
Conveniently Yours [mini-series]

“Mrs Im, can you please explain to me why the senior partner of my law firm is on a sudden leave?”

Smiling up at Jaebum as he entered your bedroom, you watched as your husband soaked you in silently, his eyes slowly blinking.

“You’re in bed.”

“I am.”

“You’re never in bed. What’s wrong? Did that Park give you yet another migraine? I swear, we should have left him at Im and Jones. Fantastic lawyer or not, you could have partnered with anyone else in this sector.”

“Jinyoung isn’t the reason I’m in bed right now, though he wasn’t thrilled I’d be taking a leave of absence.”

“Did you hurt yourself? I told you those heels you insist on wearing are dangerous.”

You rolled your eyes, remembering the multiple times he had removed you out of everything you wore but those heels. “No, I didn’t fall. Though, I guess I better be more careful in the future.”

“I’m not following.”

“What do you think about this house here?” you asked, turning your laptop around to show Jaebum. “It has four bedrooms and a reasonably sized backyard. It could do with some renovations, which we could get done over the next few months before we can’t.”

Jaebum merely stared at you.

“I know when your grandfather asked me to sign up as your wife five years ago that he wanted great-grandchildren, and I almost laughed in his face at the mere concept. And then, when I broke out of the contract and left the firm, he wasn’t thrilled with me at all. Especially since I stole his other favourite candidate to boost my newly purchased law firm. But do you reckon he’ll forgive me for all of that in nine months’ time? Well, more like seven. It turns out that morning sickness doesn’t come as early as—”

Jaebum’s lips crashed down on yours desperately, stealing away your breath and the rest of your sentence.

You had taken the leave of absence for only a week. You knew when it came to actual maternity leave that you would be more concerned about the running of your firm. By then, though, you would have trained up your recent employee to handle your cases as you took a much-needed break from the stresses of other people’s relationships.

You needed to focus on your own a little more carefully now.

“You’re pregnant?” he finally asked when his kisses turned tentative, as if he needed to be careful with you. “I thought you didn’t possess a single maternal bone in your body?”

“Hey! I think I do okay with Mark and Tessa’s triplets, don’t you? If I can babysit three of them for an evening, I’m sure to do fine with just one of our own.”

Jaebum’s mouth tipped up. “You sure it’s just one?”

“Thankfully,” you admitted with a quick exhale that made him laugh. “I had to get it checked immediately as soon as the test came back positive.”

“And to think, you were going to give this all up after a year with me,” Jaebum teased, kissing your temple as he finally joined you on the bed. You watched him soak you in with those bedroom eyes of his, laughing silently at how they had finally gotten you in the predicament you now faced.

“You had your chance to escape back then.”

Jaebum kissed you as he shook his head slowly. “There was no way I could escape you. I was yours long before our marriage of convenience.”

“Conveniently mine?” you wondered as his hands explored your body, eliciting waves of arousal despite the first trimester fatigue you were resting at home with.

“Conveniently yours,” Jaebum agreed, kissing you again.

“I could get used to that. I mean, if this marriage needs to have a reason, it ought to be that I belong to you, right?”

“No modern woman like yourself would belong to anyone.”

“Not anyone else,” you confirmed in a whisper, staring into the eyes of the man who had loved and worshipped you for years. “But for you, I think I can negotiate that into our ongoing contract.”

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Chapter 8: This is sooo beautiful kyaaaahhhh!! thank you!
ytniabril #2
Chapter 1: Like a divorce client hitting on female character and jayb being extra hahaha
ytniabril #3
Chapter 1: Author nim more like these please. Or kindlycontinue hihihi
ytniabril #4
Chapter 8: Author nim this was short and sweet and I love it!
Chapter 8: This was the perfect ending to this story! Thank you for sharing it here❤️
Chapter 7: Omg I looove him😭😭😭 one day … one DAY, I’m gonna be yn with some guy like this! And she loves him back,too! He’s been whispering it in her ear every time they made love??? Sweet baby knees, I’d like one of him.
Chapter 6: He LOVES her😍 but he’s unsure because he’s been showing her and saying things I’m sure. But our girl has to be the most blind and deaf lover ever if she only picked up him calling it making love then, when I’m like 87% sure he must have been showing it all along
Chapter 5: I love them. I love the fact that she’s having realizations of her feeling more for him, for them, than before. To me he doesn’t even hide his feelings for her, but she’s really working with blinders on
Chapter 4: Okay but this was so sweet here! Look how they were with each other! I think he’s liking her more, than he’s letting on. That vulnerable moment at the buffet? Yeah …. And then, being so considerate as to cancel with his mother while rubbing her legs and offering her ordered in food and an early night? Softness 😍
Chapter 3: Hahaha! Whew from fireworks to sparks of irritation. I mean… he could persuade me to eat healthy maybe. The gasp mask was unnecessary though😂😂😂