Epilogue: "Forever With You"

Lies and Love
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Nabi silently crept up the stairs with Yonggun and Yonggi silently following her.

"Nabi, I really think we should just be waiting downstairs!" Yonggun yelled in a whisper.

"Yeah, dad said he'd be right down," Yonggi added, looking back down the stairs worriedly.

"But he also said he'd be down thirty minutes ago," Nabi countered as she continued her way until she reached the second floor landing.

Everything was silent in the floor except for a little scuffle in one of the rooms.

"Daddy?" she called out before making her way to the only room whose door was slightly ajar.

No answer.

"Daddy? Are you there?" she called out again.

"I told you, I don't have it with me!"

The triplets stopped dead in their tracks, hearing the desperation in their father's voice.

"Just leave us alone!"

Jiyong looked at the man in front of him with a stony expression. "Just leave us alone!"

"Don't lie!" the man yelled before swinging his fist to his stomach.

Jiyong fell to the floor in a heap; his face in agony.

The man walked closer towards him before kicking him in the stomach, rolling him over to face him.

"Next time, I-"

"Leave him alone!" three voices suddenly shouted.

The man had only just turned to the door to see the newcomers before he was sent falling to the floor with small fists hitting him in the chest and two pairs of arms holding him down by the knees.

"Leave daddy alone you!" Nabi screamed as she continuously hit the man with weak and tiny punches.

"Yeah, what did our dad ever do to you?" Yonggi added, not letting go of his left leg.

"Yeah! What do you think you're doing mister?" Yonggun said, holding on to his right leg.

"CUT!" someone shouted behind them.

The triplets stopped immediately and turned to look behind them. Around seven more people were in the room, a man sitting on a high chair, another holding on to a large camera beside him, two men holding on to large lighting equipment, another man holding another large camera in the far corner of the room, and two women, one holding a clipboard, the other with a set of headphones dangling around her neck. All of whom were staring at them in obvious surprise.

Everyone was still. Though the director shouted a clear cut to the filming, the cameramen were still rolling and the rest of the crew was still in a state of shock.

"Nabi, Yogun, Yogi," a voice said from above the kids who were still holding the supposedly evil man down on the floor.

The triplets stiffened before looking up at their father who had his arms crossed in front of his chest. They smiled awkwardly up at him.

"H-Hi dad!" they greeted, the guilt apparent in their voices.

"I'm sorry again, Top," Jiyong said with a guilty grin.

The man laughed before slapping Jiyong in the back lightly. "Not a problem Jiyong! That did catch me off guard though. I have to admit, it's not every day you get three kids to come and wrestle you to the ground like that. I was practically ambushed!"

Jiyong laughed along with the rest of the crew as they made their way down the wide set of stairs a few minutes after the triplet's timely arrival.

"Your kids are so adorable Jiyong!" the woman with the clipboard gushed from behind him.

"Adorable yes, but mischievous as hell," he countered, making all of them laugh again. "This is the first time I brought them along on location. They've visited me on set in studios and warehouses before but I guess being in the actual place made them think it was real."

Jiyong landed on the ground floor and immediately spotted the kids by the snack table, talking to a few of the crew men.

"Having fun?" he asked, making the three turn to him with their mouths full of various fruits. "Make sure your clothes don't get dirty or else your mother will kill me," he said, making them nod and try to swallow down the food. "Actually, Hino will kill me first if she finds out too," he added, making them grin.

"You know you're late?" Nabi said with a pout making Jiyong grin at her in apology.

"Yeah, mom's gonna be mad," Yonggun said.

Yonggi didn't say anything, instead clicked his tongue similar to that of what their nanny does when she disapproves of something.

Jiyong raised a brow at them. "Well, I would've finished much sooner if three little kids didn't interrupt with filming earlier," he pointed out casually.

The triplets looked at each other for awhile before looking up at him with determined looks on their faces.

"We tell mom that it was the director who got us late," the three of them said simultaneously with an arm each raised up at him.

Jiyong laughed out loud before nodding and shaking each of their hands. "Deal."

The triplets grinned at him.

"Okay, okay. C'mon let's go, before we end up even more late than we already are."

Sandara turned to the door as it opened.

"It's time for you to go on Sandara," the man informed.


"And I was told that they've just arrived and are now seated up front," he added with a smile.

Sandara sighed in relief. "About time," she muttered under her breath. "What the hell is that man thinking? He's cutting it a bit too close," she ranted, thinking of Jiyong, before standing up and removing her robe with shaking fingers.

"Oh, you look fantastic Sandara!" Hino gushed, making Sandara's prep team nod in approval behind her.

"Are you sure it's not too…I dunno, over the top?" she asked.

"Over the top? Other celebrities way older that you have dressed in skimpier clothes than that!" Sandara's hairdresser said in defense for her.

Sandara smiled at them and breathed out slowly. "Wish me luck!" she told them before leaving her dressing room.

"Good luck Sandara!"

"Yeah, knock 'em dead!" added Hino excitedly.

"Hyunsuk! Eunju!" Jiyong greeted loudly, shaking the man and his wife's hands before he took his seat with the triplets between him and Joe at the very front row of the stadium, just below the stage.

"Jiyong! About time you got here!" Yang Eunju, Hyunsuk's wife, shouted back over all the noise the crowd was already making.

"I got held up with shooting," he replied before pointing back inconspicuously at his kids.

The pair laughed and nodded in understanding before all the lights went out and the entire crowd behind them screamed wildly.

Jiyong turned to the kids to see if they were okay but to his horror and utter amusement, the three of them were also screaming their lungs off and were bouncing on their seats.

Nabi, who hasn't gone to the hospital or had met with any doctor- with the exception of Seungri's frequent but casual visits -since that day he and Sandara had argued after Bora's tactless comment, was the one screaming the sharpest and loudest amongst the three, and she showed no signs of stopping anytime soon either.

He laughed aloud before he and Joe forced them back to sit properly.

"There's my girl!" Hyunsuk shouted unthinkingly, making Eunju nudge him in t

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Deexji811 #1
Chapter 11: How could you hurt our lil angel Nabi?!?!??! 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 20: I enjoyed the story a lot tho a lot of times I wanna er punch Jiyong and his stupidity for hurting Dara. The kids are smarter than their father here. Lol. But I love how the kids kindness have taken after Dara and how much of a kind and loving person Dara is to understand and forgive Ji. Thank You for this.
Chapter 11: My poor Nabi! 😭🤧
Parkwonxxi #4
Chapter 20: Jjang Jjang Jjang!
Thanks authornim for the great story.
Bora such a and already I hated her from the start lol. Btw I love this story 😍 This deserve more votes.
Chapter 20: I really love the story! Thanks coz it was a happy ending! Hoping for more daragon adaptation.
Jandec_c #7
Chapter 20: Wow such a beautiful story. This made me cry but I’m happy that the story has happy ending. Thank you so much.
bernie20 #8
Chapter 21: Looking forward to the new story ☺️
bernie20 #9
Chapter 21: It's very good 👍☺️ love it so much..
Thank u