Chapter Ten: "Several Faults"

Lies and Love
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"Good evening! Table for…?"

The waitress glanced past Sandara, her eyebrows raised at the unusual group. Already noting Sandara's demure white dress and the white ribbon that was tied like a headband on her head, she found it quite adorable to spot the mini version of the grown woman just standing a little behind her, and gripping onto her mother's skirt looking bashful. She too was wearing a white dress with her short hair tied in pigtails with white ribbons.

It wasn't only this that made the whole sight unusual, but also the two identically dressed little boys not far behind who were standing so close to each other and talking to one another in really hushed tones. Not to mention the man whose hair, which was peeking from under his black cap, matched that of the boys and his entire attire matched theirs as well.

"Five," Sandara replied, taking the waitress' attention before she could get a clearer look at Jiyong. If she did, they'd be surely in trouble.

"What do you mean?" Yonggi whispered back, brows furrowed. "Are you sure you heard her right?"

Yonggun nodded feverishly, the look on his face as serious as it can get for a five year old. "When I went in, the first thing I heard was that woman telling someone to 'look up the name Park Sandara in every hospital'. She was already shouting when I came in but that's the first thing I heard clearly. Then she said something about Seoul and something about not telling anyone, I can't really remember the words but I'm sure that's what she meant. Then….then there's also that last thing I told you," he finished unsurely.

"'Suspecting that Jiyong got Sandara pregnant'," he quoted, repeating what his brother had told him earlier.

Yonggun nodded yet again.

"I don't really understand it," Yonggi admitted truthfully as they walked on into the restaurant after their sister and mother with Jiyong tailing them from behind. "Mom isn't married to Jiyong. How can she be pregnant? And mom doesn't look big enough to be pregnant," he pointed out smartly, gesturing a hand over his stomach.

"Maybe it's really nothing. We should look for the word 'suspecting' in the dictionary first. We don't even know what that means," Yonggun said. "And I'm more curious why she would ask someone to check hospitals for mom's name."

"Do you think mom's sick?" Yonggi asked looking worried now.

"Mom would have told us if she is," Yonggun said, taking off his cap and scratching his head. "Do you think we should ask Seungri about it? He works in a hospital. Maybe he'll understand."

"Yeah, maybe he-"

"Exactly what are you talking about that's gotten you two so preoccupied?"

Yonggun and Yonggi whipped their heads towards Sandara.

"Nothing!" they replied in unison.

Sandara raised a brow at them, not at all convinced. Actually, it wasn't at all unusual to see them both talking like this. In fact, she was already used to seeing them huddled together like this especially before she leaves for a date. This time, however, was different. They were both completely blocking out all of them from their conversation, including Nabi. They always let Nabi in on their plans but this time, they were completely ignoring her, obviously preferring to talk amongst just the two of them.

"Boys…" Sandara said in a questioning yet warning tone.

"Really mom…"

"…it's nothing."

With one last suspicious look at them, Sandara turned to Nabi and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Why don't we place our orders?" Jiyong spoke up.

"Bora," Joe said into his phone, trying to conceal the exasperation in his tone. "Jiyong just went into a restaurant with the twins. There's also a woman and a little girl with them, but I never saw them before."

"Okay, you can leave there and make the calls to the hospitals. Call me back once you get something on Park Sandara."

"Fine," he replied curtly before the connection broke off, indicating Bora ended the call. "What the hell has gotten into her," he muttered with a frown etched on his face. With one last look at the restaurant, Joe drove off.

Bora tossed her cell onto the bed and walked towards the large glass windows of her room in the suite she and Jiyong were staying.

"Why did we have to come back to Seoul?" she asked herself, irritated. "This is all your fault Mr. Yang," she muttered to herself, sighing deeply. If he hadn't threatened Jiyong to take this job, they wouldn't be back in South Korea at all.

"Do you guys want dessert?" Sandara asked, though already knowing the answer to her question.

"Ice cream," the group chorused, Jiyong included.

Sandara sent him an amused look before waving a passing waiter over.

"Yes miss? What can I get you?" he replied, bending close to Sandara and flashing her a dazzling smile.

Jiyong had a sudden urge to punch his face.

"Uhm, yes," Sandara said, inching slightly away from him. "What flavors of ice cream do you serve here?"

"We have all the basic flavors, Chocolate, Vanilla, Mocha, Strawberry, Cookies and Cream and Rocky Road. If you're more interested in something a little different, we also have Butter Pecan, Green Tea, Coconut, L-"

"Great!" Sandara cut in. "Well, we'll have two scoops a cone each please; two Chocolates, one Vanilla, one with a scoop of Chocolate and a scoop of Vanilla, and one Strawberry."

With one deep bow, the waiter left. But not before flashing another dazzling smile at Sandara.

Jiyong glared after him.

"Mom," the boys said.

"How did you know that Jiyong's favorite…"

"…is Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream?"

This caught Jiyong's attention. He hadn't even thought about that until the boys mentioned it. He glanced up at Sandara whom, he noticed, visibly tensed up.

"I..." Sandara cleared at this. "I didn't. I ordered two flavors just in case," she told the boys before turning to Jiyong. "Lucky guess, huh?"

With an eyebrow raised, Jiyong shrugged. "Lucky guess," he agreed, although halfheartedly.

The boys looked at Jiyong, then at Sandara before looking at each other.

"Wipe your hands first," Sandara instructed, handing Yonggun, Yonggi, and Nabi a wet tissue each before replacing the packet in her bag.

The three hastily wiped their hands and held them up for her to inspect.

With an approving nod from her, the three held each other's hands and ran off to the mini playground set up in the mall they were currently in.

"Be careful! And boys, watch over your sister!" Sandara called out before she and Jiyong headed towards an empty bench close by.

"What are you guys looking at?" Nabi asked, trying to look over her brothers' shoulders. They were slightly taller than her, and with both of them in front of her, she couldn't see a thing.

The boys broke their gaze from their mother and Jiyong who were now sitting on a bench alone together and turned to Nabi.

"Nothing," they replied in unison, making her frown slightly.

"Where are they?" Sandara asked, mostly to herself. So when Jiyong replied, it was quite a shock to her.

"They went over to the slide I think. Don't worry so much. Those boys are smarter than you think."

Sandara blushed and looked down, ceasing her attempts to look past the other kids to find her own. "I'm not saying they aren't smart," she said, slightly defensive. "I know they're smarter than kids their own age. They prove that to me time and again. Yonggun's only older by a few minutes, but he acts like the big brother to Yonggi and Nabi. Yonggi's the more outspoken one; some might describe him as the ruder one, and Na-"

"Who described them as being rude?" he interrupted with a frown, looking straight at Sandara.

This made her uncomfortable. She couldn't very well tell Jiyong that the previous guys she had dated, or rather attempted to date, found the boys rude. Who wouldn't? After all, they did always try to scare them away from her.

"Some of my friends at work," she half lied. Some of her dates were her colleagues after all.

Jiyong didn't look into her reply. "Well, they probably don't know them very well. Not as much as I do I'm sure."

"Probably," Sandara echoed, now fidgeting on her seat.

Looking straight ahead, Jiyong sat quite still. "Sandara," he began. He's been itching to ask her a lot of questions and now's a good a time as any. "I-"

"I want to thank you," Sandara cut in, talking rapidly, making Jiyong look at her in bewilderment. Seeing the look on his face, Sandara breathed in a few times before speaking again. "I-I want to thank you Jiyong….for agreeing to come out today with us. You must have a busy schedule but yet you still agreed to come. So, thank you. My boys have really taken to you."

"Our boys," Jiyong corrected.

"Excuse me?"

"Our boys, Sandara," he repeated almost harshly, giving more emphasis that they belonged to him as much as they did to her.

"What are you guys talking about?" Nabi asked, jumping up from behind Yonggun and Yonggi.

"Nabi!" they chorused in surprise at the arrival of their sister.

"Where are Haru and the others?" Yonggun asked, looking past her shoulder to the new friends they had made in the playground.

Nabi pointed towards the swings where a little girl slightly older than them was swinging by herself with a few kids nearby jumping around and laughing.

"Why did you leave her?"

"What are you guys talking about? You've been talking like that since we left the hotel," she po

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Please do tell if I missed to change details from the original story such as names, places, description etc. Thank you!


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Deexji811 #1
Chapter 11: How could you hurt our lil angel Nabi?!?!??! 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 20: I enjoyed the story a lot tho a lot of times I wanna er punch Jiyong and his stupidity for hurting Dara. The kids are smarter than their father here. Lol. But I love how the kids kindness have taken after Dara and how much of a kind and loving person Dara is to understand and forgive Ji. Thank You for this.
Chapter 11: My poor Nabi! 😭🤧
Parkwonxxi #4
Chapter 20: Jjang Jjang Jjang!
Thanks authornim for the great story.
Bora such a and already I hated her from the start lol. Btw I love this story 😍 This deserve more votes.
Chapter 20: I really love the story! Thanks coz it was a happy ending! Hoping for more daragon adaptation.
Jandec_c #7
Chapter 20: Wow such a beautiful story. This made me cry but I’m happy that the story has happy ending. Thank you so much.
bernie20 #8
Chapter 21: Looking forward to the new story ☺️
bernie20 #9
Chapter 21: It's very good 👍☺️ love it so much..
Thank u