First Date

Crossing The Line

Joohyun greeted Seulgi by kissing her. Although they kissed every day when they met in the morning or when they parted ways for the evening, Joohyun craved more. Always more. She fell asleep with her by her side through a computer screen and passed every moment she could with her during the day. Yeri even joked that they were worse than Sooyoung and Seungwan. But Joohyun couldn’t help herself. She fell for Kang Seulgi over the years without even realizing it and now that she admitted it to herself and that she and Seulgi had confessed to one another there wasn’t anything that could stop her to be with the woman she loved. 

« So, are you ready for our first date? » Seulgi’s eye-smile showed her excitement. 

« It’s weird. It doesn’t feel like a first date » Joohyun chuckled. Seulgi snorted and took her hand, leading her toward the first room of the exhibit. 

« It’s not like we just met, it’s true but it’s okay. We still have some much to share together » She smiled as they entered the room. Joohyun was about to reply that they indeed had a lot to learn about the other but her jaw dropped when she saw the lights around her. She was in awe of how she was surrounded by space. Seulgi sure knew how to impress a girl on a first date. 

« It’s magical » She let out before setting her eyes back on Seulgi. 

« And somehow it has nothing on you » Seulgi immediately felt embarrassed by her flirty comment but Joohyun blushed heavily. 

« That was so cheesy » She laughed « Did you search pick-up lines on the internet? » She teased and Seulgi snorted. 

« I don’t need to when my best friend is Seungwan » 

« Sooyoung should have warned me » Joohyun grinned. Seulgi was so beautiful with the milky way around her. She had always felt surreal to her. And the fact that she loved her made her feel like she had ascended to the sky as well. She melted into her side and they continued to watch the images move around them. Joohyun found peace with Seulgi. After a life of twirling exhausting thoughts, Seulgi was the one who gave her solace. She took a deep breath, feeling her body function and her brain finally becoming quiet. It was only their first date but Joohyun wanted to feel that for the rest of her life. Seulgi squeezed her hand and she looked up at her. 

« Should we move to the next room? » She suggested and even though she wanted this moment to last forever, Joohyun couldn’t wait for her next adventure with Seulgi. 


The exhibit was like wonderland for the both of them. It was excitement after excitement. To the point where Seulgi was glad that she had planned some calm time afterward. They went to a small café that she had discovered through a friend’s post on social media. It had a retro vibe and apparently, it was a good place to talk quietly. They ordered their drinks and some pastries but stayed in silence, enjoying the moment. 

A smile grew on Joohyun’s face when she saw Seulgi’s face after sipping her latte. The foam had created a mustache above her lips. She was so cute that Joohyun melted inside. She took her phone out and snapped the shot that she wanted to set as her background. Seulgi heard the sound and turned her attention to her, an eyebrow raised questionably. 

« Did you just take a picture of me? » 

« I couldn’t help myself you were so cute » Joohyun cooed, turning her phone to show her. 

« This is embarrassing » Seulgi blushed, unconsciously wiping her lips. Joohyun laughed heartily, making Seulgi happy that she could produce that out of the woman in front of her. 


Once they finished, they went to walk along the Han river, and that was when it was Seulgi’s turn to photograph Joohyun. 

« Did you really take a professional camera for our date? » Joohyun asked with surprise when Seulgi took it out of her bag. 

« You know I love to create memories through pictures. Just pose next to the flowers, please » She told her, hiding behind the lens. Joohyun did as told with a smile « Wow » Seulgi let out « I can’t distinguish which is the real flower » Joohyun rolled her eyes while her cheeks tainted red. 

« Stop, you’re unbelievable » She mumbled embarrassed and Seulgi took the shot. 

« You’re so beautiful when you are flustered. I need a picture of that » She shyly revealed. 

« What’s next? Me in bed? » Joohyun joked as she walked up to her. Seulgi titled her head and Joohyun’s eyes widened « You would do it, wouldn’t you? » 

« Can you blame me? » Seulgi groaned « You’re so beautiful and I don’t trust my brain to remember every detail of you like that. It would be a crime not to capture such beauty » 

« I think you’re going too far » Joohyun slapped her arm « I’m not a model. No one in the universe would care » 

« I care » Seulgi looked at her straight in the eyes, seriousness evident in them « I don’t want to forget, Joohyun. I don’t want to forget just one moment with you. Maybe it’s creepy. I don’t know. But since I had a grandpa who had Alzheimer’s when I was a kid, I’ve been afraid I would forget my life. And of all the things I want to remember, right now it’s you. It’s us. I….I want to remember the feelings I have when I’m with you. When you look at me, when you touch me, when you simply are by my side » Joohyun was thankful that Seulgi revealed such a deep truth about herself. She hugged her tightly, her words twirling deliciously in her mind. Seulgi wanted to feel her for the rest of her life. There was nothing more touching, beautiful, and devastating than this. She didn’t know if simple photographs could accomplish what Seulgi wanted from them but she was ready to take as many pictures as it would take. The photographs would hold the memories of their story for them to relive, and hopefully remind them, if they forgot, of how powerful their feelings were for one another. Seulgi had been a hurricane that swept her world and brought a rainbow instead of the metal-caged world she used to live in. 

« I’ll be your muse for as long as you want me to be » She whispered. 

« Thank you » Seulgi kissed her temple softly. They pulled away and Joohyun took her by the hand, smiling.

She posed for more pictures as they played around the park. She took some of Seulgi as well because after all, it wasn’t fair that there would be only memories of her. But they also took some together. One where they even kissed. 

« It’s not something that should be forgotten » Joohyun had told Seulgi who smiled into the kiss. 

The day passed by faster than they wanted it to but they had spent a perfect day. Joohyun accompanied Seulgi back to her house and both stood in front of the door not wanting to part ways. 

« I really don’t want to say goodnight » Seulgi sighed. 

« Then invite her to sleep over » Her mother loudly said from behind the door. 

« Holy  » Seulgi face-palmed while Joohyun blushed heavily « I’m so sorry for that, Joohyun. She… » 

« It’s okay » Joohyun reassured her, taking her hands off her face and meeting her face. 

« Mom, can you please go away » 

« I’m making her » Her father replied. 

« Oh, he was there too » Seulgi groaned which made Joohyun snort even if she was a bit embarrassed by knowing Seulgi’s parents were right behind the door. 

« I can’t stay for a sleepover. My parents are expecting me but maybe we can next week? » She proposed expectantly. 

« Is this your way of saying we’re going on a second date? » Seulgi smirked and Joohyun rolled her eyes with a chuckle. 

« Do you really think I would want to stop now? » 

« I guess I’m just always afraid to lose you » Seulgi revealed. 

« Don’t be » Joohyun leaned closer and kissed her deeply. Seulgi reciprocated in an instant and as they pulled away she chuckled. 

« I hope my parents are not watching by the window » It made Joohyun laugh heartily « Well…uh….I’ll video call you tomorrow, alright? » Joohyun nodded. Seulgi kissed her one last time before getting inside. Her parents were sitting on the couch as if nothing had happened « You guys are embarrassing » She grunted before they exchanged amused glances. 

« She’s not staying tonight? » Her mother asked innocently. 

« No, you made her run away » Seulgi joked. 


When Joohyun came home, it was an entirely different atmosphere that greeted her. The house was quiet with no one in sight. And she was more than okay with that. She went to her room and waited to be called for dinner. 

Little did she know that her mother was in her own room, in front of her vanity, after having followed her all day. She reminisced what she had seen, a lump in . 

What was she going to do now?




Hey, guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter?

See you next week :)


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Existencyace #1
Chapter 33: Prolly the only story that I could relate and feel it in my soul so far 🤧 ... Thanks for bringing this topic and poured it into a beautiful story, it surely is boosting my confidence~ , hopefully I'll be as brave as joohyun and have the positivity of Seulgi, also having that many supporters just like their friends&fams ♡
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 33: Aww that was an amazing journey of Joohyun how she realized about her own self and can I have Mrs. Kang as my mother please , she is so supportive!!!!
Chapter 33: I haven't read a good Seulrene fanfic in a while, so thank you for this.
Joohyun had a lot of struggles from being a sad and confused little miss perfect to being her happy self. The amazing support she got from Seulgi, and her family and friends is what made her happy. I thought the process of Mr Bae's conversion to an ally would take long but at least we got the Kangs, Kims and Mr Park to thank for him to see what he had failed to in so long.
kimseolmybae #4
Chapter 33: This is so beautiful. Thank you for the story!
Chapter 33: Just finished reading this. Thank you, author-nim! 💜
1052 streak #6
Chapter 33: Enjoyed reading this. Thankyou!! 🧡
I’m re-reading this whole thing. ❤️
Fahaza #8
Chapter 33: Done reading this !!!
I remember i had read this long time ago only the first 2 chqpter, and suddenly i scrolling to my subs and found this again. Regretting how could i didn't continue reading this before, because the story is very well written and relate to real life here. Glad that the problem solved and ended with happiness. Joohyun has people who got her back also has sister and brother who support her. I wish people out there who have the difficulties like joohyun could have the same support too. It's beautiful.. thank you so much 🫶
713w_bear #9
Chapter 33: Thank you!
Chapter 33: 😭😭😭 thank you so much for sharing this with us!! Glad i came across this one and enjoyed the ride.