I'm Sorry...

Just Let Me Love You

Three days... 

It took only three days after that talk Jongin did for Chanyeol to give up on his stubborn pride. Well, he admitted that he was, after all, the one at fault. He was angry that Baekhyun kept up with the bullying they had been doing to him. Worse, instead of only one, his bullies were a team. 

They're ing annoying and childish, honestly. 

Chanyeol groaned. If violence was legal (just for him), he would have beaten up those two never endlessly. They deserve to ing suffer after all that they had done to Baekhyun, who only lose his voice. 

Yet, whether he likes it or not, Chanyeol still can't use violence over violence. He might just worry Baekhyun more than he already is. He profusely sighed, white smoke visible in front of him, as he wondered where that little guy is right now. 

Chanyeol took a look at the greyish sky, noticing that winter indeed is already here. 

And someone wrapped up with a pretty bright red scarf around his neck passed his sight. 


Chanyeol followed and run towards Baekhyun. He didn't know why, but maybe it was this fighting urge of his to finally apologize. A few steps more he'll be able to grab his arm. 

"Baekhyun..!" he called him out after he caught hold of him. 

The latter spun after being grabbed, eventually making him meet with Chanyeol's sparkling wide eyes. 

"Baekhyun...", he called out for him once more. 

As Chanyeol stared for Baekhyun longer, the longer he caught sight of that unsettling feeling in Baekhyun's eyes. However, he brushed it off, pressuring himself to apologize. He removed his hold from the other, letting him know he doesn't intend to be harsh. 

"I'm sorry...

"I'm sorry for hurting you..."

Baekhyun stared at him in disbelief. He thought he shouldn't be shocked, yet here he is, eyes as big as Chanyeol's. But, he still felt happy, nevertheless. 

"I'm sorry for those harsh words I told you before... Instead of helping you get out of this mess, I made it worse... I don't expect you to forgive me immediately, but I just want to express how sorry I am and- Huh?" 

Chanyeol paused when the hem of his jacket was being pulled. 

Baekhyun grinned. 

"I forgive you~"

Chanyeol blinked. Man, he was supposed to be that prince charming you could see in books where he was supposed to look and act cool and mighty, yet he was cut off... By this cute little mister... That he had harmed... Darn it. 

"Umm, that was fast..."

Baekhyun giggled quietly. He began to scribble in his notepad. The giant watched him write as he waited for him to finish. 

"But I will only forgive you completely if you do me something."

"I'm all ears. What's that?"

Baekhyun gasped and suddenly felt shy. Chanyeol was puzzled at his abrupt change of behavior. He fears there must be something weird what this request he wants. It must be a bad idea to agree immediately when he hasn't heard of it. 

Looking from the front and back, left and right, he inched closer to Chanyeol and faintly opened his notepad while he has his one eye closed and his tongue sticking out. The giant couldn't help but smile at his childish and ridiculous action. 


Chanyeol huffed in disappointment as Baekhyun beside him cheered for accomplishing "something". Why did he have to be so sly in letting Chanyeol read what was it that he wanted to do? 

"If it was to watch , I would understand why you were acting sneaky earlier. But damn it, it was just for this?!"

Chanyeol exaggeratedly pointed at Baekhyun's pig plushie that was bigger than his head. 

Baekhyun pouted at his bad choice of words. 

"Bad Channie for having dirty thoughts."

Chanyeol smirked with a sigh. 

"I don't mind having dirty thoughts, as long as you're the one wearing the robes."

Baekhyun faintly gasped. What is this? 

He took his pig plushie and hit it on the giant for being too vulgar and inappropriate. Later, he ran off, far from Chanyeol, and covered his face with the stuffed toy to calm his burning face. 


i am also sorry for not updating for a while hfjksfhskfhksd

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741 streak #1
Chapter 26: Finally got caught up, I’m really enjoying this story. It’s an interesting plot and characters. I can’t wait to see how Baek’s relationship with Channie develops, as well as Kyungsoo and Jongin.
Chapter 1: Poor Baekhyun, he has to go through so much pain, I hate his bullies, hurting someone who has done nothing wrong. I’m afraid the bullies have something terrible up their sleeve.
Chapter 25: 😮😮
Chapter 24: Wait.... what? Ah a cliffhanger. I'm excited to know Baek's answer
springmiya #5
Chapter 23: well can't say i didn't except him to stay that
springmiya #6
Chapter 8: so cute
springmiya #7
Chapter 6: cute
springmiya #8
i look forward to reading it
Chapter 18: Awww poor Baek
_chanchan #10
Chapter 16: Can’t wait for the next update!! :)