Chapter 8

Destiny's Game


After minutes that felt like years of weeping on Yuri’s shoulder and soaking Yuri’s shirt with his tears, Yunho finally fell on a deep sleep and Yuri laid him back on his bed and covered him with a blanket..... She also wasn’t able to help herself and cried as if sharing the agony with Yunho.....

“I hope you get through all of this in time.... You have to be strong” she whispered as she was looking at the sleeping Yunho...

She stood up from the bed and looked around the room, the room is full of pictures of Yunho together with a very pretty girl... Yuri took the frame on Yunho’s bed side table and looked closely at the picture...

“she’s very pretty she has a very angelic loving face.... You look good together..... Is she Yoona?” she asked starting a conversation with the sleeping Yunho and mentally hitting herself from her craziness....  She went out of the room and decided to cook something for Yunho, she looked into the fridge and decided to cook porridge and make something for his hangover...

After cooking and setting the food on the table, she went back inside Yunho’s room to check him for the last time before she leaves.... She sat on the edge of the bed beside him and looked at him..

“I hope you’ll be a bit better when you wake up” she stood up and walk out...

The moment she opened the door of the apartment she was stunned and found Changmin at the door ready to press the door bell.... The two of them froze in shock looking at each other with wide eyes...

“Who are you?” Changmin said first... He has this shocked confused expression on his face

“Ah... ne... Anneonghaseo Kwon Yuri imnida” Yuri bowed 90 degrees “I’m the bartender at Oasis (bar)”

“Ah yes... I remember you.... what are you doing here? Is hyung here?” he entered the house making Yuri step aside to give way to him..... He went directly to Yunho’s room not waiting for Yuri’s answer...  Yuri followed him immediately like she’s his assistant...

“Yes... he’s sleeping now, he’s really drunk I found him in the parking lot and he...” Changmin faced her after peeking at his brother’s room and gestured her to follow him and seat on the couch

“what are you saying again?” he seemed lost in his thought...

Yuri sat across him and repeat her explanation “Well I found him in the parking lot of the bar... he was vomiting and couldn’t even stand on his own and I noticed his wounds and he was bleeding so I guessed he was beaten up”

“beaten up?.... God!” Changmin buried his face on his palms “I went there to pick him up but I didn’t saw him.... where’s his phone? I couldn’t contact him”

“It was dead... You’re the first person I thought of when I saw him since I always see you fetch him at the bar but I was left with no choice but to drive him here myself since his phone is dead” Yuri explained precisely..

“Why here? Did here told you this address?”

“Yes this is the address he gave me... Is there a problem?” Yuri asked she’s wondering why Changmin looked uneasy...

“No... It’s just that we don’t allow him to go here for the time being.... anyways, thank you for taking care of my brother... I know he’s a stranger to you... Thank you” he said sincerely

“You’re welcome... Actually he’s not a stranger anymore since I see him at the bar every night”

“Ah... yes he’s there every night without fail” Changmin chuckled

Yuri was hesitant but she was so curious so she asked him “I’m sorry.... but... can I ask why is he like that?”

“Like what?” Changmin looked at her and saw the seriousness and concern on her face

“Like... I mean... He’s at the bar drinking and drowning himself from alcohol every night.... And the first night he went at the bar I clearly saw in his eyes the overwhelming pain and agony he’s  going through..... he’s broken and he seems to become worse as days pass by it’s heart breaking seeing him” Yuri is looking down and seems lost in space as if she’s picturing Yunho’s image in her mind and feeling his pain... Changmin felt it and saw in her how she’s concerned with his brother...

Changmin let out a loud sigh before speaking “Well... he really is...” he took the picture in the side table of the couch and hand it to Yuri “he lost his best friend, girlfriend and the only person he’s living his life for”

Yuri stared at the picture of the beautiful and happy couple “Yoona.... I heard him call that name a lot” she said and looked at Changmin “what happened?”

“Yoona is our childhood friend, the three of us grew together but the two of them got so close and shared a different relationship.... After graduating from high school they became official and.... their worlds literally revolved with each other, it’s like they became the oxygen of each other and they don’t need other people as long as they’re together.... Especially hyung he’s so devoted to her that she became the only reason for him to live.... and then one accident..... he lost her, she died on the day that hyung proposed to her” Changmin looked up to Yuri and found tears fall from her eyes..

“Now I understand..... all those agony I see in him... now I know where they came from” she said wiping her tears...

“I don’t what to do with him now.... he doesn’t want to live anymore... look at what he’s doing with his life... I’m worried what he’ll do next I can’t let him do anything stupid... I know he’s in a great pain but I want him to fight and overcome it” Changmin let out a heavy sighed, he’s really worried for his hyung he want’s to help him but he don’t know how...

“Well... no one will ever understand the amount of pain he’s suffering now... people could only sympathize and cry for him but... no matter how much we care... we can’t measure and feel even half of what he’s feeling.... so you as his family you should just be patient and take care of him and make him feel that you’re there that he has you and he still has reason to live”

Changmin got really curious why Yuri cared so much for his brother “Why do I feel like you understand him more than I do?.... why do you care for him so much?” he asked

Yuri looked at him with her teary almond eyes “I don’t know.... I just felt it the moment I saw him... the pain” she smiled and look outside.... “I should go now... the sun will be rising soon I still need to sleep” she got up from here seat..

“I’ll drive you home” Changmin also got up....

“No.. it’s okay... your brother needs you”

“But it’s not safe... it’s too late” he insists

“I’ll take a cab... it’s really okay” Yuri smiled

“Are you sure?” Yuri nodded.... Changmin let her at the door “Thank you again!... and I guess we’ll meet again at the bar... take care”

“Ne” Yuri bowed and left

In her house, Yuri couldn’t help but think about everything that Changmin told her.... Now that she knows the cause of all those tears and pain in his eyes she felt like she became an inch closer to him.... and she doesn’t know why.... A tear suddenly fell from her eye as she drifted to sleep...





Next Morning:

Yunho woke up with a throbbing pain in his head, he rolled over his bed trying to figure out where he is and what happened..... he saw the picture on his bed side table and smiled realizing he’s at home, their home...

“Yoona... sweetie” he called for her expecting her to appear from the door wearing his shirt which looks really big on her petite body..... But then... a throbbing pain attacked his head again and suddenly realization came.... she’s no longer there, she will no longer come running from the door wearing his shirt and kiss him good morning..... The pain is eating him up again and tears started to fall...

He sat up and he started to recall everything that happened last night, he remembered being beaten up by some guys at the bar and being brought at home by a girl he couldn’t even remember but he remember crying hard on that girl’s shoulder, he tried to recall her but he couldn’t remember her face it’s blurred in his memory..... He got up from bed and went out wobbling from dizziness and head ache, he’s wondering if the girl who brought him home is still there... But instead of a girl, a man was lying on his couch sleeping and just by one look at him Yunho certainly knows that it’s Changmin....

He didn’t bother to wake up his brother and went directly to the kitchen to drink water... But to his surprise, the table is set with food in it and with a note saying:


“You’ll surely have a hard core hang over when you wake up...

Here’s porridge, just heat it up... and a honey juice for your hangover

Also, don’t forget to put meds on your wounds

Hwaiting Mr. Broken!!^_^”


He sat on the chair still trying to remember who that girl is.... “Mr. Broken?” he mumbled to himself.... He ate the porridge without reheating it and drank the honey juice in one go..... He went back to room again and throw his body on the bed arms and legs spread wide and staring at the ceiling.....

“Yoona-ah... How am I going to live.... I miss you so much sweetie” tears started to fall from his eyes and he looked to his side and reached for the picture in the table... He stared at it  for a while and placed it over his chest as he sob quietly “This house is empty without you dear.... please come back”



"If tears could build a stairway,
And memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again."






Another chapter....

Too much drama.. it's killing me....

Please bear with all the drama... I will try my best to make it lighter and happier...

by the way... more Yunri moment's to come so please hang in there...


I just have a problem and I'm apologizing as early as now...

I won't be able to update as often because I'll be very busy now

I'll start my tutorial and review for my board exam...

I'm really sorry.... but I'll still try my best...


Thank you to all my readers and subscribers...

Please leave your comments i really love reading them...:))


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I posted a blog about Destiny's Game so please do check it out on my blog. thanks!:))


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Saqiaa #1
Update please
Vbcute #2
Chapter 36: Chapter 36: OMG love this story so so much...please update ??
hanie_pearl #3
Chapter 36: Please update... I love your story ♡♡♡
yuri2002 #4
please update this story I'm dying to now what will happen to yunri
Hope you update soon. You can't leave us hanging here wondering what will happen next because I myself is curious ^^ I feel sad for Yul, I think she knows what is gonna happen next to her and Yunhos' relationship. She's being left out already. Please DO update soon :)
snuraqilah #6
Chapter 36: Oh my God your story so deabakkkkkkk.. Please update
laurarlh #7
Chapter 36: heyy, i'm sorry to bother you~~
but this story is s good, and i really want to read this story again.
can u update this story, please ? :))
laurarlh #8
Chapter 36: update this story pleaaseeeee, i love thia story so much
virus13 #9
Chapter 36: poor Yul..where is Jaejoong??
Chapter 36: about time Jaejoong enters the picture and brings back the sunny smile on Yuri once again. Yunho is taking Yuri for granted. My poor Yul. T.T