Hesitant Concerns

Cupid Screwed Up
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10. Hesitant Concerns

It is past ten p.m. but Baekhyun is awake, scrolling through the feed of his instagram account he had recently opened with the help of Sehun who is kind of a diva in this online community. Even though he made Baekhyun follow him, he isn't following back and that is very mean. Which is why Baekhyun unfollows him with a pout of his face. He has half a mind to call Leah and hear her voice but he also doesn't want to ruin the sleep for his roommates.


The half moon hanging in the sky makes him worry and relieves him at the same time. It's about time now. He doesn't like the pain but he will like a run very much. Lying under the blanket, Baekhyun is careful as to not wake anyone up. His dim screen is a collage of many pictures from accounts Sehun made him follow. He can't recognize anyone other than Red Velvet so he begins to unfollow them one by one.


Growing up in the countryside, he only had minimal access to what went around in the city, the trends, the music, and a lot other things. It was waking up in the morning and going to school and then working in their family farm that stretched acres after acres. Baekhyun smiles at the memories of working under the sun for such long hours. He had thought that was difficult, clearly he hadn't seen the textbooks he now carries to his university.


His phone suddenly lights up with a call.




A deep breath before he swipes that green icon on the screen. He looks sideways, twice, thrice before pressing the device to his ear. "Leah," he sighs, getting out of his bed and making a beeline to the bathroom that the three of them share. Afraid he'll wake the rest up, he doesn't even turn the lights on before slipping inside. "Leah, you're still up."


"Baekhyun, Baekhyun, Baekhyun," Leah heaves a deep sigh before squealing out of nowhere. Baekhyun leans against the wooden door, an amused smile on his face mixed with curiosity. "Baekhyun, you won't believe this," she whispers, out of breath now.


"Are you alright?" he hushes into the phone, bringing it closer to his mouth. "Leah, what is it that I'm missing on?"


"Baekhyun," she squealed again like she has achieved a prize or something. Baekhyun can't help but smile as he turns around and rests his forehead against the door. "I just had my first kiss, Baekhyun."


"What?" is his initial reaction. Confused, but on tenterhooks. Baekhyun hates the jealousy that creeps into his body from under his toes.


"Yes. And it couldn't be any more perfect, I swear." Leah emphasizes. Baekhyun picks up the short breaths from the other line, Leah seems to be very happy but that's not the same case for him no matter how many times he recites in his head that it's alright. It's alright it's not me. But the more he does, the more a sad smile makes itself cozy on his face.


"Sehun, was it?" He asks, looking at his reflection on the mirror in front of him.


"I don't know why you think like that but it wasn't him," Leah tells him. It's not his fault to assume so. They had most of the day to themselves after all and he won't be surprised if Sehun had taken the chance. He is surprised now, however, hearing it wasn't the guy. Chanyeol, maybe?


"It was Kyungsoo. He bought me ice cream too," Leah says in one breath. "I mean, it was...the best thing I've experienced in a while. Like, oh my god Baekhyun, it was amazing."


"Kyungsoo?" Baekhyun chuckles at that. "I didn't expect him to be so smooth, really."


"Okay so this is how it went. He freaking asked me if he could, you know, kiss me," Leah explains, "And I just -- God, I didn't know what to say so I just nodded and asked him to go for it. Didn't actually think he will but then he did and baam," She sounds immensely happy. Baekhyun finds the jealousy flying off his body bit by bit as she explains how she felt at the moment. Baekhyun sometimes wonders how Leah thinks of him. Is he the only person she called after getting kissed by someone she likes? He terribly sounds like a best friend she is so comfortable to spill her everything to and he doesn't mind much. But at times, he does feel a little strange, like Leah doesn't see a mate in him unlike the rest three guys. 


"And then he left," she finishes with a sigh.


"I know, you kinda wish he didn't, huh?" Baekhyun smiles, teasing her.


"W-Why would I--I mean uh, yeah kind of. I needed help with homework," He can imagine her shrugging with a red blush on her cheeks. Baekhyun chuckles softly before a silence engulfs them. He sighs, making her sigh too. It's happening, he thinks. It's finally happening and he doesn't dislike the pace. It's perfect. 


And it's crazy at the same time. He had once overheard the boys worrying if all Leah saw in them was friends so it was definitely crazy how Leah was jumping about after getting kissed by Kyungsoo. "You're happy, right?" He asks when it all becomes quiet.


Leah hums, it's not whole-hearted but she still says yes. "What's bothering you?" Baekhyun asks again, he can feel it that she is worried about something.




"You know, Sehun says the same. But I know something's going on."


"Very observant, I have to say. Or is this wolf magic?" Leah asks him. Baekhyun also catches the sound of her yawning. "But it's serious about Sehun. You know, his brother, Haechan, was telling me he's been going out for runs even though he hates turning. So something must be troubling him, right? He told me he wants to forget but nothing much afterwards."


"Well I think, if he's going to open up to someone, it's going to be you, Leah," Baekhyun states the obvious. "Turning is really horrible. I hate it too and can't imagine doing it every night." The mere though sends chills down his spine. He's been doing it for three years now in every full moon night but has failed to get used to the pain. "You should ask him. Runs drain everything in the body. No wonder he sleeps through classes."


"It's that bad?" Leah mumbles. "Do you hate it that you're not normal, Baekhyun?"


Baekhyun is just surprised himself that he doesn't have an exact answer for that. And that he takes more than two seconds to reply, that he needs to think about the question he never thought he would have to answer. "Sometimes," he says, "Sometimes...it gets too tiring. It hurts but I also don't know what it is to be normal. I don't hate it because...I don't know how to hate it, Leah."


Leah stays silent. Baekhyun heaves an inaudible sigh, leaning back against the wall. "Do I...do I have to be that too?"


"N-No," Baekhyun stutters in haste. "You don't. You don't have to be us. If it's of any help, even my father isn't a wolf. Mom is."


"I mean, it's alright," she says. "Alright, I'll let you sleep."


"Yeah, good night, Leah."


"Night, Baekhyun."



The next day when Leah enters the classroom, Kyungsoo is up and doing some paperwork. She doesn't want to disturb him. She silently sits behind him, glancing at the three empty seats around her. It is still a lot early but she couldn't wait to see Kyungsoo after what happened last night. She doesn't know what to talk about but it's great to see him not drooling on the desk the first thing in the morning. 


"I know you're here," Kyungsoo says, not even glancing over his shoulder.


"Of course you do," Leah smiles, hoping he will turn around and look at her.


Kyungsoo sighs before placing something on top of the papers and turning to her. "You look fabulous."


"I always do after shower, yes," Leah agrees with a sarcastic smile. She knows her hair is all over the place and she doesn't look all that nice at the moment, just waiting for her hair to calm it down and fall back on its place.


Kyungsoo shakes his head with a smile, "I meant it. But why did you shower so early in the morning?"


Leah chuckles, "I'm going home so I have a train to catch, Kyungsoo."


His shoulders immediately tense up and face morphs into a frown. "Home?" he asks, going for her hand. It surprises her but then it feels all normal the next second. "Why are you going home? Where are you even going?"


"Gyeongju," she tells him. "Just...my father hasn't been doing well. And I'm really worried. I can't stay here. I have to see him."


"When will you be back then?"


Leah studies the troubled expression etched on his face. She smiles before covering his hand with hers. "Soon."


"That's not something I want to hear," Kyungsoo mumbles.


"I really can't tell, Sookyung."


Kyungsoo just slightly smiles before his ears perk

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40 streak #1
Chapter 16: Wow.. finally finished reading this amazing and interesting story.. it was so catchy, mysterious and full of suspense... things got changed so drastically thar it really made me surprised and interested that what would happen next... so unexpected turn and plot twists... I'm so in love with the story and the characters... specially the main characters... it wasn't a typical reverseharem love story but more about the mysterious incident that had started to take place in their lives... but really loved their relationship development and all those funny beginning... specially the starting and the ruined date part.. too hilarious... couldn't stop laughing... in that process that one plot twist changed their lives and relationships though... a new beginning indeed... felt so bad but still felt so good for them and the consequences... also that experiment part really blown my mind... totally speechless... so critical and complicated... loved the way things got better for them and their relationship got more stronger than before.. but what they were going through rn really broke my heart... kyungsoo's real identity revelation part was shocking.. I'm curious about sehun ans baekhyun's situation after that incident... glad that atleast chanyeol and Leah were there kind of safe from all those for now.. I really loved all of their characters and individuality...glad that Leah understood their love and situation after that big incident..hope they meet soon and reunite together like before...so excited for next update... loved it so much so far..really enjoyed reading it from the beginning till this chapter.. thank you authornim for writing and sharing this story... hope authornim continues this awesome story...well written everything ... fighting authornim .. take care of yourself and stay hydrated.
40 streak #2
Woah reverseharem au, one of my favorite genre... aww...
already bookmarked.. will read this soon.. so excited..
Chapter 9: Kyungsoo as her fist kiss, wow! 😍😍😍💚
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Oh, I love these four knights of Leah! 😍
'Had a lot of fun reading this chapter with mom Chanyeol, dadSehun and baby Kyungsoo! 😹😹😹
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I can imagine Baekhyun calling "Leah, Leah, Leah" 😂 Adorable 🥰
Chapter 3: Kyungsoo and his witty nicknames for Hendery 😂, so cute! 😁
'Really having a great time reading this, tysm authornim 💚
Chapter 1: Interesting... Oh, how I love to be like Leah, having these 4 as my mates... 😍😅 I especially love that she is most comfortable with Baekhyun 💚. But really, finding out about this mate and werewolf thing on the first day of class must be much of a confusion for her 🤭
1881 streak #9
Chapter 16: Gasp!!!!when did this two idiot came from.Another obstacles they have to deal with it.