Where is He?

Just Let Me Love You

"Where the hell did that motherer gone to?"

"Dude calm down-"

"Calm down? When someone who shouldn't be called a ing human being hurt someone as vulnerable as him? He's not some kind of ing vicious animal now is he?"

"We know, now stop cursing. It's ruining your status."

"Like hell, I care about that right now. Do I give a about it? No."

Jongin and Sehun gulped. This is the first time they saw Chanyeol snapped.

Yesterday, Sehun and Jongin were walking through somewhere there are fewer students until they heard bangings and objects being thrown plus someone sniffling. Hearing those sickening laughs the two didn't hesitate to kick the door wide open. 

And before their very eyes was a teary-eyed and bruised-up Baekhyun. 

It made them pity him. 

After beating and punching those three out of anger, the two scared them off. 

Jongin ran to Baekhyun, checking if he's still breathing and whether blood was lost. 

"Oh my God, were they that harsh?"

"Where does it hurt the most?"

Having no response, both men brought Baekhyun's arms and let them rest on their shoulders. Carrying him wasn't that hard as his weight was easy to handle. 

", is the clinic still open, Hun?"

"Let's just go. If not, we're going to the hospital."



Kyungsoo, Yoongi, and Jimin ran to the injured male. Yoongi stopped the two, expecting them to hug Baekhyun too tight.

"I told you not to go alone anywhere!" Jimin yelled, nervousness in his voice rather than resentment and rage.

"You promised! Why did you let this happen to you?" Yoongi huffed like an angry mother. 

The three sat by the feet of the weak man, who gave a strained smile. Kyungsoo sighed, just how long is this friend of theirs gonna keep on tolerating these bullies?

Jimin took out his phone and gave it to Baekhyun to type down everything that had happened.

"Don't drop out any details. We need everything."

Baekhyun nodded weakly. 


"Seriously you..."

Baekhyun smiled with his teeth showing, bringing up the peace sign. Kyungsoo snarled at the now playful person.

"So Jongin and Sehun found out about the incident?" Yoongi clarified. Baekhyun made a sound.

A knock caused the four to glance at the door. 

"Baek, we'll be downstairs. We plan on sleeping here for the night..."

"Huh? Wouldn't your parents get worried?"

"We asked already, and magically they allowed us", Jimin grinned.

"Did Auntie agreed?"

"Baek... She did", Yoongi stuck out his tongue, teasing his grumbling friend.

"Then you'll wash the dishes."

"Okay!" the three didn't protest about it and exited. 

By the door was a tall man with silver glasses sitting on the crook of his nose. They bowed at each other before the three went down the stairs.

"Baek? Can I come in?"

Chanyeol peeked from the door. Seeing Baekhyun smile at him gave him permission to enter his room.

The giant sat beside him on a chair he found near the bed. 

"Umm, how're your wounds."

Baekhyun searched the room for his notepad, but instead, he felt a hard object in his right pocket. He took it out and began typing it down.

"They hurt a bit."

"Did they beat you up a lot? Since when did they start bullying you?"

"I guess they did seeing I'm in this condition, haha... And they had been calling me out since last year... If I don't oblige to what they want, they would lock me up in that old classroom... Usually, I would only get to go out if they open up the classroom tomorrow..."

That's ing awful...

Chanyeol bit on his bottom lip, clutching onto Baekhyun's bedsheet hardly enough.

"... I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong!... Why apologize? Smile!"

Chanyeol lightly chuckled at the statement.

"Thanks, I guess... I should be the one comforting you not me."

"Eh, it feels different if you're the one comforting me... But smile! You look scary all the time..."

"I do?"

"... Yeah, like you would devour anyone right now."

"Then let me devour you right now."

Baekhyun silently shrieked when Chanyeol started to tickle him (somewhere where the bruises aren't present). The giant smiled widely seeing the latter below him laugh.


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741 streak #1
Chapter 26: Finally got caught up, I’m really enjoying this story. It’s an interesting plot and characters. I can’t wait to see how Baek’s relationship with Channie develops, as well as Kyungsoo and Jongin.
Chapter 1: Poor Baekhyun, he has to go through so much pain, I hate his bullies, hurting someone who has done nothing wrong. I’m afraid the bullies have something terrible up their sleeve.
Chapter 25: 😮😮
Chapter 24: Wait.... what? Ah a cliffhanger. I'm excited to know Baek's answer
springmiya #5
Chapter 23: well can't say i didn't except him to stay that
springmiya #6
Chapter 8: so cute
springmiya #7
Chapter 6: cute
springmiya #8
i look forward to reading it
Chapter 18: Awww poor Baek
_chanchan #10
Chapter 16: Can’t wait for the next update!! :)