
"What I feel for you"
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Woo Hyun's parents were an appreciated couple. Mrs. Nam was very kind to everyone, and although Mr. Nam was somewhat serious and reserved, he was a good man. Several people who knew them came to offer their condolences to Woo Hyun, although he did not want to see anyone, and he let them know without actually saying it, when he stayed in the apartment while his parents' farewell ceremony was being held.
     Sung Yeol was the only one who exchange a word or two with Woo Hyun when he went to his house, although he only spoke to him through the door because the boy refused to open it, and after that, he did not see him again for several days. Woo Hyun was not attending college, and that began to worry his History teacher. Then Sung Kyu decides to visit the boy since he tried to call him and never answered. He didn't find out about the tragedy until the building's doorman brought it up, and Sung Yeol confirmed it to him at the school four days later. So that afternoon, Kim prepares something to eat to take to the boy with some words of discontent from Myung Soo; however, Sung Kyu does not take it very seriously since his boyfriend understands very well how Woo Hyun must be feeling, as he also lost his parents when he was very young. They are more words tinged with jealousy than anything else, but Sung Kyu thinks his fiancé is exaggerating.

Without warning, the professor arrives at Woo Hyun's apartment with a bag containing the freshly cooked food and knocks on the door, but nobody answers. He does it a few more times and then sighs, wishing he didn't sound like a stalker or something like that as he calls out to the boy from outside.
"Woo Hyun... I brought you something to eat. I haven't seen you in days and I just want to know if you're okay. Woo Hyun, I'm worried about you…” he says with sincerity and sorrow in his words.
     Sung Kyu knocks again, and at that precise moment the door opens. Nam peeks through the small opening and their eyes meet. Kim notices his low spirits, the dark circles under his eyes, and his thinner cheeks.
     "Hi, can I come in?" The older man asks with a pained smile. Woo Hyun's eyes widen a bit more and then he nods, opening the door fully. "Thank you."
     Sung Kyu walks in and notices a faint rotten smell. There is a blanket on the couch, several tissues on the floor, and a bottle of pills that is still closed on the coffee table. Kim smiles at him again and kneels on the floor in front of the table to put down the bag, picking up the pill bottle with a couple of fingers and hiding it in his jacket pocket.
     Woo Hyun walks up to him and sits on the couch. Sung Kyu takes out the food and when he opens the container, the delicious smell begins to flood the apartment. Then he takes a seat next to the boy and his eyes are fixed on his haggard face. Sung Kyu feels very dismayed, so without thinking, he pulls Woo Hyun towards his body and squeezes him into a warm hug. Woo Hyun suddenly sighs and then wraps his arms around his waist before

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I hope you enjoy the story, because my mother tongue is not English and there will be a lot of mistakes. Please try to understand me.
I invite you to read my other stories. Thank you!!


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801 streak #1
Chapter 16: re-read this 🥹
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 16: i read it again and like it alot
yulianichang #3
Chapter 16: this storyy so great
Simran20 #4
Chapter 16: I didn't expect it to end so soon. I am really glad that woogyu are together, also I am happy for sungjong.
Thank you so much for the update author nim.
Chapter 16: This is completed.... Yeahhh.. I am happy woogyu got together. Good for them and good for sungjong too. He found his other half. Thankyou for writing this beautiful story. Loved reading this story.
Chapter 16: ewwww 😭😭so beautiful thank you for this lovely story keep going author nim
Chapter 16: Whattt
It's end 00
So why it didn't has completed title
Maybe has extra character(s)?
Simran20 #8
Chapter 15: Don't know if sungyu is thinking straight. Hope there won't be any misunderstandings between them. I don't want woohyun to hurt anymore.
Thank you so much for the update author nim ❤️.
Chapter 15: Awww😍😭
Will sunggyu be able to love woohyun besides the hole thing he did?
I hope so
Thanks for the update💛