
Letting You Go
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I drove to the office straight away after sending Yeonhee to the airport. Throughout the whole ride my mind was in a mess. I can't even understand my feeling right now. The moment she asked for a hug, my heart skipped a beat. I wanted to say yes but at the same time I wanted to say no.

I know I haven't been fair to her. And now, knowing the truth about that night makes me feel like I'm the worst. I made it clear to everyone before that I don't like her, even to her ownself. And I lost count how many times I said to her I hate her.

But... everything is different now. She has grown in me. I don't think I like being far away from her.

Since Jongin told me about her head injury, I always try to peek at her head. Then it hit me why I never saw she tied her hair tightly. She always tied her hair in a loose ponytail. Even if she do a hair bun, she always lets a few strands of her hair out and tuck them behind her ear. It's all to cover the stitches scar. 

But she never once said anything about how I treated her. Yes, we did have so many fights and heated arguments. But she never said I'm the bad one. It was me who always accused her of being selfish. And about that night, why she didn't just tell me the truth? Why must she kept it a secret?

The more I think about her, the more I miss her. I keep on assuring myself that I'm feeling this way because she was once my friend. I keep telling myself that I'm ready to mend our broken friendship.

But boy... who am I kidding? My feelings right now is stronger than that. 

Is it love? It can't be love... right??

I swear to myself I will never love her even if the world is falling apart. It's a promise I made to myself and I am the type of person who always keeps true to his words.

These things about me and Yeonhee -my feelings and all- have been bugging me all day long. I couldn't even focus on the chart in front of me thinking about this.

My mind instantly brings me back to the day I went to Incheon. Right before I head to the site, we had a very heated fight. It was a bad fight and I remember every single thing I said to her, every single thing. It was harsh and painful. Rage and anger took over me that day. I'm sure I had hurt her feelings so bad that day, but she never talked about it, she never brought it up. And to think how she had cared for me since the incident.... 

I am really the worst... Am I?

Suddenly my phone rings. I take a glance at the screen. Oh.. It's appa. I forgot that we need to talk about the lawsuit. Even though he's in Singapore right now with eomma, he always keeps tabs about the company here in Seoul.

Time passed without me realizing that we have been on the phone for almost an hour. Before appa ends the call, suddenly he asked, "How's she holding up?"

"Who?" I asked confused.

"Yeonhee of course. Is she okay?" appa asked. Why the hell appa is asking about her?

"Why Yeonhee is suddenly in our discussion?" I asked him back instead of giving him an answer.

"Come on Sehun. Don't tell me you don't know" appa replied. Okay... what is going on?

"About what?" I asked.

"The building where Yeonhee works, the gallery I mean, the building was owned by JeaHwa&Co. The bank has put the building on lease. They need a buyer to save the gallery" appa said and that caught me off guard. How the hell I didn't know about this? Yeonhee never mentioned about her workplace to me. Come to think of it, we never had a conversation about her work at all. I knew nothing about her worklife.

"I.... didn't know that" I said slowly, more like whispering but loud enough for appa to hear.

"You don't know?"


"So she didn't tell anyone" appa said as a statement.

"Have they found any buyer?" I asked appa. No wonder I caught her staring blankly a few times. Has she been thinking about this?

"Few investors are interested I heard. They want the building but all of them want to shut the gallery down". Okay that is bad. She'll lose her job.

"But how did you know, did she come to you asked for help?" I asked appa out of curiosity. How come he knew about this but I don't?

"Of course not. That's the problem. She didn't. I found out about this from my secretary a week ago. I asked Yunho, he's clueless as well. Knowing her personality, I'm sure she wants to help the gallery on her own". I can hear a hint of worry in appa's voice. He always has a soft spot for Yeonhee. Ever since she was born. I remember when we were little, when we still can't understand the word 'hate' and 'love', everytime when we fought over toys, tv, or even food, appa would always take her side. 

"I'll think of something. She loves working there very much. She must be devastated if the gallery is shut down" I said. One thing I know about Yeonhee is she loves her job. She loves art very much. And that's probably the only thing I know about her. What kind of husband I am who don't know much about his wife?

"Look into something son, and tell me your plan"

I want to help her. I really do. She has been by my side helping me recover and never once she complained about it. No matter how bad I treated her before, she never brought it up. Now is the time for me to repay her kindness. She was once my friend after all.






Going home is dreadful this time. I still remember before this, I don't wanna go home because I want to avoid Yeonhee, as much as possible. But now that's not the case, it has become the other way around. I don't wanna go home because I can already feel the house is empty without her. 

What is this feeling? Is this love? Or is this just mending a broken friendship? 

Falshbacks of memories starting to visit me again at this very moment. The harsh things I said to her, the cold treatment I gave her. I curse myself for being so mean. How can I be that heartless I can never understand.

After a light dinner, I lay down on my bed thinking. I reach for my phone and stares at it for a good few minutes.

Should I text her? Yeah... I should.

I grab the phone on the bedside table. 

How's Busan? - I typed and press send.

My heart immediately pounds faster waiting for her reply.

Great! Thanks for asking. I was just about to text you. How was your day? - Yeonhee replied. I smile reading that. 

Same old. Work and stuff as usual... You don't wanna know. What time you arrived? Why didn't you text me? - I asked some more.

Sorry, I was settling a few things. I don't wanna disturb you I know you gonna be busy today - she replied

It's okay. Rest well -

You too. Good night -

That was quite short. I hope for a longer conversation. But it's okay... maybe she's tired. 

I sigh heavily. Time feels so slow without Yeonhee. It's gonna be a long week I guess. Can next week come sooner? 









My phone rings in my pocket and I don't need to check who's calling. I know who the caller is.

"Yes oppa"

"Where are you? Are you here already?" he asked.

"Well.... I'm in Busan. Waiting for my flight back to Seoul"

"What?? When? Why did....". Namjoon oppa starts to panic. He must be confused.

"Oppa relax..." I laugh a bit, "I flew here an hour ago and now I'm going back to Seoul"

"Wowww. You really flew there. I thought you just going to lie to your husband about Busan" he asked in disbelief.

"It doesn't feel right somehow lying to him. So technically, I'm not lying. I did come here" i replied casually.

"You know... It will be a lot easier if you just tell him the truth" he replied in his typical annoyed tone.

I ignore his remarks anyways, "My flight is boarding now. See you soon oppa"

If there's an award for the most stubborn lady in the world, I'm sure I'm gonna get it. Yes, I did fly to Busan for real. It feels so wrong lying to Sehun. So to shake off some of the guilt inside me, I bought a return ticket. At least I'm not lying about going to Busan.

At the airport this morning, I really hope I could hug him. But I know I'm asking too much. Him willingly sending me to the airport without knowing the real situation is more than enough. I am at ease just by looking at his handsome face. Plus, we didn't fight like the last t

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How have you been?? Hope you're doing good. I miss you and this story. It's been more than a year since your last update. I hope you can still continue this story.
For whatever you're doing now, I hope everything is doing well and good for you....
I miss you ^^
From all your loyal readers 😁😁
Chapter 39: Gosh😭I miss this story and u.Hope ur are fine.please comeback.
Chapter 39: Gosh😭I miss this story and u.Hope ur are fine.please comeback.
Chapter 39: Please enlighten us...
Where is Yeonhee now?? She should be fine, shouldn't she??
It's been a while, I hope you are always be healthy....
Chapter 38: I keep on coming back to this story😭
ririsriandini #6
Chapter 39: Authornim, I hope you always healthy and update this story again 😭
MissMong24 #7
Chapter 39: thank you for the update despite your health! get well soon!
AiiSoo #8
Chapter 39: A month after? Is Yeonhee well? Being that sick and alone like that for a month must be really hard for her. I just hope that she is safe somewhere and is enjoying her days doing things that she likes.
Thank you for this update..! I hope you’ll get well soon though. I don’t mind getting a late update. Health should be one’s priority, always,
Aadiillaa #9
Chapter 39: I cried for yeonhee
How hurt S he is and how bad feelimg left behind with people around us
The mental issues in getting more worst as in now
People that heart break usually can't talk to be help or asking of help, so hard for them to say it even for just hint
Just please we more aware and not say hurtfull words to other people and tell them if they still have friends have family or maybe us that can help if they need help.
Don't left her/him & don't giving up on her/him
Chapter 39: Take care. Focus on you first, then the others will fall into place.

Hopefully they are able to find Yeonhee fast.