Chapter 4

When memories are gone

Yonghwa arrived to his house, very tired. Ho-Joo parked the car in the yard, looking at Yonghwa in the rear view mirror. The singer glanced at him too.

I'll be working at home tomorrow so no need to come here,” Yonghwa said firmly, before getting out of the car.

As he was making his way into the house, Ho-Joo called him.

Yonghwa! Wait!”

Yonghwa stood still without looking at him.

Yonghwa, I'm sorry if you feel like I betrayed you. I didn't want to but this situation isn't good for you. I don't want you to get into any trouble or scandal. Just think if someone hear about this.”

I know,” Yonghwa replied, looking at him, “it's just...I'm tired of people always advising me. For music, I'm fine with it but for my life...” he paused, “I want to make my own choices, right or wrong. I'll call the police but I could enjoy some company you know, especially with someone who doesn't know me.”

I get it but...”

Don't worry about me but thanks for doing it anyway,” Yonghwa smiled.

You're welcome.”

Ho-Joo left and Yonghwa went in the house. He closed the door, sighing. Even if Yonghwa liked the peace of his home, he sometimes missed sharing the dorm with his band mates. Without the joyfulness of s and without any girlfriend for a long time, the emptiness could be heavy sometimes.

He made his way to the living room, hoping to see Mee-Na but nobody was there. As he walked by the kitchen, he saw Se-Ra about to leave the house.

Se-Ra, did you see Mee Na?”

No, not since she came back. I think she didn't leave her room.”

Oh really? Alright. It's kind of late, go home now.” he smiled

Sure,” Se-Ra replied with a smile, “I took the time to cook a quick something for you. You should stop coming home that late.”

I know. Thanks.” he smiled.

Yonghwa then headed to Mee-Na's bedroom, before knocking nervously on the door. Mee-Na opened, smiling shyly at him.

Hi,” Yonghwa greeted, softly.


May I come in?”

Sure, it's your house.”

Yonghwa walked in, standing still in the middle of the room. He glanced at the shopping bags which were unpacked on the floor. Mee-Na stayed behind him, without talking but playing with her fingers nervously.

Se-Ra told me that you didn't leave the bedroom. Can I ask you why did you stay locked here?” he asked, turning around to face her.

Well...I...I thought I didn't have the right to walk around in your house like that. I'm...I'm kind of a guest here and you weren't there so...” she stammered.

Yonghwa reacted to her embarrassment with a light smile. Strangely, he was feeling as embarassed as her.

You know...” he paused, “My house is I think, pretty welcoming. I want you to feel welcome and good here. Really, there are no problems with you wandering about here. And before you ask, you don't disturb me,” he smiled at her.

Ok, thank you,” she smiled back.

Her host's insistent stare made the young girl turned her head away. The silence became heavy before Yonghwa finally broke it.

So, did you do some good shopping?” he inquired, coming closer to the bags.

Yeah pretty much. Thanks.”

Stop thanking me, it starts to be embarrassing,” he uttered, scratching his head, “So, wait you went to those shops? I gave you some cash, you could have gone to better shops than those,” as he looked to the brands on the bags.

Yeah but I thought it wouldn't be great to take advantage of your kindness and money after what you've done for me.”

At this moment, Yonghwa couldn't hide his surprise. He was known for being pretty generous and people were easily taking advantage of it when they got the chance.

Well, that's very kind of you. Well' be eating soon. We'll take it in the dining room in about 15 minutes. Maybe you can wear one of your new buys?”

Sure. It'll be better than this white dress.”

So see you in the dining room.”

As Yonghwa was about to leave, he stopped in the doorway.

You may be tired of it, but you know I love this white dress,” he declared without looking at Mee-Na.

He walked out the room, leaving a blushing Mee-Na. He went to his bedroom and took a quick shower. He then changed his clothes to look good too for dinner. 10 minutes later, he was ready.

Yonghwa came into the dining room, sitting at the table. A few minutes later, Mee-Na arrived wearing a classy but yet simple light pink dress. Yonghwa couldn't help but stare at her. She was beautiful, Yonghwa couldn't deny it.

Mee-Na slowly approached the table, ill at ease.

You're...well...I like your dress, you have great taste,” Yonghwa smiled but he wasn't really being honest. What he really wanted to say was that she was really beautiful.

Thank you,” she answered shyly.

Mee-Na sat, ready to start dinner, which began in silence. They were face to face like a candlelight dinner.

You know, I don't get the chance to have a pretty girl to dinner with me at home oftenly,” Yonghwa finally dared to say, “So, it could be great to talk a little.”

Sure, but I don't know what to say.”

Well, you can ask me some questions and I'll answer them. It's a good way to get to know each other,” he smiled at her.

Okay, so what are you doing in life?”

Hmm...well...I...” Yonghwa began to stammered, “I'm in the music business...I...I work as a producer in a record company,” he lied.

Really? It must be a very good business to work in.”

Yeah sure it is. But you know it's also a very special world with a lot of competition, arrogance. A very special world when you know it,” Yonghwa sighed.

Oh, but you probably meet a lot of famous people, right?”

Yonghwa smiled, quite embarassed, knowing he was one of them.

It happens yes. It's funny how people outside of this business always think that meeting famous people is the most thrilling thing of this world. It is, but you also realise that they're only humans like me and you. Some even become less interesting when you really know them. Believe me, some don't deserve to be meet,” he sighed.

Oh ok. I don't want to be incorrect but you have an amazing house and I think it's clear you're successful in your field and earn...”

A lot of money?” Yeah I do well. But not as mush as people may think. It wasn't incorrect and thanks for the compliment on my house. Are you someone interested by money?” Yonghwa gasped, suddenly realising what he just asked, “I mean...Is it something important to you?”

I don't know. My memory is a little defective right now,” she smiled and Yonghwa smiled back, “But no, I don't think so. I think it's not what makes a person happy, it's not everything.”

I totally agree. Money don't make you happy,” Yonghwa uttered, looking sadly in front of him, “But it plays a big part in the pursuit of happiness.”

The silence came back. Yonghwa seemed sad all of sudden and Mee-Na felt guilty about it.

Yonghwa...If I may allow myself to say this...I think you may be one of them. You're one of those persons that money could make them sad and lonely.”

Yonghwa was surprised by her words. It was like she understood something that a few people did. He looked at her and smiled.

Well, I can't complain about my life. But...Things that money can't buy are missing in my life. People don't think about this because they think I'm happy because of my success in my job and the money I earn. I am but...”

I'm sorry for you. You're a nice person Yonghwa,” she smiled shyly but tenderly at him, “And you have the right to be happy with other things than money.”

Thanks Mee-Na,” he smiled at her.

You're welcome,” she smiled back.

Then the silence came back. For the first time, they really spoke to each other. Yonghwa appreciated her company and without knowing why, he was about to ask her a question. The question which could change everything.

Mee-Na, are you good here? you want to stay here with me, until you recover your memory?” he asked nervously.

But, you don't know me and...”

I know but I want to help you and...” Yonghwa paused, “I wouldn't mind some company in this house.”

Mee-Na looked at this handsome man, who suddenly asked her to live with him. Even if it was temporary, it was something pretty unusual. But she had nowhere to go at the moment.

Alright, I'll stay here. If you're sure, I'll stay. Thank you.”

I’m sure that it’s what I want. And don’t thank me, it’s alright,” as Yonghwa gazed deeply in her eyes, with a light smile.

The dinner came to an end and Yonghwa showed him her a better room, just 2 doors from his, before saying goodnight.

Yonghwa went in his room, laid on his bed and smiled. He was happy she accepted to stay and was already thinking about his new friend and what they could share together.

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