
Letting You Go
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"Eonni?" Yeonhee greets a pretty lady at a cafe entrance near the gallery. 

"Omo! Yeonhee?!" said the other lady and hugs Yeonhee instantly. She hugs that lady back.

It has been a while since the last time she met her sister-in-law, Yuri. The last time she met her was on her wedding day. After that, they never met but sometimes they text each other. Yeonhee and Yuri are good to each other despite Yeonhee's strange relationship with Yunho. 

"How are you eonni? How's Hana? Oh my god! I haven't met you for so long" Yeonhee said excitedly. 

"Hana misses you. She always asks me when can she meet you. And how are you my dear?" 

"I'm fine eonni. I'm so happy to see you! I work at a new gallery now just a block away. What are you doing here?"

"I met a friend just now and on my way back"

"Do you have time? Let's talk for a while. I really miss you eonni"

They sit there at the cafe talking about their life. Yeonhee talks mostly about her new work while her sister-in-law talks mostly about her daughter, Hana. Hana is the apple of everyone's eyes. Back then when her father is still alive, Yunho's family frequently comes home to visit their father. Though Yeonhee and her brother has an estranged relationship, his daughter is very attached to Yeonhee. She loves that little girl with all her heart.

"How's oppa? He must be busy with the project in Japan"

"He's busy but he's fine"

The atmosphere suddenly becomes awkward when Yunho is the topic.

"Yeonhee-aa. I know you and Yunho are somewhat estranged, but trust me, he cares about you, he always do. He just don't know how to show it"

Yeonhee replies with a smile.

"Please don't hate him"

"He's my brother eonni, how can I hate him?"

"Don't you wanna join the company? You have your rights in the company too. And, I think if you work together with Yunho, both of you will get closer"

"No... I can't eonni. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not dumping all the responsibilities on oppa. I just... He's been there in the company with appa since he's very young. He knows the ins and outs of everything. I have zero experience eonni. I may be his liability if I join"

"Don't say that. You can always learn. He has his fair share of mistakes too. Nobody's perfect Yeonhee"

"Thank you for the encouragement eonni. But for now, I stick with my decision. Besides, I love my job now"

They both continue chatting until they realise they both have other things to do. 



Meanwhile, at HO Construction office, Sehun is in a meeting with Yunho, his brother-in-law. As usual, their meeting is strictly business, none of personal matters are discussed. 

As the project in Japan has entering phase two, the core responsibility is now shifted to Yunho's team, Sehun can breathe a sigh of relief and just monitor the progress.

There are a lot of heated arguments between them during the meeting. They sometimes disagree with each other and are not on the same page. However, they don't keep any hard feelings as both are strictly professional.

After the meeting ends, Yunho comes up to Sehun asking him if he is free to talk. Sehun has a feeling that it is not work-related so he invites Yunho to his office for better privacy.

Once they are inside Sehun's office, Yunho starts to talk. "I actually need a favour from you"

"Sure hyung. What is it?"

Yunho sighs "Can you please talk to Yeonhee?"

"Talk to her? About what?"

"Please talk to her to join the company. I kind of need her"

"Whoaa.. Hyung, I don't think I should meddle in this problem. You should talk to her yourself. You are the brother. It's a family issue I don't think I should interfere" 

"But you are the husband"

Sehun gives him a reluctant face. 

"You've known me for so long Sehun. You know we are not close. If she has to choose between me and you, she'll choose you. So she'll definitely listen to you"

That, Sehun totally agrees. He knows very well how much Yeonhee is head over heels on him. "Why so sudden? Is there anything wrong?"

"Investors are starting to show signs of backing off. I couldn't afford losing them. To completely win their trust, Yeonhee has to join because she has shares in the company. She can't just let our lawyer manage her part in the company, though our lawyer did a good job. You know very well reputations and responsibilty are the keys to secure investors"

Sehun is divided. He thinks he should just let Yunho deal with Yeonhee himself but at the same time he wants to help. "I don't know hyung. Business is not her world. She would definitely refuse to join"

"Please talk to her. Otherwise she's wasting her business degree"

"What? I thought she studied art at SNU"

"She did a double degree there but she kept it a secret to everyone. She actually got an offer in London that time, but the university wouldn't offer her a double degree. She loves art but our father wanted her to study business. So she chose SNU since she was offered both degree there"

'Double degree? I didn't know that'. I'm pretty sure she said London turned down her application. Why did she lie?' Sehun thought to himself.

"Hyung, I've been wondering all this while. Well... everybody knows you and Yeonhee are not close. It makes me wonder, do you really hate her? She used to say you hate her"

Yunho let out a heavy sigh. "No.... I never hate her. She's my only sister. It's just.... it's complicated for me. You won't understand"

Both of them fell silent for a while. This is actually the first time they talk about Yeonhee. Otherwise, it is always about work and business. 

"Okay hyung. I can't promise you anything but I'll try"

"Thanks... And Sehun..."


"Please look after her"



Yeonhee is standing in front of a mirror looking at her reflection. She is wearing a flowy rose gold knee-length dress for the event that night. She curled the end of her long straight hair to give more volume. Instead of tying up her hair as usual, she decided to wear a crystal hairpin on one side, and brings all her hair to the other side. While she's standing looking at herself in the mirror, Sehun knocks on her door.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Yeonhee opens the door and for the umpteenth time, she falls in love with Sehun all over again. He is handsome and gorgeous as usual. He cut his dark brown hair short which makes him more attractive. 

'How can you look so handsome but I am equivalent to a potato'  Yeonhee thought to herself.

Upon seeing Yeonhee as she opens her door, Sehun's heart starts to beat faster. He surely has seen her dolled up before but that night Sehun feels different. He himself can't even understand why his heart skipped a beat as he sees Yeonhee this time. To see Yeonhee dolls up like this is very rare. She's not a plain Jane. She knows how to dress up but she is not a fashionista like Hyebin. In terms of physical attraction, Yeonhee can never beat Hyebin. She has an average height, she's not fat but she doesn't have the perfect body shape, she has chubby cheeks, and she also has a few pimple scars. All in all, she's just an average girl. However, Yeonhee has the bright smile and fresh look. With a proper full make up, she can be considered pretty, though still way far to be compared to Hyebin, but still, she's pretty. And being prettier than usual that night sways Sehun's heart a bit.

"Do I look bad?" Yeonhee asks as Sehun is looking at her with a serious expression.

But Sehun is being Sehun. He responds nonchalantly, denying the truth. "You look okay"

'Yeah. Just an okay. Are you expecting him to say you are pretty like Hyebin? In your dreams Yeonhee, in your dreams. And what are you thinking Yeonhee? You have to let go of this feeling'  Yeonhee muttered to herself.

"Come on. We are late" Sehun said.

"Can't I just stay home? Your parents couldn't make it there so I don't have anyone I know"

Sehun looks at Yeonhee with a serious expression. He's confused why Yeonhee is behaving this way. He believes that Yeonhee should be happy as she can cling on to

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How have you been?? Hope you're doing good. I miss you and this story. It's been more than a year since your last update. I hope you can still continue this story.
For whatever you're doing now, I hope everything is doing well and good for you....
I miss you ^^
From all your loyal readers 😁😁
Chapter 39: Gosh😭I miss this story and u.Hope ur are fine.please comeback.
Chapter 39: Gosh😭I miss this story and u.Hope ur are fine.please comeback.
Chapter 39: Please enlighten us...
Where is Yeonhee now?? She should be fine, shouldn't she??
It's been a while, I hope you are always be healthy....
Chapter 38: I keep on coming back to this story😭
ririsriandini #6
Chapter 39: Authornim, I hope you always healthy and update this story again 😭
MissMong24 #7
Chapter 39: thank you for the update despite your health! get well soon!
AiiSoo #8
Chapter 39: A month after? Is Yeonhee well? Being that sick and alone like that for a month must be really hard for her. I just hope that she is safe somewhere and is enjoying her days doing things that she likes.
Thank you for this update..! I hope you’ll get well soon though. I don’t mind getting a late update. Health should be one’s priority, always,
Aadiillaa #9
Chapter 39: I cried for yeonhee
How hurt S he is and how bad feelimg left behind with people around us
The mental issues in getting more worst as in now
People that heart break usually can't talk to be help or asking of help, so hard for them to say it even for just hint
Just please we more aware and not say hurtfull words to other people and tell them if they still have friends have family or maybe us that can help if they need help.
Don't left her/him & don't giving up on her/him
Chapter 39: Take care. Focus on you first, then the others will fall into place.

Hopefully they are able to find Yeonhee fast.