Meeting the parents

Twist of Fate

Byul went home with her family, ignoring her father. 

"Aigoo, our Byul-ah is growing too fast" Mr. Moon blurted, caressing Byul's hair as they enter their apartment.

Byul flinched, hitting her father's hand, away from her "don't touch me! I'm mad at you" she shouted, glaring at him

"Moon Seulgi, Moon Yesol, go to your rooms! now!" Mrs. Moon shouted "Moon Byulyi! Your manners! You're talking to your father"

"Is it about that girl? Yongsun-ah?" Mr. Moon asked

"Why did you act like that during dinner? As if you only want Yongsun's money and connection! Did you even think about her feelings? I can't even look at her in the face with how embarrassing it was!" Moonbyul is angry, tears clouding her eyes, her emotions are overwhelming that she wants to explode 

"Byul-ah, I'm sorry, I know I have no excuse about what I did. I'm just concerned about you, she's the first person you introduced to us, as your lover. Byul-ah, it's not easy to absorb that information for me, your first lover is a.. woman. I always thought you're normal so-" 

"NORMAL?! Dad did you really think that being gay is some kind of disease?? Oh my god! I can't stand you" she replied angrily, glaring her eyes as she sob 

"I didn't meant what I said byul-ah, I'm sorry. I'm gonna make it up to you and Yongsun. I'm really, really sorry" her father hugged her to calm her down

Moonbyul continued sobbing until her mom commanded her to go to her room and rest. Once inside, her mother came in.

Her mother sat on her bed, asking her to sit with her "Byul-ah can we talk?" Mrs. Moon said, her hair

She only nodded

"Byul-ah, you know your dad is not really good at words right? He only wants what's best for you. Do you know how happy he was after he watched you perform earlier? After he saw how happy you are after doing what you like, he felt bad, he remembered how hurt you must be when he didn't supported you on being an actress. He told me he will make it up to you after all those years of taking away something that makes you happy" Mrs. Moon said "-but about Yongsun, I was also taken aback knowing how wealthy Yongsun is, she's totally out of our league, I can't really make up any excuse for your father but please, don't hate him, hmm?"

Moonbyul only nodded, she felt a lump in , her tears falling as she silently cry.

"You should rest now Byul-ah, I'll talk to your father"


After few weeks 


From: Yongsun Unnie

Byul-ah!!! Are you awake?

From: Byulie ❤🌙

Yes Unnie, still need to make film reviews

From: Yongsun Unnie

Are you free on saturday? 

From: Byulie ❤🌙

I checked my sched, I'm free on sat. Why unnie? Another date?

From: Yongsun Unnie

Nope ㅋㅋ We have family dinner, Mom wants to see you, you can invite your parents too

From: Byulie ❤🌙

Why? What's the occasion?

From: Yongsun Unnie

Nothing, my mom is planning to run as mayor this election. The survey had good results so she's feeling a bit confident, she decided to have a dinner

From: Byulie ❤🌙

Is it really necessary to bring my parents? I fought with dad :< still not talking to him

From: Yongsun Unnie

Why? What happened? Is it about me?

From: Byulie ❤🌙

Of course not unnie, it's just about something, he apologized though, I'm just shy to approach him normally after I threw a fit

From: Yongsun Unnie


Seriously, you and your pride! Just talk to him, he already said sorry 

From: Byulie ❤🌙

Okay, I will. I'll just text you if they're free


Moonbyul shyly went to the living room, avoiding eye contact with her parents. "Mom, Dad? Uhm, Yongsun Unnie is asking if you're free on saturday? Her family wants to meet us"

"A dinner with her family? Why? Are we really needed there? It's embarrassing to show up after what happened last time" Her Mom replied

"Sorry, Byul-ah, I need to go back to Seoul on Saturday" Mr. Moon said, being shy around his daughter "- but, can you ask Yongsun to have lunch here within this week? Your mom and I wants to apologize for what happened"

Moonbyul was surprised, maybe her parents felt really bad "Uhm, okay, will tell her" She was about to go back to her room, when she stopped. She looked on her dad in the eyes "Dad, I'm sorry I said bad things to you last time, I was just really mad, I'm sorry" she then ran to her room, feeling embarrassed


From: Byulie ❤🌙

Unnieee, my parents can't come to the family dinner but they want you to have lunch here, in the house before dad goes to work on sat

From: Yongsun Unnie

Lunch? I'm free tomorrow is it okay?

From: Byulie ❤🌙

Okay, I'll tell them

Moonbyul tiptoed across their kitchen, everyone is at their own rooms, probably sleeping or just preparing to go to bed. Moonbyul thought that it would be better to just leave a note that Yongsun will come at lunch tomorrow. She grabbed a sticky note and a pen, once she was done writing, she sticked it on their fridge.

When she reached her room, she prepared her things and went to sleep.


From: Byulie ❤🌙

Good morning Unnie! btw what time will you come?

From: Yongsun Unnie

Maybe 10? or 11? Idk ㅋㅋㅋㅋ will just message you 

From: Byulie ❤🌙

Okayyy, dress comfortably Unnie ㅋㅋㅋ


She left her room to check if her mom saw her note from last night. Her mom is busy preparing breakfast for them, her sisters on the dining table wearing school uniform. "Mom did you saw my note?"

-- "Yes, your dad went to grocery" Mrs. Moon replied "Sit there with your sisters, it's almost done" 

Once finished, her mom served them their breakfast "Don't you have any classes today?"

"I don't, I only go to university every monday becase of rehearsals, the prod is done already"

Her mom only nodded. Her dad is already at the front door, bringing many grocery bags towards the kitchen counter

"What time will Yongsun come here, Byul-ah?"

-- "She said she will be here around 10am" She replied 

After her breakfast, she rushed to her room to do some school-related activities and she went to check on Yongsun. Her parents are busy preparing food for their 'talk' later.


From: Byulie ❤🌙

Unniee, when will you come? I'm bored

From: Yongsun Unnie

Almost there! I'm already at the parking. 😏 Why so clingy?

From: Byulie ❤🌙



Byul went to take a shower and rushed to the kitchen to help her parents.

"Mom, she said she's almost there"

-- "Oh really, perfect! We're already done with everything"

They were busy in the kitchen when the door bell rang. Byul rushed to the door to see who it is, her face lit up after she saw Yongsun, holding a box of cake.

"Unnie, come in" Moonbyul said, grinning from ear to ear

The two went to the dining table

"Mrs. Moon, here, I bought a cake, it's a shame to come empty handed" Yongsun said 

-- "You shouldn't even bother, but thank you, Yongsun-ah" Mrs. Moon replied

The four ate their lunch quitely when Mr. Moon spoke

"Yongsun-ah, about last time, I'm sorry if I ever offended you in any way, it's just that, it's my first time meeting my daughter's lover. It's my pleasure that it's a smart, sophisticated, and a kind woman like you"

-- "It's okay Mr. Moon, I was not offended. I guess it's really surprising to find out that someone with the same gender is attracted to your daughter, well, it's unavoidable, Byul-ah is such a wonderful woman, no one can say no to her beauty regardless of gender" Yongsun replied, looking at Byul "-but Mr. Moon, Byul and I are just friends, I just happen to catch feelings for her" she said feeling embarrassed

Mr. Moon laughed to break the awkward atmosphere. "I will get the cake for dessert"

They talked about many interesting stuff, they get to know Yongsun more, and they became more comfortable around her.

Byul invited Yongsun to go to her room. Yongsun was fascinated after seeing how neat her room is.

"You're really organized and neat. Well, it's pretty obvious" she said, she slumped against byul's bed "Whoa, I'm so full, your parents are really good at cooking"

"Are you tired Unnie? You can sleep, I'll just help mom"

Yongsun only nodded, she felt her eyes being heavy, after a while she fell asleep. 

Byul came back and she melted at the view of Yongsun, sleeping soundly on her bed. 

'so cute' she thought as she stoke Yongsun's hair, playing with her chubby cheeks. Her attention was caught by the sound of Yongsun's phone vibrating. She turned to look at it but she felt guilty, she doesn't want to invade her unnie's privacy so she left the phone on its original position. She was started after the phone vibrated consecutively, she went to wake up Yongsun. She took Yongsun's phone and she opened it, she was surprised to see her wallpaper, a picture of them hugging each other. She blushed at the view, she woke up Yongsun to give her the phone.

"Unnie, someone's texting you, it must be important"

Yongsun stretched her arms, and she opened her eyes "Your bed is so comfortable" she said as she smiled softly 

She reached her phone and she read the messages "Byul, I think I need to go. My mom is asking me to do some stuff, maybe related to her candidacy"

"Sure unnie, see you on saturday? I guess?" she said

Byul walked Yongsun to the parking and said goodbye to her. Yongsun was about to kiss her on the cheek but Yongsun retracted, She hugged her insted, burying her face on Byul's neck. "Thank you for today Byul-ah"

"You're welcome unnie" Byul replied. Yongsun was about to enter her car but Byul's grip on her hand is too tight. "Byul-ah! stop being clingy I really need to go" she said laughing

Byul pulled her closer, giving her a quick peck on the cheeks. "Bye Unnie" Byul ran as fast as she could, when she reached the elevator, she felt her heart racing, she didn't know if it's because she ran, or because of Yongsun

'She really likes me so much, what should I do?' she thought 


Yongsun was left speechless on the parking, she was blushing. 'that kid, really' she said to herself. She propped herself inside the car, she started the engine, but before she drove, she looked at the elevator.

'You're really confusing me Byul-ah, but I really like you, what should I do?" she sighed at the thought



From: Yongsun Unnie

Byul- ah, I'll pick you up okay?

From: Byulie ❤🌙

Unnie I'm really nervous

From: Yongsun Unnie

Don't worry 😉 My parents' don't bite, but I think wheein will ㅋㅋㅋ

From: Byulie ❤🌙

I'm done preparing unnie, just call me if you're already there



Yongsun parked her car and decided to just wait for byul, she grabbed her phone and she called her

"Byul-ah, are you done? Come down here. I'm at the parking" she said

-- "that fast unnie? You're too obvious unnie, you're too excited to see me, are you?

"Shut up, just go down, fast" she chuckled as she speak. she hanged up the phone, her eyes can't leave the elevator.

A few more minutes, she was surprised to see byul, totally dolled up, wearing a classy pink casual dress. She was amazed by Byul's beauty for the nth time. Byul knocked on her car's window.

"Unnie let's go?"

Yongsun was speechless, she only nodded



They reached the place in no time, Yongsun's whole family is already at the table, waiting for them.

Yongsun grabbed Byul's hand as they approach the table. Yongsun hugged her Mom, congratulating her, she then hugged her dad and wheein. 

"Good evening, I'm Moon Byulyi, I'm Yongsun unnie's friend" she said shyly 

-- "Oh! You must be Yongsun's friend, sit" Mrs. Kim said "- but I believe my daghter wants more than that, right?" she blurted

"Mom!" Yongsun shouted

Moonbyul only smiled. 

"I heard you're a film student, nice choice, but what's your future plan? What are you gonna do when you graduate?"

"I'm planning to become an actress, Mrs. Kim"

"Oh! I see. Are you hungry? We already ordered, let's just wait" Mrs Kim said "Here's my husband, and my youngest daughter. Do you kow each other? She also studies in Pusan"

"Yes, we joined the same org" she answered 

Not long after that, the waiter served them an expensive-looking meal

'I bet these meal costs more than my monthly allowance' she thought

They ate as they talked about politics, the economy, something an 18- year old would never enjoy

"Wheein-ah it's odd that you're very silent today. Is there something wrong?" Mr. Kim asked

"Nothing dad, I'm just tired. Are we done? because I think I need to go" Wheein replied

Everyone decided to go home, Yongsun went to the bathroom, followed by her mother.

Yongsun went to retouch her makeup when her mom spoke to her "I like her"

Yongsun only looked at her "Who? Byul?" she asked

"Yes, she's gentle, looks like she's smart, she's also kind, and she makes you happy" Mrs. Kim said as she wash her hands

Yongsun smiled. Her parents were always supportive of her about everything, she was accepted easily when she outed. She was always grateful to her family for being considerate.

"But Yongsun-ah, that girl is planning to go to Seoul after she graduates, no matter what happen, you can't leave Busan do you understand me? You will not chase that woman to Seoul" 

Yongsun took her time before she said yes. 

She went to her car to see Byul waiting for her

"Did you wait long?" she asked

"A little bit" Moonbyul replied

They were about to enter the car when wheein shouted

"Unnie, Byulyi unnie will come with me today" wheein said

"She didn't mention anything" Yongsun replied

"She didn't?" turning her eyes to Byul. She grabbed Byul's arm towards her car

Yongsun was left confused so she decided to leave a message to Byul


From: Yongsun Unnie

Goodnight Byul-ah! Thanks for coming today. You look pretty, as always ❤


Byul entered wheein's car and the car started

"Byulyi unnie, what is that?" wheein asked

"What is what?" Byul replied, confused

"You said you're unnie's friend??? Seriously?" 

"Because we are!" 

Wheein stomped on the break violently, it caused them to bump their head on their seat.

"Wheein-ah! what's your problem!" Byul shouted

Wheein sighed deeply before  she spoke

"Will you stop playing with my sister's feelings? it's been months already! If you don't like her just tell her! Stop giving her false hope unnie!" wheein angrily shouted

Byul was taken aback, a minutes of silent passed

"I think I like her, no, I think I love her" Byul blurted, breaking the silence

"What?" wheein asked

"I said I love your sister" she replied

"Does unnie knows about this? Why are you telling me this?" wheein asked

"No, Yongsun Unnie doesn't know" 


"I'm afraid, I don't know how. I never experienced this before, and we never talked about our feelings and-"

"I see" wheein cutted her


"You're both afraid to take the risk" Byul looked at wheein. Wheein sighed "Unnie is always the one who initiates in her relationships, she's just scared to take a risk, because she likes you so much, she don't want to lose you"

"What should I do Wheein-ah? It's hard for me too!" Byul replied

"Do you really like my sister so bad?" 

"Yes, I never felt this way before"

"Then ask her to be your girlfriend"

"Me? But how?" Byul asked

"You must know her better, she likes surprises, just make it special"

Wheein went back to the road and brought Byul home.

"Thank you, wheein-ah" Byul said, feeling embarrassed

Byul went to check her phone and she saw Yongsun's last message


From: Yongsun Unnie

Goodnight Byul-ah! Thanks for coming today. You look pretty, as always ❤

From: Byulie ❤🌙

I'm already home Unnie. Goodnight!


Byul closed her phone, she decided she wants to risk it, she wants Yongsun to be hers and hers only 















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I updated really late this time but here you go!


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svela2233 #1
Chapter 16: WHY 😭😭😭
Laayy_15 #2
Chapter 16: Fcccccckk angst, i'm cryingg, whyy author-nim whyyy
autumnberge #3
Chapter 16: I kinda feel that Yong's mother faked or did something wrong with Yongsun's death. Why is she so manipulative? Hoping Wheein and her Dad will try to find the truth bcs if Yong really is murdered by her own mother she deserves justice. Or maybe she is alive but Byulyi will go on with her life in Seoul just like what Yong wanted. The title really says it all what a twist of fate huhuhu T_T
MoonSun_22 #4
Chapter 17: I would’ve started reading this earlier but because it was incomplete I didn’t want to wait for it but now I promise I will be there since the beginning for s2, and hope for the best. Thank you for this roller coaster of emotions and I hope you do well in the next season.
residentradish24 #5
chxstark #6
Chapter 16: That's... unexpected. 😭 We started with a lot of fluff, then end with heartbreak. 😔 But the fact that there's s2 gives me some hope? Idk it kinda sus but eh—

Thank you for the update. Good luck with your study, and please stay healthy and safe! Can't wait to see the new season! ❤
Star-22 #7
Chapter 17: Why I feel Yongsun is alive??
Nice story, i like the plot & characters...looking forward to s2
trpotato #8
Chapter 16: so we thought we were reading a fluff story... then out of nowhere she basically gets murdered by her mom... k.
byulsidew #9
Chapter 16: wtf????????
moo_peanuts #10
Chapter 17: That is so sudden..