How To Ruin Your Mate's Date

Cupid Screwed Up
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05. How To Ruin Your Mate's Date (you should because you can)

"How long do you think that will take?" Hendery speaks in the phone, his voice almost hushed so that only the one behind this little machine can hear him. "I don't know if I can hold up for that long," he murmurs, a worried expression on his face as he bites his lips. He hikes up the books in his arms, not really seeing where he is going because the distress in his head blurs the corridor.


"I can only minimize it to a couple months, roughly," The voice from the other line says. "You've got to hold up for that long at least until I can pull you out of that country."


Hendery sighs, "I know but I also know that they might forcefully marry me off in only two more weeks. You do know how stubborn Mom can be." His eyes light up with concern for himself.


"I'm trying my best, Hendery," Hendery nods, understanding while placing the pile of books under his chin so they don't fall. He should've asked for help but Jun called at the wrong time and he couldn't ask for company. No one in the campus should know the golden boy has problems he can't solve.


"Alright, why don't you date someone?" Jun suggests, "Meanwhile I'll get things ready."


"Date someone?"


"Yeah," Jun takes a deep breath, "Let your parents know that you'll get married to that girl when the time is right so they don't bother you with their ideas. How does that sound?"


"But who'll want to--"


The books in his hand fly off in different direction and he catches a neon pink ahead of him. There is a girl on the floor, seemingly looking a little lost. "Hey, I'll call you back later," he pushes the phone in his pocket and crouches low to stop her from picking up the books and pick herself up first. "Hey, are you okay?" Hendery notices how she flinches at his words, her pretty eyes staring into his with shock. Hendery offers her a hand and she surprises him by gasping. Like, she is in fear. 


"Miss, are you okay?"


She doesn't respond but the more he looks into her eyes, the more he hears Jun's voice inside his own head.


Why don't you date someone?



Chanyeol doesn't mind spending some money on these props. All he is worried about is that his fellow mates might screw up their little act because none of them really care much. Baekhyun had already said a big fat no to his plan because he wants Leah to realize Hendery isn't the guy by herself. So he says she should spend this time with Hendery without anyone bothering the two of them.




He is just glad Kyungsoo and Sehun instantly rolled their eyes at Baekhyun. So that means they are with Chanyeol, no matter how ridiculous this plan is. Since it is his plan, he has to take up most of the burden and he is very willing to, rather than ask Sehun or Kyungsoo because they are literally ticking like bombs at the moment.


"Do you need help with that?"


He looks over his shoulder to see his mother poking her head through his door. Chanyeol heaves a sigh, nodding a yes, though embarrassed. He hands over the wig to his mother and sits on the bed. "Are you doing cosplay or something?" His mother asks, chuckling at the messy brown wig he has brought from a shop just that day. He remembers how his hands were shaking when he placed the wig on the counter at the check out. But the lady hadn't judged him. He was glad.


"No, it's just..." he starts but can't find words in his head. "Just like...yeah, something like that."


"Are you serious?"


"Yeah," Chanyeol nods. His mother smirks down at him, knowing he is lying. "So...I found my mate, Ma--"


"Oh my god! When? Why did you not tell me?" His mother squealed with excitement. Maybe she will not be as excited after hearing the whole story. "Wait, don't tell me she's into girls or something which is why you're trying to be one--"


"What? No, Ma!" Chanyeol heaves a dramatic sigh, folding his legs on the bed. "She's a human. She doesn't believe me, or us in that case."


"You're saying're not the only one?"


"No," Chanyeol sighs, "But that doesn't matter. Trust me, we're all just trying to make her believe us and we're not least bit concerned that we have to share her for the rest of our lives," His mother nods. Of course she knows this feeling. To start with, Chanyeol isn't even her own son. His real mother lives with them too and last he saw her was some minutes ago in the kitchen downstairs. He has two mothers and they are a very comfortable family. Multiple partners for one person isn't a rare occurence in their world. More like, one for one is a rare issue. 


"She's going out with a different guy and we're just trying to ruin the date," he shrugs helplessly.


His mother caresses his wig now with a fond expression. "That's not the right way, Chanyeol."


"There is no other way, Ma." He touches her hand to let her know that they are desperate now. His mother softens up even more. "Now, can you please do my make up?"



He meets with Kyungsoo and Sehun by the entrance of the mall. His cheeks redden ten times more than the blush on his cheeks. There is also a mole on his chin. His mother went all out with this one. Sehun just presses his lips together full force when he sees Chanyeol come out of that car and Kyungsoo just bursts out laughing and ends up throwing away his ice cream at someone else beside him. Chanyeol knows he looks ridiculous with the padded bra under his shirt and this wig that is all over the place. Things he does for Leah. Now the girl better not recognize him. 


"Shut up!" He almost smacks Kyungsoo's head but then Sehun reminds him.


"Is your voice going to be like that, wife?" 


Chanyeol gulps before thinning his voice, "How about now?"


"Gosh, why did I marry you again?" Sehun facepalms, more like covers his mouth so he can let that laughter out a little.


"Because you love me," Chanyeol replies in his thinned out voice. Kyungsoo laughs again, dressed in a white t-shirt with a minion drawn across it, along with denim overall that only reaches his kness. Needless to say, he is dressed like a kid, according to the plan. Kyungsoo pulls down the baseball cap on his head to hide his face further.


"Never seen wife being taller than husband, you know, wife?" Sehun asks teasingly as they enter the elevator.


"What? You never watched Doraemon?" Chanyeol retorts, accidentally speaking in his usual voice and confusing the lady beside him.


Sehun chuckled, "Oh right."


"They're inside?" Chanyeol asks. Sehun nods, putting on a face mask. Kyungsoo's pink socks really say that the guy is giving his all in this plan to ruin Leah's oh-so-happy date. Kyungsoo just isn't the guy to dress up ridiculously, far less in pink socks, for just anything. They buy the popcorn and the three tickets to a movie only Sehun knows about because he had sneaked a glance at her phone when she was busy texting Hendery. Only when Chanyeol looks down at his ticket does he know what movie they're watching.


Little Women.




Chanyeol feels like everybody is staring at him when in reality no one really is. Sehun leads them to the seat just behind Hendery and Leah, but first he makes a disgusted face at them. Chanyeol sits with Kyungsoo in the middle. Kyungsoo is the kid.


Chanyeok will never forget this day. 


"So what do you do on your free time?" Chanyeol's heart speeds up when he hears Leah speaking. He can't see all of her from where he sits. 


"Hmm, I don't much have free time but I really like to sleep wherever and whenever," Hendery answers with a smile.


Leah rises up from her seat slightly, as if with excitement. "Oh, me too. I like to sleep all the time too."


"That's so cool. Let's do it sometimes," says Hendery, shooting the people at the back with his

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40 streak #1
Chapter 16: Wow.. finally finished reading this amazing and interesting story.. it was so catchy, mysterious and full of suspense... things got changed so drastically thar it really made me surprised and interested that what would happen next... so unexpected turn and plot twists... I'm so in love with the story and the characters... specially the main characters... it wasn't a typical reverseharem love story but more about the mysterious incident that had started to take place in their lives... but really loved their relationship development and all those funny beginning... specially the starting and the ruined date part.. too hilarious... couldn't stop laughing... in that process that one plot twist changed their lives and relationships though... a new beginning indeed... felt so bad but still felt so good for them and the consequences... also that experiment part really blown my mind... totally speechless... so critical and complicated... loved the way things got better for them and their relationship got more stronger than before.. but what they were going through rn really broke my heart... kyungsoo's real identity revelation part was shocking.. I'm curious about sehun ans baekhyun's situation after that incident... glad that atleast chanyeol and Leah were there kind of safe from all those for now.. I really loved all of their characters and individuality...glad that Leah understood their love and situation after that big incident..hope they meet soon and reunite together like excited for next update... loved it so much so far..really enjoyed reading it from the beginning till this chapter.. thank you authornim for writing and sharing this story... hope authornim continues this awesome story...well written everything ... fighting authornim .. take care of yourself and stay hydrated.
40 streak #2
Woah reverseharem au, one of my favorite genre... aww...
already bookmarked.. will read this soon.. so excited..
Chapter 9: Kyungsoo as her fist kiss, wow! 😍😍😍💚
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Oh, I love these four knights of Leah! 😍
'Had a lot of fun reading this chapter with mom Chanyeol, dadSehun and baby Kyungsoo! 😹😹😹
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I can imagine Baekhyun calling "Leah, Leah, Leah" 😂 Adorable 🥰
Chapter 3: Kyungsoo and his witty nicknames for Hendery 😂, so cute! 😁
'Really having a great time reading this, tysm authornim 💚
Chapter 1: Interesting... Oh, how I love to be like Leah, having these 4 as my mates... 😍😅 I especially love that she is most comfortable with Baekhyun 💚. But really, finding out about this mate and werewolf thing on the first day of class must be much of a confusion for her 🤭
1882 streak #9
Chapter 16: Gasp!!!!when did this two idiot came from.Another obstacles they have to deal with it.