
Twist of Fate

TMI.. Minsook is a character I made merely from my imagination. He's not based from a korean celeb/ idol or whatever. You can imagine his face as a typical korean college guy that you usually see in kdramas.


They arrived at the apartment, Yongsun is not even looking at Byul, totally avoiding her.

Byul felt guilty. She went inside to convince Yongsun to talk about the problem, but Yongsun slammed the bathroom door as soon as she reached their room.

She fed and checked on Yongkeey as she wait for the older. She's uneasy, she knows this is big, far from their recent small fights. She repeatedly practiced her excuse in her mind explaining the situation.

She heard the bathroom door opened, she walked to their room. 

"Yong, can we talk?" Byul can't help but be anxious, this is the first time she saw Yongsun acting like this

Yongsun released a deep sigh "Sure"

Yongsun turned her head to face Byul, the younger is currently sitting on the bed.

"What do you want to talk about?" Yongsun asked, checking her nails

-- "I know you're mad at me, I think I know the reason but still, I want to hear it from you" Byul said, stuttering, nervously playing with her fingers

"You're with your friend earlier, you never mentioned him to me" Yongsun said, gritting her teeth

Byul sighed before she spoke "We're from the same class okay? We talk sometimes, and he only offered to help. I don't really understand why you're mad at that"

 "Byul, the point is, that guy was obviously looking at you with heart eyes, touching you in places he shouldn't! And the fact that Minsook? Is that what you call him? He's been crushing on you for a year and I never heard about it at least once" Yongsun's voice is starting to get louder

-- "I'm sorry if I didn't tell you about him, I just can't see any reasons to bring him up in any of our talks, I don't really see him more than friends..... I love you Yong, Please, don't be mad at me, I promise I will be more open to you" Byul spoke, her voice is shaking, and her tears are falling one by one 

Yongsun looked at the ceiling, preventing her tears from falling. She felt a pain in her chest upon seeing the younger being vulnerable, beggging and crying in front of her. She wanted to comfort Byul but she knows that talking it out would be better, she needs to voice out all her worries and doubts.

"Another thing, only few people knows that we're together Byul?? Seriously? We're together for three years, are you ashamed of me, because I'm a woman too? Are you ashamed of us? Tell me so I can understand!" Yongsun bursted once again

-- "I... it's because" Byul cried harder, she can't make up an excuse, this time she knows she's the wrong one "I'm sorry Yong, I'll be better"

"Byul, I really don't know. This one really got me, you've become too complacent with our relationship. You really think we have that much time? In three months you're gonna graduate, probably working your in Seoul! I'm sure you will meet handsome and pretty actors, and you'll leave me here in Busan all insecure and anxious!" Yongsun shouted

-- "So this is where you're coming from? Yong what are you trying to tell me? To stay here in Busan with you? forget about my dreams, my future? Is that what you want me to do?" 

"No Byul! What I want you to do is to stop acting like a kid! it's only a few months before your graduation and you never opened up about your plans? It's not the time to be indecisive Byul! Are you expecting me to always wait for you?" 

Byul was deeply offended "So I'm the one who's indecisive here? When you can't even make your own decisions, how ironic that you'll be a lawyer but you can't even defend yourself from your parents, you always agree to everything they say. What are you? A dog?"  

Out of anger, Yongsun stood and she slapped Byul in the face. She took her car keys and she slammed the door as she leave the apartment.

Yongsun stayed in her car for a while, crying, when she calmed down, she drove her car with no specific direction in mind, she just want to get away from Byul.


Byul is still angry, she took a shower to ease her anger. Everything has been frustrating for her, she decided to work on her thesis. She lost track of time, it's 3am and there's still no traces of Yongsun. She's worried but still angry. She called Yongsun to check on her but she's not answering, Byul also left tons of messages but there's no reply, she just got angrier.




"Unnie?" wheein asked when she saw her older sister, looking exhausted sitting on her couch

-- "Hi, wheein-ah, long time no see" Yongsun greeted her

"You're so dramatic, we just met two days ago. What's wrong? Why are you here? How's Byulyi unnie?"

Yongsun chuckled "we fought"

"Wow, a big one, sounds serious. What's the reason?"

they were interrupted when Wheein's phone rang


"Hello, mom?" wheein asked

-- "I've been calling your sister but she's not answering, can you contact her? I need to ask her some errands in my office"

"ahh, sure, she's with me right now do you want to speak to her?"

-- Yes please"

Yongsun and her mom talked entirely about work as usual, ever since her mom won the election, her mother became more busy, making her do simple errands too.

Yongsun found out that her phone died because it's low bat, she quickly charged it. When she opened her phone, she saw Byul's missed calls and messages, she then rolled her eyes.


"You done?" wheein asked

Yongsun hummed

"Sooo, going back to the topic, why did you two fight?"

-- "I saw her with a guy" Yongsun said in monotone

"Byulyi unnie cheated on you? Well, knowing her that's hard to believe maybe you only misunderstood" 

-- "No, she didn't cheat, I totally get her point with that, but technically that thing lead us to argue about problems we've been avoiding for months. Obviously it didn't end up good"

"Well, you and Byulyi unnie are a couple, if you both had those worries you should've talked about it and not bottling it out. I understand you had this personality since you started living alone, but unnie I think both of you did wrong"  wheein said

-- "I mean, we're okay, until I exploded. Maybe I really hurted her with my words that's why she acted that way, but I don't know, I really don't know what she wants, it's frustrating" she placed her palms on her forehead

"What's the problem exactly?" wheein asked

-- "Actually we haven't talked about our plans after she graduates. I'm sure you're aware that she wants to become an actress, I opened that topic and she thinks I want her to stay with me here in Busan. Well that's opposite with what I want, I know even before she met me, she's been holding on to that dream and I don't want her to stop chasing it just because of me. No matter what happens, I want her to continue her path on becoming an actress. What I want from her is assurance, her decision....I can accept whatever she wants even if it's a long distance relationship...... or a break up" she said, preventing her tears from falling

"A break up? I don't think Byulyi unnie would ever want that. Stop overthinking, I know both of you are just overwhelmed with emotions right now, talk about it next time when you think you're both ready" 

-- "I'm scared, wheein-ah" Yongsun said, sobbing between her words

Wheein comforted her sister until she fell asleep.


Meanwhile, Byul felt the urge to sleep, she's been shifting her position countless times, but she still can't fall asleep. She groaned in frustration. She went to the living room to get Yongkeey, she hugged the puppy until she fall asleep.


She woke up in the middle of her slumber, she found Yongkeey missing in her embrace. She looked at Yongsun's empty side of the bed, she felt sad. There's no way she can fall asleep again after remembering what happened that night. She called Seulgi, it's 5am in the morning.

"Byul? What do you need? It's 5am for 's sake" Seulgi said, feeling irritated

Byul didn't answer, she just cried her heart out

Seulgi heard her sobs "Hey, are you okay? Why are you awake? Where's Yongsun unnie?" she said in her concerned tone

-- "She's mad at me, she's not answering my calls and messages. I'm scared seulgi-ah, what if she wants to end it with me?" she uttered, still crying

"Is it about earlier? I'm sorry, I didn't know she will take that seriously, I told her everything about Minsook. I'm sorry it's partly my fault"

-- "It's not just about that"

"Byul, you should learn to say no sometimes, with that personality of yours, people will just take advantage of you. Tell me more"

-- "I said a lot of unnecessary sh*ts to her, making her mad. I'm hurt so I think I need to say something in return but I think I just made it worse. I want to apologize to her but I can't reach her, I don't even know where she is right now" 

"Hey, calm down. Maybe she's just blowing off some steam, I do that too. Believe me, she will come back"

-- "I don't know, we were just talking about Minsook and suddenly she brought up my plans for Seoul, she knew it's my dream, acting is my life and now she wants to take it away?"

"You're still mad, don't you?" Seulgi replied

-- "I'm not" 

"Hey, if you're in the right mind, you wouldn't think that. You know Yongsun unnie is the most selfless person ever, she even transferred to Pusan for your sake. For now, think about why she bring up that topic. She has a point anyway, we're about to graduate, you'll go to Seoul and how about her? You can't just leave her hanging here. You said yourself, Yongsun unnie can't leave Busan just to be with you, that's not what she wants and the mayor won't let her. Have you forgot? Or you're just blinded with your pride and anger? That's why you're acting so reckless"

-- "What should I do then?" Byul sighed

"You should find out yourself" 


After her call with Seulgi, she didn't went back to sleep. She cleaned the whole apartment, she kept herself busy to stop herself from thinking about Yongsun.

She didn't even had a proper sleep, she went to Pusan University, looking exhausted, dark circles are visible in her eyes, she didn't had her breakfast. 


Her unhealthy routine continued for days,

As she rode the train she counted in her hands "one, two, three. Three days without you feels weird, I can't feel anything. Yong, when are you coming back?" she said to herself


From: Little Sis

Unnie, she's fine. She's going to her classes on time. She's just a bit gloomy and looking tired these days. Do you want me to talk to her?

From: My Unnie ❤

No, I will come back on Friday anyway, I'm just finishing something for mom's redevelopment project

From: Little Sis

I think you should message her at least. She looks really sad without you unnie 

From: My Unnie ❤



Yongsun only agreed but she didn't do it. She don't think she can, right now. She's been asking her sister for updates about her girlfriend, she can't trust Seulgi or Irene right now.


The next day


From: Little Sis

Unnie, I think it's odd. Byulyi unnie didn't come to her class, I also asked Seulgi unnie

From: My Unnie ❤

Are you sure? That's weird, maybe she went home to her parents


Yongsun has no classes, she's just currently busy with her mom's project.

She thought that's weird, Byul is someone who can't miss her class no matter how sick she is. She's starting to worry.

She called all of Byul's friend she knew, asking where her girlfriend is but none of them have seen her today

She's starting to get anxious, she drove to Byul's apartment in jeonpo-dong. She was disappointed after her abrupt visit.

"Yongsun-ah? What are you doing here?"

-- "Ahh, sorry for coming uninvited Mrs. Moon, have you seen Byul?"

"Aren't you two together? We haven't talked for weeks because she said she's busy lately. What's wrong?" 

-- "No, Mrs. Moon we're okay. I just had to visit my mom to help her with her new project, Byul's not answering my calls so I rushed here" Yongsun said, laughing nervously

"Oh, is that so? Maybe she has classes today, you should check too" 

-- "Yes Mrs. Moon, thank you"


Yongsun rushed to her car, her face is calm but her tears are falling from her eyes. She called Byul, but there's no response, there's no reply to her messages too. 

She drove her car on the way to her apartment as fast as she can, her heart is beating fast, she's so nervous and worried that she may pass out.

When she reached the front door, she can hear Yongkeey's bark. She thought it's odd, Yongkeey is always calm around them.

She immediately opened the door, the apartment is so clean, as if no one has used it for weeks.

She checked in the living roon, kitchen, and balcony.

She opened the door leading to their bedroom, she felt relieved, she heard the sounds of the water dropping from the shower. Yongsun waited, she felt it's weird, byul doesn't take too long in the shower. She's having a bad feeling.

She slowly opened the bathroom door, she was surprised when she found out it's not locked.

Yongsun felt her legs weakened upon seeing Byul, she started crying. The shower was open but she's not there, the younger was lying on the floor, unconcious.

"Byul! wake up. Please, Byul! I'm here" she said in between her sobs, shaking the younger

She checked on her, the younger is burning in fever. Yongsun checked her pulse and breathing, she sighed in relief after knowing that the breathing is normal. 

She lifted Byul in a bridal style, she placed her on the bed. She removed Byul's wet clothing, leaving her in only bra and underwear. She looked at her with no malice, her eyes only speaks love and worry. 

She rubbed her with cold towel, starting from her head, neck, arms, legs, and stomach. She felt that the underwear of the younger is also soaked from the shower, she took an oversized shirt, she held the waistband of Byul's underwear, looking away, she was interrupted when she felt Byul's hand carressing her arms.

"Yong, you're here?" Byul weakly said, single tear falling from her eye

-- "Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" Yongsun said in concern

"No, I'm happy you came back"

-- "Of course I will" Yongsun replied, feeling her tears running down her cheeks. She hugged Byul. 

The younger pushed her away, she was startled

"Yong, don't. You will get sick too"

-- "Okay, but remove the rest of your clothes, they got soaked from the shower, you will get cold" Yongsun turned her head, not looking at her girlfriend

"Why are you looking away?" 

-- "You're burning with fever but you can still joke around. Stop it Byul-ah, not funny" 


When Byul is done changing her clothes she spoke "Yong, I will sleep on the couch, you might get my fever if we sleep together" 

-- "No! Are you crazy? Stay on the bed!" 

Yongsun prepared her bed, she slept on the floor. She was looking at the younger, checking on her temperature from time to time.

"Yong can you get Yongkeey?"

-- "Why? Your child is already asleep, worry about yourself"

"I can't sleep without hugging something"

Yongsun laughed as she stood "So this is how you survived the nights without me?"

She took the puppy, who is sleeping soundly on her dog bed 


Byul took the puppy and cuddled it. 

"Yong? Are you still mad at me?" Byul spoke in her sleepy voice

-- "No, not anymore" 

"I'm sorry, I hurt you" 

Yongsun looked at her, she saw the younger with eyes closed as she speaks.

-- "I'm sorry too, Byul-ah"

"Sorry for making you worry, I don't think I can survive a day without you. I was too lonely"

-- "Byul, I think we should still talk about that, it's not good to always avoid that topic"

"I know, but are you gonna stay with me now?" 

Yongsun hummed "but I need to stay with mom for a few more days, until then just take your time deciding on what you really want"

"Yong, you're not thinking of break up with me right?"

-- "I'm not, are you?"


Just like that, all of them fell asleep. 


Yongsun prepared a breakfast for Byul. 

"Byul, I don't think you should attend your class today, you still need to recover"

-- "FIne, it's just consultation today so I don't think it's a big deal if I will skip school"

"I need to go, see you soon" she kissed Byul in the forehead

She also kissed Yongkeey before she left

"Byul, answer my calls and messages hmm?"

The younger only nodded "take care!"



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I updated really late this time but here you go!


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svela2233 #1
Chapter 16: WHY 😭😭😭
Laayy_15 #2
Chapter 16: Fcccccckk angst, i'm cryingg, whyy author-nim whyyy
autumnberge #3
Chapter 16: I kinda feel that Yong's mother faked or did something wrong with Yongsun's death. Why is she so manipulative? Hoping Wheein and her Dad will try to find the truth bcs if Yong really is murdered by her own mother she deserves justice. Or maybe she is alive but Byulyi will go on with her life in Seoul just like what Yong wanted. The title really says it all what a twist of fate huhuhu T_T
MoonSun_22 #4
Chapter 17: I would’ve started reading this earlier but because it was incomplete I didn’t want to wait for it but now I promise I will be there since the beginning for s2, and hope for the best. Thank you for this roller coaster of emotions and I hope you do well in the next season.
residentradish24 #5
chxstark #6
Chapter 16: That's... unexpected. 😭 We started with a lot of fluff, then end with heartbreak. 😔 But the fact that there's s2 gives me some hope? Idk it kinda sus but eh—

Thank you for the update. Good luck with your study, and please stay healthy and safe! Can't wait to see the new season! ❤
Star-22 #7
Chapter 17: Why I feel Yongsun is alive??
Nice story, i like the plot & characters...looking forward to s2
trpotato #8
Chapter 16: so we thought we were reading a fluff story... then out of nowhere she basically gets murdered by her mom... k.
byulsidew #9
Chapter 16: wtf????????
moo_peanuts #10
Chapter 17: That is so sudden..