Chapter 17

Destiny's Game

( A/N: So... I decided to Change Hyemi's character to Seohyun to make it more fun and interesting, please don't be confuse.... I hope you guys don't mind?! )



Yunho is in his office sitting at his desk with tons of documents piled in front of him, he is looking intently on to something in his hand with his forehead creased and an annoyed look all over his face. It’s been weeks since he started working again and he was able to adjust fast and now back on his usual workaholic self.... The Great Jung Yunho is pretty much back to kick asses again  as Changmin always says.


But work is definitely not the cause of that look on his face now, he has his phone on his hand looking intently and reading a  text message he just received a while ago. It’s been weeks since he started working and become busy again and it’s also been weeks since he last saw and had a proper conversation with the one person he’s been trying to contact for days now... Yuri. He’s been calling her hundreds of time but its either she picks up only to say that she’s busy or she doesn’t pick up at all or just send him a text message like now saying; “Oppa, sorry can’t pick up now... is there something wrong? Call you later^_^”


“Aish... what’s wrong with this girl? I’m obviously much busier than her It’s not like she’s the one running a big company here yet she couldn’t even answer a single call...” he hissed in annoyance as he threw his phone on his table and slump his back hard on his chair, he doesn’t really have something important to tell or discuss with her, he just felt a need to talk to her and tell her everything he’s doing, how he’s improving and enjoying his work again.... and every time she rejects his calls he couldn’t help but feel annoyed and frustrated, he’s even starting to think that she’s avoiding him.


The door suddenly burst open making him jump in shock, “Yah! Don’t you even know how to knock?” he yelled at Changmin who came in with a big grin on his face that immediately fell the moment he yelled


 “Seems like were having a bad day CEO Jung... did you just got rejected?” he teasingly asked, Changmin is aware on the reason why his brother is being like this these past few days, and he couldn’t deny that it’s makes him feel relieved that his brother is being like this over a girl, the fact that Yuri has this kind of effect over Yunho amuses him.


“Why are you here? I don’t have food” he coldly said without looking at Changmin and busying his self over the pile of papers on his desk. “Na... I just ate... I just came to say that I’ll be going out for a while and... that you have a very gorgeous visitor” he wiggled his eyebrows, Yunho shot his head up “Who?” he asked curiously


“Aigoo... my boys!!!” before Changmin could answer Yunho’s question a loud but gentle voice was heard and a very elegant woman entered his office, the moment Yunho saw who it was he immediately stood up “Umma!” he called with a big smile on his face as he walks closer and hugged his mother


“Yah... why aren’t you coming home, don’t you miss umma?” his mother lightly hit his chest.

“Ofcourse I do.... I’m just busy I’m sorry” he answered as he rub the back of his neck

Changmin excused himself and left leaving Yunho and their mother. “So... how are you dear?” his mother asked as she took a sip from her tea, they are sitting on the couch inside Yunho’s office


“I’m good umma... I enjoy working again” he paused and gave his mother a smile “I guess I’m slowly redeeming myself now” his mom gave him a warm smile and palmed his face as she caressed it lovingly “I’m glad to hear that son” she nodded to him


After talking about random stuffs, Mrs. Jung ask the one thing she’s been eager to know the moment she saw her son “So... tell me about this new friend of yours... I heard she helped you a lot” she asked causing Yunho to be a bit surprised, he has no idea that his mom knows Yuri “Yuri?!” he asked to make sure their thinking of the same person, his mom nodded with a smile


“Ahh... ne... she’s my friend, she’s one of my closest now I guess” he had this smile while talking about her that his mom didn’t fail to notice “she really helped me a lot, she was actually the one who convinced me to go back and work... she’s really a nice and bright girl, it’s like she’s carrying a happy virus infecting people around her” he chuckled


“Really?... I would really love to meet her” Mrs. Jung really does want to meet her, she find it amusing how she can make her son smile like this after what he’d been through “why don’t you bring her at home for dinner some time? I also want to thank her for helping my son”


“Sure, that would be great... I’m sure you’ll like her umma” he took a mental note to ask the moment she stop ignoring and rejecting his calls.




Meanwhile, Yuri and Seohyun is at a restaurant after shopping for clothes, Yuri was forced by Seohyun to have a leave from work and accompany her all day since it’s Seohyun’s birthday today “Yah... I really don’t get why should I skip work today? My shift is still at 7pm and I think were done shopping now right?” Yuri asked looking at her watch as she eat, it’s just past 4pm


“Who says we’re done?! It’s my birthday and I want to celebrate every second of it with you... we’ll do all crazy stuffs until the last minute of this day ok?” Seohyun countered shoving food into , Yuri just gave her a look and didn’t argue more since she doesn’t want to annoy her bestfriend on her own birthday.


Seohyun can’t help but notice how Yuri kept on looking at her hand phone “Yah... why do you keep on rejecting his calls?” she suddenly asked, she kept on observing her friend these past few days and notice her weird actions.


“I... I’m not ignoring anyone!” Yuri tried to defend herself. Seohyun scoffed at her reaction “Aigoo... tell me, why are you avoiding him? That’s Yunho right?” prosecutor Hyun is back again


Knowing she couldn’t hide anything from her friend Yuri just pouted he lips and nodded “I... I feel strange around him now Hyun” she admitted. Seohyun snapped her fingers “I knew it! see... didn’t I warned you already Yuri-ah? I knew you’ll end up like this”


Yuri sighed “what should I do Hyunnie?!” Seohyun gave her a serious look as if thinking deeply, then she suddenly sighed “I don’t know... how should I know it’s not like I have any experience on that” she answered innocently, Yuri’s mouth hung open with her answer “Yah... I was expecting a very friendly and helpful suggestion from you Hyun” she spat at her. “But I don’t really know!... just don’t ignore him it’s not like you’ll be able to control your feelings by doing that... now eat” Seohyun ended earning a chuckle from Yuri, but honestly she’s really concerned over her friend she knows how fragile Yuri is and she doesn’t want her to experience pain anymore but somehow she’s not that against on her falling for Yunho, she kinda felt that he is a good man and that the two of them needed each other to heal their broken hearts.


After eating the two started strolling the street enjoying themselves and went to a bakeshop and bought a cake, they even fought on who’s going to pay for the cake and ended up with Yuri as the winner. “Now... where’s our next stop birthday girl?” Yuri asked as they went out of the bakeshop


“Hhmm...” Seohyun thought for a while, then she faced Yuri, they held each other’s look for a moment and in unison they said “Noraebang!!” they cracked up and laughed so hard knowing that they have the same idea.




Changmin was driving home, he just came from a dinner meeting with one of their investors, he passed by at this bakeshop and saw the pictures of the mouthwatering cakes, without thinking twice parked his car and went out to buy something from the bakeshop. As he was entering the bakeshop he heard loud laughter making him halt and look over where it came from, he saw two familiar figures, he walked towards them the moment he realized who they were “Hey... did the two of you took in laughing gas?” he chuckled getting the attention of the two crazy girls


“Omo... Changmin Oppa” Yuri greeted him as soon as they stopped laughing, Seohyun just bowed at him. “Why are you here? Are you buying cake?” Yuri asked, “Ne.. I just passed by and those tempting cakes” Changmin nodded towards the bakeshop. Yuri chuckled while Seohyun just watched the two of them.


“How about the two of you?” Changmin asked, Yuri held up the box of cake she’s holding “We also bought one... it’s Seohyun’s birthday today” she happily said making Seohyun stunned on the mention of her name


“Ah.. Chincha?” Changmin looked at Seohyun “Happy Birthday Seohyun-ah!” he greeted her with a smile


Seohyun was a bit taken a back on how Changmin comfortably addressed her “Th... Thank you!” she bowed again... “Ah.. Oppa since you’re here why don’t you come and celebrate with us? noraebang?” Yuri suggested earning a death glare from Seohyun, she doesn’t want her perfect birthday date with her bestfriend to be ruined by a stranger


“Hhmm... but... would that be okay with you Seohyun-ah?” he asked looking at her, Seohyun gave him a weak smile “It’s fine with me” she answered. “Are you sure?... I mean I don’t want to ruin your celeb-“ but before he could finish


“Ani... it’s really okay the more the merrier right?” Seohyun answered, but deep inside her she wanted to smack Yuri hard on the face.




“Hyung... can you drive Yuri home?” Changmin said the moment Yunho arrived, he called him making him rush to the noraebang place they are in, apparently the two bartenders that he’s with couldn’t even tolerate one bottle of soju, luckily Seohyun as disciplined as she is didn’t drink much more than she can tolerate while Yuri on the other hand is now unconscious lying on the couch, Seohyun lost track on how much Yuri drank causing her to be this drunk.


“Where is she?” Changmin pointed at the couch “she’s really dead drunk hyung” he chuckled earning an annoyed look from Yunho


“Yah Kwon Yuri wake up” Yunho shook her shoulder making her wince a bit “Yah Min.. why did you let drink to much?” he turned to Changmin


“I didn’t... she barely finish one bottle of soju then she passed out” Changmin defended himself “You can even ask Seohyun” as if on cue Seohyun came in she went to the comfort room and was stunned on the scene before her she didn’t know that Changmin called Yunho. “Omo... Yunho Oppa why are you here?” she greeted, Yunho slightly bowed at her


“Min called me... come on I’ll send you home” he started pulling Yuri up with the help of Changmin and carrying her on his back.

“But we can just ride a cab” Seohyun doesn’t want to bother the two of them “I can handle her well”


“No... I can’t let go alone it’s late, it’s dangerous” he successfully placed Yuri on his back “Aish... why is this little girl... so heavy” he hissed


“Hyung... why don’t you drive Yuri home then I’ll just drive Seohyun” the younger suggested, Seohyun just watched them unable to argue or say anything, Yunho immediately agreed and left carrying Yuri, Seohyun on the other hand was left without a choice and rode with Changmin.


Yunho placed the now half awake Yuri on the passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt for her, her got in on the drivers seat. He really got worried when Changmin called him asking him to rush and help him telling him Yuri got so drunk, he couldn’t help but get mad on Yuri’s carelessness. “Aish... this girl really.... drinking without control! You really like making people worried don’t you? Stupid little girl!” he mumbled before closing the door and starting the engine


He looked at her then poked her head “Yah Kwon Yuri... You really call yourself a bartender huh? Why are you drinking without control?! Are you really that careless?!” he almost yelled at her,


Yuri stirred a bit and moved her head to face him “Omo... Yun –hic- ho –hic- Oppa!” she chuckled and pointed at him “You’re –hic- here...” she chuckled again


“tss... Yah!!” Yunho shouted, he’s really getting mad seeing her this drunk, different thought run through his mind, like what if Changmin didn’t go with them and she got this drunk with only Seohyun with her, it’s so dangerous for girls like them to be on their own yet she’s acting carelessly,


Yuri suddenly placed her index finger over his mouth making him stop “Sshhh.... sshtop nagging... Y...-hic- Yuri can’t sshhleep!” she closed her eyes, pouted then drop her hands from him,


Yunho couldn’t help but chuckle over her cute action “tss... Ani... I won’t stop  because Yuri is stupid.... Yuri babo!” he said loudly


Yuri suddenly laughed and clapped her hands “right.... Yuri is babo... hehe!” she then fell asleep, Yunho patted her head chuckling “Ani... Yuri is cute” he mumbled before driving.


Yunho finally reached Yuri’s apartment, he’s been there once when he drove her home after saving her from those ert, Seohyun gave him the lock code for the door. He carried Yuri inside and placed her on her bed, he removed her shoes and jacket before tucking her. He sat beside her for a moment watching her sleep, he tucked some hair that covering her face behind her ear, a warm smile unconsciously appeared on his face upon seeing her beautiful and peaceful sleeping face.


“Beautiful” he mumbled to himself as he gently caressed her cheek, a smile suddenly appears on Yuri’s face when she felt his touch, and upon seeing that smile on her face Yunho’s heart suddenly flutter startling him, he didn’t know that he still has it inside him until he felt it again. For the first time after what seems like forever of pain and agony, he felt completely alive, he felt his heart beating again, he felt his blood rush through every veins of his body making him feel suddenly hot. He’s alive, he really is...


He looked at her face as if memorizing every part of it, he gently traced her eyebrows, her long thick lashes, her flushed cheeks, her pointed nose, he felt her soft skin against his... until he reached her plump lips, he looked at it intently and a sudden urge hit him, he felt the need to lock his own lips to her, he felt the need to feel her, but he had to fight the urge and stop himself. He took a deep breath, shut his eyes closed just decided to place a gentle kiss on her forehead.


He stood up with a sigh, he held onto his chest trying to feel his fluttering heart again. “What’s this?... why am I suddenly feeling like this? Is it even possible?” he took a glance to Yuri before leaving still questioning his heart...


He decide to go to Han river, he parked his car, he looked at the sky “Yoona-ah!” he called, he wants to talk to her like Yuri taught him “Can you hear me sweetie?... You know I miss you right?” he paused “Am I doing the right thing now? Is this what you really want me to do? Continue living even without you?” he really do hope she could answer him, he long to hear her voice and to feel her touch.


He look down to the ground for a moment then look back at the sky again, he focused at this one shiny star “Yoona-ah.... I felt my heart again” he placed his palm over his chest “should I open it again?... Will you allow me to love again Yoona-ah?” he closed his eyes expecting to see Yoona’s face as he always did yet a different yet as beautiful smiling face flash in his eyes....


Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before.

Mignon Mclauglin
Again I'm really sorry for the very late update I was just so busy...
Please don't get tired of this story...
So... yes let's make Yunho fall in love again:))
I wasn't able to proof read this chap since its too late already, 
so please understand the typo's and grammatical errors I'm just too sleepy now...
By the way I was really touched with all your encouraging comments... thank you so much!
I may not reply much but I really do appreaciate all of them... Thank you!
Don't forget to leave you'r lovable comments....
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I posted a blog about Destiny's Game so please do check it out on my blog. thanks!:))


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Saqiaa #1
Update please
Vbcute #2
Chapter 36: Chapter 36: OMG love this story so so much...please update ??
hanie_pearl #3
Chapter 36: Please update... I love your story ♡♡♡
yuri2002 #4
please update this story I'm dying to now what will happen to yunri
Hope you update soon. You can't leave us hanging here wondering what will happen next because I myself is curious ^^ I feel sad for Yul, I think she knows what is gonna happen next to her and Yunhos' relationship. She's being left out already. Please DO update soon :)
snuraqilah #6
Chapter 36: Oh my God your story so deabakkkkkkk.. Please update
laurarlh #7
Chapter 36: heyy, i'm sorry to bother you~~
but this story is s good, and i really want to read this story again.
can u update this story, please ? :))
laurarlh #8
Chapter 36: update this story pleaaseeeee, i love thia story so much
virus13 #9
Chapter 36: poor Yul..where is Jaejoong??
Chapter 36: about time Jaejoong enters the picture and brings back the sunny smile on Yuri once again. Yunho is taking Yuri for granted. My poor Yul. T.T