Nosy park = problems

Jaemin's secret .
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I am sorry for not updating for a while i have been busy with exams and credit recover and i am still busy at the moment, but i decided to sacrifice my small time for you guys enjoy .




Jaemin had closed his bakery early that day in the thought of picking Taro from school on his way home.

" Do you want to eat out today " Jaemin asked Taro as he pulled out of the school parking lot . " i saw an interesting shack opened in the mall you wanna try that out "

" Yes , " Taro massaged his lower abdomen , catching Jaemin's side eye .

" Stomach cramps again " He was concerned with Taro's constant stomach cramps which have been raiding him through the week.

" It was just a small pain, nothing more " Taro smiled to assure Jaemin he was okay . But he knew that wasn't going to be the end of his Mum's concern

" Well if you say so " Jaemin Parked the car outside the Shake shack .


" Do you want to dine in  or take out " Jaemin Searched for his credit card in his bag

" I want to go home, " Taro curled himself on the chair .

" Okay you stay here i will go place the order " Jaemin left the car with Taro inside .


< Hello, >

< Nana , how is your day >

< What wrong with Taro Baby >

< He is complaining about the stomach cramps like it's been going on for a week now what should i do , should we go to the hospital , what if it is serious i know he is in pain and he is not telling me >

<  I will get in contact with the Pack doctor , i don't think this is normal stomach cramps >

< Okay , take care i love you >

< I love you too >


" Here is your order Taro "  Jaemin handed over the food .

" Is there a chocolate milkshake? " Taro rummaged through the order , I am craving chocolate right now .

" I got banana milkshake instead, i didn't know you wanted that you rarely even eat chocolate "

" Oh ! okay , it's fine you didn't know " Taro clutched Jaemin's arm

Jaemin could have sworn his heart melted , His  cute son was too cute for him .

" What am I going to do with you Taro " He brushed his son's hair Kissing his forehead.

They stayed like that in the silence of the car for a while .


" Are the stomach cramps still painful "

" It's just small pain mum nothing big , it's going to pass "

" Shall we go to the Pack house or you want to go home first "

" Let's go home first i want to change from these clothes "  Taro retorted 

" okay baby " 


After changing the clothes Taro decided to lie down for a while in the process of waiting for Jaemin to finish his business . Jaemin was going to wake Taro to live for the pack house but he just couldn't, Taro was sleeping cutely and with his stomach cramps meant that he didn't feel the pains while sleeping and he soon himself fell asleep. 


2 hours later .


Taro woke up smelling the strong intoxicating smell of his dad coming home only to find himself wrapped up in his mom's arms. He took his phone to see what time it was. Dang they were late super late. 

" mom we are late , mom " Taro  rushed to wake up .

" Language " Jaemin slurred in his sleep .

" I am sorry but we are late sups late " Taro was on his way to panicking .

Jaemin moved his lazy self to see what time was it that Taro was panicking  " Jesus , how in the world is it 8:30 pm "

" Language mom !!! " 

" i am sorry lovely , but we are clearly late by 2 hours " 

" yes , mom that is why I woke you up " 

" Is Jeno home? ``Jaemin asked as he climbed out of the bed.

" seems like it " Taro led the way outside his room.


" Taro and Jaemin are late today " Taeyong looked at his watch . It wasn't the first time the cotton candy  haired was late , but it was the first time he was late before sending out a message beforehand .

" Is Jeno coming today " Kun asked as he passed around the requested snacks to the small crowd in the living room.

" I don't know if he might come. The elders have been breathing down on his neck this week " Taeyong shrugged . He too wished he would understand his cousin , being the only family left in the state they lived in  while their families dispersed all around the country,  the two had each other but they weren't that close .  " What about Taro i have been calling him but my calls are not being answered "

" Mine too " Haechan looked up from his phone " i will try calling him again maybe he will answer"

" when he answers put him in loudspeaker " Ten smiled mischievously .


< Hello Shotaro

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Lol the first chapter .


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Chapter 6: please update this is SOOO cute and sweet
Chapter 3: I am really curious to why Jeno and Jaemin need to keep their marriage as a secret and I can't wait for next chapters to find out more!💚