The Pleasure Of Pain

Hell To Pay

Sunlight filtered through the giant lens in her desk, glinting unpleasantly as Jihyo watched her angels at work on earth. Small dribs and drabs flying up through the atmosphere and bringing new friends and relatives with them as recently departed. The age range was wide and it saddened Jihyo equally to see young and old alike appear at the outer gates to be granted their wings. Her thoughts wandered and she remembered her most recent export to the underworld, she hated to lose anyone to Hwasa but resolved that there was simply no way of redeeming one's soul if they insisted on persistant acts of debauchery.

Moonbyul's eyes widened in a confused mix of feelings which nestled somewhere between shock and a snippet of arousal as she was led by Hwasa past several open doors inside which there were people in varying degrees of ual depravity. The irregular sound of whip cracks and spanking paddles mixed with moans and screams of pleasure as they carried on their journey and Moonbyul wandered where she was being led until they stopped at an office door which she could have sworn had materialised out of thin air, if hell had any air.

Not bothering to knock, manners were also absent in this place and Moonbyul smirked at how cliche the concept seemed, like it had stepped out of a bad movie. Waiting for Moonbyul to follow her inside, Hwasa was already sat down with her legs crossed as her latest resident crossed the threshold and looked around. It seemed like the door existed as a standalone object, no wall connected either side, in face, they weren't even in a room but neither could she see the corridor they had just exited no matter how many times she walked around the doorframe in disbelief.

Hwasa rapped her long fingernails on the surface of the desk with impatience until Moonbyul sat down opposite her as before in the first office. "Now, as you may have seen while we walked here, there are numerous rooms on numerous levels which you will never be able to find unless you have the key. Only I have the key and so therefore nobody has ever left the first room they entered so I implore you to choose wisely when I give you your options as like I previously stated, you will remain in one room and one room alone. We do not ask your preferences, we ask a series of questions which filter through to a generalisation which gets refined into a being's tailored depravity levels. Do you understand?".

Moonbyul nodded and maintained steady eye contact with Hwasa as she was told it was rare to ever be placed in a room with anyone else but there had been times when two beings had the exact same results and therefore were placed together, naturally since they had been so similar, they had engaged in such activities within the room together and had formed a kind of relationship but she shouldn't get her hopes up as it rarely happened.

Hwasa started the questions and Moonbyul lost any notion of time as she answered with either a 'yes' or 'no' and watched as the paperwork vanished, only to be replaced in Hwasa's hand by a glass of red wine which she sipped oddly seductively until a new sheet of paper in a deep purple appeared in her vacant hand and was held out for Moonbyul to take. She didn't want to seem to eager but struggled to not seem so as she almost snatched the paper and read quickly.


The letters and numbers were embossed in silver into the paper and she frowned with confusion etched on her faced as she looked it over and flicked her eyes onto Hwasa who was chuckling to herself as she finished her wine and it refilled moments later. "Go to admin, ask for The Clerk and listen to what he has to say, he'll explain everything. Oh, Admin is just down the other end of the hall. Goodbye for now Miss Moon and shut the door on your way out, there's a hell of a draft coming in."

Moonbyul hastily stood up and crossed the room to the door, accompanied out of the room by Hwasa's endless laughter, she ce to see her heels now atop the desk as she drank more. As soon as she was fully out of the room, she closed the door behind her and the door ceased to exist leaving Moonbyul to puzzle over how it worked as she made her way to admin down the hall. No doors appeared as she went and she suddenly felt so alone but she kept her mind clear and knockd on a new door in front of her with a brass plaque stating she had found the correct office.

The door swung open of it's own accord and she stumbled inside, once again only one desk occupied the room but the invisible walls were covered in plastic piping which saw small messenger capsules shoot through them regularly, like a kind of delivery place. Moonbyul smiled at the Earthly resemblance as a tiny male demon watched her from under the brim of his peaked cap, clearing his throat loudly, Moonbyul jumped as she turned to face him and almost cursed.

"Welcome to admin Miss Moon, I am The Clerk, how may I help?", she smiled at his polite tone and handed him the paper with the odd code on it. Seconds later he turned away and rummaged in a dusty box before producing a pair of large clippers and a long coat which had in the pocket a bottled serum. Grimacing a little, he walked around the desk with the coat and clippers, the footstool he had been using around the other side had reappeared in front of him and he climbed onto it and signalled for her to turn her back on him. Moonbyul obeyed with confusion and felt the cold steel on her back as he explained.

"It will only be painful for a few moments but you'll need to drink some of the serum from the coat pocket immediately after to prevewnt regrowth. Not many of you get to go onto the surface again so we it's not a common thing for me to do, in fact I hate it but I am The Clerk and it is part of my punishment as this is yours young lady. Once we're done here, you need to take the elevator up to the surface, put on the coat and you will find everything you need to start harvesting your 749,000 female souls, please remain still now."

There was a huge crack, followed byu another as he clipped her wings and straight away handed her the serum, she drank it as the pain seared through her back and to the place where her heart used to be. Pulling on the coat, she made her way to the elevator which had just materialised in front of her, turning to look back into the room before the doors closed, she saw the tiny man carry her wings to the back of the office and resume his post as she ascended to the surface to begin her reaping.

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I really want to read more of this story. There were moments that gave me nice tingles. I could so vividly imagine these people and their movements, facial expressions, style.. I haven't really read stories like this before, fanfictions I mean. Your way of writing is very pleasant (😇), and hooking. Thank you and please continue.
Chapter 14: Really excited to see where this story goes!! I look forward to whatever else you produce!
Chapter 13: I really like it specially for imcluding twice hahaha

Tags; twice / mamamoo / moonsun / wheesa / saida / 2yeon / michaeng / angel / demon / fantasyau