
Choose Me Instead!

I wake up in the morning with the feeling that something's not right. A quick check around the room shows me that I'm the only one in here. I slowly get out of bed and tiptoe to the door, heading into the hall and looking for any of the other members. "Guys?" I tentatively call out, only to be met with more silence. I move to the couch, frustration growing once I see that no one's there.

Suddenly I hear a barely audible, repetitive thud coming from the kitchen. I spin around and see JR, humming to himself while cutting various fruits on a small cutting board. I an eyebrow and walk over to him. I poke him in the side with one of my fingers. He jumps violently and whips around to face me, his startled expression soon replaced with one of relief. "Oh, Ren, you startled me," he breathes out with a smile, turning back to put the fruit in a small bowl. He hands the bowl to me along with a small fork, gesturing towards the table. "I made you breakfast," he cheerfully states, "sit down. I'll bring out the rest."

Just as I'm sitting down, BaekHo walks into the room in nothing but sweatpants, towel drying his damp hair. He elbows JR out of the way and sits in the chair next to me. He scoots his chair closer to mine and grins. "Good morning, beautiful," he says in a sweet voice, grabbing my hand under the table. I roll my eyes and look away.


Last night, after going back to my room, I got under the covers and tried to sleep my irritation away. It was silent for about a minute until I heard JR and BaekHo talking from the other room. I held my breath and strained to listen to their conversation. I realized that they were talking about a competition. A competition about me, to see who I'd fall in love with first or some crap like that. Hearing this at first, I was shocked and incredibly hurt. When Baekhyun agreed to it, I was just angry. Furious, even, that they would try to mess with my feelings like that. After debating what to do for quite a while, I decided that I'd play along, and eventually teach them both a lesson at their own game.

JR brings me a warm pastry and a piece of toast. I smile and thank him, pretending to be grateful. He gives BaekHo a look that he probably thinks is sly, but I see them glaring at each other out of the corner of my eye. I grab the small fork and stab at a big piece of melon, putting it into my mouth and chewing slowly. JR looks at me with what I think is an attempt at trying to be cute, and I wrinkle my nose in amused disgust. He grabs my cheek and pinches down hard. "Aigoo, you're so cute," he coos at me, tilting his head to the side with an affectionate smile. I smile back with clenched teeth, wanting nothing more than to punch him in the nose.

"Are you enjoying your breakfast? Is it good?" He asks me. I pretend to contemplate this, putting my finger to my lips and furrowing my eyebrows. "Well," I begin, gaining both of their attention, "it's good, but...there's something missing for sure." Both of them stare at me intently, waiting for me to finish my thought. "I have a bottle of juice in the fridge. Could one of you get it for me, please?" I request in my nicest voice.

BaekHo and JR immediately race to the fridge. I watch in amusement as they nudge each other, opening the fridge and urgently scanning each shelf for a bottle of juice that doesn't exist. "Wait!" I call to them. They turn in unison, eyes wide. "I just remembered, I drank the rest of the juice yesterday. Sorry!" I shrug and pick up the pastry, biting into the sweet dough and trying hard not to smile.


They walk back over to the table, and as soon as they sit down, I stand up. "I'm gonna go take a shower," I state. "You guys can eat the rest of this. Except for the pastry. I want that." I walk out of the room and leave the two confused boys at the table.


After my shower, I put on my school uniform and fix my hair in the mirror. I go back into the kitchen and find the room empty. JR and BaekHo must have eaten the fruit and toast, but left the partially eaten pastry for me. I smile and grab the pastry, noticing it had been reheated by one of them. I grab my school bag and head to the door, checking my watch. 7:40 AM. There was still plenty of time to get to school. "I'm leaving," I call out to no one in particular. I wait a few seconds before heading for school, closing the door behind me.



By lunchtime, I really regret not eating a full breakfast. Or bringing a lunch. Or bringing money to buy lunch. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I figure now's as good a time as any to get some homework out of the way. I open my school bag and find a note attached to a small lunch box. I open the note, looking at the sloppy handwriting written on the inside:


I made this for you this morning before JR made breakfast. Enjoy!

Love, BaekHo :)


I scoff and purse my lips, opening the lunch box. Surprisingly enough, it looked pretty decent. It was just a simple lunch box with rice and meat, but it didn't look that bad. I take a small bite, enjoying the taste of the flavorful meat. I pull out my phone and send BaekHo a message:


To: BaekHo

Thank you for the lunch. It's good!


His reply comes a few minutes later.


From: BaekHo

Sure thing!! See you tonight Ren-cutie ^o^


I unwillingly blush at his use of words, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. After putting my phone away, I finish the lunch that he packed me and get ready for my next class.




When I get home later that day, it's quiet again. "You guys," I yell into the empty dorm. "Hey! Is anyone here?" Silence. I walk into my room and turn on the light, letting out a small squeak of surprise at the sight before me.

JR and BaekHo are both sitting on my bed, half . JR is wearing nothing but a pair of pajama pants, while BaekHo is wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. I clutch my chest, trying to even out my breathing. "Y-you guys! You scared me!" They both look at me with amused expressions. I look at the ground, avoiding their heavy stares and clearing my throat to avoid an awkward silence. "What are..uh, what are you guys doing?" They look at each other and break out into identical grins. "Ren," JR says, patting the bed beside them, "come here."

I look at the open door behind me, asking, "Are MinHyun and Aron here?" This time BaekHo answers me. "Aron's in the living room sleeping. MinHyun's at one of his classes," he says. He stands up and walks over to me, gently grabbing my arm. "Come here," he says in a soft tone, tugging my arm towards the bed. I hesitate, my heartbeat racing and my head spinning. "Wh-why?" I ask, wringing my hands nervously. JR swings his feet off of the bed, walking to the door and locking it. "We just wanna talk to you. We definitely have a lot to go over."




So this one was in Ren's perspective. I feel like I kinda rushed on this... I hope it's still okay!

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... Who will win?
Oh god I wonder who will win XD or if ren would even choose.
Oooooooooooooooooooohhhh!!! Cute!!!
I wonder who will win...
Personally, whoever with Ren is ok for me, coz both pairs are cute and sweet!!! ^^
<3 <3 <3
Team Baekho! Ren, you're an idiot if you don't pick him!

Although I kinda think the kissing scene was a bit weird because of Minhyun and Aron, I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally liked it~ ^-^

Update soon!
JRen. >w<

Update soon, author-nim~ ^^