Well and Alive

Fated Mistake
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"This is Suho. He is your bodyguard."

Did you know there are seven billion people in the world? So why did it had to be Suho, his former home teacher? A ton of questions filled Kyungsoo's mind but the most important one was "How was he getting out of this mess... alive?" Suho's staring paralyzed the younger boy's body.

"Do you know him?" Jongin repeated. Kyungsoo held his breath. His chest ached.


"No I don't," answered Suho dryly. Now it was Kyungsoo staring at Suho.

"How? How did you forget someone you had spent 3 years with? And how could someone like Jun Myeon end up here? What was his relationship to Jongin? Was this Suho guy even his Jun Myeon hyung?" Kyungsoo's head was overheating with questions he couldn't answer.

When Jongin finally left, Kyungsoo saw his chance to talk to Jun Myeon, or Suho, or whoever this person really was.

"You – " His voice faltered. Suho interrupted him.

"Are you crazy? What the hell are you doing here... Kyungsoo?" Kyungsoo gasped.

"You're really Jun Myeon hyung?"

"Who else could I be? Answer me, Kyungsoo. Why are you here? Do you know what kind of place this is? Why do they think you're Byun Baekhyun?"

You might call him naive but at that moment Kyungsoo knew very well it could be a huge mistake to tell Jun Myeon the truth, considering the whole situation. Yet he had always been one those people who relied on their feelings and right now he felt he could trust Jun Myeon.

"What? How could you run away?" Suho spoke through his hands on his face.

Kyungsoo laughed lightly. That had always been Suho's way to say Kyungsoo was hopeless. He often did that when Kyungsoo made a stupid mistake. After all that had happened, seeing something so familiar made Kyungsoo feel much better. He couldn't help but embrace his friend.

"I'm so glad you're here."

Suho gently patted Kyungsoo's head. He wasn't surprised by the younger's action. Kyungsoo had never hesitated to show his feelings and that was what made him so unique.

"It's very nice to see again. I can't say I'm glad to see you here though. I don't like the fact that you're here a bit. The Kim's residence is not a place where you can come and go as you please," Suho replied.

"Who exactly are those people? Tell me, please. And how come you're here?" Kyungsoo asked, stepping back.

"Well, have you ever heard of the Three Colors of the Underworld?"

"You mean the three biggest syndicates of Korea? Basically, nothing but that's a very cheesy name for gangs."

"Kyungsoo, you can't underestimate them."

"I don't. Tell me about them."

"Well, the Three Colors of the Underworld are the Black Lotus, the White Snake and the Red Devils; they have been rivals for decades. But last year the Red Devils started to cooperate with a Japanese gang and they gained a lot of influence. Consequently, the Black Lotus and the White Snake have to work together to keep the balance. But it's not easy to suddenly end animosity for good. The members still couldn't trust each other."

"The marriage… don't tell me..."

"Yes... The leaders decided to let their heirs marry as a sign of a new big family. That's why Kim Jongin - who is, by the way, the White Snake's heir - was forced to marry Byun Baekhyun, the Black Lotus' heir. That means you'll be in big trouble once they find out you are not Byun Baekhyun."

"It was a stupid mistake," Kyungsoo said and silence followed. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Who did Jongin think he was? "Stupid mistake" was a huge understatement.

"But I still don't get what you're doing here?" Kyungsoo asked after a while.

"Uhm, well I am ..." Jun Myeon signaled Kyungsoo to come closer to whisper in his ear.


"Un-" Kyungsoo almost yelled loudly. Luckily Suho managed to put his hand on his mouth.

"You don't have to let everybody know about that. I'll be in trouble." The older boy spoke under his breath.

"I'm sorry."

Then Kyungsoo couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What's so funny?" Suho asked.

"I just still can't believe you actually became an officer and you are even undercover," Kyungsoo answered, whispering the U word.

"Maybe it's because I have a criminal's face?" the older joked, making Kyungsoo laugh again.

"Yeah, it's written on your forehead: 'I'm a criminal. I'd steal your last cookie while you're doing your homework.'"

"You still remember that?" Suho cackled, putting his hand on his mouth to stifle his laughter.

"You're so cute," he added. But then his expression turned serious.

"Listen, I'll get you out of here. Don't worry. I'll arrange everything tomorrow and you'll get home safely very soon. So please bear with this place for a few days. I promise nothing is gonna happen to you. Do you trust me?"

Kyungsoo nodded.

"Good, you should go to sleep now. I'll leave now but I'll be back in the morning."

"Hyung, thank you. I don't know what to say, only that I am really thankful." Kyungsoo said.

"Don't think too much. Take some rest, ok? Goodnight."

"Goodnight, hyung."


Jongin dropped himself onto the bed. It surprised him how tired he was. He stared at the ceiling with half-closed eyes, wondering if Byun Baekhyun – the man he just married was really 2 older than him. If he didn’t know better, he might have thought Baekhyun was younger than him. Baekhyun looked much younger than Jongin had imagined… and much prettier. Baekhyun didn’t look like the heir of a gang at all. He rather looked like a nerd… a bookworm. Someone who would be the teacher’s favorite.

Then, Kai remembered how scared Baekhyun looked when he threatened the other boy. “ Maybe I overdid it a bit?"

"Whatever." He groaned, pulled the blanket over his shoulder and fell asleep.


Pulling the cover over his head, Kyungsoo hoped that if he couldn't see this strange room, all that happened could be a dream. He tried to silence his mind. When morning came, it felt like he hardly got any sleep. His head ached terribly, and his eyes burned. His throat was dry. He walked downstairs to get himself some water. He remembered seeing the kitchen when he was taken to his room.

"Maybe Jongin isn't up yet. I should be quiet," Kyungsoo thought.

He drank up the glass of water and carefully put it down on the kitchen counter. He was suddenly reminded of his mother. It was her who told him to drink water when he woke up because it was healthy. It had now become a habit.

"Mom," he murmured. He missed her, and he missed his dad.

"Would they be mad if I came back like this? They would probably be very disappointed."

"You're up already? Could you sleep?" Kyungsoo flinched as he heard someone's footsteps, but he relaxed again as he recognized Suho's voice.

"Jun Myeon hyung, good morning," he greeted.

"Good morning," the older boy said, sitting down next to Kyungsoo.

"Please do me a favor and call me Suho, ok? That's my name here," he said.

"Oh right, sorry hyung."

"And I'll call you Baekhyun. It's your name, don't forget that."

"Uhm, I won't." Kyungsoo nodded.

"Well, I'll make us something for breakfast."

"Maybe I should ask Jongin if he wants to join us?" Kyungsoo said uncertainly. That froze Suho for a short moment.

"No need," he replied. "He left early, and he doesn't eat in the morning anyway."

"That's not healthy though," the younger said.

"Don't worry. He's very fit."

About fifteen minutes later, Suho placed two bowls of fried rice on the table. "Kyungsoo, I have to meet a friend. He's going to take care of your problem, so I won't be home till evening. Jongin will be out till then as well. That's why you don't have to worry. Except for the guards outside, you're here alone. Is that ok?" Suho asked.

"I'd rather accompany you, hyung."

"I don't think that's a good idea. It's too dangerous for you."

"I'm not a kid anymore. I'm over 20, hyung."

"It's not about age. It's just better if you don't know much, got it?" Suho explained.

"Yes." The younger boy pouted.

Kyungsoo sighed. Suho had to leave right after breakfast. "What am I going to do the whole day?" He thought. After putting the dishes in the dishwasher, he decided to explore the Kim residence. That seemed like the most exciting thing he could do at the moment.

The house was huge. Even the garden and the pool were so big you couldn't see the neighbor's house if there was one. The concept was modern and simple but classy. There were a lot of glass doors and walls that let the sun lighten up the house. The glass made Kyungsoo feel like there were neither doors nor walls around him as if he was free.

Such an irony.

Kyungsoo started in the kitchen. Next to it were the dining room and the living room. The kitchen was directly connected to the backyard while the living room led to the pool. Down the corridor, there were the guest's bathroom and a fitness room with a huge mat in the middle for martial arts training.

Upstairs on the right was his room. It was big but simply decorated; that gave it a spacious feeling. He was glad about that. He had his own bathroom too. His room had only a few main colors, but in contrast with the rest of the house, they were pale. White, pastel grey and blue made him feel calm. The Kim residence was covered in black and grey. There were barely any joyful colors.

The next door was open, so he entered the room. It seemed like an office. "It must be Jongin's," he thought. It had a great view of the garden and even a daybed on the balcony. The left half of the room looked like a mini living room with a couch and a flat screen on the wall, while the other half was more like an office with a large bookshelf. The number of books on it fascinated Kyungsoo. There were a lot of different kinds of books and DVDs: books about economics, juristic and general reference works, biographies, detective novels, and what Kyungsoo liked the most, psychology books. Jongin's DVD collection was also impressive. He had every Bruce Lee movies and plenty of other action movies.

The last door was surely Jongin's bedroom. Kyungsoo wondered what it looked like. Was it like the rest of the house? Or maybe more colorful? Did he have any family pictures in there? Because there wasn't one in the whole house.

"Maybe he has a huge Bruce Lee poster on the wall," Kyungsoo giggled.

But the boy ended his "discovery tour" in Jongin's office. "He wouldn't mind if I borrow a book, right?" Kyungsoo thought as he took one from the shelf.

"The best of behavior research and therapy?" he read out loud.

"Jackpot," he beamed.

After eating lunch, Kyungsoo fell asleep. He was finally tired enough to force his mind to take a break from worrying. He wasn't sure how long he had been sleeping, but his eyes immediately darted open when he heard a gunshot. He rushed down the corridor and saw Jun Myeon running upstairs. He followed the older boy to Jongin's office. His eyes widened, and he tried to catch his breath. On the floor, a middle-aged man was bleeding, a paper knife stuck in his belly. Within a second Jongin's guards were there, and they subdued the man.

"Keep him alive. I want to talk to him later," Jongin commanded. For a short moment, he couldn't hide his surprise as he saw Kyungsoo at the door. However, he was never one of those people who let the world see what they were thinking. So why should he start doing it now?

"This is what awaits you if any of you ever betray me," he added coldly, and he left the room. Walking by Kyungsoo, he didn't even look at his so-called husband.

"Here, drink up. It'll calm you down." Suho handed Kyungsoo a cup of tea. The younger boy could still feel his hands trembling.

"Hyung," Kyungsoo called. "When can I go home? I don't want to stay here anymore. I miss my parents and I hate this place." He started to panic.

"Hey, listen to me. This usually doesn't happen. The whole gang was having a crisis because of a traitor who changed to the Red Devils' side. Jongin must have found him," Suho explained.

"What will they do to him?"

Suho sighed. "Well Jongin said he wanted him alive, so he'll undergo surgery. I guess they are going to interrogate him tomorrow when he's conscious."

"Are they going to kill him?"

"Kyungsoo, that is-"

"They are, aren't they? If he doesn't tell them what they want to know, they'll kill him. And if he does, he'll be useless. They'll kill him too. Right?"

"I'll think of something. If there's no other way, my colleagues will come in."

"You won't let him die?"

"Of course not, what do you think of me? I'm still an ... you know what I mean and every life matter, even that of a criminal," Suho said.

"But won't you be uncovered, if you save him? All of your efforts will be wasted."

"Let me worry about it, ok? More important is that I've planned your escape for tomorrow, but the incident earlier changes everything. We'll leave tonight while everyone is still distracted."



Kyungsoo still couldn't believe it as he stood in front of a jet. Only a few more minutes and he'll be heading back to America, to his parents. After Suho introduced him to his friend, who was also the pilot, Kyungsoo hugged his hyung tightly.

"Thank you, hyung. I'm very sorry for all the troubles."

"It's fine. Get home safe and listen to your parents this time, do you hear me?" The older boy welcomed the embrace.

"I will. Despite the circumstances, I'm glad to see you again. Please be safe," Kyungsoo said.

"It was really nice to see you too. Now go."

Kyungsoo stepped onto the stairs. His mind couldn't stop worrying about Suho though. Was he being too selfish? After all the troubles he caused, he just had to go on this jet and he could leave everything behind. As if none of this had ever happened. But what would happen to the people who stayed? Jongin stabbed a man because he betrayed him. What would Jongin do to Jun Myeon, when he found out about this? Jun Myeon would lose the trust he'd worked so hard on. But what could he do if I stay?

"This is what awaits you if any of you ever betray me." Jongin's word suddenly came to his mind.

Kyungsoo shut his eyes.

"I can't leave like a coward and let him settle my mess." He groaned.

"What's wrong?" Suho asked when he saw that Kyungsoo had stopped moving. The younger boy turned around.

"I can't leave," he stated.

"What?" Jun Myeon questioned in disbelief.

"I can't risk your life for my safety, especially not when I caused the problem on my own."

"Kyungsoo, don't be stupid. Do you even know what you're doing? Are you aware of what could happen to you, if you stay?"

"I am, but I can't leave like this. You'll be in trouble because of me. You're supposed to babysit me, remember?"

"And how will you get out of that dangerous place, if not now?"

"I'll think of something. What'll happen to you once Jongin finds out you let me go? Or even worse, what if he finds out you helped me escape?"

"Let me worry about that-"

"No, I can't let people sacrifice themselves to protect me. I can't let that happen again," Kyungsoo said clearly.

"Kyungsoo," His outburst left Suho speechless.

"Let's go back, hyung," the younger boy said determinedly. At that point, Jun Myeon knew there wasn't a point in arguing. All he could do now was add Kyungsoo's protection to his mission.

Kyungsoo opened the door to the roof garden. He needed some fresh air to calm his mind. Jun Myeon was right; this decision would probably be the stupidest one he had ever made. And for some reason, he felt like he was going to pay for that soon.

The roof was neatly lit up. Even though it was after midnight, it wasn't difficult to see things clearly. Kyungsoo immediately spotted Jongin, who was sitting on the sofa. The other boy was trying to clean the wound on his right upper arm, but it wasn't working out very well.

"Do you need some help?" Kyungsoo asked. Jongin turned around and gave his husband a cold glance as he recognized him.

"No," he said dryly. Kyungsoo sat down.

"Let me help, you'll make it worse."

"I said no need," Jongin repeated. Ignoring him, Kyungsoo grabbed the disinfectant and started to clean Jongin's wound carefully.

"So annoying," murmured Jongin, yet he still let the other boy give him a hand. When he felt Kyungsoo fiercely staring at his arm, he asked,

"What? Never seen a gunshot wound before?"

A gunshot wound?

How could Kyungsoo forget about it? He had sensed something was odd. When they rushed into the office and saw the man bleeding, no one thought of the gunshot anymore. But why would Jongin attack him with a paperknife when he had a gun? Was the gun on the floor even his?

"Thinking about it, the gun could also belong to the other man," Kyungsoo thought.

Now he remembered. The vase behind Jongin had been broken. Could that mean Jongin was shot? If that was true, stabbing the older man could have been his only defense.

"Is it possible-" Kyungsoo raised his head to look at Jongin. "Is it possible that he's not a bad person?"

As if Jongin could feel Kyungsoo's eyes on him, he turned to Kyungsoo and their eyes met. He thought Kyungsoo would look away within a second - like everybody did. Yet he didn't.

Then, in a flash Jongin stood up, leaving the roof. "Good job," he said while walking away. It was his way to say thank you.

"You're welcome," Kyungsoo mumbled. He now noticed how hot his face felt. He was blushing.

Jongin slammed the door to his bedroom shut and leaned against it.

"What the hell was that?"

He couldn't believe for a moment he thought "Baekhyun" was quite pretty. And that look in his eyes; there wasn't fear, or lust, or disgust, unlike when other people looked at him. "Baekhyun's" eyes were clear, pure. It felt like they weren't judging him. Was he imagining things? 

[AN] Hey guys, did you hear about Taiwan to be the first Asian country to legalize same- marriage? I'm sooooo proud of them. Finally an Asian country. (Proud Asian girl here hahaha) 

PS: Thank you for subscribing and voting. Your support means a lot to me :) 

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There is a "hidden message" in this story (I wouldn't call it a "code" though). Can you find it?

Chanbaek or Kaisoo for the next chapter?



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Chapter 5: Kyungsoo being able to get the information out that quickly is crazy, like considering he had no experience in that sector.
NME6778 #2
Chapter 2: Its so funny that they tried to evade their marriage to a stranger but inevitably married an even more stranger. If its a thing..
Loved it!
745 streak #4
Chapter 48: So happy that I found this story, I absolutely loved it. Your plot was so interesting, as were the characters. The emotions were so realistic that I ended up shedding more than a few tears. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure.
Chapter 48: This story is so good and you will feel the intensity in the story especially when Bacon and Soo exchange for their wedding. And I really thrill when Chanyeol confess eveything to Baekhyun about hiw he found out that he is fake Soo.

I finished this story around 3 am and I forgot to leave a comment, since I'm so sleepy. The story is so good
Jong_innie #6
Chapter 48: I just finished this story. Such a good read!
I was always like 'huh?? ain't no way this is happening right???' (lol) but I'm so glad it ended happily. Thank you for the story, nice work ♡
Chapter 48: I almost got heart attack when DNA and all the things matched, even suho was so good to act. Even cried myself when baek went to his grave. It was hell of a roller coaster ride while reading this, if you added some It would be cherry on the top😅 still thank you for writing this amazing story loved it.
nica351d #8
Chapter 47: The hidden message.... he really did.
nica351d #9
Chapter 44: “I promise to love you till the end. I did it till yours, and I’ll do it till mine.”
nica351d #10
Chapter 41: Is “Baekhyun” the “hidden message? Just guessing i don’t know hahahahahaha