Chapter 18!

Love Should Go On!

Jinki’s POV

“What did you say happened?” I could not believe my ears! Why are these attacks happening suddenly? Are the elders getting bold or is there some other master mind? Whoever it is, I need to ensure my family’s protection first and foremost!

“The car that our little prince is travelling in was attacked.” repeated my DUMB advisor. Groaning to myself at such foolishness I asked, “WERE YOU NOT SUPPOSED TO SECURE THEIR ROUTE?”

“Ehhhhh…..” but before he could make any more dumb comebacks the door opened and a guard walked in. He bowed before standing back up and announcing,

“Your Majesty! Entourage from Dokkam has safely arrived.” The moment these words left his mouth, relief washed over me instantly.

“DADDDYYYYY!!!!!” I heard my son’s melodious voice call out. As I looked up I saw him struggling to get out of a beautiful man’s arms. That person let Tae down, who then ran as fast as his stubby legs could carry him, right in to my arms!

“Tae! My little squirt, how are you? Are you fine?” I asked as I hugged him tight to my chest.

“Daddy Hwurt” he said as he held his head. I rubbed it a bit before kissing his forehead. I called over my assistant and handed Tae over to him. “Baby, go with Uncle, he will take you to Mommy okay? Yujin-ah, take him to Jonghyun”.  As they left I turned my attention back to the troop that Minho provided for Taemin’s safety.  

“Thank you for getting Taemin back safely.” I addressed the head guard who, in turn, bowed to me as he replied.

“You don’t need to thank me for it Your Majesty. The safety of the Royal Family of Dokkam is my duty. Our little prince will always be a big part of Dokkam’s family. Your Majesty, I assume you were informed of the delays we had to face on our way.” When I nodded to show him affirmation, he continued, “We were able to catch the assassin. If I have your permission then I would like to present him in front of you.”

I was shocked to hear that they already caught the attacker. Minho really did send the best of the best.

“You have my permission, do bring him in.” He nodded before gesturing to one of his men who walked out and brought back a man. They held him tight as he struggled to get free. I noticed the head guard gesturing to the beautiful man who was silently standing, to move back for his safety.

“Who are you? Who sent you? Why did you attack my son? Who is behind these attacks?” I asked as I made my way towards him.  But all he did was stare back at me. Well you are testing my patience! I punched him in the face causing him to topple over. The guard that were holding him moved back to give me more access to him. I caught hold of him and punched him again and again for a few minutes. Pulling him up by his collar, I asked him, “TELL ME! WHO IS BEHIND THESE ATTACKS?”

I felt an arm on my hand. Turning around, I saw that Yujin was back.

“Jinki Calm down….getting angry won’t solve this. We need to keep our cool and find the attackers. Don’t let you emotions control your judgment.” he said to me quietly so only I could hear him. I let out a sigh before letting the attacker go. This is one of the reasons why Yujin is my advisor. He knows when to stop me and when to support me.

“Take him away and make sure he talks. You know what to do with him.” I told my own guards. They nodded before taking him away. I walked back to my throne and sat on it. I need to tighten the security around Jong and Tae till I find the people behind these attacks. As I raised my eyes, I saw the beautiful man standing there quietly, looking around with scared eyes.

“Sorry for the rude welcome, as the King of Hwasal, I welcome you to Hwasal! I am sorry but do you mind introducing yourself?” I addressed him. His head snapped up upon hearing me.

“Ehh….my name is Kim Kibum…..I’m Minho’s friend!” Kim Kibum! So this is the person Jong was telling me about Minho’s love interest! Hmmmm, not bad Minho-ya, not bad at all!


Kibum’s POV

And just like that, his personality underwent a 180 degree change! He even gave me a charming smile!

“ Ah! Nice to meet you Kibum! I have heard so much about you from Jonghyun that this meeting is just putting a face to the name. Please ignore what happen earlier and welcome to Hwasal! Let me you to Jonghyun!” he said getting up from throne. Before leaving the room, he asked someone to make some arrangement for the Dokkam guards so they can rest before making their return journey. As we stepped out, he turned to me and smiled again. He really has a nice eye smile!

“Thank you so much for escorting Taemin safely back home!”

“Ehh…..please, you don’t have to say thank you. Tae is a lovely child. I would not let any harm come to him. How is Jonghyun hyung?” I asked as I side eye him. He chuckled before answering,

“Stressed! He panics a lot easily. But now that Tae is back, he will be fine.”



“Whatever is happening…..Ehhh, you can ask Minho for help… know he will help.”

Wow! Kibum, what’s wrong with you? Why are you saying this? You do not have any right to speak on behalf of Minho!

“Yes, he would surely help…..that is just how caring Minho is!” he said chuckling.

We had reached a door; knocking on it, he opened it and entered. I followed behind.

“That’s my favorite sight.” he whispered softly with a pretty eye smile. I turned to see what he was talking about. There, on the bed placed in the center of the room, was Jonghyun hyung and Taemin. Tae was animatedly talking with his mom, making big hand gestures as he told hyung in his baby speech about his stay in Dokkam. Jonghyun hyung had a small, peaceful smile on his lips. His eyes were glistening with unshed tears. Anyone could make out the relief on his face, having his baby in front of him, safe and sound.

“What are you both talking about? Can we be a part of it?” Jinki hyung asked as he made his way to the bed. I didn’t know what to do. It felt like I was intruding on a family moment, so I decided to stay put.

“Onew…..” I could hear Jonghyun hyung call out softly.

“Daddyyyyy!!!!” Tae jumped in his dad’s arm, who easily caught him and twirled him in circles making him giggle.

“Kibum” I was snapped out of my trance as I heard a soft voice call me. I turned to the bed to see Jonghyun hyung smiling at me as he gestured for me to come close. When I was near him, he pulled me into a hug.

“Thank you for bringing Tae back safely!” he whispered in my ears.

“Hyung… do not have to say thank you…..really, it’s my pleasure that I could help!” I patted his back in assurance. “Hyung are you fine?” I pulled out of his embrace and looked at him.

“I am fine now.” he smiled before asking, “How is Minho? I hope my idiot brother did not give you any trouble in my absence! If he did, I will make sure to have his ears for it!” he told me with mischief in his eyes.

“He is…..he is actually not good.” I didn’t know if it was my place to tell but I couldn’t lie. Concern colored his eyes.

“Why? Is he not keeping well? He has this habit of ignoring his health.”

“Ehhh…..I don’t know if it’s my place to say this but something happened at the orphanage and Minho took it hard. Yesterday night he got drunk. Very drunk!”

“Orphanage?” Hyung said as he looked at Jinki hyung for answers, who in turn shook his head in denial.

“One of the kids there, who Minho was close to, passed away the day before…….” I trailed off unsure of how to continue. Well I didn’t have to; a knowing look passed both their features.

“Mommyyyyy” Tae’s whine broke the silence that had spread. He got out of his dad’s arms and climbed in his mom’s lap.

“Yes baby?”

“Hwead Hwurt!” he said as tears leaked from his eyes. In all of the happenings, I totally forgot that Tae had bumped his head and needed a physician.

“Hyung, when our car was attacked earlier, Tae bumped his head on the car seat. I think he has a small bump. We should get it checked.” I informed hyung who was hugging and rubbing Tae’s head in motherly way.

“I’ll have Yujin call the royal physician. Kibum, can you call Minho and let him know you both made it safely? I am sure his guards must have done that, but I would like to assure him as well.” Jinki hyung asked me. Me! I should call Minho?! Oh Why??????

“Kibum?” both Jonghyun and Jinki hyung looked at me with a questioning gaze.

“Ah….yes yes…..I’ll give him a call.” I nodded to them as I got up and made my way to the attached balcony to make my call.

My heart was palpitating as I dialed his number. Since last night, he has occupied my thoughts, my heart beats fast when I think about him. What is happening to me??

“Kibum?” I heard him speak on the other line. “Kibum, are you there?”

“Ah….yes….yes I’m here”

“Did you make it safely? Are you alright? Is Taemin fine? How about Jinki hyung and Jonghyun hyung? I was told that you guys were attacked? You are not injured right?” he asked without even pausing for breath.

“Minho, breath! We are fine! Yes, we were attacked but no one was injured. And both Jinki and Jonghyun hyung are fine. You don’t have to worry.” I told him. I couldn’t help but smile, hearing his worried voice.

“Oh thank god! Why did Jinki hyung not call me when you both reached?”

“Well…..he kind of had to deal with our attacker. And when we were attacked, Tae bumped his head on the car seat. It is nothing serious but we are getting it checked with the physician. Jinki hyung is just calling him.”

“Ah okay…..let me know about Tae’s condition then.”

“Yes I will….Minho….”


“How are you?”

“Me? I am fine? What can possibly be wrong with me?”

“We both know what’s wrong with you. You were alone today, so I want to know how you are. How’s your migraine?” I asked him worriedly. I don’t know why, but I wanted to be there for him. Seeing him breaking down last night hurts my heart.

“My migraine is fine. We….we put Sohyun to rest today…….” He said with a trembling voice.

“Minho…..” When I didn’t get any response I called out again “Minho….”

“Kibum…….I….I don’t know what to do……I couldn’t protect one child… I am supposed to protect so many people? I don’t think I’m made for this throne…….”

“Minho, do not say that! You are a great and kind king! You are doing fine…..I’m sure Sohyun is in better place now… did all you could, he was a happy child, do not think negatively of yourself.”



“Take care of yourself……” I could hear my heart beating in my ears as blush crept my cheeks “ and come back soon…..”

“I… too…..take care.” but before I could say anything more I heard Jonghyun hyung call for me.

“Kibum wait…..” I heard him call out. “I miss you…..” he said.

My heart started ringing in my ears, as I felt blood pool in my cheeks.


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Hey Guys!
It’s been long, I don’t know if anyone’s still interested in this story, but I decided to comeback and try and finish it. Let me know your thoughts in comments if you feel I should complete it or drop it.


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Chapter 19: Yes, why Kibum, why did you leave Minho?
Author-nim please dont leave us hanging
Hope you update soon~
Chapter 19: Yes kibum why? Why? What's the reason? I'm dying to know so please do update more!😅
Chapter 19: Yes kibum.. why? Im dying to know his reason.
Author nim.. thank you for not forgetting his story. Can wait for next
Vhikky_perry #4
Chapter 19: Please continue
Minkeylover1 #5
Chapter 18: Wow....I really loved reading this ....Please update authornim 🥺
Smile_always_shri #6
Chapter 18: I miss this story
please continue soon
Tree_ash #7
I miss this story T0T
Tree_ash #8
Chapter 18: You're back, and everything is fine!! Thank you authornim.
Chapter 17: Oh good lord the attacks are happening left and right