♡ Crash

Fated Mistake
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“Baekhyun, is that you?” 

“Are you back?” 

“Seriously, say something.” 

Jongin asked every time someone passed by or every time, he heard a noise. He had been waiting for over 15 minutes and having his eyes closed made it felt like 50 minutes. 

“It’s not funny anymore, Byun Baekhyun.” Jongin ripped the blindfold off his eyes as the last piece of patience left his body. To his disappointment the seat in front of him was empty. The restaurant was full. It was weird watching people having dinner with blindfolds. Thinking that just a minute ago he looked the same gave Jongin an odd feeling. Scanning every inch of the room, Jongin ascertained Kyungsoo was nowhere to find. Suddenly having a presentiment of danger, Jongin hastened to the restroom. 

“Baekhyun,” he called but no one answered. 

“Baekhyun,” he kept calling while checking every cabin. As expected, he found nobody. His last hope was all on the last cabin which was occupied. 

“Are you in there, Baekhyun?” Still no answer. 

“Are you ok?” 

“Are you not feeling well?” 

“Give me some response, Baekhyun.” Hearing the water, Jongin calmed down, expecting “Baekhyun” to come out soon. Yet, nothing happened again. 

“Damn it, Baekhyun.” Jongin groaned in frustration. As he punched against the door, it finally opened, and an annoyed stranger pushed himself through Jongin to get out of the cabin. 

“, dude. Can’t a man in peace?” He yelled, passing by. Jongin would have burst out in laughter, if it wasn’t for the embracement he was feeling at the same time. 

That was also the moment he admitted he needed help. Reaching for his phone, he dialled Kyungsoo’s number. 

“The number you have dialed has not been recognized.” 

“What?” Jongin shouted, looked at the screen to make your he pressed the right number. And he tried again. 

“The number you have dialed has not been recognized.” 

“What the hell is happening here?” Jongin screamed inside. Next, he called Suho. 

“Is Baekhyun with you?” He asked the second Suho picked up. 

“Jongin?” The older man asked at the other end. 

“Is Baekhyun with you?” Jongin repeated, not wasting time. 

“No, isn’t he with you?” 

“I wouldn’t have asked if he were with me, would I?” 

“Did you call him?” 

“Of course, I did. , Suho, can you say something useful?” 

“Sorry, where are you? I’ll be right there.” 

“Hongdae. And Suho, bring my guards with you.” Jongin demanded. 

“I’m on my way.” 

Waiting for Suho and his men was a torture, especially when all his efforts to contact Kyungsoo were just a waste of time. After the other men finally arrived, Jongin sent them out to search for Kyungsoo. He realized something was odd, but not one second did he think of Kyungsoo leaving him. He wished he was overreacting, but his instinct told him that Kyungsoo was in danger. 

“Suho, you know him well. Where would he go?” Jongin asked. 

“There are some places I can think of right now. How about we separate to look for him. I’ll send you the addresses.” Suho suggested. The last thing he needed right now was being under Jongin’s watch. 

“Ok. Call me as soon as you find him.” Jongin stated. 

Right after Jongin left, Suho dialed Kyungsoo’s new number, the one Suho got him for situations like this. He was proud of Kyungsoo. The younger man made it to escape from one of the most dangerous Korean gang. However, Suho was even more proud of Kyungsoo for being reasonable enough to understand that he needed to leave Jongin despite those feelings whether they were real or not. Because Suho understood that to Kyungsoo, they felt real. Having a crush on someone you’re supposed to escape from could make it impossible to leave. But Kyungsoo made it. And for that, Suho was proud of his former student. 

“Come one, pick up, Kyungsoo,” Suho mumbled. Kyungsoo was supposed to call him right after he left Jongin. But still, Kyungsoo hadn’t contacted him yet. 

An hours later, Suho was officially worried. Something must have gone wrong. Kyungsoo should have called him long ago. Suho headed to the central station where the locker he prepared for Kyungsoo was located. Kyungsoo was supposed to go there, if something went wrong or if they got separated. The locker contained Kyungsoo’s passport, money, a ticket to New York and of course a phone that couldn’t be tracked. As soon as Suho opened the locker, he regretted not coming here sooner. He was dumb, waiting and hoping Kyungsoo would call him. Kyungsoo would never leave without his passport. That was the moment Suho realized he made a huge mistake. 

Kyungsoo didn’t escape. He went missing. 

Suho wasn’t a rookie. He was trained for this kind of situations. This wasn’t even his first missing case. He should know what to do. But his hands threatened to shake like he had no idea what he was doing. Surely, they were taught to treat every victim equally. This should be a case like any other. Yet, it was not. The missing person was Kyungsoo. Not any person. It was Kyungsoo, som

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There is a "hidden message" in this story (I wouldn't call it a "code" though). Can you find it?


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Chapter 5: Kyungsoo being able to get the information out that quickly is crazy, like considering he had no experience in that sector.
NME6778 #2
Chapter 2: Its so funny that they tried to evade their marriage to a stranger but inevitably married an even more stranger. If its a thing..
Loved it!
745 streak #4
Chapter 48: So happy that I found this story, I absolutely loved it. Your plot was so interesting, as were the characters. The emotions were so realistic that I ended up shedding more than a few tears. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure.
Chapter 48: This story is so good and you will feel the intensity in the story especially when Bacon and Soo exchange for their wedding. And I really thrill when Chanyeol confess eveything to Baekhyun about hiw he found out that he is fake Soo.

I finished this story around 3 am and I forgot to leave a comment, since I'm so sleepy. The story is so good
Jong_innie #6
Chapter 48: I just finished this story. Such a good read!
I was always like 'huh?? ain't no way this is happening right???' (lol) but I'm so glad it ended happily. Thank you for the story, nice work ♡
Chapter 48: I almost got heart attack when DNA and all the things matched, even suho was so good to act. Even cried myself when baek went to his grave. It was hell of a roller coaster ride while reading this, if you added some It would be cherry on the top😅 still thank you for writing this amazing story loved it.
nica351d #8
Chapter 47: The hidden message.... he really did.
nica351d #9
Chapter 44: “I promise to love you till the end. I did it till yours, and I’ll do it till mine.”
nica351d #10
Chapter 41: Is “Baekhyun” the “hidden message? Just guessing i don’t know hahahahahaha