Epilogue Pt1: Proud

Crossing The Line

Joohyun smiled at the painting above the bed, peace flowing through her body. She remembered drawing the little rainbow forming at the end of the waterfall. It was an unintentional detail that became one she affectionate dearly because even if it was a landscape painting, there was a part of her and Seulgi in it. It wasn’t only their secret place, it was them, and they were part of it. 

A pair of arms wrapped around her waist transporting her back to one of those bright days there.


It was a week after they confronted her family. Her father was still a bit distant but he slowly shifted. Her mother had told her he was reading the book she had brought about the history of the LGBTQIA+ community in South Korea and the one on how to support your queer kid. He treated Joohyun well, better than ever actually, but he did not only with her but with Kyung-Mi and Hyun-Woo as well. He was more around, discussing with Kyung-Mi about law and politics. He asked how the game Hyun-Woo was making was progressing and listened to his son’s passionate explanations even if he knew nothing about it. He looked at Joohyun’s art and even asked how Seulgi was doing. He was still a bit awkward around them all but the effort was visible. 

Her mother, on the other hand, was glowing. She even began cooking again, which she hadn’t done in years because Mrs. Shin was doing it for them. But she started to come to the Kangs household and learned the recipes from Seulgi’s father. She even went golfing with her mother, a first for Mrs. Kang. 

Seulgi and her had left the house to get some air, hand in hand in direction of the Reve park. They went to the waterfall, as they did many times before at that point. Joohyun found herself drawing Seulgi taking pictures of the flowers. Very quickly, the other girl had become her muse, even if she wasn’t directly in her drawings, in one way or another, it was always related to Seulgi. 

« Can I move or should I stay still until you finish? » 

Joohyun raised her gaze to find Seulgi still squatting near the bush of purple flowers and snickered « One more hour » She joked and Seulgi groaned. 

« I’m in pain already » She pouted but didn’t move. 

« I’m joking » Joohyun chuckled « Get up, you big baby. I never asked you to pose for me in the first place » 

Seulgi grunted as she stood up « I know you’re drawing me. I was just trying to be considerate » She put the lid on her camera lens and sat next to her, leaning against her side and analyzing the drawing « It’s amazing, Joohyun » She pecked her cheek. 

« You always say that » Joohyun observed. 

« Because it’s true » Seulgi simply replied, kissing her this time. As they pulled away, they looked into each other’s eyes, content and happy « I have something to give you » Seulgi whispered, pulling away completely from her and reaching for something in her bag. She took out a large and flat brown envelope and handed it to her. 

« What is this? » Joohyun’s brows knitted as she took it. 

« Open » Seulgi chuckled. 

Joohyun carefully took out the glossy papers in it and her brows rose. It was a picture of her. A candid one that Seulgi had taken at this place the first time they were here. It was funny to Joohyun how the girl in the picture didn’t feel like her. She was tense and a hint of sadness was detectable in her gaze. So much had changed since then and that expression never appeared again in the mirror when she saw herself. She wished she could say to this girl all the good that would happen to her. 

She slid onto the next one, another portrait of her, more recent this time. She was radiating happiness in this one. Her smile was bright and genuine, her eyes were alive. How could she be the same person that the last picture, she didn’t know but happy tears formed in her eyes. 

With trembling hands, she looked at the next and she frowned. She and Seulgi were sleeping close to one another peacefully. Was it when….

« Yeri send it to me the other day. She said I could do whatever I wanted with this and that she deleted it from her phone » 

« The sleepover » Joohyun whispered and Seulgi nodded. 

« She found us cute and couldn’t help herself » 

Joohyun snorted « We were so obvious to others and yet… » 

« We were clueless dummies » Seulgi wrapped her arm around her waist, sinking to her side, and put a kiss on her shoulder « I wanted to help you so much that I didn’t realize you were in love with me » 

« And I was so lost in my feelings that I misinterpreted them and focused on the wrong things » Joohyun reminisced before looking at the last picture that gave her butterflies. They were in each other’s embrace in that one, forehead touching. They were obviously so happy there. 

« My dad took it when we were at my house the other day. I’m surprised it turned out that well but I’m really glad » 

« I’m going to frame it » Joohyun grazed her fingers upon it affectionately « It’s….so beautiful » 

« I know, my looks great » Seulgi joked and Joohyun burst into laughter pushing her away. Seulgi lost her balance and lay on the blanket while laughing. 

Joohyun put the pictures back in the envelope and went to lay next to Seulgi, settling her head in the crook of her neck « I’m so happy, Seul » She whispered « When I think back on that first photograph, I was almost a different person. I was miserable. I didn’t want to do anything but now I’m looking forward to the future » Seulgi began caressing her hair « I don’t want to be that person ever again » She pulled away a little and Seulgi did the same to look at her « Seul, promise me that whatever happens in the future, we’ll talk our problems out, we’ll try to fix them and be happy » 

« I promise » Seulgi nodded before kissing her forehead « I can’t promise what the future will be made of but I can promise that » She wrapped her arms around her « I love you, Bae Joohyun » 

« I love you, Kang Seulgi » Joohyun stated with all her being. 


« What are you thinking about? » Seulgi asked, putting her head on her shoulder and observing the painting that hadn’t moved from above her bed. 

« How much I love you » Joohyun replied as a smile spread on her face. 

« Oh really? » Seulgi raised an amused eyebrow « Maybe you can show me? » She slid her hand down to the waistband of Joohyun’s jeans. 

« The girls will be here in a few minutes and I still need to fix my makeup » Joohyun grabbed her hand to stop her « And your parents and mine are already downstairs » 

« Later then » Seulgi kissed her neck, making her gasp. 


« Let’s party, gays! » Yeri shouted when they all arrived at Seulgi’s house and the couple got downstairs. She averted her gaze where Seulgi and Joohyun’s parents were « And allies » She waved her little rainbow flag with an innocent smile. 

« We’re not letting you drink an energy drink again » Tiffany shook her head seeing her daughter like this. 

« She’s going to calm down eventually » Taeyeon tried to reassure her while patting their daughter’s head. 

« Are you sure it’s a good idea to go to this event? » Mr. Bae asked nervously « I heard there’s going to be a lot of protestors » 

« Like every year » Taeyeon shrugged « They’re always there but we avoid them » 

« I still don’t understand the point of wasting your time, your day to try and make people feel bad about themselves » Mrs. Kang shook her head with a sigh. 

« Let’s not care about them today » Seulgi said « Let’s have a good day » 

« Let’s party! » Yeri shouted again. 

« Damn, I should have never brought the energy drinks » Seungwan was shocked by the girl’s behavior. 

« Don’t worry about that » Tiffany told her « She had sugar rushes when she was younger and we didn’t know what we got ourselves into either » 

« Oh, please, do tell » Sooyoung smirked, wanting to hear embarrassing stories about Yeri’s childhood. 

« I’ll tell you all on the way » Tiffany smirked back. 

« Mom, really? » Yeri let out in disbelief that her mother would do this. 

Tiffany hugged her daughter and pushed her toward the door « Let’s get going, we’re going to be late » 

As people started exiting the house, Joohyun turned toward her parents. She didn’t expect them to come at Seoul Pride with them. She knew they were not there yet, well, at least her father. 

« I’ll see you guys tonight, right? » They exchanged a look and her mother smiled at her. 

« I’m coming with you » Joohyun’s eyes widened in surprise « I’ll stay with Mrs. Kang. I wanted to see for myself how it is » 

« And I’ll come back here tonight after work for dinner » Her father said with a nervous smile « Have fun » Joohyun nodded « Be careful out there » 

« I will » Joohyun grinned happily before rushing to Seulgi’s side. 




Hey, guys! 

Hope you enjoyed this first part of the epilogue? 

See you next week for the finale :) Happy Pride Month <3


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Existencyace #1
Chapter 33: Prolly the only story that I could relate and feel it in my soul so far 🤧 ... Thanks for bringing this topic and poured it into a beautiful story, it surely is boosting my confidence~ , hopefully I'll be as brave as joohyun and have the positivity of Seulgi, also having that many supporters just like their friends&fams ♡
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 33: Aww that was an amazing journey of Joohyun how she realized about her own self and can I have Mrs. Kang as my mother please , she is so supportive!!!!
Chapter 33: I haven't read a good Seulrene fanfic in a while, so thank you for this.
Joohyun had a lot of struggles from being a sad and confused little miss perfect to being her happy self. The amazing support she got from Seulgi, and her family and friends is what made her happy. I thought the process of Mr Bae's conversion to an ally would take long but at least we got the Kangs, Kims and Mr Park to thank for him to see what he had failed to in so long.
kimseolmybae #4
Chapter 33: This is so beautiful. Thank you for the story!
Chapter 33: Just finished reading this. Thank you, author-nim! 💜
1052 streak #6
Chapter 33: Enjoyed reading this. Thankyou!! 🧡
I’m re-reading this whole thing. ❤️
Fahaza #8
Chapter 33: Done reading this !!!
I remember i had read this long time ago only the first 2 chqpter, and suddenly i scrolling to my subs and found this again. Regretting how could i didn't continue reading this before, because the story is very well written and relate to real life here. Glad that the problem solved and ended with happiness. Joohyun has people who got her back also has sister and brother who support her. I wish people out there who have the difficulties like joohyun could have the same support too. It's beautiful.. thank you so much 🫶
713w_bear #9
Chapter 33: Thank you!
Chapter 33: 😭😭😭 thank you so much for sharing this with us!! Glad i came across this one and enjoyed the ride.