Plan B

Choose Me Instead!

I grab Ren's arm, jerking him towards the bed. He makes a face and tries to pull free, eyes filled with confusion and irritation. JR walks over and corners Ren, giving him no choice but to sit on the bed. "What are y-" JR interrupts his question by pushing Ren flat on his back. "Who do you like, Ren? Me or BaekHo?" He asks, sliding his hand up Ren's shirt. Ren looks to the side and furrows his eyebrows. My heart beats wildly with the anticipation of his answer.

"Y-you guys," Ren breathes out, "I don't-" JR cuts off his response with a rough kiss. Anger and surprise overtake me. "Hey!" I yell angrily. "This wasn't part of the plan!" JR snorts, sticks out his middle finger, and goes back to kissing Ren. I grab him by the shoulder and yank him backwards, shoving him off of the bed. After his initial shock, he curses and lunges at me, tackling me off of the bed as well. I roll over and sit on JR's stomach, tightly grabbing onto his hair. He lets out a grunt of pain and glares up at me. "What was that for?!" He screams into my face. I lean closer to him, gripping his hair even tighter and enjoying the look of discomfort in his expression. "That. Wasn't. Part. Of. The. Plan." I calmly state through clenched teeth. He scoffs at me and rolls his eyes. I raise a shaking fist, ready to punch him in the face. I hear a gasp and a creaking noise behind me, which I presume is Ren getting off of the bed.

"No, no, no!" He yells in a high pitched, panicked voice. "Don't hit him, please don't!" He pleads, grabbing onto my clenched fist. I sigh and look up at him, surprised to see tears in his eyes. I hesitate and look down at JR, who's watching Ren with a bewildered expression. "BaekHo, do not hit him," Ren orders in a shaky voice. I grudgingly nod my head and get off of JR's stomach, watching him gratefully in oxygen. Ren eyes my hand warily as I reach out to touch him. "Don't," he says, taking a step back. "You two are just...disappointing. You're both better than this," he says, walking to the door. He unlocks it and walks away, only to stick his head back through seconds later. "And just for the record," he says, letting his tears spill over onto his cheeks, "I like both of you equally." He angrily rubs at his tear stained cheeks and stomps out of the room, slamming the door behind him.


I turn towards JR and harshly slam a hand down on his shoulder. "Do you see what you did?" I growl at him. He shrugs the hand off and gives me an icy stare. "Wasn't my fault," he replies with a shrug, fixing his disheveled hair. I roll my eyes and he smiles wickedly. "Now if you'll excuse me," he says, getting up from the ground, "I'm gonna go think of a new plan to help me win this bet." I stare at him in disbelief, and he smiles down at me. I prepare myself to be angry with him, but I decide to change my tactics. "You know what? I wish you good luck with your plan." I stand up and walk to the door, stopping at the entrance. "But just know that I'm gonna win this bet no matter what." I walk out of the room, leaving a flabbergasted JR behind me.



Late that night, when I'm sure that everyone's already in bed, I get up and check to see if JR and Minhyun are asleep. Confirming that they are, I tiptoe across the hall to Ren's room. Once I'm by Ren's side, I take a moment to admire his beautiful features. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, compared to his usual hard stare. For a second I debate not waking him up and ruining his peaceful look. But then I remember that this is a bet, and JR actually thinks he can win.

"Ren, Ren, wake up," I call softly, gently shaking his shoulders. Ren's face scrunches up and he slowly opens his eyes, confusion dominating his expression once he sees my face. "Baekho, what time is it?" He groggily asks, smoothing his bangs back over his forehead. I look at the clock on his dresser. 2:48 AM. "Uhh, time for you to get a watch?" I shrug. Ren blankly stares back at me. "Um, okay," I stall, thinking of something convincing to get Ren out of bed. "Hey, do you wanna come find something to make with me?" I ask. "I'm getting hungry, and I need a midnight snack buddy." Ren scoffs and sits up, stretching. "That's the lamest excuse ever. Do you know how to make sugar cookies?"


"It says one teaspoon of salt. Not a tablespoon!" Ren chides me, smacking my hand with the wooden mixing spoon. I whine at the stinging pain in my fingers, snatching the spoon from Ren's hand. "That hurt, Ren!" I grunt. Ren smirks at me and giggles. "You deserved it. You almost messed up the whole recipe," he scolds. I reach over and grab a small hand full of flour, flicking it into ren's face. He gasps in surprise and glares at me. "And you deserved that," I tell him matter-of-factly. Ren's lip quivers until he looks like he's about to cry. But suddenly, he relaxes and smiles sweetly at me. Uh oh.

"I guess you're right, huh?" He says, moving closer to me. I take a step back and bump into the counter. "We're even, Ren. Stop it," I warn him. But of course he never listens.

With the quickest speed I've ever seen coming from him, Ren grabs one of the eggs sitting on the counter and smacks it against my forehead. I jump, startled, as the gooey mess starts dripping down the bridge of my nose and into my mouth. Through the egg yolk I can see Ren doubled over with laughter, pointing at the mess on my face. I press my lips into a thin line. So this is how it's gonna be, huh.

I grab the measuring cup off of the counter, and pour 1 1/2 cups of melted butter over Ren's head. He shrieks and I smirk at him, satisfied. He stares at me with horror, angrily wiping butter out of one of his eyes. "You did not just do that," he says lowly. I grin cheekily at him, flicking part of an eggshell off of my nose. "Yeah, I did."

Suddenly there's a pressure in my stomach, and when I look down I realize it's Ren's shoulder. He tackles me to the ground and we both fall with a loud thud. I roll over and pin Ren down, pressing my weight on him as I had earlier with JR. Ren gives up the fight, obviously outmatched, and begins to laugh. I try not to, but I start to laugh as well, flipping over so I'm laying next to Ren. Ren's practically crying with how hard he's laughing, and neither of us can stop as we take in each other's appearances, both of us sticky and covered in cooking ingredients.

"What...what are you two doing?" We both turn our heads to the shocked voice at the entrance to the kitchen. JR's standing there, looking at us both, disgust clear on his face. I smile up at him from my position on the floor and shrug. "Making cookies. You?" he ignores my question and looks at Ren with puppy dog eyes. "Ren, I'll go run the shower water for you, okay?" I scoff at his sickeningly cute tone. Ren smiles and wipes some tears from his eyes. "Okay, thanks. I feel so disgusting right now." He looks over at the mess on the counter. "How about we clean up in the morning? I'm gonna take a shower, then call it a night." I nod in agreement. More time to spend with Ren.

Ren walks past us both, saying he's going to get a towel for his shower. As soon as he's gone, JR glares furiously at me. "Don't think that you're really gonna win, Baekho," he snarls. "This is more than just a game now. We're deciding who's gonna win Ren's heart." I smirk as I stand up, flicking egg yolk onto his shirt as I pass him. "I'm confident that I'm gonna win. But go on ahead and run some bath water for Ren. See if that'll really help put you in his favor." As I'm walking away, I can practically feel the hate emanating from JR's body. Good luck, JR. You're definitely gonna need it.



So, um...hey, how's everyone doing? Sorry for not updating in four months...but yeah, here ya go. I also think I'm gonna go back and kind of edit the first two chapters a bit, just to make it a liiittle bit more realistic. Enjoy! ;-)


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... Who will win?
Oh god I wonder who will win XD or if ren would even choose.
Oooooooooooooooooooohhhh!!! Cute!!!
I wonder who will win...
Personally, whoever with Ren is ok for me, coz both pairs are cute and sweet!!! ^^
<3 <3 <3
Team Baekho! Ren, you're an idiot if you don't pick him!

Although I kinda think the kissing scene was a bit weird because of Minhyun and Aron, I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally liked it~ ^-^

Update soon!
JRen. >w<

Update soon, author-nim~ ^^