joy put an ‘OK’ sign in the air before she turned to the giant squid. She appeared as if she was talking something to the creature before she swam closer to the tentacles, putting a thumbs up, signalling that she was about to tickle.   “5!” “4!” “3!” “2!” “ 1 and a half – ” “Yeri!” Wendy urged. “1!” “0!” Joy throw a punch in the air and soon all of them looked at each other and slowly started to clap their hands in amazement. If there was something like a Guinness World Record in the Wizarding World, maybe Joy would get one of those awards – for tickling a Giant Squid at the tentacles for 5 seconds. Irene sighed in relief when Joy started to swim back. She was aching to go back to the castle already and not to mention she was starving. But her plans to go back to the castle was put to a halt when suddenly Joy yelped and she was pulled below into the lake.   “JOY!” All of them yelled.   Joy did not appeared back above the water – even after 5 seconds – also the Giant Squid was nowhere to be found too. Things were about to go wild and wet.   “Goodness, the Giant Squid must’ve caught her!” Wendy tangled her hands in her hair, completely distress, before taking out her wand and point it to the lake. “Accio Joy!”   “You can’t summon a human with that spell, Wendy.” Seulgi calmly spoke and the girl started to take off her robes.   “What do you think you’re doing?” Irene turned to her girlfriend.   “I reckon all of you can’t swim – ”   Yeri chirped, “I do know how but I think it’s wiser if Seulgi went with this one.”   “ – so I’m just gonna dive in and grab her back.”   Seulgi wore a white button up shirt underneath her robes and thank God she was wearing a black slack pants underneath. For a moment Irene thought the girl would be swimming in her trunks or something but nevertheless she was still worried.   “What if you won’t come back? What if the both of you drowned?!” It was Irene’s turn to get extremely anxious.   “I know you won’t let me drown, Irene.” Seulgi paused and added, “That’s a pun if you noticed.”   Without another word, Seulgi took out her wand and jumped into the lake before plunging underneath the water– leaving behind multiple ripples throughout the lake and three concerned human impatiently waiting for those two to emerge.   “Oh my God, this is it.” Yeri started to ramble and walking around in circles. “This is going to be my swimming comeback. I have to save Seulgi or her parents will KILL me!”   “What about Joy?” Wendy bellowed. “This is your fault!”   “She was the one who agreed on this bet. If she didn’t agreed on it, this wouldn’t happen!” Yeri yelled back and the both of them were going on at it.   Irene on the other hand, tried to have a little courage and submerge her feet into the lake, looking intently at the spot where Seulgi and Joy had sink in. The lake was quiet and still until a few moments later, she noticed there were small bubbles starting to fizz at the surface of the water. The bubbles grew and for a second there was a streak of red light before – WHOOSH 5 feet in the air, Seulgi and Joy flew before they landed back into the water. Joy appearing soaked and unconscious while Seulgi – who was also completely drenched – struggled to swim back to the shore. Gathering her courage, Irene paddled her small feet and plunged into the water, feeling her body freeze in an instance before she tried reaching out for the girls. “Stupid!” She heard Seulgi heaving while trying to say something, “Stupid! Stupid! Mer-people!”   “Are you alright?” She finally reached to them and helped bringing back a pale and a knock out Joy.   “I’m f-f-fine.” Seulgi managed through chattering teeth.   “She’s not dead isn’t she?” Yeri examined the blackout girl now being placed on the shore.   Irene was already shivering even when she was just a few minutes into the lake, but she can’t imagined how cold Seulgi and Joy was. Seulgi was basically coughing out water and shaking like a puppy in her embrace right now. They watched Wendy leaning over Joy, tapping her cheeks lightly before placing her ear on the girl’s chest.   “She’s alive!” Wendy announced before
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Kangseul98 #1
Chapter 5: I really enjoyed and laughed out loud reading this beautiful work. What a fascinating story
reveluv316 811 streak #2
im back again, rereading it one more time
Chapter 7: the story’s so good!!! thank uuuu
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 7: Reread ❤❤❤
okay54321 #5
Chapter 7: Muggle money sticking out of Seulgi’s robe lmao that’s such a Seulgi thing to do😭
Chapter 7: Wow. I felt like I was coming back to Hogwarts after rewatching Harry Potter two months ago
kwashzxc #8
Chapter 7: Loved this series! 😊
Sir_Loin #9
Chapter 7: I adore this series! I love the timelines and the integration of the other characters. I kinda feel bad on their working schedules but kudos on making that one work. Cheers for sharing your writing!
Gaynnie #10
Chapter 7: I can't believe I finished it... It's the end but I don't want it to end. Its so good author, Im attached to the characters. You did such a good job writing this!! T^T